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July 26, 1946 - Image 2

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Fifty-Sixth Year



The Desperate Race

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim
City News............................Clyde Recht
University........................... Natalie Bagrow
Sports ................................... Jack Martin
Women's ................................ Lynne Ford
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Business Manager .............. . Janet Cork
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The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
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420 MADISON Avil "' lEW YORK. N.Y.
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H ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


TODAY THE most conventional heretic in the.
world celebrates his ninetieth birthday an-
George Bernard Shaw, sometimes called "the
last of the optimists," now has only 210 years
to go to reach full adult maturity, according to
his own caluculations.
The Irish-born dramatist gave his views on
longevity in an interview this week with Hayden
Church of the Saturday Review of Literature.
As usual, he came through with the sort of
characteristic statements which have made him
so well-known and so well-beloved all over the
A lifetime of three centuries is essential for
"political maturity," he said, adding that "mor-
tality should be confined to murder, suicide and
fatal accidents."
There are few who will deny that the world
would not benefit by 210 more years of George
Bernard Shaw. One could be sure that he would
continue on the path he has followed all his life,
never losing faith, ever striving to instill in the
mind of his readers his ideas on life and human-
He has used every trick to accomplish his
purpose, as S. Winsten, editor of the Shaw Anni-
versary Volume noted last week, pointing out
that Shaw "has irritated and soothed, has whip-
ped and tickled, has laughed at us anid with us,
and is still hopeful, looking far ahead and know-
ing, that he is right."
GBS, as he is commonly known, has said some
things which will remain as sharply true and.
applicable in the far future as they were when
he first uttered them. Or, if his opinions do not
coincide with our own, we can nevertheless laugh
at them and enjoy them for what they are, the
personal opinions of an irascible, irrepressible
and truly great writer.
How characteristic and unforgettable are h's.
remarks about America! He said, "I myself have
been particularly careful never to say a civil
word to the United States. I have scoffed at
their inhabitants as a nation of villagers. I have
defined the 100 per cent American as 99 per cent
an idiot. And they just adore me."
School children will appreciate GBS especially
for his determination to "lay my eternal curse.
on whomsoever shall now, or at any time here-
after, make schoolbooks of my gorks and make
me hated as Shakespeare is hated."
A'3out Shakespeare himself he had this to
say: "With the single exception of Homer there
is no eminent writer, not even Sir Walter Scott,
whom I can despise so entirely as I despise
Shakespeare when I measure my mind against
his. Shakespeare was a volcano from whom plays
bur t like lava. I am, by comparison, a tidy old
Not even education has escaped the Shavian
pen -work. In a terse, matter-of-fact way, he
onc., wrote, "In a prison, they may torture your
bor. But they do not torture your brains, and
they protect you against violence and outrage
from your fellow-prisoners. In a school you have
none of these advantages."
As a music-lover Shaw remarked, "There is
nothing that soothes me more after a long and
maddening course of piano recitals, than to sit
and have my teeth drilled by a finely skilled
On love and marriage, the irrepressible Shaw
commented, "The ideal love affair is one con-
dieanr byli, mvail." oand. " a~,ria-aP isrnnniilmr' hp-.

