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July 31, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-31

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Latest Deadline in the State

4 bp


See Page 2



Java Aircraft
Dutch Claim
Crash of Mercy
Plane Answered
By The Associated Press
BATAVIA, Java, July 30-The
Netherlands Army, referring to
Indonesian charges that two Dutch
fighters had shot down a mercy
transport plane carrying medical
supplies to the republic, said today
that the identity of the aircraft
had not been clearly established.
It would be a cause of "great
regret" to the Netherlands East
Indies government, the Army de-
clared, if it should develop that
the plane was an unarmed trans-
port carrying medical supplies
from India.
This was the Dutch Account
of the crash:
After a Republican plane drop-
ped two bombs on Dutch-occu-.
.pied Semarang yesterday, Dutch
planes carried out reconnaissance
flights over Republican areas.
Over Jogjakarta a reconnais-
WASHINGTON, July 30-(J)-
The Netherlands' ambassador, Dr.
Eelco Van Kleffens, said today
the Indonesian issue is outside
the jurisdiction of the United Na-
sance flight observed a. twin-en-
gine aircraft. This plane, which
one of the fighter pilots said he
presumed at the time was a Betty
or Helen (Japanese) type bomber,
took evasive action coming down
to tree-top level from 5,000 feet.
Both fighter pilots said they fired
warning bursts but that these
shots could not have hit the larg-
er plane. The twin-engine air-
craft struck the trees and crashed
they said.
The Indonesian account:
The Indian-owned plane, a Da-
kota, had taken off from Singa-
pore with two tons of medicine.
As it approached the landing strip
the Dutch fighter planes attacked
with machineguns and the trans-
port crashed in flames. The Da-
kota carried the Indian markings
Dr. S. H. Algumied, Indonesian
Red Cross representative, told
newsmen in Singapore that the
plane was on a flight initiated by
the Indonesian Red Cross and that
the Dutch knew it was' flying to
Jogjakarta with two tons of medi-
cal supplies.
I4 ,,e
Initiate Plan
To Centralize
Campus Co-op
In a move toward centraliza-
tion of campus cooperative hous-
es, the Inter-Cooperative Council
yesterday adopted a plan to
equalize costs among .the mem-
Hailed as a milestone in the
k ICC's fifteen-year history, the new
plan marks the end of the experi-
mental stage in cooperative liv-
ing, according to Tarik Ataman,
council president.
Providing for eventual owner-
ship of four houses, the plan will
put cooperatives on a sound fin-
ancial footing, he said.
Inaugurated during the depres-
sion to provide low-cost housing
through centralized purchasing,
member ownership and elimina-

-tion of paid help, cooperatives
have continued to operate essen-
tially on the same basis since that
Also approved at the weekly
board of directors meeting were
final plans for sponsorship of the
film "Arrowsmith."
Claim Jewish
Hosta es Dead
TEL AVIV, Palestine, July 30--
0P-A voice claiming to be that
of a representative of Irgun Zvai
Leumi declared over the telephone
today that two British serveants,
held as hostages for three executed
Jewish underground members,
had been executed by hanging.
But Grenadier Guardsmen, Pel-
estine police and an Associated
Press representative who received
one of the purported Irgun mes-
sages searched the sand dunes
and citrus groves of the central

Former 'U' Journalist,
Dewey, Returns Today
New York Governor, Once 'Daily' Staff
Member,_Will Tour Campus With Family

A former "telegraph editor" of
The Daily will return to the cam-
pus today-but he isn't in the
newspaper game any more.
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and his
family will wind up a long western
tour today with a visit to the Uni-
versity.dDewey graduated in 1923.
Accompanying the New York
governor will be his wife, Fran-
ces Hutt Dewey, and his two sons,
Thomas E., Jr., 14, and John, 11.
* * *

