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July 25, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-25

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flay Director Advocates
Better Dramatic Taste,

Two Suspects
Surrender In

Campus Highlights

The most naive audience appreci-
ates good dramatic art, Charles Mere-
dith, director of Le Petit Theatre de
Vieux Carre said yesterday in a lec-
ture at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
He urged young drama students
and actors to devote their energies to
U' Geologists
See Possibility
Of Mackinac Oil
Three University geologists who
recently made a study of the Macki-
nac Straits area, made predictions
concerning their study in a 204-page
report, "Geology of the Mackinac
Straits Region."
The study, made under a contract
between the University and the
Michigan Department of Conserva-
tion, was undertaken by K. K. Landes,
George M. Ehlers and George M.
Limestone Available Near Black Lake
Amongthe conclusions they reach-
ed were the following:. that oil ex-
ploration should be scientifically pur-
sued in the Mackinac Straits area of
Michigan, that good commercial
limestone probably is available be-
tween Black Lake and Rogers Cit3
and that abundant salt is present i
virtually all of the northern half o
the Southern Peninsula.
Prof. Landes, wh wrote most of
the report, says that the Northern
Michigan area has been largely ig-
nored as possible oil-bearing terri-
tory because the Dundee formation
which is theileading oil-producin
strata of Michigan, rises to the sur-
face in the Straits sedtor.
Oil No Respector of Formation Names
"Experience has shown," he de-
clares in the report, "that oil is nc
respector of formation names or even'
of geologic age, which means that
as oil-bearing formations rise toward
the surface the oil reservoirs dror
stratigraphically." Oil may, there-
fore, be locked up in some of the
older formations below the Dun-
dee, more of which might be discov-
ered throughout Northern Michigan
by scientific prospecting with core
drill and seismograph, according to
Prof. Landes.
Straits Below Glacial Drift
The Dundee formation also is the
one which is a source of limestone.
the report reveals. In the Straits
area this formation is right below the
glacial drift and lies in a curving belt
from Presque Isle on Lake Huron to
the north side of Traverse Bay on
Lake Michigap.
The report also reveals that salt
is abundant at moderate depths ex-
cept in the tip and northwestern half
of the area.
Polio Attacks
Crownded Areas
Voluntary isolation when infantile
paralysis is prevalent is recommend-
ed by Dr. Gordon C. Brown, of the
public health school.
Remaining away from crowds is
probably the best way to guard
against contracting the disease, he
declared, but this does not mean a
person should "shut himself off from
civilization." It does mean staying
out of crowded public places such as
swimming pools, restaurants and
Dr. Brown explained that the
method of transmission of the disease
has not been established at present,
but it is thought by scientists that
overall isolation is an effective
method of avoiding contraction.
Despite the presence of conclusive
proof, researchers think the respira-
tory route and gastro-intestinal route
present the most likely methods of
transmission. The disease usually
strikes children from five to 15 years

of age during July, August and Sep-
tember, but may come at any time
of the year. Insects, including flies,
may also be involved in transmis-
sion, he pointed out.
Epidemics of the disease, which
attacks adults as well as children, oc-
curred in Detroit. in 1939, 1944 and
1945. The rest of the state also suf-
fered a 1940 epidemic, but Dr. Brown
indicated that there was little polio-
myelitis in Michigan between 1940
and 1944.