LOS ANGELES--There can be little doubt that
a desperate armaments race is in the mak-
ing. Though the air is not yet filled with missiles,
it is certainly filled with talk of missiles, so that
it now takes columns of newspaper space merely
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following column replaces
Harold L. Ickes' regular column for today, which was
canceled at the last minute. Ickes' column will ap-
pear as usual in The Daily Wednesday.
They'll tell you the South is all hill-billy and
cracker. It isn't. The war has changed that-the
war and high production pay.
Certainly, you can go into the back hills and
see pig-filled streets which are nothing more
than mud-ruts. There, too, are thin-legged, bare-
footed kids wearing patched. hand-me-down
clothing. And they live in shaky shacks which
seem to grow out of pools of stagnant, turgid
You can see all that, but the South lost its
hill-billy lethargy when its men left the cotton
fields and meager farms for top-scale pay in
the 400 gun, plane, auto and munitions plants
spread through Dixie. Now the glory road is
ended and the wartime camps are.,gone! ;
The natives return, but glistening new ma-
chines pick cotton and the textile mill owners
again are thinking of the days when girls earned
four and five dollars a week and were told to
hit the .streets if they thought their pay enve-
lopes were runt-sized.
Into all this the CO is moving one of the
tightest unionizing machines ever devised.
Once more the CIO will crusade-organizing
the unorganized. Once more the CIO seeks 1,000,-
000 new members. It will be 1937 all over again-
sitdowns, mass picketing, demonstrations, citi-
zens committees and soup kitchens as the CIO
goes after the textile, chemical, lumber and
other Southern industries in search of members,
who until recently were war workers.
Some have called it Operation Dixie. Officially,
it will be the CIO Organizing Campaign. Call it
what you will, it's "the greatest social pheno-
menon of the. decade," in the words of one of
Philip Murray's lieutenants.
Behind it are the shrewdest CIO brains, Mur-
ray, the late Sidney Hillman and Emil Rieve
(textile workers president) have lent the South-
ern committee their top aides-Jack Kroll of the
clothing workers; George Baldanzi of textiles,
and Sherman Dalyrmple, formerly of the rubber
workers. It hasn't been lost on observers that the
CIO's Left Wingers were not placed on the top
strategy board. It will be run by hardy little Van
A. Bittner, who learned the South during 30
years' activity in the miners' union.
You get an inkling into the kiil of crackling
campaign Bittner will run when you recall that
he helped direct the 1937 Little Steel strike in
which the CIO beat the toughest anti-union eA-
ployers in American industry.
Bittner is well financed. Tfe CIO steel workers
and Clothing Workers tossed $200,000 each into
the war chest. The textile union handed over
$125,000. The CIO and Walter Reuther's auto
union gave $100,000 each.
There are some who ridicule this much-trum-
peted CIO drive. A survey of Southern business-
men discloses that they are contemptuous of the
CIO "invasion." The attitude is "we'll take care
of them when they come. "
The old-line gun-toting sheriffs, county offi-
cials and town judges remember the bloody days
of Gastonia and Harian, where men died on
picket lines-and these officials are ready to
guard Dixie in the good old-fashioned way.
Nor is the AFL any friendlier. One top AFL
official said the other day:
"The net results of these sporadic invasions in
the past have been raids upon AFL unions and
picnic junkets of Northern radicals and parlor-
pink intellectuals bestirring hatred to the trade
union movement as a whole."
Apparently the CIO is in for a three-cornered
battle and the country is in for some front page
labor news.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Guilty Electorate{
It is common nowadays to read editorials de-
ploring the recent election victories of Talmadge
in Georgia, and Bilbo and Rankin in Mississippi.
However, these men are not causes; they are
results. Whether we like it or not, they were
elected by a part of our population that vigor-
ously supports race-hatred, white primaries, and
the Ku Klux Klan. The disgrace, therefore, lies
not in Talmadge and his Mississippi cohorts,
but in the electorate that voted for these men
and in their race-hatred which we have pam-
pered and allowed to flourish.
We deplored Hitler and denounced his super-
race theories, but we never took the trouble to
find out why he had a following. Instead of de-
nouncing Talmadge for his white supremacy
stand, let us find out why so many voted for him.
Certainly there must be something radically
wrong, either in the system of education or in
the economic conditions of the South. Let us
search hard for this answer, for only then can
we root out this blight on our democracy.
-Walter Hoffman

