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July 25, 1946 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1946-07-25

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N.C.A.A. Council Seeks Members' Formal
Approval of Proposals To Ban Athlete Buying

First rounds in the intramural golf I Nine men have swung their way
match play are nearing conclusion into the third rounds of the intra-
with half of the sixteen initial match- mural singles tennis tournament,
es completed. while three teams have recorded vic-
In the only round of the Champion- tories in their first doubles matches.
ship Flight reported to the Sports Men with second round wins be-
Building through yesterday, Bob hind them are: Mohamed Makzou-
Busler, who captured top honors mi, Cameron Meredith, David Van
in the medal play last week and Aken, John Swanson, Abe Goldman,
ranks as a strong favorite in the pre- Allen Lewis, Goodwin Ginsburg, Tom
sent competition, passed his first test Reader, and Dean Voegtlen.
successfully with a 5-3 victory over Doubles wins went to William Cul-
Lee Carbrey. mor and John Swanson, Abd Tra-
Two matches have been finished boulsi (well-known Beirut University
in the Wolverine Flight, with John athletic director) and Phillipe Rouli-
Page defeating Pred Campau 4-3, er, and Abe Meredith and Al Bacon.
and William Peet nipping Harold * * *
Price one-up in a hard-fought battle. The Phys Eds defeated the Misfits,
Dan McKee trounced Jim Fragner 48-25, in the first intramural league
3-1 in the Maize Flight, while Dale basketball tilt. Charlie Ketterer and
Stollsteimer slipped by R. L. Thomp- Ernie White led the victors' vt-
son 4-3. tack.
In two matches of the Blue Flight * * *
Fred Robie shot his way to a 9-7 Allen-Ru sey 7, Fletcher 2
triumph over Ed Vogt and Cecil Hinsdale 13, Vaughan 4
Sink defeated Dick Stribley 3-2. Greene 14, Wenly 13
Rankin To Coaeh Purdue Track

Nation-Wide Poll of
Colleges To Be Held
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, July 23-The nation's
college athletic leaders, informally
pledging sharp tightening of amateur
standards in their ranks, today re-
turned home to practice what they
preached in an unparalleled confer-
ence here.
The National Collegiate Athletic
Association Council quickly gave
its, approval to a double-barreled
blast fired against athlete "bufing"
in a two-day .meeting of delegates
from 20 major conferences.
The council prepared to ask for
formal approval of proposals to abol-
ish paying and recruiting of athletes
by all of its 300 member schools and
affiliated conferences before the next
full N.C.A.A. convention in New York,
next January.
Karl Lieb, University of Iowa fac-
ulty representative in the Western
Conference and a council member,
stressed the fact that the expres-
sion by some 40 representatives of
the collegiate realm for a return
of pure amateurism was purely
The real test of combatting a grow-
ing trend of campus commercialism,
he said, would be in the nation-wide
poll of members.
The delegates specifically recom-
mended limiting financial aid to tui-
tion for needy athletes, and banning
athletic staffs from leaving their own
campuses for recruiting purposes.

Cork Describes
New Atomic
Research Sites'
(Continued from Page 1)
is now possible to produce radioactive
phosphorus with thousands of times
the emission intensity and at a far
more economical rate.
The cyclotron is not being used
for the production of isotopes, but
is now devoted to intensive investi-
gation on the fascinating problem of
"the scattering of particles which
gives information on the fundament-
al problem of the forces that bind
matter together," Prof. Cork explain-
In addition, previous nucleonic re-
searches are being continued by the
same scientists who previously work-
ed on them. The Chicago Laboratory
is governed by a board of five mem-
bers elected from among the repre-
sentatives of the 25 participating
universities in the midwest. Prof.
Ernest F. Barker of the department
of physics is serving as Michigan's
representative to the Chicago Labora-
tory, and Prof. Cork is asociated with
the theoretical work.
The problem of practical applica-
tions of atomic energy is, being
handled almost exclusively at the
sprawling Oak Ridge plants, while
the three other radiological centers
will be concerned mainly with pure
theoretical nuclear research. Most
of the large and heavy equipment is
located at Oak Ridge. Although the
uranium-fission pile at the Chicago
Argon Laboratory is smaller, it will
be of immense value and importance
in the theoretical studies, Prof. Cork

