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August 02, 1947 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-02

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Fifty-Seventh Year

European Investigation



Edited- and managed by students of the Utn-
veity of Michigan under the authority of the
$arcl in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor ...........,........ Eunice Mintz
Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
General Manager .............. Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager .......... William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager ................ Melvin Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member. of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
Lhe use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
aper. All rights of republication of all other
.natters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Above the Law.
Law?" asks the Murray Corporation of
America in a five-column advertisement in
the Detroit Free Press (July 31), attacking
the UAW-CIO, 7,000 members of which have
struck at the Detroit Murray plant.
The union demands that a "law-evading
provision" be included in the contract now
being negotiated between Local 2 and the
corporation, says the Murray ad. "The Mur-
ray Corporation," it says, "regards the pro-
posal of the International Union as no less
than open defiance of a law of the United
States and of the will of the American peo-
ple." The law in question is the Taft-Hart-
ley Law.
No one need be perplexed that the Mur-
ray ad fails to affect the strikers. In the
phrase ". . . . law of the United States
and . . . will of the American people" the
ad exhibits a misunderstanding of law in
general and the Taft-Hartley Law in par-
ticular. The phrase is contradictory, since
law and people's will are not synonymous
An expression of the people's will, for
the very reason that it is the people's will,
is not la w .Law expresses, conversely, cleav-
age in the people's will, the will of one fac-
tion-the faction enforcing the law. A law
arises only when the cleavage in the peo-
ple's will has appeared.
No law could illustrate this fact more
effectively than does the Taft-Hartley Law.
Besides giving rise to a nation-wide clamor
against its enactment, it called forth in De-
troit itself one of the greatest protest dem-
onstrations in years. The Slave Labor Bill,
the workers called it. When 7,000 Murray
workers now protest it, and when 65,000
Ford workers consider similar strike action,
how does the law fall under the classifica-
tion "will of the American people?"
Murray's question, "Shall Labor Unions Be
Above the Law?" evokes first the question:
What law? This disposed of, the "yes" and
"no" answers reveal simply who compose
what factions of the cleavage in the "will
of the American people."
-Malcolm Wright

THE HOUSE OF Representatives has just
launched a scientific experiment even
more significant than Professor Yerkes'
famous inquiries into the psychology of
chimpanzees. Under the leadership of Rep-
resentative Christian Herter, nineteen mem-
bers of the House are to set off for Europe
this summer. Their aim will be, not to in-
vestigate the delightfully scabrous habit
Two Worlds
GEERAL EISENHOWER has put it into
words, and now we have it. "It looks
more and more," he says, "as though the
United States will have to accept a two
world concept when we have been working
for a one world plan."
What was only a nameless fear a couple
of years ago has at last become institu-
tionalized; it is now a formal entity: it has
a name, the two world concept. The post-
war world coagulates in the pan and begins
to take shape, or, rather, shapes, for it is
two worlds.
One wonders (forgetting, for the mom-
ent, the question of who is to blame for
all this, and just looking ahead) what it
is going to be like to live under the two
world concept. It may do strange things
to the spirit of western man. To begin
with, there is a kind of exhilaration about
the one world idea, which the two world
conepet can hardly match. The one
world idea touches deep springs in the
western character, democrati(, humani-
tarian, religious, all connected in some
way with the idea of the brotherhood of
man. In comparision the two world con-
cept has a brackish, even bitter flavor.
It is something like the difference be-.
tween the offensive and the defsensive; and
one of our dangers is that we may slip
permanently into the cramped and thwart-
ed mood of the latter.
It may not even be so easy to set up a
"two world" concept; we may very well end
up with more than two worlds. For the op-
posite of one is not two; the opposite of one
is many. In "our" world we have to deal
with a socialist Britain and a leftist France.
We must not only tolerate them, we must,
swallowing hard, even love them as part of
"our" world; we must also give them money.
Already there is a slight tremblor of
reactionary revolt against the Marshall
Plan, andalready there are voices saying
that we ought to drop Europe and save
ourselves, plus, perhaps, Latin America.
Once divisiveness becomes accepted as a
permissible way of life, it is difficult to
stop it at any particular perimeter.
We have very casually accepted the theory
that a two world concept is the logical suc-
cessor to a one world concept. We have
merely moved up one number. But it may
turn out to be just as hard to set up a two
world system as a one world system. It may
be as hard to break a world as to break a
sheet of glass into exactly two pieces. There
may be many shards and fragments.
(This possibility may lie at the very root
of the non-cooperative Soviet strategy. The
Russians may feel that they can keep "their"
world together, by force if nothing else,
while ours, according to Communist theory,
will fall apart because of inherent disputes
and differences.)
It is not going to be so easy, then, to
live a "two worlds" life. None of our
problems are solved by the substitution
of the two world concept for the one
world idea; all are sharpened. New ones
are even added, for we must now find
some way of keeping hope alive during a
period of hope deferred. We start with a
disappointment, and we have to build on
We can do it, but only if we first win a
victory over ourselves. We can do it only
if we drop our normal rules of caution, and

