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July 27, 1946 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-27

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* i Y



See PAGE 4



All-Civilian Atom
Board Approved
Congress Votes to Eliminate Military
At Top Level in Vital Control Agency

Faculty Gains' 15



Board of Regents Accepts $49,000

WASHINGTON, July 26- (AP) -
Congress finally sent a bill for all-
civilian domestic control of atomic
energy to President Truman today
and the White House said it was "one
hundred per cent in line" with the
President's views.
Charles G. Ross, White House press
High Command
Inspects Atom
Bom> Damage
Jap Battleship 'Nagato'
On Verge of Sinking
Aboard U.S.S. Appalachian, Bikini,
July 26-(P)-The high command of
the atomic bomb test took a quick,
perilous ride through the target fleet
today and found that the Japanese
battleship Nagato might soon be
added to the toll of major warships
sunk by Thursday's underwater ex-
Vice Adm. W. H. P. Blandy, com--
mander of the joint crossroads task
force, toured the fleet in a gunboat
with top members of his staff and
a small group of correspondents. He
found these results apparent:
No trace whatever of the battleship
Arkansas and an oil tender, both
of which were sunk almost instant-
Oil and air bubbling up from the
grave of the aircraft carrier Saratoga,
which sank seven and one-half hours
after the blast;
An increasing list to the 32,720-ton
Nagato, which was tilted only two de-
grees yesterday but had increased to
eight by noon today, and was at a
much sharper angle by sundown;
Transport Fallon, 15-degree list;
one. tank-landing craft, previously
reported sunk, found floating bottom
up, another found adrift;
Destroyer Hughes, beached to pre-
vent sinking,
No survey of submerged submar-
ines, five of which were previously
reported on the Lottom but about
which Blandy later expressed some
OPA Officials
Busy; Sen. Taft
Predicts Rise
WASHINGTON, July 26-()-Re-
born OPA today poured out price or-
ders in large batches, raising or re-
moving ceilings on thousands of items
and making its first day of new life
the busiest of its turbulent career.
A prediction that food price rises
which have occurred in the 25 OPA-
less days are likely to become perma-
nent was voiced by Sen. Taft (Rep.,
Ohio). He termed the new bill "far
more inflationary" than the one Mr.
Truman vetoed on June 29. t
"The net result of the President's
action has been to bring about the
very inflation he pretends to abhor,"
said the Republican author of one of
the original OPA amendments to
which Mr. Truman objected.
Taft also demanded an immediate
announcement that beef and grain
ceilings will not be restored. These,
along with dairy products, cotton-
seed and soy beans, are to go back
under control Aug. 21 unless the de-
control board rules otherwise.
Other Senators cr acked back
sharply at the President's warningj
last night that the bill may prove in-
adequate and that he may later call
Congress into session to write sterner
price rules and boost taxes to com-
bat inflation.
Congress Approves
Own Pay Increase

WASHINGTON, July 26-(IP)-- A
raise in pay for the nation's law-s
makers and sweeping changes in their
methods of working became virtual-;
ly assured tonight as a congressional
reorganization bill was sent to Presi-i
dent Truman.4
The bill, on which the Senate com-
pleted congressional action this after-,
noon, would raise pay of Senators and1
House members from $10,000 a year1
to $12,500, plus a $2,500 tax-free ex-
pense allowance.7
The Senate had originally voted for
a traniaht $5.000 salary increase. hut