to catalogue the enchanting types which scien-
tists have lately dreamed up.
Over and above the talk of missiles there hums
the dreadful threat (which has already been
put ' into words by some observers) that the
atomic bomb itself has been superseded by new
germ sprays and by radioactive gases, both of
which, it is said, can kill without destroying
valuable property, thus representing an advance
over earlier and cruder methods which neces-
sitated knocking down a building in order to get
at the human beings inside.
Another, almost equally alarming sign is the
sudden increase in volume of talk about dis-
armament, for such talk always attends an
armament race, just as thunder goes with
lightning, and squeaking with new shoes. There
has never been an armaments race which was
not contrapuntally decorated with disarma-
ment talk.
Many an earnest American keeps the two
issues in entirely separate compartments of his
mind, saying on Tuesday that what the world
needs is an agreement to give up these dread-
ful weapons, and on Thursday that America
must make itself strong, with the latest and the
best. Our newspapers are filled with disarma-
ment plans and, with projects for new weapons.
Disarmament talk and armamet talk march
together, twin spouts, often cancelling each
other out.
What is the position of the United Nations
Atomic Energy Commission in this picture? It
is certainly a limited one. For, at first it concerns
itself with only one weapon out of many; i. e.
it operates at the thin, high level where the
symptoms are, and stays out of the basement
where the causes lie. Second, the Russians have
chosen to interpret our plan for a world atomic
with the veto eliminated. As a bid for world
monopoly over the atom, they feel we would be
in the majority; and a writer for "Soviet Russia
Today" makes the observation that the Russians
may prefer to wait for a couple of years, and
discover the secrets of atomic energy for them-
selves, rather than agree to our scheme. This
amounts to a charge that the current atomic
conference is provoking, rather than curbing
atomic rivalry.'
As one studies these results, one feels, more
sharply than ever, what a strained and unhappy
business it is to try to build peace by setting
up formal rules regarding the use of weapons,
and how necessary it is to dig deeper.
It becomes clearer every day that, when
peace deteriorates, it is not to be rehabilitated
on this formal and superficial level; that it is
idle to try to teach weapons to behave, when
nations will not. One wonders how either side,
Russia or the West, can look at the atomic
energy conference without unhappiness, with-
out some distress at this melancholy dueling
between legalistic proposals. Yet to dig deeper
seems beyond the power of either side; it would
require a reordering of basic attitudes, which
neither seems to have enough energy or will
to attempt.
For if (to rehabilitate the peace) the West
must give up some of its pessimism regarding
Russia, the Russians, equally, must give up some
of their pessimism regarding the West. Russia,
no more than any other country, is excused from
responsibility for the ultimate consequences of
its policies; and it is for the Russians to decide
whether the casual manner in which they have
consigned the West to a future of disintegration
and war has not evoked policies in them, and
reactions in us, such as are likely to make the
prognosis come true.
The event follows the expectation, for the ex-
pectation unrolls as carpet for it and the atomic
energy conference poses an embarrassing ques-
tion to both sides, each of which is equally under
the obligation to make do with the world as it is.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Art Cinema League patrons who see the Rus-

sian screen version of Anton Chekov's plays
"Jubilee" and "Marriage" will spend a somewhat
painful evening watching the pathetic caracoles
of a stageful of hopeless characters. Bitter real-
ism cloys the comic in these plays, and humor
gives way frequently to human pain. The situa-
tions in each play are humorous enough, but the
frustrated, vapid Chekov characters mingle the
humor with depression.
English titles are provided, and the action is
readily understandable by movie-goers who don't
know Russian.
The phctography in these two movies is gener-
ally inferior to American productions. Little
photographic craft is in evidence. Much of the
simplicity of the original plays, is retained by
making few scene changes.
An agreeable introduction to the two movies is
an excerpt from Tschaikowsky's opera, "Christ-
mas Slippers." More short adaptations of operas
would not be amiss in our own motion picture
-Paul Harsha

"Clannish, aren't they?"


