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July 20, 1946 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-20

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Prof. Kallenbach Coments
About Talmadge Niination

rice governor of Georgia in the past, sits before a microphone in his
rpaign headquarters in Atlanta, Ga., and tells Georgians he has
ept the primary election. This campaign was Talmadge's fifth, Gov.
Is Arnall, having beaten him four years ago.
Former USO Music Adviser
Conducts "U Summer Chorus'

Conductor of this year's University
suimer session chorus is Mary Mul-
downey, director of Choral Music at
State Teachers' College, Indiana, Pa.
Imported to lead the chorus, which
replaces the function of the winter
Choral Union group, Miss Muldowney
was chosen for her experience in
organizing and developing choral
groups. During the war she was the
only woman among' ten National
Myusic Advisors of the USO. In this
capacity, she and her associates
travelled all over the country or-
ganizing and developing local talent
into choruses and musical programs
for servicemen, both within the Uni-
ted States and overseas.
lMusical Program for WAVES
Miss Muldowney herself set up the
musical program for the WAVES at
Hunter College, N.Y. and for the
WACS at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.
"We not only had to locate per-
formers or instructors and persuade
LOST: K&E log log slide rule in
vicinity W. Eng. Bldg. Reward.
Roy E. Halladay. 2274 Parkwood,
Pittsfield Village. (1
LOST: Brown billfold Saturday
morning on campus. Contains
drivers' license, I.D. 'card, and
ticket to Detroit. Reward. H.
Ernest, 2-4561. (3
LOST: Evershap fountain pen in
auto of Willow Village resident.
Contact Don Baker, 24591. (28
LOST: Greenish-blue Parker "51"
fountain pen with silver cap. Li-
beral reward. Contact Dick Bil-
lings. 1923 Geddes. Phone 26674.
TOM AND ART: It's Tuesday eve,
July-23 at 7:30. (6
ALTERATIONS: Ladies garments.
410 Observatory St., telephone 2-
2678. Alta Graves.
PLAN for your fall suits and formals
now. Expert workmanship on cus-
tom-made clothes and alterations.
Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron.
Phone 2-4669. (10
better price paid. Sam's Store. 122
E. Washington St. (4
WHAT? Only $3.00! I must have
Dean McClusky of 417 8th Street,
Ph. 2-7360 string my tennis rac-
quet. (27

them to give their time gratis to ser-
vice personnel," she said, "but we
often had to persuade them that they
were the talent we needed."
Included in her work was the job
of setting up whole city programs, as
she did in Washington, D.C., where
members of symphony orchestras had
to be convinced that they should in-
struct service men and women on
the various instruments, and enter-
tainers had to be gleaned from both.
amateur and professional talent.
Work With Chorus
Telling of her work with the sum-
mer session chorus, Miss Muldowney
described the students in the chorus
as a group with varying personalities
and interests, to say nothing of voice
qualities, which it is her job to blend
together into a homogeneous sound.
It is a fine challenge, she said, to in-
terest these people in the music and
its- performance.
"The 100 members of the chorus
practice from 7 to 8:30 p.m. every
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,"
she stated, "and although the pros-
pects of the chorus look fine already
we still need a few good tenors and
sopranos and several altos. Anyone
interested could contact me in my
office at 315 Hill Auditorium.
Miss Muldowney attended Cornell
University, N.Y., and received her
B.A. and M.A. degreis at New York
University. She has studied under
Dr. Robert Braun and Dr. Ernest
Hutcheson, head of the Juilliard
School of Music, N.Y.
Tinayre To Present
Recital Tomorrow
Yves Tinayre, baritone, will pre-
sent the first of two Sunday eve-
ning recitals devoted to the vocal
music of the Medieval and Renais-
sance periods at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the First Presbyterian Church.
A French singer, Tinayre is well-
known in this country because of his
set of records, "Sept siecles de musi-
que sacree," presenting typical ex-
amples of religious music composed
between the 12th and 18th centuries.
He will be assisted in his recital
by Eqil Raab and Margaret Detwiler,
violinists, Elisabeth Lewis, violist,
Mary Oyer, cellist and Frieda Op't
Holt Vogan, organist.
The recital is open to the public.
- Last Day Today
with Ann Sheridan,
Humphrey Bogart
-and -
Sunday and Mwonday