secretary, reported the chief execu-
tive "is naturally highly gratified"
and will sign the measure promptly
when it actually reaches his desk.
Ross called reporters' attention to
a letter Mr. Truman sent Feb. 1 to
Chairman McMahon (Dem., Conn.)
of the Senate special Atomic Com-
mittee, outlining principles on which
he believed domestic development and
control of the new power should be
The main item in that list was a
control commission "composed ex-
clusively of civilians" but without
bars against former military per-
sonnel. Such a commission is pro-
vided in the bill as passed. The House
put its fnal stamp of approval on it
today after a fight in which critics
cried in vain that it represented "ap-
peasement" of "potential aggressors."
The Senate ratified it a short time
The "appeasement" cry was raised
in protest against the all-civilian
character of the board. The House
had voted for at least one military
member, and not more than two.
It set up a five-member Civilian
Control Commision; gives the gov-
ernment, through the commission, a
virtual monopoly on investigations
and patents in the field of atomic en-
ergy; provides the death penalty for
major violations of security with in-
tent to injure the United States, and
directs that a member of the armed
forces head the division of military
application under the commission.
The vote that approved the com-
promise was far from unanimous,
but no one demanded a roll-call.
* * *
Russia Clings To
Atomic Outlaw Plan
NEW YORK, July 26-(-P)-Russia
today reiterated its demand that the
production and use of atomic weapons
should be outlawed almost immedi-
ately by an international convention-
as a first step toward setting up world
control of atomic energy.
Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet dele-
gate to the United Nations Atomic
Energy Commission, told a committee
of the group in explaining his plan
that "one of the first steps toward
realization of control over atomic
energy is ,the prohibition of the pro-
duction of atomic weapons."
This viewpoint clashed with the
Baruch plan which calls for such out-
lawing only after adequate safe-
guards have been set up.
"We ask why nations should pro-
duce stockpiles of atomic weapons
if we all agree that atomic energy
should be used only for the bene-
fit of mankind," Gromyko said.
The Soviet delegate said he could
see no serious obstacles to his sugges-
tion "for the destruction within three
months after its conclusion (theein-
ternational convention) of all stock-
piles of atomic weapons and of un-
finished atomic weapons." r

Austria Rebuffs
Soviet Claims
On Industries >
r~ t
To Seek UN Backing h.
Of Parliament Vote

Largest -Grant
Will Promote
Cancer Study
Professor Emeritus
Titles Given to Four

VIENNA, July 26-(P)-Parliament
defied a Russian warning today by
voting to include some Soviet-claim-
ed industries in an Austrian nation-
alization program, and decided to
seek United Nations aid to uphold
the Potsdam-promised integrity of
Austria as a nation.
The parliament unanimously ap-
proved nationalization of 81 key in-
dustries, including some claimed by
Russia as German reparations. A
Russian note had warned the gov-
ernment against interfering with
these, among them the Zistersdorf
oil fields in Soviet-occupied territory.
It also voted to ask the UN for
permission to send a delegation to
its next meeting to put the country's
case before that body.
At stake, Austrian sources said, was
whether the Russians will leave
enough of eastern Austria to make
a nation, and whether the drain of
steadily increasing ,claims will en-
able her ever to achieve industrial
recovery or actual independence, as
promised at Potsdam.
The parliament vote repudiating
the Soviet claims came three hours
after Chancellor Leopold Figl had
read a Russian note which declared:
/The German properties in eastern
Austria are at the disposal of the
Soviet military command, and any
infraction of its (the command's)
orders and regulations in connection
with these properties will be prose-
cuted vigorously by the same."
The Russians had claimed 13 in-
dustries in that area, including the
great Zistersdorf oil fields, the Dan-
ube Shipping Company, and banking,
mining and manufacturing compan-
Senators Introduce
Anti-Monopoly .Bill
WASHINGTON, July 26 - (R) -
Eight senators introduced today a
sweeping anti-monopoly bill which
would require annual presidential re-
ports to Congress on progress of a
"consistent and coordinated" anti-
trust program.
Senator Morse (Rep.-Ore.), one of
the authors, said the bill would out-
law cartels, eliminate discriminatory
frieght rates, ban use of patents for
monopolistic purposes, provide credits
for small business, expand Federal
Trade Commission anti-trust pro -
ceedings, increase funds for the Jus-
tice Department's anti-trust division
and generally coordinate anti-monop-
oly actions.