our normal quibbling, and seriously address
ourselves to making a moral and economic
unity of western democracy. This will in-
volve giving up some of our wealth; it will
also involve giving up pride of opinion, on
such matters as taking in refugees, and ac-
comodating ourselves to the views of our
foreign friends. It won't be easy.
We must start by dropping the Idea that
we automatically get a two world system
as a consolation prize for not having one
world; it will be almost as hard to bulid the
one as the other.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation
EFYING BOTH the overwhelming ma-
jority in the Security Council and the
findings and recommendations of its first
committee of investigation, Russia has again
used her veto. In the face of continued war-
fare in Greece, fanned by, invasions from
Greece's Communist-dominated neighbors,
Mr. Gromyko has killed the plan for the
semi-permanent frontier commission recom-
mended by the investigating committee, and
thereby prevented the United Nations from
carrying out a task for which it was speci-
fically created - namely, the safe-guard-
ing of international peace and security.
The frontier commission, which was to
watch the Greek border and use its good
offices to prevent further frontier violations,
was regarded by both the Council majority

of the wicked Europeans, nor even to be
richly entertained in the manner befitting
their high stations, but to have a look at
the grim facts of the world situation. When
they return in the fall, we shall have the
answer to that often debated question: Can
Congressmen learn?
Speaking more seriously, the signifi-
cance of the so-called House Committee
of the Nineteen deserves much more em-
phasis than was given when this body was
named by Speaker Joseph W. Martin.
There have been times in the recent past
when it seemed that Congressmen were in-
capable of learning, or at any rate of rea-
soning from know facts to sensible con-
clusions about foreign policy. But there
has been an excuse for this seemig obtuse-
ness. The facts have always been hastily
transmitted by officials of the State Depart-
ment and other leaders of the executive
branch. And the facts have always seemed
unbelievably remote and unreal to many
members of the House and Senate, who are
more preoccupied with the immedate af-
fairs of their districts. Now a thoroughly
representative group from the House will
see the facts for themselves . They are not
to junket. They are genuinely to explore
the situation in the manner of an academic
study group. Whatever the results--and it
is entirely -possible that some of the re-
sults may be very bad indeed--they will tell
us a great deal about the character of the
legislative body that rules this country.
The idea of the committee originated
in the mind of Representative Herter, a
serious, able Massachusetts conservative,
who is approximately a middle of the
roader in matters of foreign policy. He
had been helped by on-the-spot investi-
gations conducted by himself last year.
As a member of the all-powerful Rules
Committee, he was also perhaps impressed
by the decreasing influence of the House
Foreign Affairs Committee-the only
body to which the administration regular-
ly talks about foreign policy in the
By long contact with the facts, the For-
eign Affairs Committee has been wholly won
away from isolationism. But the average
House members is not affected. by the com-
mittee's views. The stupider Representa-
tives even publicly attribute it to the cor-
ruption of diplomatic entertaining--those
caterers' set-pieces-to which the members
of the Forfeign Affairs Committee are dan-
gerously exposed. Herter offered his reso-
lution establishing the Committee of Nine-
teen as a corrective of this situation. The
idea was that if the facts impressed ordinary
members known to have been previously un-
corrupted, then their friends on the House
floor would be swayed by their judgments.
There ensued the natural jurisdictional
schemozzle with the House Foreign Affairs
Committee. (This committee's natural habit
of keeping its business- to itself is one rea-
son for its loss of influence.) Eventually,
however, the wise Representative Eaton of
New Jersey agreed to the Herter plan, and
the Herter Committee was authorized.
The manner of its appointment was sig-
nificant. Herter made only two requests
of speaker Martin. First, he asked that
none of the Hose good-time Charlies or
professional baby-kissers or incorrigible
victims of the terrible oratory habit be
named to the committee. He wanted only
men who would work, and were ready to
take a hard trip in order to work. Sec-
ond, he wanted a committee which would
be a cross-section of the House as a whole.
Martin's choices fulfilled Herter's desires.
In character, 'the committee ranges from
such a hard-shell isolationists as August H.
Andresen of Minnesota to the progressive,
far-seeing A. S. Monroney of Oklahoma. Be-
sides being reasonably representative, the
committee also meets Herter's other, equal-
ly important specifications.
It's trip, moreover, is to contrast strangely
with the average junket It will begin in
New York in late August, with a long and

