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August 06, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-06

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Latest Deadline in the State





Ford Motors
Averts Strike;
Calls Layoff
Acts Stem from
Dispute on Law
By The Associated Press
4 DETROIT, Aug. 5-The Ford
Motor Co. avoided a strike of 107,-
000 workers today but at the
same time announced a layoff of
51,000 starting within 24 hours.
Each development st e m m e d
from the same -general source--
the consequences of a dispute over
penalty provisions of the Taft-
Hartley labor law.
Last Minute Truce
In avoiding a strike, Ford com-
promised its differences through a
last minute truce with the CIO
United Auto Workers and kept its
car production moving.
Less than six hours after the
deadline for the strike that never
came off, however, the company
announced it would halt until next
Tuesday all assembly operations
at the close of tomorrow's work.
This was necessary, the com-
pany said, because of a parts
shortage caused by the strike of
7,000 workers in a supplier firm
over the Taft-Hartley penalty
Murray Strike
The Murray Corp., of America,
which supplies car bodies and
parts to Ford and other auto man-
ufacturers, has been closed for
nearly two weeks by a CIO-UAW
strike. The union at Murray de-
mands an immunity clause in its
contract to protect against em-
ployer damage suits permitted un-
der the new law.
A scant eight hours before a
strike deadline, Ford and the UAW
sealed a truce providing for a
joint effort to secure a "solution"
to the Taft-Hartley union posed
problem. The settlement gave the
union at yeast a year's grace from
any strike damage action under
the law.
The compromise allowed up to
one year for a study of the Taft-
Hartley penalty provisions by a
bipartisan four-member commis-
sion and deferred any strike ac-
tion for at least 10 days.
Willow Village
STax Study Will
Be Conducted
A decision to conduct a tax
study in order to readjust govern-
ment payments to the county in
the place of taxes that would ac-
crue if Willow Village property
were privately owned, was made
Monday at a meeting of Washten-
aw county officials, FPHA region-
al agents and the housing pro-
ject municipal group representa-
The meeting was the result of
repeated requests by Willow Vil-
lage residents for additional law
enforcement and other municipal
type services to be furnished by
the county.
Hugo C. Schwarz, FPHA reg-
ional director for the area, said
he was convinced of the real need
for additional community service
and that he believed the solution
of the government's present pay-
ments to the county, as well as
the revision of the federal con-
tract provides for police protec-

tion by the county.
Schwarz offered to send a gov-
ernment tax expert to Willow Vil-
lage to study and revise the base
evaluation on which federal pay-
ments are now paid in order to
assure an equitable adjustment.
The tax expert would work with
the Superior and Ypsilanti town-
ship sup'ervisors, and government
approved recommendations would
then be made to the supervisors,
Schwarz said. He suggested that
action to increase the federal pay-
ments and provide for additional
police protection be taken imme-
Arrangements for the tax study
would be made in order for it to
start within the next three weeks,
Schwarz said.
County Reports
First Polio Case
The first three polio cases in
Washatenaw County this year

Real Estate Lobby Calls
'Subversive' Label False
Sees End to Housing Shortage in 1949;
Registers Opposition to 'Socialized Housing'
Special To The Daily
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the tenth in a series of interpretative articles
on political trends and personalities in Washington by a Daily staff corres-
WASHINGTON-Easily one of the most powerful of the "vested
interest" lobbies is the National Association of Real Estate Boards
which was branded as "clearly subversive" by President Truman last
spring when he asked Congress to investigate it.
The accusations were unfair and unfounded, according to public
relations director Earl Brown who contends that "We testified as to
amour views as did many groups who
H igbie, D rake President attacked us because he
disagreed with us."
Services W ill "We helped to write rent con-
trols and now that the war is over
we feel that the government
Be H eld Toda Tshould givethe property back to
Yf the people," I was told by Brown
who speaks for more than 1,000
Faculty Members local real estate boards through-
out the country.
Die over Weekend Cushion Decontrol
Funeral services will be held to- The 15 per cent "voluntary"
day for the two prominent mem- rent increase he labelled a "cush-
bers of the University faculty ioned form of decontrol" which