. ..visits campus
* * *
Dewey ,shuns
Spurns Taft Debate
Challenge on Issues
FLINT, Mich., July 30-(P)-
Gov. Thomas E. Dewey spokeJ
tartly tonight of Senator Robert
A. Taft's assertion that Repub-
lican leaders should speak out on
national and international issues.
The New York chief executive
and possible candidate for the
Republican presidential nomina-
tion replied when informed of
Taft's statement:
"What am I supposed to say,
'Don't shoot till you see the whites
of their eyes?' I did a lot of talk-
ing in 1944 (when he was the
GOP presidential nominee) and
I was the only one who did. I
have no plans to speak outside
New York state, literally no
"I'm surprised," Dewey said in
a sardonic tone when informed
that Senator John W. Bricker to-
day had declared his support of
his Ohio colleague for the Repub-
lican presidential nomination.
Since the first of the year, Dew-
ey has touched occasionally on
foreign affairs, such as his en-
dorsement last March of United
States aid to Greece, and although
he has remained publicly mum
on political questions during his
"vacation" tour, in private talks
with Republican groups he has
given his views on some national
Russian Film
To Be Shown
"Ivan the Terrible," Soviet film
biography of the notorious czar
who unified Russia, will be pre-
sented by the Art Cinema League
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Sat-
urday at Hill Auditorium.
The picture features music by
the noted Russian composer Ser-
gei Prokofieff and will star Nik-
olai Cherkassov as Czar Ivan and
Ludmilla Tselikovskaya as his
Seraphima Birman, Piotr Ko-
dochnikov, Nikolai Nazvanov,
Alexander Abrikosov, Vsevolod
Pudovkin, Mikhail Zharov, Alexi
Buchma and Mikhail Kuznetzov
will also be seen in the film.

Also travelling with Dewey are
Paul Lockwood, his secretary,
James Hagerty, press secretary,
and about a dozen newspapermen
frome East and Michigan.,
Scheduled to arrive here about
noon today, Dewey and his family
will be guests of President Alex-
Iander G. Ruthven at a private
luncheon The party will arrive
from Owosso where Dewey has
been spending several days with
his mother.
Visiting and local newsmen will
be guests of the University's News
and Information Service at a
luncheon in the Union.
No Formal Plans
No formal plans have been
made for Dewey's visit, since the
main purpose is to show his two
sons his "alma mater." Both
young Tom and John are attend-
ing a private academy in Albany.
Tom will enter his sophomore year
in the fall. Other newspaper re-
ports indicate that Dewey would
like to "sell" his sons on the Uni-
Governor Dewey talked to Daily
reporters Tuesday in Owosso. He
wants his sons to see at least one
dormitory and one fraternity
house here but he doesn't have
any preference. "My old fratern-
ity-the Sinfonia Society-doesn't
have a house," he pointed ou.
Sinfonia is a music school frat-
Tour of Campus
Dewey will probably visit the
West Quadrangle and the Stud-
ent Publications Building. He will
also be guided on a general tour
of the campus.
The visit to the University will
end what has been widely re-
garded in political circles as a
backstage bid to clinch the 1948
Republican nomination for Presi-
dent. Officially, it has been just a
"vacation." Most observers agree
that it has been a pleasant com-
bination of both for the Dewey
Probably few of Dewey's Mich-
igan classmates would have pre
dicted the rapid rise to promin-
ence of the leading contender for
the Republican Presidential nom-
ination. For Dewey-once known
See DEWEY, Page 4
World News
By The Associate Press
BERLIN, July 30-American
officials said today Czechoslovak-
ia, which declined to join in the
Marshall proposal to aid Europe,
had signed a trade agreement
with the British and American
occupation zones of Germany.
The American negotiators hail-
ed the pact as the first success in
a campaign for expanded trade
between Western Germany and
East European countries which
remained outside the Marshall
proposal negotiations.
DETROIT, July 30-Mayor
Edward J. Jeffries, recovering
from a slight heart attack in a
local hospital, today became a
candidate for a fifth term.
Nominating papers were filed
by Counci President George
Edwards, who removed himself
as a potential candidate for the
* * *
July 30-World War II veteran
Charles Potter of Cheboygan, who
lost both legs in the Normandy
invasion, today won the Republi-
can nomination for Congress in
the traditionally GOP 11th Mich-
igan district.
* * *

DETROIT, July 30-The Ford
Motor Co. said today that it faced
a possible production cutback to
two work days a week as a result
of a supplier firm strike that has
already idled nearly 35,000 em-
ployes in its own and other

