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August 01, 1947 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-01

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' ,

U.S., Mexico
Relations Can
Be Improved
Prof. Brand Stresses
Better Understanding
Improved relations between the
United States and Mexico depend
upon a better understanding of
the people of each country by the
other, Prof. Donald D. Brand,
former cultural geographer for the
the Smithsonian Institution in
Mexico, declared in a lecture yes-
Prof. Brand, who will join the
faculty of the geography depart-
ment of the University this fall,
spoke on ."Scientific and Cultural
Relations between the United
States and Mexico" in the Sum-
mer Session lecture series on
world affairs.
Misunderstandings have arisen
because the average Mexican can-
not get in touch with the aver-
age American, the speaker said.
He explained that the relatively
few contacts have led Mexicans
to believe the United States is a
"wealthy country inhabited by
atheistic people with no social or
political ethics."
Likewise, American reports of
the Mexicans have not been truly
representative, Prof. Brand point-
ed out. This is due to the Amer-
ican's failure to win the confidence
of the average Mexican, whom
Prof. Branddescribed as a frugal,
hardworking village merchant or
Anthropologists and historians
have been the most successful in
establishing cooperation between
the two countries, Prof. Brand
said. Anthropology is regarded by
the Mexican governmept as one
of the best means to study the
large Indian population and thus
provide better government for
them, he declared.
One of the primary barriers to
closer friendship is the difference
in language, Prof Brand asserted.
This problem has been partially
overcome, however, by an increas-
ing amount of translating of pub-
lications, affording a freer ex-
change of thought.
'U' vs. MSC Regatta
A dual sailing regatta between
the University and Michigan State
College sailing clubs will be held
at noon Sunday at Dairy-Del
Beach, Whitmore Lake.



Teacher's Strategic Role Aids'
Social Snobbery Elimination

No person in the community
has such a strategic role as the
school teacher in purifying the
commu'nity of social snobbery,
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, of the
education school, declared -yester-
Maritta .Wolff
Wins A ward
MGM Gives Alumna
Prize of $100,000
Maritta M. Wolff, winner of a
$1,000 major Hopwood fiction
award in 1940, has won a report-
ed $100,000 special second prize
for her latest book, "About Lyddy
Thomas," in the semi annual
Metro Goldwyn Mayer novel con-
Since 1944, when the contests
began, MGM has never previously
selected more than one novel as
a winner. An escalator clause,
based on book sales, and other
bonuses, Variety reported on July
16, supplemented the award to
Miss Wolff. MGM has acquired
screen rights. Because the only
available copy of the manuscript
was in the hands of the publisher
before the contest ended, the pic-
ture firm had it microfilmed, and
judges read it from a projection
on a screen.
"About Lyddy Thomas" con-
cerns a girl who leads her hus-
band to kill himself. Miss Wolff,
author of "Whistle Stop" and
"Night Shift," both of which were
made into movies, had also won
two $250 minor Hopwood prizes
at the University before graduat-
ing in 1940.
Inter-Cooperative Group!
To Offer 'Arrowsmith'
Ronald Colman will star in "Ar-
rowsmith," film adaptation of Sin-
clair Lewis' novel, to be present-
ed by the Inter-Cooperative Coun-
cil at 8 p.m. Sunday and Monday
at Hill Auditorium.
Satirizing life at the University
during the twenties, the picture
describes the attempts of a young
medical student to overcome pro-
fessional blindness.
A short subject will, also be
Tickets are on sale at Union
and League desks.

"' --
. _

Speaking on "What the School
Should Do about Social Stratifi-
cation," at the University High
School Auditorium, Prof. McClus-
ky said that the school is the melt-
ing pot of social diversity. This
middle class character of the
teacher's position gives her a un-
ique opportunity, he said. Being
in the middle, she is closer to both
ends of the social structure and
belongs where most people think
they are or want to be, Prof. Mc-
Clusky explained.
Social Smugness
"If this fact is not cause for so-
cial smugness but rather for broad
sympathy, the teacher may be the
greatest harmonizer of our social
hierarchy and thus do more than
any one else to keep the American
temper free from bias."
The teacher should be aware of
what her own position and origin
does to her attitude and she should
consciously correct for unconscious
bias in order that she may teach
all children alike according to
their need and talent irrespective
of their position in the status sys-
tem, Prof. McClusky emphasized.
The teacher should take pains
to inform herself of the resources
of the community, he urged. She
should know its occupational pro-
cesses, interests, collections, hob-
bies, history, traditions, existing
organizations, resources of its
agencies with local chapters, un-
its with state and national lead-
ership andagencies located at
state and national levels available
to local agencies, he said.
In order to purify and maintain
the ideal of equality in American
life, it is important that the teach-
er be aware of the existence of
class levels and her relation to it,
Prof. McClusky stressed. "For
whether we like it or not, the stat-
us system is a fact and the teach-
er is herself a representative and
member of it."