the cause of justifiable stage pro-
ductions and asserted that their task
could be successful.
Art' Is Merely Accepted
"People accept the culture of the
commercial gadget age only because
it is the best they can get," Meredith
said. "I believe that arguments ad-
vanced by movie and radio producers
and directors on the commercial
stage that people are supplied with
she popular theatre they demand are
nere excuses."
He attacked radio for submission
to commercial use, and resultant
;heap programs, which he described
as "a narcotic complement" to be
;aken with advertising publicity.
He also assailed Hollywood and
zurrent stage trends.
"Little theatre is often called non-
,ommercial because it is not good
enough to earn money," he said.
Meredith called the funniest line
.n "State of the Union," last year's
3roadwa hit, "I'd rather be tight
Shan be president" an example of
'how American tastes can deterior-
caste Must Be Cultivated
He cited quotations from Tallulah
3ankhead, George Bernard Shaw and
>thers in architecture and engineer-
ing fields who understand that
kmerican tastes hAve to be culti-
vated, that people must be trained
to have vision, and must have courage
;o resist the cultural ruts in society.
Meredith's salary is paid by the
Rockefeller foundation so that he
man produce unusual plays and dis-
-over actors with unusual and not
:tereotyped talents in the Little
heatres. He studied dramatics
iboard, in the great French theatres
n Paris, at the Moscow Art Theatre,
in Germany and in London, and
3ame back convinced that even in
American theatres that are supposed
o be great, there is neither style
ior standard of performance.
Studied Art Aboard
"Unique talents are not discovered
and developed here," he said.
"Rather, scripts, vocabularies, sent-
ances and parts are cut to suit cover
;irls. There is no superior philosophy
of the nature of the theatre, no rep-
ertoire of imagination, no individ-
High purpose, ideals and art that
fosters social concepts can be en-
Jouraged, and developed, Meredith
As of June 30, 2,916,357 veterans
of World War II had applied for
education or training under the GI
In Michigan, 20 private hospitals
are under contract with the VA to
provide immediate hospitalization
for veterans with service connected
disabilities when it is impractical to
use VA hospitals. The hospitals,
which provide a total of 250 available
beds, are located in Grand Rapids,
Detroit, Muskegon, Bad Axe, Lan-
sing, Kalamazoo, Jackson, Midland,
Newberry, Ludington, Powers, Pon-
tiac, Saginaw, Traverse City, Ypsi-
lanti, and Eloise.
Through the end of June Michi-
gan veterans had secured 7,393
loans provided under the provisions
of the GI Bill totaling $32,669,-
894. The average loan amounted to
$4,430 and the average guarantee
by the VA was $2,102 or slightly
less than 50 per cent. More than
90 per cent were for homes and the
remainder were business and farm
Hospital Staff Men Read
Papers in California

A number of papers were presented
by staff members of the University
Hospital at the meeting of the Amer-
ican Medical Association held this
month in San Francisco.
Among those who prepared topics
were: Drs. John D. Adcock, Jerome
W. Conn, Arthur C. Curtis, John N.
Grekin, Harold F. Falls, Fred J.
Hodges,' John F. Holt, Reed M. Nes-
bit, Rigdon K. Ratliff, H. Marvin
Pollard, Malcolm Block, Cyrus C.
Sturgis and Raymond W. Waggoner.

Jury Probe
LANSING, July 24 - (P) - Special
Prosecutor Richard B. Foster said to-
day that two of the missing defend-
ants in the Ingham County Grand
Jury's banking legislation bribe con-
spiracy case have been found and
would probably be arraigned Friday.
The 20th of the 24 defendants,
former state senator James A. Burns
of Detroit, surrendered today to the
warrant, issued Saturday, and de-
manded examination. He was re-
leased on $2,500 bond.
Foster said former state senator
Robert B. McLaughlin, formerly of
Flint, was in custody in Milwaukee,
Wis., and had said he would waive
extradition. Judge Louis E. Coash,
the grand juror, sent state police de-
tective Ellis Potter to return Mc-
Laughlin to Michigan.
The other defendant, former Rep.
Adam. W. Sumeracki of Detroit, is
in the custody of a Detroit attorney
who said he would surrender Sumer-
acki to the court, Foster reported.
Charles B. Bohn of Detroit, presi-
dent of the board of the Michigan
National Bank and of the Bohn
Aluminum and Brass Corp., another
defendant, is in South America.
Foster said he had asked William
Henry Gallagher, attorney for Bohn
and the four other Michigan Nation-
al Bank representatives who were in-
dicted, to give him some indication
when Bohn would surrender.
The 24th defendant, former state
Rep. Walter N. Stockfish, Hamtramck
Democrat, is reported to be in Army
service outside the United States.