Prof. Harold H. Higbie and pro-
fessor emeritus Joseph H. Drake,
who died over the weekend.
Prof. Higbie, of the engineer-
ing department, died Sunday at
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital at the
age of 64.
Prof. Drake, formerly connect-
ed with the law school, retired in
1930. He died Monday at his
home, 903 Lincoln after a long
illness at the age of 87.
Teaching Career
Prof. Higbie came to the Uni-
versity in 1905 as an instructor in
mechanical engineering. He was
appointed an assistant professor
in electrical engineering in 1909.
During the years 1911-13; Prof.
Highie established the department
of electrical construction and op-
eration atsWentworth Institute,
Boston, Mass. From 1913 until
his death he was professor of elec-
trical and illuminating engineer-
ing at the University.
Won Scholarship
At the time of his death he was
writing a book dedicated to tht
publisher, Joseph Pulitzer. Prof.
Higbie received the Pulitzer schol-
arship which enabled him to con-
tinue his studies at Horace Mann
High School and Columbia Uni-
versity for being the outstanding
member of his class.
Prof. Higbie is survived by his
wife and son, Alltn L., and daugh-
ter, Edith A.
Prof. Drake was an active mem-
ber of the faculty for 42 years,
coming to the University in 1888
as a Latin instructor.
Professor of Law
In 1890 he was promoted to an
assistant professor of Latin and in
1900 a lecturer in Roman Law.
From 1906 to 1908 he was profess-
or of Latin, Roman Law and Jur-
isprudence. At a later date he
was appointed professor of Law,
the position he held until his re-
Prof. Drake received the Will-
iams professorship from the Board
of Regents last July in recogni-
tion of his outstanding career on
the faculty.
Survivors include a daughter,
Mrs. Harold P. Rich and three
sons, Joseph H. Jr., Charles M.
and Robert L.
Funeral services for Prof. Hig-
bie will be held at 3 p.m. today
at the Dolph Funeral Parlor.
Services for Prof. Drake will be
held at 2:30 p.m. today at the

the association looks upon with
favor. They believe that the mill-
ion and a half homes which
Brown says will be built between
now and January, 1949, will "take
the edge off the housing shortage"
at the time that present leases
are expiring and eliminate the
need for further controls.
Brown assured me that it was
no easier to evict a tenant through
the courts now than it was
through the OPA before June 30
and that there is no actual com-
pulsion to force the tenant to agree
to a rent increase. The CIO, he
reminded me, has been urging its
members not to sign leases and
pay the increase and plans to
fight for the continuation of rent
controls beyond the present March
1 deadline. Representative John
Dingell (D-Mich.) told me, how-
ever, that there is little chance of
the House mustering enough votes
to extend rent controls further.
Opposed To Public Housing
"We are unalterably opposed to
public 'oush-g," is a basic tenet of
the real estate boards. The NAR
EB has taken an active part in
the lobbyists battle over the Taft-
Ellender-Wagner Bill which it
calls "socialized housing." De-
spite the intense and almost uni-
form support of all the "liberal"
lobbies, the bill came nowhere
near passage. It was reported out
of committee favorably in the
Senate but that body "hasn't
bothered with it because the
House doesn't have enough votes
to pass it," Senator Ferguson (R-
Mich.) told me.
In the House, Rep. Jesse Wol-
cott (R-Mich.), chairman of the
Banking andC urrency Committee
has not bothered to commence
hearing on it. Wolcott has been
openly accused by Franklin Roos-
evelt Jr., AVC's housing chair-
See LOBBY, Page 4
Exam Schedule
Those few fatal hours, de-
signed to spoil the perfect
Michigan summertime, seem
suddenly closer today.
The schedule of final exams
to be held Thursday and Fri-
day, Aug. 14 and 15, appears
in the Daily Official Bulletin,
page 2. I