Possible Test
Of Labor Act
Before Court
Local Firm Says
U.S. Law Broken
A test of the Taft-Hartley La-
bor Relatioas tct may develop at
11 a. m. today in Washtenaw
County Circuit Ccurt when Judge
James R. Breakey, Jr., will de-
cide whether to gr ant an injunc-
tion requested L an Ann Arbor
construction company against
trades union representatives.
Fred Anderson, business aget
for AFL Carpenters' Local No. 512,
and the Washtenaw County Build
ing and Construction Trades
Council, have been named de-
fendants by Circuit Judge James
R. Breakey, Jr., after a bill of
complaint by R. Duncan Hole,
who asserted that union activit-
ies constituted a violation of the
laws of the "State of Michigan
and the United States of Ameri-
The trouble started, accord-
ing to the complaint, when the
construction company was un-
able to hire a complete union
crew. The company refused to
delay construction until a un-
ion crew could be hired, it was
Anderson said he does not be-
lieve that he has violated federal
laws, or any laws. He said that it
is his understanding that con-
struction trades do not come un-
der the Taft-Hartley Act.
According to the bill, the pick-
et line in "Arbor Terrace" sub-
division in Ann Arbor has ob-
structed the erection of 18 houses.
The plaintiffs claim that substan-
tial damage to their business has
resulted because subcontractors
and their representatives have
refused to cross the picket line.
They are asking $10,000 damages,
and the immediate granting of an
The plaintiffs also claim that
Anderson and union represen-
tatives have attempted to inti-
midate construction workers,
ordering them to stop work.
When most employees refused,
including union members, An-
derson threatened to "put
(them) out of business," ac-
cording to the Holes.
The picket line was established
July 25. At the time, the com-
plaint reads, there was "no strike
in progress," no agent authorized
to represent employes of the
plaintiff, no labor dispute, and
no grievance upon the part of
the employes of the plaintiff."
Questioned about the complaint,
Anderson denied threats or in-
timidation upon his part, or by
union representatives.
"The whole matter could have
been sttled in 15 minutes," he
said. "The company has been
badly advised."
Insisting that there has been a
misunderstanding, Anderson said
that he was carrying out union
rules in his negotiations with the
"We don't want a mixed group
of workers," he said. "It doesn't
make any difference to us whe-
ther an employee is union or non-
union, just so long as he isn't
B-29's To Fly

ver Michigan
WASHINGTON, July 30-(A')-
A fleet of 100 B-29 Superfotress-
es, accompanied by fighter planes,
will fly over six Michigan cities
Friday as part of the Army Air
Force observance of its 40th an-
The huge craft are scheduled to
appear first over Muskegon, at
12:52 p.m. (EST). They will then
go to Grand Rapids, arriving
there at 1:01; Lansing at 1:19,
Flint at 1:32, Selfridge Field, 1:58
and at Detroit at 2:03.
If the weather is good the low-
est echelon of the bombers, fly-
ing in three 'stacks" in the sky
at 100 foot intervals, will pass
over at about 2,000 feet.

Expects, Hopes
Colleague Will
Be Nommated
Ohioan Steals March
On Party Statement
By The Associated Press
COLUMBUS, O., July 30-A
presidential boom for Republican
Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio
got under way today when Sena-
tor John W. Bricker gave an un-
conditional endorsement of his
senior colleague for the GOP
presidential nomination in 1948.
Taft would not comment im-
Day Ahead
The campaign for Taft, chair-
man of the Senate's Republican
policy committee and co-author
of the Taft-Hartley labor rela-
tions act, was launched a day
ahead of schedule.
The State Republican Commit-
tee had been expected to fire the
first signal at a noon meeting to-
morrow with a unanimous en-
dorsement, followed by a big Ohio
"recognition dinner" tomorrow
night to hear Taft speak on the
accoW.plishmens of the Congress
session just closed.
Steals a March
But Bricker stole a march on
the Party organization. He called
reporters into his law office suite
today and got off his chest what
he said he had been thinking for
seven months.
"I have urged the state com-
mittee to put on a united cam-
paign for Taft for the Ohio dele-
gation to the next convention,
which I am sure they are anxious
to do," said Bricker, the GOP vice-
presidential nominee in 1944.
"Is this an unqualified en-
dorsement?" he was asked.
"Oh sure," he replied, adding
he expects-and "certainly hopes"
-Taft will be nominated. Taft
last ran for the nomination in
1940 and was a strong second to
Thomas E. Dewey until both were
overtaken by the late Wendell L.
Willkie who won the sixth ballot.
"Does this completely remove
you from the picture in 1948?"
Bricker was asked.
"It doesn't remove me because
I've never been in," he replied.
"I've never had any idea of being
a candidate."
Truman Signs
Five Bills for
WASHINGTON July 30-()-
Five of the appropriation bills
passed by Congress to run the
government were signed today by
President Truman.
Totaling nearly $16,000,000,000,
they are to finance a variety of
federal actfvities at home and
abroad for the 12 months which
began July 1.
Confronted by a stack of legis-
lation passed last week by Con-
gress in its adjournment rush, Mr.
Truman lost no time going to
work on it immediately after his
return yesterday from Kansas
City and the funeral of his moth-
Appropriations bills signed to-
day include in part:
War Department - $5,482,529,-