'U' Band Debut ...
The first University Band concert
of the summer season will be given#
at 8:00 p.m. next Tuesday, in Hill
The concert will include the popu-
lar modern work "Newsreel" by Wil-
liam Schumann, eminent American
musician and president of the Jul-
liard School of Music.
The featured soloist of the evening
will be Kenneth Snapp, trumpet, a'
former Army Air Corps lieutenant
who joined the University band at
the beginning of the spring semester.
Report Co-op Plan.. .
A report on the co-op cafeteria
plan for single students at Willow
Village will be given at 8 p.m.
tonight by Leo Scull at the week-
ly AVC meeting at West Lodge.
Edgar Davis will describe the co-'.
op grocery store now in existence
at the NorWayne Project. All vet-
erans living at Willow Village are
urged to attend.
* * *.
Tenor Recital .. .
Robert Holland, tenor, accompani-
ed by John Wheeler, pianist, will pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Pattengill Auditorium of the Ann
Arbor High School.
The program for the recital, which
is being presented in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
Storm Lists Qualities

gree of Bachelor of Music, will in-
clude selections by Mozart, Handel,
Faure, Brahms, Strauss, Besly, Quict-
er and others.
* * *
Prof Beals Lectuies.-
Prof. Ralph L. Beals will lecture
on "Modern Indian Problems in
Latin America" at 4:10 p.m. tomor-
row in the Rackham amphitheatre.
The public is invited to the lec-
ture which is sponsored by the Uni-
Dr. Beals, professor of anthro-
pology at the University of Cali-
fornia, has made many field studies
in Latin America, particularly of
the various Indian groups in Mexi-
Piano Concert ...
Ruby Joan Kuhlman, pianist, will
present a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m.
today in the Rackham Asemsbly Hall.
Her program will consist of Bach's
Toccata in D minor, Schumann's
Etudes Symphoniques, Mozart's Son-
ata K. 333 and Scriabine's Sonata
Op. 30.
* * *
Carillon Recital
Prof. Percival Price, University
Carillonneur, will present a caril-
lon.recital at 7:15 p.m. today.
His program will include Handel's
"Harmonious Blacksmith," Selec-
tions by Conperin, two Welsh folk
songs and Prof. Price's "Sonata for
43 .Bel-ls"

BRITISH BREAD RATION-A London housewife fills out her bread
unit card in a London shop on the eve of bread rationing in England.
Each family has a record of day-to-day consumption of "bread units."
Banks of Huron River Serve
Swimmers with Nearby Beach

Most Michigan students vaguely
realize that there are swimming
places near and around Ann Arbor,
but think they have to take a half
day off and catch a bus somewhere
or hitch hike for the privilege of
cooling off.
There is a Municipal bathing
Tourist HomweF
Owneers Feud
Over D ri vewy
Although the sign at the city limits
says: "Ann. Arbor, a Friendly City,"
the antics of a tourist room operator
near the University directly contra-
dict the Chamber of Commerce's as-
Mutual dislike between two ad-
joining householders who both rent
tourist rooms has deepened into a
serious feud with the passing of the
years. Recently the boundary line
between the houses was re-surveyed
and one party acquired an additional
six inches of the property which had
previouslybeen a part of the neigh-
bor's driveway.
During the absence of the neigh-
boring owner, this cherubic soul is
now constructing a two and a half
foot high cement fence on the newly
acquired six inchescofedriveway. At
best it will be a close squeeze for
any automobile to get through the
narrowed drive-way, although the
boarders have not yet been able to
try because the drive is now blocked
by the wooden frames holding the
Inspect Vet Records
For Michigan Bonus
LANSING, July 24-(P)-Both the
War and Navy Departments will per-
mit an inspection of their records for
purposes of paying a bonus to Michi-
gan ex-servicemen, Col. Philip C.
Pack, director of the state office of
veterans affairs, said today.
Pack said he would turn over to
Governor Kelly a report on his in-
terview with service officials in
Washington last week-end.