UN Gets Plea
To Evacuate
Egypt's Request
Said 'Unfounded'
'By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, Aug. 5-Egypt
today asked the United Nations
Security Council to order the im-
mediate evacuation of all British
troops from her soil. Britain im-
mediately countered with a de-
mand that thecouncil throw out
the complaint as unfounded.
Appealing to the UN to free
Egypt from "British Imperialism,"
Premier Nokrashy Pasha said "the
very existence of Egypt as a sov-
ereign state is here at stake" with
the presence of British troops a
"potential peril" to peace in the
Middle East.
Cadogan Replies
Sir Alexander Cadogan, British
delegate, said British troops were
in Egypt under a 20-year treaty
signed in 1936 and the Council
could do nothing but dismiss the
Cadogan said that if anybody
was threatening peace in that area
it was Egypt and not Britain. He
added that Egypt was attempting
to evade her international obliga-
tions accepted in the Anglo -
Egyptian treaty, which he said
could be altered or terminated on-
ly with the consent of both part-
One Real Issue
"There is only one real issue
before the Security Council,
namely validity of the 1936 treaty,
and that is a legal one," Cadogan
declared. "The Security Council
cannot, in conformity with the
purposes of the United Nations,
countenance any failure to fulfill
treaty obligations which are con-
sistent with the charter."
Premier Pasha said that Egypt
no longer felt bound by a 20-year
treaty, signed in 1936, providing
for stationing of British troops in
the strategic Mediterranean coun-
try. He said the pact was signed
under duress and was contrary to
the UN charter and a General
Assembly resolution ruling out
any occupation without the con-
sent of the parties.
Hot Weather
Entices Coeds
out on dawn
The hot weather may not have
brought out the best in us, but it
has brought out the best among
During the past two days young
women have been lying in the
sun-on the beaches, on the grass
and on the roofs. Yesterday the
girls were particularly noticeable
on top of the WAB, evidence that
tennis is too strenuous for above
90 degree temperature.
A brief check of golf courses
(nine holes) revealed that neith-
er men nor women cared much
for the game yesterday. At the
University course everybody must
have really cursed the weather,
because you can't wear shorts out
Surprising enough, the Health
Service reported no cases of heat
exhaustion and no cases of ex-
treme sunburn.
"The heat wave has to last for

a longer time before we get heat
exhaustion cases," a secretary re-
ported. "Several years ago, during
a hot spell, a few of the older stu-
dents were overcome."
There's no immediate relief in
sight, according to the University
weather station and the papers.
Today is supposed to be hotter
than yesterday, just as yesterday
(93) was hotter than the day be-
fore (92).
Repertory Players
To Give 'Carmen'
The Michigan Repertory Play-
ers, in conjunction with the music
school and the University Orches-
tra will present Georges Bizet's-
colorful opera "Carmen" at 8 p.m.
tomorrow through Saturday and
at 8 p.m. Monday at Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Carolyn Street Austin will play
the leading role of the fickle gyp-
sy girl, Carmen, with Morris Greer


Cease-Fire Orders;

British Arrest Jewish Leaders

Police Sieze
40in Swoop,
Seek 20 More
Official List Includes
Stern, Businessmen
- By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, Aug. 5-The Bri-
tish began the biggest roundup of
Jewish leaders since underground
resistance turned the -Holy Land
into a battlefield today-a round-
up punctuated by a terror bomb
which ripped off the front of the
labor department building and
killed three British policemen and
probably an Arab watchman.
More than 40 prominent Jews
were seized in the swoop by the
military and Palestine police, some
of whom reportedly were marked
for deportation. An official source
said 20 more were being sought.
The first official list of those ar-
rested included David Stern, bro-
ther of the late Abraham Stern,
founder of the Stern Gang, and
named 35 lawyers, businessmen,
journalists and Jewish officials.
Among those reported arrested
were dissident members of Hag-
ana, illegal Jewish defense or-
ganization, who had opposed the
organization's "moderate" policy
of opposing terrorism, and the
mayors of the four all-Jewish cit-
ies of Tel Aviv, Ram At Gan, Pe-
tah Tikvah and Natanya.
Among the arrested were top
officials of the Revisionist Party,
accused by the government last
year of being the forerunner of Ir-
gun Zvai Leumi, the underground
The bomb which tore off the
front of the labor department
building in the Street of the Pro-
phets exploded just after a tele-
phone call had warned "the build-
ing is mined."
The chief clerk just had time to
halt a passing armored car and
the police were trying to drag the
bomb out of the hallway when the
explosive let go. One of the police-
men was killed outright, two oth-
ers were buried under the debris.
Some Jewish quarters believed
the blast was a retaliation for the
dynamiting of a house in Givat
Shaul late yesterday by the mili-
tary who had found a cache of
arms there.
VU'Starts on
VA Research
Research has been started on
techniques for predicting success-
ful clinical psychologists to be
employed by the Veterans Admin-
istration, the psychology depart-
ment announced yesterday.
The project, contracted for by
the VA, is directed by Prof. E.
Lowell Kelly, with Donald W.
Fiske as assistant director.
The VA needs more clinical
psychologists than universities can
supply. Because of this, the VA
last year began a training pro-
gram with a number of univer-
sities which would select promis-
ing students for a four-year grad-
uate course combining academic
study and work experience in vet-
eran's hospitals and other agen-
Six classes representing 30 uni-
versities are being moved to the
campus this summer. Each group
will remain, for seven days for
written tests, interviews by staff
psychologists, "situation" and
work sample tests.