Independent offices - $8,188,-
822,927 of which $6,964,457,080
goes to the Veterans Administra-
Agriculture Department-$613,-
Government corporations-$35,-
400,000. These include the Na-
tional Housing Agency, Tennessee
Valley Authority and others.


FDR Ordered Hughes Contract
Extended, Jesse Jones States;

Ta ft

Overrode Plan
For Cancelling
Flying Boat'

Texan Tells
Of Cabinetl


... Moscow Correspondent . . . 'Richard Harding Davis'
* * * * * *
Pulitzer Prize Winners Will
.Debate on Russian Question

Walter Duranty and H. R.
Knickerbocker, Pulitzer Prize win-
ners in journalism, will be the
first speakers from the fields of
government exploration, litera-
ture and drama in the 1947-8 Or-
atorical Association annual lecture
series at Hill Auditorium.
Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd,
Jane Cowl, Julien Bryan, John
Mason Brown and the Hon. Ar-
thur Bliss Lane will be the other
noted speakers included in the
Debate on Russia
Duranty and Knickerbocker,
will open the series Oct. 23 with
a debate on the subject "Can Rus-
sia BehPart of One World?" Dur-
anty has spent twenty years in
the Soviet Union as a foreigncor-
respondent and is the author of
numerous books on the question,
including "USSR," "The Kremlin
and the People" and "Duranty Re-
ports Russia." Knickerbocker,
whom Alexander Woolcott called
"The Richard Harding Davis of
our times," has had 25 years of
experience in reporting world-
shaking events in all parts of the
Jacquest Cartier, America's "one
man theatre," will present his new
piece, "Theatre Cavalcade," on
Nov. 26. It traces acting from the
days of Euripedes through Shake-
speare, Moiiere and the Moscow
Art Theatre, and to the stage and
screen stars of today.
To Describe Explorations
Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd,
explorer and pioneer in the world
of adventure will describe his long
career as an explorer and aviator
on Nov. 23.
A trip to the North Pole and
scientific expeditions are among
his accomplishments. In his pre-
vious appearances in Ann Arbor,
Admiral Byrd has been greeted by
large and enthusiastic audiences.
Miss Jane Cowl, star of the
American stage, will present a lec-
ture-recital of the modern thea-
tre Nov. 25. Her performance
will be highlighted with dramatic
sketches from her many plays.
Miss Cowl'scharacterizations in-
clude vividly-remembered per-
formances in such plays as "With-
in the Law," "Common Clay,"
"Easy Virtue," "Twelfth Night"
and "Old Acquaintance."
Bryan Holds Record
Julien Bryan, leading creator of
documentary films in history, will
speak Jan. 13. In 1941, he ap-
peared in Hill Auditorium for
three successive nights and was
greeted by capacity houses-a rec-
ord held by no other speaker. Bry-
an returns this year with a new
full length color film of Russia
called "Russia Revisited."
John Mason Brown, associate
editor of the Saturday Review of