Publication In the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletn should be sent In typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the .day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1946
VOL. LVI, No. 17
Notice to Faculty and Veterans:
Requisitions for Veterans' books and
supplies will be honored only through
Wednesday, July 31, for Summer
Art Cinema League presents "Mar-
riage" and "Jubilee" Anton Chek-
ho's plays filmed with artists of the
Moscow Art Theatre. English sub-
titles. Friday, 8:30 p.m., Rackham
Auditorium. Tickets available at-
Wahrs and Ulrich's Book stores and
in the lobby of the League 45 min-
utes before the show.
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
the office for: i
1. Student Psychiatric Social Work-
er A, $170-$190.
2. Psychiatric Social Woker Al,
3. Psychiatric Social Work Admin-
istrator I, $200-$240.
4. Psychiatric Social Worker Ad-
ministrator II, $250-$290.
Closing date is August 14, 1946.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
City of Detroit Civil Service Com-
mission Announcements have been
received in this office for:
1. Occupational Therapist, $2,591-
$2,936. Closing date is Aug. 9.
2. X-Ray Technician, $2,373-$2,-
769. Closing date isA Aug. 8.
3. Trained Nursing Attendent, $2,-
315-$2,385. Closing date is Aug. 8.
4. Nutritionist, $2,657-$2,930. Clos-
ing date is Aug. 7.
5. Student Technical Assistant
Specialties: Engineering, Business
Administration, General Science,
Physical Education, Social Science,
$1,928-$2,080. Closing date is Aug. 7.
6. Student Social Worker, $2,109-
$2,295. Closing date is Aug. 6.
7. Social Case Worker, $2,475-$2,-
835. Closing date is Aug. 6.
8. Medical Social Case Worker,
$2,898-$3,312. Closing date is Aug. 6.
For further information call at
"the Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Mason
Hall. 4
University Women Veterans As-
sociation: Ther'e will be a meeting
of all service women at 8:00 Monday
evening, July 29, Michigan League.
Because By-Laws for the organiza-
tion are to be submitted for adoption,
it is requested that all women vet-
erans be present in order to partici-
pate- in this and other features of
the program.
Lecture: "Probable Developments
in Education." Panel discussion by

Raleigh Schorling, Eugene B. El-
liott, George Kyte, Howard Y. Mc-
Clusky, and Charles Sanford Friday,
July 26, 11:00 a.m., University High
School Auditorium.
There will be a lecture by Profes-
sor Ralph L. Beals, Department of
Anthropology, University of Cali-
fornia at Los Angeles on Friday, July
26 at 4:10 p.m., held in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The topic will be
"Modern Indian Problems in Latin
America." rhe public is invited to
Academic Notices
History Language Examination for
the. M.Q.. Degree : Saturday, July
27th, 10 o'clock, Room B, Haven Hall.
Each student is responsible for his
own dictionary. No other language
examination to be given this summer.
To Graduate Students in Educa-
tion. The preliminary examinations
for the doctorate in the School of
Education will be held on August
26-27-28. Anyone desiring to take
these examinations should notify my
office, 4000 University High School
o nor before August 2nd.
Graduate Students: Courses may
be dropped with record from July 8
until July 27.
By a recent ruling of the Executive
Board of the Graduate School,
courses dropped after July 27 will
be recorded with a grade of E.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for dropping a course
without record will be Saturday, July
27. Courses may be dropped only
with the permission of the classifier
after conference with the instructor
in the course.
Graduate courses dropped after the
fourth week of the Summer Session
will be recorded with a grade of E,
by a recent action of the Executive
Board of the Graduate School.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for August: A list of candi-
dates has been posted on the bulletin
board 'of the School of Education,
Room 1431 University Elementary
School. Any prospective candidate
whose name does not appear on this
list should "call at the office of the
Recorder of the School of Educa-
tion, 1437 University Elementary
Doctoral Examination for Dorothy
Irene Marquart, Psychology; thesis:
"The Pattern of Punishment and Its
Relation to Abnormal Fixation in
Adult Human Subjects," Saturday,
July 27, at 10:00 a.m. in Rmi. 4128
Natural Science. Chairman, N R. F.
The Preliminary Examinations for
the doctorate in English will be given
during the 1946 summer session ac-
cording to the following schedule:
July31, American Literature.
August 3, English Literature 1700-
August 7, English Literature 1500-
August 10, English Literature-Be-
ginnings to'1500.
The examination will be held from
9:00 to 12:00 on the days indicated.
Candidates should report to 3221
A.H. for instructions. Anyone desir-
ing to take the examinations should
see Professor Marckwardt immediate-