serious preliminary briefing from the State
Department's new counselor, Charles E.
Bohlen. It will be illuminated, along the
way, by the explanations of a staff of ex-
perts headed by Professor William Yandell
Elliott. It will consist of a long seminar
aboard ship as the first stage; visit to the
Ruhr by the whole cimmittee, and then
visits by sub-committees to the rest of Ger-
many and Austr-ia, England, France, the
Low Countries, Italy and Greece as the sec-
ond stage; and a prolonged ship-board
meeting to prepare a report on the way
The committee has even agreed that Her-
ter is not to approve vouchers for pleasant
side-expeditions, and one member who
wished to go to Europe by air' has already
been refused. Embassies everywhere have
been alerted to show the Representatives
the real face of European. life. Seeing the
facts and weighting them is to be the sole
object. If the House Committee of Nine-
teen, after all this, succeeds in learning
nothing, it will be time to be rather dis-
turbed about what is commonly called the
"American way." ,
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)


F, 7


"I just had a sudden thought. Them delegates might start
behavin' themselves if we refuse to build 'em an air-raid shelter."

Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angel
Publication in The Day Officia
Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 28S
Admission - School of Business
Administration. Deadline for ap-
plicants for Fall Semester ad-
mission - Auguts 15. Application
blanks available in Room 108 Tap-
pan Hall.
Doctoral Examination for
Charles Gardner Dodd, Chemis-
try; thesis: "A Study of Methods
for the Determination of Specific
Surface Areas of Different Types
of Carbon Powders," Saturday,
August 2, at 10 a.m. in the West
Alcove, Rackham. Chairman, F.
E. Bartell.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Will-
iam Lower Wonderly, Linguistics;
thesis: "Zoque Phonemic and
Morphological Structure," Sun-
day, August 3, at 9:30 a.m. in
1522 Rackham. Chairman, C. C.
Doctoral Examination for Ken-
neth MacKenzie MacLeod, Edu-
cation; thesis: "The Selection of
Candidates for a Specialized Ori-
entation Program in a Large Au-
tomobile Industry," Monday, Aug-
ust 4, at 3 p.m. in the West Al-
cove, Rackham. Chairman, H. C.
Ralph A. Sawyer
Ralph A. Sawyer
Doctoral Examination for Will-
iam Charles Morse, Education;
thesis: "A Comparison of the Eye
Movements of Average Fifth and
Seventh-Grade Pupils Reading
Materials of Corresponding Diffi-
culty," Monday, August 4, at 10
a.m. in the East Council Room,
Rackham. Chairman, I. Ander-
Ralph A. Sawyer
Deadline for Veterans' Book
and supply Requisitions. August
22, 1947 has been set at the dead-
line for the approval of Veterans'
Book and Supply Requisitions for
the Summer Session-1947. Re-
quisitions will be accepted by the
book stores through August 23,
General Placement:
The Grede Foundries of Mil-
waukee will have a representative
at the Bureau on Tuesday morn-
ing, August 5, to interview men
for Sales and Engineering posi-
The Peerless Cement Company
of Detroit will again interview
men for Sales positions on Tues-
day, August 5.
Mr. Harry J. Altick, CLU, will
interview men for Sales positions
with the State Mutual Life As-
surance Company on Thursday
morning, August 7th. Call ex-
tension 371 for appointments.
The Jewish Vocational Service
of Detroit has an opening for a

Psychologist with a master's
gree in Psychology with some
perience. Call at the Bureau
further information.