8:00 P.M.
in Y
By Edward Mabley and Leonard Mins
Acclaimed on Broadway this season.
2:30 P.M.
Tickets $1.20-90c--60c (tax mcl.)
Box Office Phone 6300
Y <><><><><><><> @ <y m <yd

Varied recitals are planned by
students in the music school this
Frank W. Baird, cornetist, and
GracedHarriman Sexton, pianist,
assisted by Noah A. Knepper and
Mary Alice Duncan, will present
a recital at 8:30 p.m. today at
Rackham Assembly Hall.
The progra'm will include selec-
tions by Haydn, Barthe, Hinde-
muth, Chapius, Ibert, Emmanuel
and Barat.
* * *
Songs by Peri, Bononcini, Mon-
deverde, Scarlatti and Tschai-
kowsky will highlight a song re-
cital to be presented by Warren
Allen, baritone, accompanied by
William Wilkins, pianist, at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow at Rackham As-
sembly Hall.
The program will also include
selections by Richard Strauss, De-
bussy, Szulc, Massenet, Taylor,
Griffes, Carpenter, Paladilhe and
Weingartner. * * *
Anthony Desiderio, clarinetist,
will present a recital at 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday at Rackham Assembly
He will be accompanied by Mil-
dred Minneman Andrews, pianist,
and Mary Oyer, cellist.
The program will include a
Brahms sonata and selections by
Bach, Andre-Bloch, Albeniz and
The Summer Session String
Quartet, under the direction of
Oliver Edel. of the music school,
will present a concert at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday at the Rackham Educa-
tional Memorial in Detroit.
The quartet, composed of Ter-
esa Testa and Unto Erkkila, vio-
linists, Emil Raab, violist and
Mary Oyer, cellist, will present
compositions by Beethoven and
Samuel Barber.
All programs will be open to
the public.

Deems Third
Party Unlikely
In '48_Election
Political Organization
In U.S. Against It
(Continued from Page 1)
independent voters to consider the
major party as having a monopoly
of the opposition, Eldersveld said.
Traditionally, the independent
vote has swung to one or the other
of the major parties, but never to
a minor party, he added.
The popular vote is exaggerat-
ed under our electoral college sys-
tem, Eldersveld asserted. The win-
ning party invariably obtains a
higher percentage of seats in Con-
gress than the popular votes war-
rant and the electoral college vote
is even more disproportionate, he
said. Even if the minor party
draws a goodly number of the
popular vote it would not be re-
flected in material gain, such as
seats in Congress, he explained.
Section Strength
The strength of the major par-
ties are concentrated in certain
sections of the country, Elders-
veld said. The Democrats count
on 113 electoral college votes from
the solid south and have depended
on the vote in 10 of the 21 prim-
arily urban states for the neces-
sary majority. The Republican
power lies in the north-eastern
states and the rural areas of the
North and West. "There is little
hope for a third party to capture
enough votes to carry the state.
competing with the Democratic
machine. The probable result
would split the Democratic vote
and give the Republicans an easy
Henry Wallace, who is being
touted as the presidential nominee
for the third party, has indicated
that he is aware of these difficul-
ties, and has not been very out-
spoken for the proposal, Elders-
veld observed. Wallace places his
faith in realignment within 'the
Democratic party, consisting of
labor, the farmers and the small
business man. Based on the trend
of a growing political class con-
sciousness, and the fact; that lab-
or has no other place to go, Wal-
lace hopes to align these forces
to purge his part of, the same ele-
ment of southern Democrats
President Roosevelt endeavored to
unseat in 1938.
No Unity
"Unfortunately, neither labor
nor the middle class group are
united and they must first be ac-
tivated politically before the purge
can be attempted."
Either the organization of a
third party or a purge in the Dem-
ocratic party would split the vote
and toss the 1948 election in the
Republican laps, he said. "Rather
than have this happen, the Demo-
cratic part factions will resolve
their differences to present a uni-
ted stand in the 1948 elections."
Martin.. .
(Continued from Page 1)
formation and Education Division
of the War Department, appeared
before the House Armed Services
Committee last week. While one
committee member was urging the
General to tell the people just
how desperate the threat to world
peace really was, several others
were raising the merry devil be-
cause the War Department was
"using the taxpayers money for
purposes not anticipated by Con-
gress" in "propagandizing for
Universal Military Training."

While defending the War De-
partment's position from both at-
tacks, the general mentioned some
interesting facts:
It seems that while we have 12
constabulary divisions over there,
we have only one combat division
in all of Europe. We and the Bri-
tish each have one division in Tri-
este. Marshall Tito, nearby, has
The rest of our combat forces
include: four divisions in Japan,
two in Korea, another scattered
throughout the Pacific, and two
and one-third at home.
The man says that we should
have Universal Military Training


AFFECTIONATE MOTH E R.-A mother sea lion gives hernewborn pup a kiss in the
Philadelphia zoo, where three sea lions were born in a single day.


M O D E L - Ruth Brown.
New York model chosen "Miss
Photo Carnival of 1947," poses
for a crowd of-amateur photog-
raphers at a field day for shut




B U I L D I N C P R O 1 E C T - Women members of the Gardner Memorial Methodist Church
(above) of North Little Rock, Ark., meet weekly to clean brick for a new building to replace the
one destroyed by fire. The pastor, the Rev. Vernon Chalfant, is at the left.




P A L E S T I N E P A T R O L - Police cavalry usually assigned to mountain towns in Palestine
pass down King George Avenue, Jerusalem, during exercises,'

PORTRAIT - This new
portrait of Queen Mary of Eng-
land was made for her eightieth
birthday anniversary.


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