16 Are Initiated By
Delta Pi Epsilon
Sixteen graduate students were in-
itiated Tuesday as charter members
of the University chapter of Delta Pi
Epsilon, honorary business educa-
tion society.
Dr. Earl Dickerson, president of
Illinois State Teachers College, of-
ficiated at the initiation ceremonies
held as a feature of the annual Sum-
mer Education Conference here.
The graduate students initiated in-
to the society were: Purl Wark, C. D.
Reincke, Bernice Dowele, Gertrude
Murray, Wanda Walker, Hollis Pow-
ell, Phila McIntyre, Almerene Mont-
gomery, Edith Erikson, Samuel
Kopp, Dorothy Lunger, Kate Sibley,
James R. Taylor, Prances Sadoff,
Helen Walter, and A. E. Schneider.
East Engineering Gets
Additional Office Space
Temporary crowded , conditions
have necessitated the construction
of new office space in East Engi-
neering, according to W. E. Quinsey,
assistant to the Director of Engi-
neering Research.
Quinsey stated that the new space,
is needed to provide additional of-
fices which will be the headquarters
for a research project in the aero-
nautical engineering department.
The new rooms are being carved
out of the vestibule of East Engi-
neering, and will be removed upon
completion of the new south wing,
Quinsey said.
The new rooms are expected to be
ready for use within two months.

Truman Asks
Terminal Fund
$2,679,493 Slated
For Enlisted Veterans
WASHINGTON, July 24- (P) -
President Truman asked Congress for
an appropriation of $2,679,493,000 to
provide for the payment of terminal
leave for enlisted men discharged
from the armed forces prior to Sep-
tember 1, 1946.
A White House announcement said
the request was submitted before fi-
nal passage of the terminal leave pay
bill in order to give the appropria-
tions committees of the two houses
as much time as possible to provide
the money.
The estimate was based on the
measure as passed by the Senate,
which provides lump sum payments
in the form of cash and bonds to en-
listed men for leave accrued at the
rate of two and one-half days for
each month of service, less actual
leave taken.
Payments are limited to a maxi-
mum of 120 days' leave.
The White House said indications
are that the average payment will ap-
proximate $165. The actual amount
will depend on length of service,
leave taken in service and pay grade
at discharge.


Higinio Morinigo, of Paraguay, was
reported to have asked permission
from the armed forces to resign
and leave for Brazil in the latest
South American political turmoil.
Soviet Writer Hits *FBI
MOSCOW, July 24-(P)-Soviet
journalist David Zaslavsky assailed
the Federal Bureau of Investigation
today as the "American Secret Po-
lice," and charged that its prosecu-
tion of the Lt. Nicolai Redin spy case
was "a criminal conspiracy' 'aimed at
injuring Soviet-American relations.
Zaslavsky, said the handling of the
case by the FBI smacked of the dread
Czarist Okhrana (secret police)
"which. resorted to forgery, provoca-
tion and perjury."

Back the

Famine Drive

LAFAYETITE, Ind., July 24-(IP)-
Dave Rankin, one of Purdue Univer-
sity's greatest football and track
athletes, today was named head track
Rankin, 27-year-old former Marine
fighter pilot, succeeds Homer Allen
who will take full charge of the Uni-
versity's physical education curricu-
Captain of the 1940 Boilermaker
Major League
Standings .