The Russian Circle will meet for
the last time this semester on1
Monday evening at the Interna-
tional Center at 7:45 p.m. Thei
theme of the program will bei
Russian music. Piano selectionsi
will be played supplemented withi
a lecture. The program will close
with tea served from the samovar
during which time there will be
Russian conversation and singing.
The Modern Poetry Club will
meet Tuesday evening in 3217 An-
gell Hall at 8 p.m. The poets of
the two wars will be discussed.1
Meetings of the University of;
Michigan Section of the American7
Chemical Society will be held on
August 7 and August 8, 1947, at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Am-;
phitheatre. Dr. L. E. Sutton, Uni-
versity of Oxford, England, will
speak Aug. 7 on "The Heats of
Formation of Some Bonds," and
Aug. 8 on "The Occurrence of the
Dative Link." The public is in-
Dr. George Wythe, Chief of the
American Republics Division, Of-,
fice of International Trade, De-
partment of Commerce, will lec-
ture on "The Industrialization of
Latin America-a Re-appraisal,"
Monday, August 4, at 4:10 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. This is
a lecture in the Summer Session
Lecture Series, "The United States
in World Affairs." The public is
Dr. Laurence M. Gould, Presi-
dent of Carleton College and
former Chief of the Arctic Section,
Arctic, Desert, and Tropic Inform-
ation Center, U.S. Army Air Forc-
es, will give an illustrated lecture
on "Startegy and Politics in the
Polar Areas," Monday, August 4,
at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithe-
atre. This is a lecture in the
Summer Session Lecture Series,
"The United States in World Af-
fairs." The public is invited.
Professor Adelaide Hahn of
Hunter College will speak at the
seventh weekly conference of the
Linguistic Institute on Tuesday,
August fifth at 1:00 in room 308
Michigan Union, The conference
will be preceded by a luncheon at
12:10 in the Anderson room of the
Union. Both luncheon and con-
ference will be open to members
of the Linguistic Institute and
the Linguistic Society. The sub-
ject of the conference will be
"Hittite-za." Professor Hahn is a
former president of the Linguistic
Society, and a leading Hittite
Dr. O. Benjamin Gerig, Deputy
Representative of the United
States in the Trusteeship Council
of the United Nations and Chief
of the Division of Dependent Area
Affairs, Department of State,
will lecture on "The Relation of
the Trusteeship System to the Ob-
jectives of the United Nations,"
Tuesday, August 5, at 4:10 p.m.,
Kellog Auditorium. This is a lec-