Holland's recital will include songs
by Mozart, Chausson, Brahms, and
The public is cordially invited.
Lecture Recitals: Yves Tinayre,
baritone, Sunday, July 28; Lee Pat-
tison, pianist, Monday, July 29.
Vronsky and Babin, distinguished
performers of music for two pianos,
w ill be heard in a special summer
concert Thursday night, August 8, in
Hill Auditorium.- They will be pre-
sented under the auspices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society.
Tickets may be purchased at the
offices of the University Musical
Society, Burton Memorial Tower, at
popular prices.
Ushers . for . Vronsky-Babin . two
piano concert (August 8): Students
wishing to usher for concert may
apply at Hill Auditorium on Friday,
'July 26 between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m.
Former Choral Union ushers report
4-4:30, others 4:30-5.
University of Michigan Summer
Session Band: The University of
Michigan Summer Session Band, con-
ducted by William D. Revelli, will
present a concert in Hill Auditorium,
Tuesday evening, July 30, at 8:30.
The program will include March.
Dunedin by Alford, Jesu Joy of Man's
Desiring by Bach, Overture to La
Dame De Coeur by Gagnier, Stars
in a Velvety Skay by Clarke, Entr'
acte from Orestes by Taneyev, Trop-
ical by Gould, Newsreel by Schuman,
Spanish March Bravada by Curzon,
First Movement from Second Sym-
phony by Borodin, Percussion Melee
by Ganz, Symphonie Moderne by
Steiner, Marcho Poco and Rhyth-
metic by Moore and March of the
Free Peoples by Darcy.
The public is cordially invited,
Faculty Concert Series: Yves Tin-
ayre, baritone, will present his second
program, Sunday evening, July 28, at
8:30 in the First Presbyterian Church.
Washtenaw Avenue. Mr. Tinayre's
program will include Chancon, "Ver-
gine bella" by Dufay, Motet for East-
er, "Confitemini Domino" by Gom-
bert, "Mit ganzcem Willen" by Pau-
mann, Sinfonia and Motet "Erbarm
dich mein" by Schutz, Salve Regina
by Porpora, and Kirchenkantate No.
4, "Die Engelein" by Kriedel. By
request Mr. Tinayre will perform, in
addition to the announced program,
an unknown work of de Pres.
The public is cordially invited.
Faculty Concert Series: On Mon-
day evening, July 29, in Rackham
Lecture Hall at 8:30, Lee Pattison,
pianist, will present his fourth pro-
gram in the current series of lecture
recitals. Mr. Pattison's program will
include: Barcarolle, Op. 60, Polon-
aise in F-sharp minor, Op. 44, 'six
Etudes, and Sonata in B-fiat minor
by Chopin. The recital is open to
the public without charge.
Events Today
International Center: The Inter-
national Center anounces its second
weekly tea dance to be held today,
July 26 at 4 p.m. in the Rec Room
of the International Center. For-
eign students, their friends, and all
interested American students are
cordially invited to attend.
Former and present cooperative,
members and their guests are invited


THE OUTCOME of a struggle over
new constitutional structures, now
at a critical point in both France
and Poland, will do much to determ-
ine the future political balance of
Europe. The issue in each country
involves something similar to our own
American system of checks and bal-
ances. The people of France and
Poland must decide whether they
want their laws made in a single
legislative body, unrestrained by any
other control, or in a two-chamber
legislature, where proposed laws may
be subject to consideration, com-
promise and adjustment.
Back of this question, of course, and
fundamental to its solution is the
effect of the Communist party to
establish minority rule through dem-
ocratic forms. It consistently advo-
cates the unicameral legislature. It
believes that in nations where there
is a multiplicity of parties a disci-
plined legislative minority, voting as
a bloc, can shatter the ranks of an
undisciplined and divided majority or
exercise a paralyzing veto. Such a
condition would provide the first es-
sential for a party dictatorship. Op-
ponents of Communis:m see this clear-
ly. They demand a bicameral legis-
lature, supported by an executive
and administrative set-up, which can
resist such disruption and guarantee
majority government.
--The New York Times


By Crockett Johnson

Sure. We can get delivery on a
thousand tents pretty fast. We
can also ram a bill through the
Council. Approving the idea ..

That ought to satisfy Mr.
O'Malley and his friends.
hope so-Say.

And what does
he want ...? 1
Glory? Power?



'Twos ever thus with politics, m'boy. Our
friends on the Council will need a day or
two to get behind the O'Malley plan. To i
build a stately city of canvas-1 want




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