MAKE FESTIVAL PLANS-Mrs. Kamla Chowdry of Lahore, In-
dia, Prof. Hugh Norton, of the speech department, and Prof. Louis
A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session mnake plns for the
Festival of Nations, to be held Sunday in Hill Auditorium. Mrs.
Chowdry will perform an Indian Shadow Dance in the program
which is directed by Prof. Norton.
Dances, Songs from Eight
Countries in Pageant Sunday

Indonesians Say Dutch


Colorful folk dances and songs
from eight foreign countries will
highlight the program of the Fest-
ival of Nations to be presented at
8 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium
under the direction of Prof. Hugh
Norton, of the speech department.
The festival will be opened by a
Polish mixed choir of 30 from the
World N"lews
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Aug. 5-The Pack-
ard Motor Car Co., following in
the line of General Motors Corp.,
announced today an immediate
5 per cent average price increase
on all its current car models.
The increases range from $92
to $200, Packard said.
* * *
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5-Elliott
Roosevelt testified today he
might be open to reprimand for
letting plane manufacturer
Howard Hughes foot a $576.83
hotel bill for him as "a wedding
* * *
State Department announced to-
day the award of $82,400,000 in
contracts to American construc-
tion and engineering firms for
work on Greek highways, rail-
roads and principal ports.
* * *
ALBANY, N.Y., Aug. 5--Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey today broke his
silence on developing 1948 presi-
dential campaign issues by speak-
ing out for the preservation of
"the principles of union organiza-
tion and collectve bargaining."

Hamtramck Lira Society singing
"Chiopocy Krakowacy," one of
the gayest of the national folk
songs. The Lira Society has ap-
peared on radio programs and re-
presented the Polish section of
Detroit at such city-wide events
as International Night and the
Golden Jubilee.
Ukranian Music
A group of Ukranian dances and
songs will be presented by the De-
troit Boyan Society. The dances,
typify grace and rhythm of the
peasant dance and will be per-
formed in the traditional colorful
costumes of the Ukraine.
"Tzamiko," a dance of the Greek
guerillas of World War II will be
performed by Nicholas Nitsis, a
former member of the guerilla
forces. Two other patriotic dances
commemorating the Greek War of
Liberation will be presented by
the Sons and Daughters of St.
Hat Dance
The traditional "Mexican Hat
Dance" will be given by the Socie-
dad Mutualista Mexicana of Pon-
tiac. The folk songs "Jolisco, Jol-
isco" and "El Son de Mi Tierra"
will be sung by two members of
the group.
The Philippine Michigan Club
will offer two Philippine field
dances, including "Tinikling," a
bamboo dance, which imitates
field birds trying to avoid being
caught. Edita Martelino will pre-
sent a traditional Candle Dance.
Nordic Dances
Six folk dances representing
Norway, Sweden and Denmark
will be given by Gudren E. Niel-
sen's Danish Folk Dancers.
The entire Polish group of 70
dancers and singers will join in
the finale which will include two
numbers from Polish folk operas.
"Mazur" from the opera "Cop-
elia" will be performed by the
children's dance group.