ture in the Summer Session Lec-
ture Series, "The United Statesi
in World Affairs." The public is1
Mr. L. C. Hill, L.L.D., C.B.E.,
former Executive Secretary of the1
National Association of Local Gov-;
ernment Officers in Great Britain
and Lecturer at the University of
Exeter will lecture on "Trends ini
Public Administration: The Fu-
ture of Local Government in Great
Britain," Tuesday, August 5, at
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
tre. The public is invited.
Dr. Elbert D. Thomas, U.S. Sen-
ator from Utah and a ranking
member of the Committee on For-
eign Relations. United States Sen-
ate, wil lecture on "Leadership in
Asia under a New Japan," Tues-
day, August 5, at 8:10 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. This is a lec-
ture in the Summer Session Lee-
ture Series, "The United States in
World Affairs." The public is i)-
The thirteenth public lecture of
the Linguistic Institute will be
held at 7:30 August sixth in the'
Amphitheatre of the Rackham'
Building. The speaker will be
Professor Bernard Bloch of Yale'
University, and the subject will be
"Principles of Phonemic Analysis."
Professor Bloch is the editor of
Language, the journal of the
Linguistic Society of America, and
is a prominent scholar in descrip-
tive linguistics.
James L. Jarrett, Professorao
Philosophy at the University of
Utah, will give a lecture, "Veri-
fication and Exploration in Poe-
try," to the Acolytes, Tuesday,
August 5, at 7:30 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Open to the public.
The fourteenth public lecture of
the LinguisticAInstitute will be
held at 7:30 August seventh in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. The subject will be
"Nasal Consonant Phonemes in
the Western Romance Languages,"
and the speaker will be Professor
Ernest F. Haden of the Univer-
sity of Texas. Professor Haden
is a well known scholar in Ro-
mance linguistics, and is active
in the study of French dialects
in the United States and Canada.
Student Recital: Warren Allen,
Baritone, will be heard in a re-
cital at 8:30 Saturday evening,
August 2, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall, as partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree
of Master of Music. Mr. Allen
a pupil of Arthur Hackett, will
present a program including three
groups of Italian, German, and
French songs, Promesse de mon
avenir, from Massenet's Le Roi
de Lahore, and a group of English
songs. The public is cordially in
Summer Session Chorus: The
University of Michigan Summer
Session Chorus, Mary Muldowney,
Conductor, will present its annual
summer concert at 4:15 Sunday
afternoon, August 3, in Hill Audi-
torium. The first part of the
program includes songs by the
Chorus, and two organ selections
played by Grayson Brottmiller and
Elizabeth Powell. Elizabeth Green,
violinist, and Celia Chao and El-
izabeth Powell, pianists, assist the
Chorus in Brahms' "Love Songs,"
followed by Barber's "D o v e r
Beach" played by the String Quar-
tet, with Howard Hatton, Bari-
tone, as soloist, and a selection by
the Vocal Quartet. The public is
cordially invited.
Faculty Concert: Monday, Aug-
ust 4, at 8:30 p.m., a program of
Chamber Music of Brahms will be

presented by Oliver Edel, cellist,
Lee Pattison, Pianist, and Joseph
Knitzer, violinist, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The program will
include Sonata in F major, Op. 99
for Cello and Piano, and the Trio
in B major, Op. 8 for Violin, Cello,
and Piano. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Student Recital: Anthony De-
siderio, Clarinetist, assisted by
Mildred Minneman Andrews, pi-
anist, and Mary Oyer, cellist, will
be heard in a recital 4:15 Tuesday
afternoon, August 5, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Mr. Desider-
io, a student of Albert Luconi, will
play compositions by Brahms,I
Bach, Albeniz, Andre-Bloch, and
Beethoven. The program present-
ed in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master's De-
gree in Music Education, will be
open to the public.
Student Recital: Elise Cambon,
organist, will present a program
Tuesday evening, August 5, 8:30
p.m., in the Hill Auditorium. Miss
Cambon, a student of the late
Palmer Christian, and presently
studying with Robert Baker, will
present a recital including compo-
sitions by Marcello-Dubois, 'res-
cobaldi, Daquin, Corelli-Guilmant,
Bach, Dupre, Peeters, and Alain,
The public is cordially invited.