Literature, will speak on "Broad-
way in Review" Jan. 22.
The concluding lecture will be
presented Feb. 10 when the Hon.
Arthur Bliss Lane, former ambass-
ador to Poland, will speak. Lane
has served as Chief of the Division
of Mexican Affairs in the state
department, minister to Nicaragua
and, Coasta Rica and as ambass-
ador to Columbia. He will speak
on the subject "Our Foreign
Policy-Right or Wrong?"
The Oratorical Association will
maintain the same price policy as
in former yearg. Mail orders will
be accepted at 3211 Angell Hall
and tickets will be mailed Sept.
Dance to Move
Indoors if Rain
Forces Change
The Moonlight Dance, to be
given from 0 p.m. to 12 midnight
tomorrow, will be moved from the
parking lot between the Natural
Science and Chemistry buildings
to the League Ballroom in case )z
rain, Carla Mullendore, Casbah
chairman, said today.
Precautions in planning to use
the ballroom have been taken hi
spite of the prediction of the al-
manac and the weatherman of
fair weather and a full moon.
Natural air -cooling has been
provided for, by means of the open
space planned by the committee to
accommodate the dancers. The
committee consists of represen-
tatives of the League, Union, Stu-
dent Legislature, Inter-racial As-
sociation, and the American Vet-
erans Committee, which organi-
zations are sponsoring the event,.
The dance will feature Al Chase
and his band, with special outdoor
arrangements, to coincide with
the atmosphere of the entire
affair. A coke bar is to be pro-
vided also, Miss Mullendore
Advice to all students who at-
tend the free event to "prewax
your shoes," has been tendered by
Phil Licht, of the American Vet-
erans' Committee.
Chorus Recital
Will Be Given
"Lacrymosa" from Mozart's "Re-
quium" will be featured in the
annual concert of the University
Summer Chorus to be presented
at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Audi-
The chorus, directed by Miss
Mary Muldowney, will also pre-
sent "Hear My Supplication" by
Elizabeth Green, violinist, and
Celia Chao and Elizabeth Pow-
ell, pianists, will accompany the

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 30-Jesse
H. Jones told senators today that
the late President Roosevelt over-
rode cancellation of a $0,000,000
flying boat project assigned to
Howard Hughes and ordered con-
struction continued.
Jones, former Secretary of Com-
merce and onetime head of the
Reconstruction Finance Corpora-
tion, appeared before the Senate
War Investigating committee. He
testified that Mr. Roosevelt de-
decided in 1944 that the "experi-
ence to be gained" from complet-
ing one 200-ton cargo plane-
which has yet to take to the air-
would be too great to throw away.
Jones said the contract was
cancelled by RFC early in 1944,
and that at a cabinet meeting
in February of that year, Mr.
Roosevelt ordered it renewed.
At that time the flying boat al-
ready had cost the government
about $13,500,000 the big Texan
testified. Jones said he signed the
original contract not knowing it
was opposed by the Army and
Navy but because he was directed
to by the War Production Board.
Jones testimony came after:
1, Hughes, in Hollywood, issued
a statement demanding that Sen-
ator Brewster (R-Me) chairman
of the committee, "give the pub-
lic the facts concerning his abort-
ive attempt to intimidate and co-
erce me by offering to call off
this investigation if I would agree
to merge Trans World Airline with
Juan Trippe's Pan 'American Air,
2. Senator Brewster replied by
saying anyone interested in this
should read "chapter 6 in the
Book of Nehemiah," that he had
nothing further to say. This Bi-
ble chapter contains a verse say-
ing.. "There are no such things
as thou sayest but thou feign-
est them out of thine own hand."
3. Glenn L. Martin, Baltimore
plane manufacturer, testifed that
shipbuilder Henry J. Kaiser pro-
posed to him in July 1942 the
formation of a six-company com-
bine to manufacture 500 flying
boats for the government, Martin
said that Kaiser agreed this would
not fit the approved Army-Navy.
program, but claimed he could get
an O.K. by going to "high places"
and that he alone could get the
Senator Ferguson (R-Mich.),
chairman of a subcommittee con-
ducting the investigation, an-
nounced that he had instructed
Hughes to be ready to testify eith-
* *' *
Hughes 'Orders
Myer Home
Riviera Vacation Is
Interrupted by Cable
PARIS, July 30- () -John
I Meyer, publicity man for Howard
Hughes' film and aircraft enter-
prises, said tonight he had been
ordered by the California million-
aire to return to the United States
and hoped to fly from Paris to-
Meyer did not state whether
Hughes' cabled order was in con-
nection with the Senate War In-
vestigating Subcommittee's cur-
rent hearing in Washington on
plane contracts let to Hughes
during the war.
"I know nothing at all about
what's going on in Washington,"
Meyer said. "I left the States a
week ago and nobody told me any-
thing about what was coming.
If I'd known, I wouldn't have
wasted the money coming to Eur-
Meyer had been reported "miss-
ing" by investigating committees.

Labor Will Seek Its Own Health Insurance -- Rep. Dingell

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