ATLANTA, July 19- () -Gene
Talmadge was conceded victory in
the governor's race today by runner-
up, James V. Carmichael, who was
backed by Gov. Ellis Arnall.
Complete unofficial returns gave
Talmadge 242 unit votes, but Car-
michael led in the popular vote,
314, 421 to 304, 760. Ex-governor E
D. Rivers polled 69,750 popular votes.
Kelly Reports
Action In Guard
Activation Plan
LANSING, July 19-UP)-Reorgani-
zation of state military duties aimed
at bringing the new Michigan Na-
tional Guard "to an advanced stage
of readiness" was announced by Gov-
ernor Harry Kelly yesterday.
Col. Owen J. Cleary of Ypsilanti,
commanding officer of the State's
Troops, 31st regiment in Detroit will
direct 1he Nati m l Guard campaign
x.; evuty chief of staff to the Gow -
ernor, Kelly said
Maj. Gen. Thmna Colladay, cor.
manding general of the State Troops,
has been detailed t keep that 0;?-
ganization at peaic strength until it
is relieved by ti cvived Natinyal
'The task of pieparing for pry-
ment of a state bonus to Worid War
II veterans, whih Kelly said he was
"confident" the voters would ap-
or ive in the NOv-:.nb: election when
they ballot on a $270,000,000 bonus
bond issue, was assigned to Brig. Ucn.
Leroy Pearson, the ad iutant general.
I-eliy said Col. Cleary will be as-
sited by an officer in each of the
six districts into which the state has
been divided for National Guard or-
ganization purposes.
"I consider the creatiosi of this
force so essential to the welfare -of
Michigan and to that of the nation as
a v'hele," Kelly said, "that I have
irstituted a vigorous campaign of ac-
tion tha will bring the organiza-
tion to an advanced stage of readi-
ness "
"We have had a Ieirtenin res-
ponse from veterans of World War 1
to whom we have tuva"l for 2ssi1-
amce and support, kni v ig that tn y
will form the backbone of the Na-
tional Guard of the future," he added.
Belly sd he has as: t Gen. Pear-
son to h ve informaitio-i on rLeces-
nary personm el, needed leislation a6I
other factors which enter into pay-
anent of a bonus ready by Sept. 15.
Role of Camera
In War CLtd
Photography played as important
a part in World War II as did bul-
lets, Vernon D. Tate, director of
photography at the National Arch-
ives, Washington, D.C., declared in
an address here yesterday.
At the very start of the war, Tate
remarked, the United States was "as
well equipped as any nation to util-
ize the potentialities of photography
to the utmost."
"One of the most interesting
phases of the use of photography in
the war," he said, "was in espionage
and counter-espionage." He des-
cribed the tiny cameras "no larger
than an ordinary matchbox" which
;were used to reproduce "marvelously
detailed photographs." The posses-
sion of such a camera by a suspect in
Axis-dominated areas, he said, meant
certain death.
Pointing out the popularity of
photography among Americans, he
commented, "Four out of every ten
men inducted into the armed ser-
vices in World War II requested as-
signment to photographic units."
"The Economy of Photocopying"
was the subject of a talk earlier yes-
terday by Charles Z. Case of the

Eastman Kodak Company, Roches-
ter, N.Y.

Despite the fact that Gene Tal-
madge won the Georgia Democratic
primary, which is "tantamount to
election to the governorship," the
popular vote indicates that a major-
ity of the people of the state disap-
prove of his "white supremacy" the-
ory, Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach, of
the. political science department, de-
clared last night.
The combined vote for candidates
James V. Carmichael and E. D. Ri-
vers, his two leading opponents. is
considerably greater than that polled
by Talmadge, Prof. Kallenbach point-
ed out. However, Talmadge won the
nomination because of the peculiar
system in Georgia which gives over-
emphasis to the rural vote. "The
country areas have more unit votes
per person than the city," he added.
In addition to the fact that Tal-
madge's victory is not "a popular
triumph," Prof. Kallenbach stated, it
"remains to be seen" whether or not
he will succeed in carrying out his
avowed program of making the Geor-
gia primary a "strictly party affair."
"Since we do not know the char-
acter of the next Georgia legislature,"
he explained, "it is not possible to
determine whether this objective will
be achieved."
By repealing existing state pri-
mary laws, Talmadge would destroy
the basis for the Supreme Court rul-
ing that Negroes be allowed to par-
ticipate in primaries. This decision
was made in connection with the last
of the Texas "white primary" cases
in 1944.
Prof. Kallenbach pointed out that
South Carolina, by repealing all
existing primarily laws, has appar-
ently achieved a system that will
avoid the effects of this decision.
Since Talmadge based his main cam-
paign platform on this issue, it will
be "interesting" to see if he suc-
ceeds, he said.
Revelli To Lead
All-State Band
William D. Revelli, University band
director, will be guest conductor of
the All-State band when it makes
its final appearance at 3:30 p.m. to-
morrow at the National Music Camp
at Interlochen.
The regular Sunday afternoon con-
cert will also include numbers by
the music camp band under the
direction of Walter C. Welke of Seat-
tle, .Wash., and the program will
close with selections by the combined
At 8 p.m. tomorrow Dr. Joseph E.
Maddy will conduct the youth chorus
in the third of its weekly concerts.
The program will include Franck's
Symphony in D minor, Sibelius' "Fin-
landia," the American folk dance,
"Spoon River," by Percy Grainger,
former member of the camp faculty
and the "American Salute" by Mor-
ton Gould.
Dean Dana Returns
From Conference
Dean Samuel T. Dana, of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
returned yesterday from the Higgins
Lake conference of the committees
of the American Forestry Association.
Dean Dana was the chairman of
the Committee on Timber Manage-
ment and Utilization which presented
suggestions for forest conservation
campaigns, assistance to owners of
small forest properties and refores-
tation activities.
The committee was made up of
representatives of public, private, and
educational institutions from various
sections of the country. The sug-
gestions of this and other commit-
tees have been formulated into a
program to be presented at the meet-
ing of the American Forestry Asscia-
tion in Washington, D.C., next Octo-