SATUnRAY, AUGUs1 2, 19 I
Student Recital: James Mearns,
Pianist,. will present a program
8:30 Wednesday evening, August
6, in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
Mr. Mearns, a student of Joseph
Brinkman, will play compositions
by Mozart, J. S. Bach, Beethoven,
Schubert and Chopin. The recital
is being given in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Master of -Music, and is open to
the public.
Photographs of Summer Fungi
of Michigan, Rotunda Museums
Building. July and August.
The Museum of Art: Exhibi-
tion of Prints-Vanguard Group,
Ann Arbor Art Association Cl-J
lection, and from the Permanent
Collection. July 1-28. Alumni
Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon-
day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5,
The public is cordially invited.
Museum of Archaeology. Cur-
rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman
Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to
400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri-
day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12;
Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun-
day 3-5.
Exhibit of American Photo-
graphy, Daily. July 28 to August
8, Ground Floor, Exhibition Hall,
Architecture Building.
Events Today
Matinee today-"Temper The
Wind," timely play from the cur-
rent Broadway season, will be giv-
en its final showings this after-
noon and tonight at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. It is be-4
ing presented by the Michigan
Repertory Players of the depart-
ment of speech as the fourth of-
fering on the summer bill of
plays. Good tickets are still
available for the matinee and may
be purchased at the theatre box
office which opens at 10 o'clock
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
A bike-hike is being conducted to-
day for all members of M.C.F. and
friends. The group will leave
from Lane Hall at 3 p.m.
T h e Congregational-Disciples
Guild will meet at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard St., at 8:00
p.m. for a hike to "the top of the
world." Special features will be
moonlight, singing, and watermel-
Art Cinema League presents
"Ivan The Terrible," an historical
Russian saga on the life of Rus-
sia's first Czar. Russian Dialogue;
English titles. Also film short
"Children Must Laugh," produced
by Jewish Socialist Party in Po-
land showing fight against ill
health and superstition. Fri., Sat.,
8:30 p.m. Box office open 3 p.m.
daily. Phone 4121, Ext. 479, Hill
Regular Casbah Dance Satur-
day night, 9-12, with Al Chase's
Band. Stags and couples are wel-
come. 60c per person.
Casbah Dance Hostesses please
report to Social Director's Office
in the League at 8:30 p.m., Sat-
urday night before the dance.
Coming Events
Dr. Yuen-li Liang will hold the
last of four conferences on the
United Nations, Tuesday, August
5, at 3:10 p.m., East Conference
Room, Rackham Building. These
conferences are part of the Sum-
mer Lecture Series, "The United

States in WorldAffairs."
Dr. Robin A. Humphreys will
hold the last of four conferences
on Latin America, Wednesday,
August 6, at 4:10 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Build-
ing. These conferences are part
of. the Summer Lecture Series,
"The United States in World Af-
Dr. Gottfired S. Delatour will
hold the last of four conferences
on European Affairs, Thursday,
August 7, at 3:10 p.m., East Con- f
ference Room, Rackahm Building.
These conferences are part of the
Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs."
"Arrowsmith," starring Ronald
Coleman and Helen Hayes, and
based on Sinclair Lewis' Pulitzer
Prize novel, will be presented by
the Intercooperative Council Sun-
day and Monday, August 3 and
4, at 8 p.m. Hill Auditorium Box
Office is open today, 3-6 ptm.
First Baptist Church
502-512 East Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister
10:00-Church School for all
ages. Student Class studies "Job"
in the Guild House.
11:00-Church Worship. Ser-
mon-"I Corinthians 13". (Small
children cared for in the kinder-
4:30-Students will leave from
the Guild House for a Picnic with
the Congregational-D i s c i p 1 e s
Guild, at Riverside Park. Another
group will leave at 6:00 o'clock,
First Congregational Church

At Dill Auditorium...


ture. Russian dialogue, English sub-titles.
Sergei Eisenstein, Director.
0NE OF THI3 MOST oustanding achieve-
ments in Russian film-making was pre-
-sented to a large Ann Arbor audience last
night by the Art Cinema League. It was an
awesome spectacle.
In an attempt to interpret the career of
the man who accomplished the unification
of Russia in the sixteenth century, Eisen-
stein has gathered together all the splendor
and opulency of a historical pageant. The
music of Sergei Prokofieff adds immeasur-
ably to the total' effect.
Nikolai Cherkassov is a stern, fanatically
determined Ivan. His performance is rath-
er restricted, however, by long, passionate
speeches which characterize him more as
a legendary figure than as a real man. Ser-
aphima Birman as the Boyarina Startzkaya
is no less determined and fanatical.
A .,. - i.---- ,-44I Jc +njia


Heavens, O'Mally!'ouldy
desert the young lovers merely

I oF

She's a rich widow, Gus ... And she's told
Barnaby's mother that her heart is beating

C.py,4t 1991,the N . . F
Momn! Pop! I've news! r


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