DECORATED--Gen. Alexander Papagos (right) of Greece congratulates U.S. admirals Ernest J. King (left)
and Chester W. Nimitz after they received a high Greek award.

Prof. Reve l To Conduct Band in
Annual Summer Concert Tuesday

The University Summer Session
Band, under the direction of William
D. Revelli, will present its annual
summer concert at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday
in Hill Auditorium.
110 musicians from 22 states, in-
cluding many veterans and band di-
rectors who are studying here, com-
prise the personnel of this year's
band for its only incoor summer
The program will include sym-
phonic, operatic and modeftl
works. Included are Alford's "March
Dunedin,' Bach's "Jesu Joy of
Man's Desiring," Gagnier's Over-
ture to La Dame De Coeur," Tan-
eiev's "Entr'acte from Orestes,"
Curzon's Spanish l arch Bravada,
Darcy's "March of the Free Pea-
ples," and the first movement from
Borodin's Second Symphony.
Modern works will also include the
premier band performance of the
"Symphonie Moderne," by Max
Steiner, who wrote the music for
"Gone with the Wind." "Newsreel,"
by William Schuman, president of
the Julliard School of Music, and
"Tropical," by Morton Gould.
The percussion section of the
band will be featured in "Per-
cussion Melee," by Ganz. Soloist
of the program is Kenneth Snapp,
cornetist, who will present "Stars
Delay Foreseen
In Washtenaw
Gambling Case
Efforts of Washtenaw County's one-
man grand jury investigating an al-
leged million-dollar gambling racket
to secure the extradition of Wilson C.
Haight, 38, local cigar store owner,
on gambling conspiracy charges, are
apparently due for further delay.
In Toledo, o., yesterday, Judge
Thomas J. O'Connor of common pleas
court, denied a writ of habeas cor-
pus to Haight, but the alleged gamb-
ler's attorney immediately announced
that they will appeal the decision to
the Ohio Court of Appeals. If neces-
sary, they said, the case will go to
the Ohio state supreme court.
Special Prosecutor William C.
Brusstar, who appeared in the Toledo
court in an effort to return Haight to
Ann Arbor, had previously announced
that the United Cigar Store, 118 E.
Huron, of which Haight is part-
owner, did a $250,000 annual business
in horse-race booking.
Haight's partner, Vernon Maul-
betsch, 32, was arrested and later
released on $2,500 bond following ar-
raignment on charges of conspiracy
to operate a gambling establishment.
Both men are expected to figure
prominently in hearings for Police
Chief Sherman Mortenson and Lieut.
Eugene C. Gehringer, who were sus-
pended last month following allega-
tions that they protected gamblers
and accepted graft.
S __1 1 n_ 1 11 1 -

in the Velvety Sky," by Clarke.
Snapp, a graduate student in the
School of Music, will assume duties
as Director of Instrumental Mu-
sic in Clayton, Mo., in September.
Prof. Revelli, who will conduct the
band, has been director of Univer-
sity bands since 1935. He is recog-
nized as an outstanding figure in the
concert band world and makes many
appearances each year in all parts
of the country as guest conductor
and judge of band gatherings. He
serves as an editor of the Etude Mu-
sic Magazine, and is president of the
National University and College Band
Conductors Association.
Byrnes Leaves
To Attend Paris
Peace Parley
WASHINGTON, July 26-(A) -
Secretary of State Byrnes is sched-
uled to take off for the Paris Peace
Conference about noon tomorrow.
In, response to a suggestion that
the capital stage a demonstration as
Byrnes departs on the historic mis-
sion, President Truman will lead a
parade to the airport.
Byrnes said that one of his first
actions in Paris will be to confer with
the American members of the Joint
Committee on Palestine and make
final decisions about American policy
on, the partition plan.
The Peace Conference is slated to
review Big Four proposals for treat-
ies for Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria,
Italy and Finland.