Will Retaliate
Shot- for- Shot
In Resumption
Charge Continuation
Of Attack Last Night
By The Associated Press
BATAVIA, Java, Aug. 5-The
Indonesian Army charged tonight
that Dutch troops on two fronts
had violated cease-fire orders in
the East Indies, and both Dutch
and Republican leaders indicated
their forces would answer shot-
for-shot any resumption of hostil-
ities by opposing units.
A Republican Army spokesman
declared in a broadcast that a
three-pronged Dutch force - op-
erating in a central Java zone ap-
proximately 60 miles west of Jog-
jakarta - had continued attack-
ing for two and a half hours aftei
last midnight;, the cease-fire dead-
As a result of this action, the
spokesman declared, the Dutch
seized the town of Gombong, on
the trunk rail line linking Ba-
tavia with Jogakarta, the Re-
publican capital.
The spokesman's accusation was
repeated in a Republican commu-
nique which declared a violation
also had occurred near Demak,
15 miles east of the north coast
city of Semarang. The Indones-
ians claimed a Dutch amphibious
force which landed near Semar-
ang seized Demak and continued
its advance southward after the
There was no confirmation of
these actions from the Dutch
who previously had questioned
whether the Indonesians could
enforce a cease-fire among Re-
publican troops.
Fighting took place along the
strategic north Java coast until
shortly before midnight, a front
dispatch said. Dutch columns
speeding from opposite directions
linked up a few hours before the
deadline giving the Netherlands
complete control of a coastal area
extending from Batavia 218 air-
line miles eastward to Semarang,
this account said.
Pollock Gets
New Position
Now Heads Political
Science Department
Appointment of Prof. James K.
Pollock as chairman of the polit-
ical science department, was an-
nounced yesterday by Provost
James P. Adams.
At the same time, the provost
announced that Prof. Mischa Ti-
tiev will serve as acting chairman
of the anthropology department
next semester while Prof. Leslie
A. White is on sabattical leave.
Prof. Pollock, who will assume
his new duties on Sept. 1, suc-
ceeds Prof. Everett S. Brown, who
asked to be relieved of the N01-
tion after six years, in order to
devote more of his time to re-
search, writing and teaching.
In addition to 22 years of teach-
ing at the University, Prof. Pol-
lock has long been active in gov-
ernmental work. He served, with-
in the past two years as adviser
to the Office of Military Gov-
ernment at Berlin and as consult-
ant to the Secretary of War.
Last month, Senator Arthur

Vandenberg appointed Prof. Pol-
lock to a 12-member commission
which will investigate all govern-
ment departments in the interests
of economy, efficiency and im-
proved service.
'Captain Tempest'
Will Be Presented

UN Trustees Vitally Busied,
With Interests of Governed

The interests of the inhabitants
of non-self-governing territories
have been recognized in the UN's
trusteeship system as the para-
mount concern of administering
states, according to Benjamin
Gerig, deputy U.S. representative
on the Trusteeship Council.
Gerig, speaking here yesterday
as part of the summer lecture ser-
ies, "The United States in World
Affairs," outlined the principles
of the trusteeship system as they
are related to the objectives of
the United Nations.
"The Charter goes far beyond
the League covenant," he said, "in
its comprehensive approach to
what is called the 'colonial prob-

Gerig commented. "It is composed
of delegates equally representing
states which administer trust ter-
ritories and those that do not. So
far, the group has demonstrated
its ability to rise above particular
interests, and toj deal with prob-
lems objectively."
Gerig outlined the four prin-
ciples of the trusteeship system
which bolster his claim that a
new, far-sighted view of the prob-
lem has been drafted into the
charter. These, he said, were:
"1. The administering govern-
ments recognize that the interests
of the inhabitants are paramount,
that their policy decisions will be
based on what is best for the peo-



Policy's Success Depends on Recovery

The ultimate success of United
States policies in occupied Japan
depends upon the economic recov-

however, democracy will not stand
in Japan."
The senator pointed out that

sized that though the Japanese
will be permitted some private
trading after August 15, the real

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