beach a few blocks west of the end
of State street. More specifically the
beach is located on the Huron River
next to the canoe livery on Long-
shore Drive.
Huron River water is tested twice a
week, and has been pronounced in
especially good condition by county
health authorities.
Three docks and a pier are spaced
more than half way across the river
offering good swimmers a challenge.
The first dock, located 20 yards from
the pier has a water depth of four
and five feet. The second dock lo-
cated 35 yards from the pier has a
low diving, board and is located in
water six feet deep. The third dock
is located 93 yards from the pier
and contains high and low ,diving
boards. This dock is located in water
10 feet deep.
Swimming lessons are given from
1 p.m. to 8 p.m. everyday for be-
ginners, advanced beginners and ad-
vanced swimmers. All swimming
lessons are free and courses in junior,
and senior life saving are also taught
at the beach. Special classes are
held for adult swimmers.
The municipal bathhouse is open
daily, including Sundays, from 1
p.m. to 9 p.m. A fee of 15 cents is
charged for clothes lockers and for
admittance: Children under 15 are
allowed to swim free of charge.
Hayes Named Counsel
WASHINGTON,' July 24-(R)-Ed-
ward J. Hayes, 48-year-old former
Detroit lawyer, was appointed today
as acting general counsel for the
Office of War Mobilization and Re-

(Continued from Page 2)
Coming Events
Play: "Angel Street," by Pal
Hamilton, July 31 to August 3.
International Center: The In
national Center anounces its se
weekly tea dance to be held Fri
July 26 at 4 p.m. in the Rec R
of the International Center.]
eign students, their friends, an
interested American students
cordially invited to attend.
French Club: The fourth me
of the French Club will be held
Monday, July 29, at 8 p.m. in1
305 at the Michigan Union.
Franci Gravit, of the Romance L
uage Department, will give an in
mal talk entitled: "Souvenirs
Provence". Group singing and s
hour. If you like to speak and1
French, sing and have fun, c+
to our meetings.
Former and present coopera
members and their guests are inv
to a house-warming at the new
terweil Cooperative House, 338
Jefferson, on Friday evening,f
8-10:30 p.m.
All Alpha Kappa Alpha women
invited to come to the Confer
room-third floor of the Rack
Building-Saturday afternoonf

LL The qualifications of a good book- Bicycle Trip Planned
collector were ennumerated yesterday The American Youth Hostel its
by Colton Storm, curator of manu-
scripts at Clements Library in the planning a bicycle trip at 1:30 p.m.
last lecture of the series of three Sunday.
ts o ebook-collecting.The trip, led by Stanley Saulson,
talks on rare c oldhasni. will begin at Lane Hall. All those who
"Every subject in the world has its wish to register should call 5-6551
book collector,' he declared, "but a before Friday noon.
collector has to know and handle rare _____________________
books over a long period of time to 04
brick really appreciate them."
Ownership of some famous books,
n er- he said, can be traced from the time
cted of publication. For example, he and
iond pointed out, "it is possible to determ-
mdyie the various owners of a. copy ofWedn
For- Boccaccio's 'Decameron' which came s ce RINGS
all out in the 16th century. From this VQ
information it is known the book has
are crossed the ocean four times in the 717 North University Ave.
hands.. of different collectors.,"e...yn a e e
Id on
nfor-R aosdee od*
Sde 4 ~c'' ht4
For some really unusual recordings, drop in and
-tive hear a few of our recent shipments of Keynote discs,..
vited K-108, Richard Dyer-Bennett, Lute Singer, recently seen
Os- ,ygr
S E. with Ruth Chatterton in "The Second Best Bed"; K-12,
an excellent collection of early American Ballads; K-107,
n are Southern Exposure". . . Josh White singing Jim, Crow
rence blues and K-112, "Flamenco" (Songs of Andalucia)
from by La Nina Valiente.
Also ask to hear the latest ARA recordings by Art
Tatum, Hoagy Carmichael, Chu Chu Martinez and
Phil Harris-
715 North University, Phone 3542
North End of Diagonal


Dressmaking, Tailoring
and Alterations

at our
4i h1UVi Telephone 3906

Hours: 9:00 to 5:30



The University Musical Society Presents








at the Famous
Buddy Bruce and Orchestra




AUG. 8

8:30 P.M.


iii nI II i I IrMu I

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