Garsson Hits'
Smear," Denies
HAVANA, Cuba, July 26 - (P) --
Murray Garsson, munitions maker
whose wartime earnings are under
scrutiny of a U.S. Senate investigat-
ing committee, declared in. an inter-
view today that "this is a smear cam-
paign" and "my company made no
"If I were a Jesse James and a
Robin Hood in one, I.would still de-
serve praise for the accomplishments
of my firm in the war effort," dpclar-
ed the 56-year-old industrialist as he
lay in bed in his Hotel Nacional
suite beside a night table covered
with medicines. He said the medi-
cines were for a heart ailment.
Anxious To Recover
Garsson declared he was anxious
to recover so he could return to the
United States to defend himself. He
will appear before the Senate com-
mittee, he said, as soon as his doc-
tors and his attorney, Wayne John-
>on, approve.
"All talk of war profiteering is
ridiculous; my company made no
millions, as is charged; our profit
was less than six per cent of the in-
vested capital," Garsson declared, re-
ferring to the Erie Basin Metal Pro-
ducts Company in which he said he
had an interest of one third.
No 'Paper Empire'
The Batavia Metal Products Com-
pany, also involved in the Senate in-
vestigation, made no profit at all, he
"This is a smear campaign, which
is not proving anything in connection
with the war effort and again I re-
peat that there was no profiteering
nor any 'paper empire'," Garsson'de-

Fifteen appointments to the Uni-
versity faculty and acceptance of
$49,090 in gifts was made at the
meeting of the Board of Regents yes-
The title of professor emeritus was
conferred upon four retiring members
of the faculty, three of whom are
from the School of Engineering. They
are: Prof. Lewis M. Gram of the
civil engineering department, Prof.
John S. Worley, curator of the Trans-
portation Library and professor of
transportation engineering, Prof. Fe-
lix 'W. Pawlowski of the aeronautical
engineering department and Prof.
Carl Rusfus of the astronomy depart-
Cancer Society Donors
Largest of the gifts accepted was
a grant of $10,000 from the American
Cancer Society, New York City, for
research in the use of isotopes in me-
tabolic studies and also of selective
absorption and biological effects of
radioactive materials. These studies
are to be made by Dr. Fred J. Hodges.
Among the other gifts accepted
were $3,900 from student organiza-
tions as the result of Tag Day for the
Fresh Air Camp and contributions
amounting to $175 from members of
the Varsity "M" Club for its schol-
arship fund.
Rogers Appointed
Included in the 15 appointments
to the faculty was that 6. Dr. J.
Speed Rogers as director of the u-
seum of Zoology and as a professor
of zoology. Dr. Rogers has been on
the faculty of the University of Flori-
da since 1910 and since 1922 has
been professor and head of the De-
partment of Biology.
Other appointments were made in
the Department of PIne Arts, the fle-
partment of Mathematics, the De-
partment of Romance Languages
and the Department of Biology, as
well as in the School. of Music, the.
School of Public Health and the
School of Engineering.
Other action by the Board of Re-
gents included:
Approval of the change in name
of the Department of Fine Arts in
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts to the Department of Art,
and approval of $42,000 4n supple-
ents and extensions of research con-
tracts and $6,000 in purchase orders
for the Department of Engineering
Jackson Asks
Death for 2
Nazi Leaders
NUERNBERG, July 26-(A)-U.S.
Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson de-
manded today the conviction of 22
top Nazis as ruthless conspirators to
wage aggressive war, and charged
they were just as guilty as Hitler b
cause they "put a loaded gun in his
eager bands."
The British prosecutor, following
Jackson in a summation to the In-
ternational Military Tribunal, de-
manded that the Nazi leaders be
put to death as "common murderers."
Jackson opened the prosecution's
summation for the Allied Nations
against Hermann Goering and his
21 co-defendants after eight mionths
of trial.
He assailed their defentse pleas as
"Nazi double talk" and dedlared:
"If you were to say of these men
that they are not guilty, it would be
as true to say there had been no war,
there are no slain, there has been no
The chief British prosecutor, Sir
Hartley W. Shawcross, asserted the
prisoners were guilty of "12,000,000
murders"-a band of men who par-
ticipated in and directed "the cold,
calculated, deliberate attempt to des-
troy nations and races ... through
murder conducted like some mass

production industry in the gas cham-
bers and ovens" of horror camps.
Letting his eyes rove over the hier-
archy of the Nazi regime that Hitler
boasted would last a thousand years.