Special To The Daily
UTICA, N.Y.-Bob Nussbaumer,
ex-Michigan athlete who gave up col-
legiate competition to enter the
ranks of professional baseball, was
handed his unconditional release yes-
terday by 'Utica, Eastern League
farm club of the Philadelphia Phil-
The former Wolverine baseball and
football star was signed by the Phils
for a reported $15,000 bonus, which,
Utica officials explained, was being'
paid in installments. It was not re-
vealed whether Nussbaumer would
affiliate himself with another team.
Utica Business Manager Fred Sey-
mour gave no reason for the unex-
pected move. Nussbaumer, a steady
.300 hitter and an excellent fielder


AS VICTORY OPEN GETS UNDER WAY-Frank Stranahan (left),
Toledo, O., amateur, and Jeanne Kline, of Bloomington, Ill., find some-
thing of interest to chat about in front of the scoreboard during the
opening round of the Victory National Golf Tournament at Medinah
Country Club in Chicago. Stranahan recently won the Kansas City
Invitational Golf Tournament.
Nussbaumer Given Release
By Philadelphia Farm Club'

Major Leagues
To Give Players
Say in Contracts
Meeting Called for
July 29 by Chandler
CHICAGO, July 19- UP) - In a
revolutionary move to combat player
dissatisfaction, professional baseball
decided to give players a voice in the
framing of new contracts to be sub-
mitted for the 1947 season.
Commissioner Albert B. Chandler
telegraphed each of the sixteen maor
league managers, asking him to name
a playing representative of his club
to meet in extraordinary session with
the presidents of the National and
American Leagues July 29, an open
date, in an effort to reach' an under-
standing covering over-all player
The eight American League play-
ers will meet with President William
Harridge in Chicago, while the eight
National Leaguers will meet with
President Ford Frick in New York
on the same date.
Tigers' Rally
Nps Senators
WASHINGTON, July 19-P)-The
Detroit Tigers, once behind by 0-5,
rallied to defeat the Washington
Senators tonight 10-5, and give
pitcher Hal Newhouser his 18th vic-
Newhouser needed-and got-lots
of help from the bats of Hank Green-
.berg and Birdie Tebbetts.
In the sixth, Greenberg banged a
tremendous triple with the bases
loadednto drive in three runs. A mo-
ment later, Tebbetts doubled home
two runs that gave Detroit a 5-5 tie.
Tebbetts also got in the knockout
punch, a single with the bases filled
in the eighth that sent Detroit
ahead to stay.
Mickey Vernon, Washington first
baseman, got four hits in five trips to
the, plate to take the League's bat-
ting lead from Boston's Ted Williams,
Red Sox Crush Chicago
BOSTON, July 19-The Red Sox
romped to an easy 9 to 2 victory over
the White Sox today in a wild game
that saw 14 Chicago players ban-
ished for heckling an umpire's warn-
ing after ar "dust off" pitch to Ted
Ingrid Bergman

while in college, was hitting .269 for
32 games. He could have played
football for Michigan this fall, had
he retained his amateur status.
Tom Harmon
Loses Contract
LOS ANGELES, July 19-G)-Af-
ter several weeks of dickering, the
Los Angeles Dons of the All-America
football conference have withdrawn
a contract offer to Tom Harmon,
former Michigan ace.
Dons' general manager Slip Madi-
gan said simply: "We felt that Har-
mon had been away from football
too long and .also was too much in-
terested in radio work to be worth
the salary he requested." Madigan
declined to say what that figure was,
or how far apart the two parties
Madigan pointed out that Harmon
had not played regularly since 1939,
his last season at Michigan. The for-
mer Wolverine All-American, more-
over, had a lengthy war service.
[I Diamonds(1
71 North University.Ave.

Major League Standings

W L Pet. GB
Boston.........63 24 .724
New York.... 51 35 .593 11%
Detroit.........47 36 .566 141>
Washington .... 42 41 .506 19'V
Cleveland .......40 45 .471 221?
St. Louis .......37 48 .435 25
Chicago ........ 33 51 .393 28%,
Philadelphia .... 25 58 .301 36 ,
Cleveland 6, Philadelphia 1
Detroit 10, Washington 5
Boston 9, Chicago 2
Only Games Scheduled
W L Pct. GB




:.. .s.

St. Louis......
Chicago ........
Philadelphia .. .
New York.....
Pittsburgh ......






Only a brush
and comb"

Brooklyn 8, Cincinnati 4
Boston 6, Chicago 1
St. Louis at Philadelphia, post-
Only Games Scheduled.



from 1 P.M. COOL! ,A.T.IE


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Sax and trumpet. Audition Tues- and
day, July 23. Meet in front of Har- JUNIOR PROM
ris Hall promptly at 7:00 p.m. (5
"The larkiest thing C uan ever 'wrote" . . . Gabriel, American
MAvost spectacular stunt I ever saw in a playhouse"
. ..Anderson. Journal


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