Brooklyn .......54
St. Louis ......53
Chicago .......47
Cincinnati .... 42
New York .... 38
Philadelphia .. 36
Pittsburgh .... 34





Brooklyn 2,. Chicago 1
New York 3, St. Louis 1
Philadelphia 2, Pittsburgh
Cincinnati 2, Boston 1

Boston. ....... 66
New York .... 54
Detroit ........50
Washington ... 45
Cleveland . . .. 43
St. Louis....... 39
Chicago .......35
Philadelphia .. 26

L Pct. GB
26 .717 ...
37 .593 111
38 .568 14
43 .511 19
47 .478 22
51 .433 26
54 .393 29 /
62 .295 38

eleven, Rankin had been assistant
coach and physical education in-
structor since last March. He served
two tours of duty in the Pacific. '
:e was one of the outstanding col-
legiate hurdlers and at one time was
co-holder of the world's indoor record
for the 60-yard low hurdles.
Following his graduation, Rankin
was captain of the 1941 Collegiate
All-Star team which played in the
annual charity game in Chicago. He
was sworn into the Marine Corps be-
tween halves of the contest.
Rankin was discharged last Feb-
ruary as a captain.
Highlights -
from the
Sports World
Brooklyn Regains Lead
NEW YORK, July 24-(A)-Johnny
Mize hammered a 420-foot home run
with one on in the last half of the
ninth inning to give the New York
Giants a 3-1 victory over the St.
Louis Cardinals tonight before 36,344
fans. The defeat dropped the Red-
birds one full game behind the Na-
tional League leading Brooklyn Dod-
* * *
Mize's Homer Beats Cards
BROOKLYN, July 24--(P)-Scor-
ing both their runs in the first inn-
ing, the Brooklyn Dodgers defeated
the Chicago Cubs 2-1 tonight as Joe
Hatten held the third place Bruins
to six hits while the Brooks tagged
Wyse for 11 safeties.
* * *.
Yanks Clip Browns, 5-3
ST. LOUIS, July 24-(AP)-The New
York Yankees downed the St. Louis
Browns 5 to 3 but Joe Page had to
be calledonto snuff out a ninth-
inning rally in which the Browns had
scored one run and loaded the bases
with two out.
New York 002 020 100-5 8 2
St. Louis 020 000 001--3 5 1
Chandler, Page (9) and Robinson;
Kramer and Mancuso.
Feller Stops Macks
With Three Hits, 1.o
CLEVELAND, July 24-(;P)-Aided
by Hank Edwards' seventh homer,
the Cleveland Indians' Bob Feller
shut out the Philadelphia Athletics
1 to 0 on three hits today and fanned
nine batters to boost his Major
League-leading strikeout total to 220,
and his victory total to 18.
The Indians were held to five hits
by rookies Bob Savage, the loser, and
Dick Fowler as Feller snuffed out
every threat to win the hurling duel.
Rapid Robert now trails Detroit's Hal
Newhouser by only one game in the
race for "winningest pitcher" honors."


from 1 P.M.


Washington 1, Detroit 0
Boston 4, Chicago 1
Cleveland 1, Philadelphia 0
New York 5, St. Louis 3
WILL FINDER of tan billfold vicini-
ty Tappan Hall last week keep
money but return cards by mail,
please. William H. Peet, Jr. (1
DESIRE USED SET of left-handed
golf clubs; need not be full set. Box
409, Allen Rumsey. (3
PLAN for your fall suits and formals
now. Expert workmanship on cus-
tom-made clothes and alterations.
Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron.
Phone 2-4669. (10
better price paid. Sam's Store. 122
E. Washington St. (4
WHAT? Only $3.00! I must have
Dean McClusky of 417 8th Street,
Ph. 2-7360 string my tennis rac-
quet. (27
FOR SALE: Studio couch, daven-
port style, maroon, new. Located
at Willow Village. Call A.A. 2-
4528 evenings. (7
FOR SALE: New male English Arm-
strong bicycle with generator, etc.
Tel. 2-7220 after 5:30 p.m.
FOR SALE: Evening clothes, size 37
and accessories. Tel. 2-7220 after
5:30 p.m. (5

- ,d r_*Art Cinema League
<'t I C H E K H O V
Film Festival
A Double Delight
I Two great comedies by the famous







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