Panel Discusses Three Goals
For Educational Development

Peacemaking 'More Practical'
But Less Liberal' Than 1919

What is the most important task of
education in the next few years?
Three leaders in education proposed
three different answers to this ques-
tion during a panel discussion on
"Probable Developments in Educa-
tion" in the closing session of the
University of Michigan Summer Ed-
ucation Conference at University
High auditorium yesterday morning.
The following views were presented.
Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, state super-
intendent of schools:
"We must give the student the tools
to make his way. Most important of
all are the fundamentals. Then he
can develop in society."
Prof. Howard McClusky, of the
School of Education:
"Prevent World War III. You may
not know it, but important men in
our military machine are getting
ready to face another war in five
years. We must somehow use educa-
tion to prevent this war, or next best,
to prepare for it."
Prof. George C. Kyte, School of
Education, University of California:
"Education's big task is the de-
velonment of the nersonality of the

the United Nations subsidiary as
"the implement organization through
which the ideals of the organization
can be practically accomplished."
Early in the discussion, Dr. Elliott
outlined plans for reorganization of
the state's system of secondary edu-
cation. He reported that a move to
consolidate outlying districts has pro-
gressed slowly, but that with present
impetus, the state's 5,800 school dis-
tricts should be cut down to 500 in
another ten years.
"What we need is a union of small
districts so that we will have from
600 to 700 students in every high
school," he said. "Then we can give
the people the kind of education they
Such a plan will aid youth service
agencies throughout the state, Prof.
McCluskey said. He predicted that
strong local units will soon develop
13th and 14th years of education, a
vitally-needed program in Michigan.
Prof. Kyte. described the junior
college network in California, na-
tional leader in this field.
"We offer anything the people
want. regardless of age. and thus ex-


The peace settlements agreed on
after this war have tended to be
"more practical," but "less idealistic
and liberal" than after World War I,
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the his-
tory department, declared yesterday.
Contrasting the situation with 1919,
he pointed out that there had been
one big peace conference where every-
thing was settled even though separ-
ate treaties were signed. On the
other hand, the Paris Peace Confer-
ence which begins tomorrow is one
in a string of about 20 discussions
that began with the Atlantic Charter.
"Today we are making peace piece-
meal," Prof. Slosson jokingly added.
He pointed out that reparations are
being settled "more crudely" now
than in 1919, but "more successful-
ly." Last time complicated arrange-
ments were made for payments in
cash to be extracted from Germany
over a long period of time. Today
matters are being handled much more
practically, Prof. Slosson explained.
"Russia has merely marched in and

and the fact that the United States
is a member of the United Nations
organization are encouraging signs.
"Making peace today without the
participation of the United States
would be like putting on a production
of 'Hamlet' without the Prince of
Denmark," Prof. Slosson pointed out.
In addition, he stated, the UN
Charter is of a more practical and
workable nature than the League
Covenant. It is less idealistic andl
recognizes the existence of force in
the world and provides for its use.
However, Prof. Slosson emphasized,
present peace settlements are not im-
provements from the standpoint of
mapmaking. In 1919, the boundariesj
that were established and existed
from 1920 to 1938 followed the prin-
ciple of national self-determination
as closely as was possible.
Today we are moving people to
suit boundaries rather than heeding
the protests of those involved, he
indicated. "An example of this is the
juggling of boundaries involving Ger-
many and Poland and. on the other

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