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July 20, 1946 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-20

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Make No Progress
Ban on 'Propaganda' Included in Fund
Voted by Congress for Price Agency

May Subpoenaed
By Senate Body
Second Congressman Reported To Be
Under Suspicion in Senate War Probe
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jul 19-An undercover inquiry into the relations of
a second Congressman with a war contractor was reported in progress to-
night after the Senate War Investigating Committee formally served a sub-
poena on Rep. May (Dem., Ky.).
The committee wants to get May in the witness chair to ask him. about
previous testimony linking his name with finacial deals and influence or
behalf of a Midwest munitions combine.
May was tagged with the subpoena by a committee representative in o
fiirst floor corridor of the new House

By The Assocat d Press
WASHINGTON, July 19 -()- A
ban on government "propaganda in
support of price control" was voted
by Congress late today, while Senate-
House conferees labored without suc-
cess to agree on a bill reviving OPA.
"We're getting nowhere the fastest
Meat Sales at
Low Eb; Hat
Aids 'Boycott'
UAW Pickets In Effort
To Halt Consumption
By The Associated Press
Hot weather supported the buyers'
strike against high meat prices Fri-
Detroit, central point of the CIO
United Ato Workers' buyers' strike,
reported markedly decreasedsales,
and an industry spokesman attributed
this partly to the heat.
The mercury ran up to 95 degrees
at midafternoon in the motor city.
Heat, Boycott, Prices
"The sales are very slow because
of three factors-the heat, the buyers'
boycott and the high prices," said
Sidney Black, business manager for
the Detroit Retail Meat Merchants
Association. The Association has ex-
pressed 'sympathy with the buyers'
At the same time the auto union
set about large scale weekend picket-
ing of stores handling meat. UAW
President Walter P. Reuther said the
purpose was to reduce meat sales to
"none at al" over Friday a/d Sat-
The UAW-CIO's week-long strike
entered its third day Friday with
union headquarters reporting scatter-
ed reports of continuing price de-
Housewives March
Housewives marched in picket lines
before Rochester, N.Y., stores. They
carried signs urging shoppers "let's
keep prices down. Buy nothing to-
Black said at a rough estimate
prices in Detroit had fallen to points
10 to 20 per cent aboveOPA levels
as compared with a general average
of 40 per cent directly after OPA's
Live stock price declines leveled off
at most of the countrys markets in
generally slow trade. The markets,
however, are usually quiet on Friday
in view of weekend closings. There
were sharp declines Thursday.
Local Buyers'
Boycott Begins
Ann Arbor grocers and meat deal-
ers are feeling the effects of a buyers'
boycott, Ashley Clague, chairman of
the Washtenaw County Food Advis-
ory Committee, revealed yesterday.
"Meat is moving slowly from
counters, and people appear to be
buying only what is needed," Clague
"Butter is down to 69 cents a pound
which is only several cents over OPA
ceilings. This would indicate that
the laws of supply and demand are
now working and the boycott is exert-
ing an influence," Clague added.
When asked if wholesalers would
react by withholding items from the
market, Clague asserted that this
is unlikely to happen now.
Nazi Transfer
Plan Disputed
FRANKFURT, Germany, July 19
--(1P)-Several high U.S. officers said
today a disagreement which they
described as "the most fundamental
difference in 14 months of occupa-

tion" developed in Gen. Joseph T.
McNarney's headquarters recently
over the pending transfer into Ger-
man hands of up to 68,000 American-
confined Nazis..
A clash of principles in American
administrative policy for occupied
Germany also was said to have arisen
over a speed-up in the release of
the German civilian internees, 26,000
of whom have been freed in recent

I ever saw," was the glum comment
of Senate Barkley (Dem., Ky), a
leader in the attempt to write a bill
that President Truman won't veto.
An afternoon session of the confer-
ence got nowhere and another meet-
ing was set for tomorrow. Barkley
announced that "we will work as
long as there is any hope."
An appropriation bill the Senate
passed and sent to the White House
granted OPA $75,000,000 for ex-
penses during the present fiscal
year-if the agency is revived, but
stipulated that none of the money
shall be used for "general propa-
ganda in support of price control."
The $75,000,000 was a compromise
between the $106,000,000 the House
had voted before the price control
agency legally died July 1 and the
$56,650,000 the Senate had voted to
allow if it is revived by pending
The two houses also voted to cut
out of the measure a proposed $50,-
000 appropriation for a joint com-
mittee to report on economic pros-
pects, a setup provided under the re-
cently-enacted employment bill.
As for the argument over reviving
OPA, conferees for the House flatly
refused to accept any Senate propos-
al that does not assure restoration
of price ceilings on milk, meat, eggs
and others foods.
That decision drew still tighter
the deadlock over what sort of GPA
-if any-shall get a new lease on
life and prompted Senate Demo-
cratic leader Barkley of Kentucky
to say the prospect for an OPA
revival agreement "doesn't look so
Refusing to budge from their in-
sistence on putting basic foods back
under price controls, the House mem-
bers of the Senate-House conference
committee turned thumbs down on
a proposed compromise submitted by
a Republican-dominated Senate sub-
committee of Senators Taft, Tobey
(Rep., N.H.), and Radcliffe (Dem.,
This proposal would have left to
a three-man board, with higher au-
thority than OPA, the decision
whether food price ceilings should
be restored.
Measure Sent
To President
WASHINGTON, July 19-(,)-Sen-
ate approval of a compromise with
the ouse on the $1,604,862,140
Treasury - Post Office Appropriation
Bill sent the measure to the White
House late today.
When President Truman signs it
postal workers and some treasury
employes can get their midJuly pay
checks, held up while Congress
Differences between the two houses
on most provisions of the bill had
been ironed out some time ago, but
the measure was held up by disagree-
ment over the price of Treasury sil-
The silver controversy was trans-
ferred to separate legislation, making
possible final congressional action on
the supply bill.
100 Killed in Bolivian
Revolutionary Attempt
BUENOS AIRES, July 19-(')-
The La Plata radio of Sucre, Bolivia,
said today that approximately 100
persons were killed and more than
150 wounded in a revolutionary at-
tempt at La Paz yesterday which the
Bolivian government reported was
quelled within a few hours.

FISHERMAN'S TALES-General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower (with fishing rod) explains to his
brothers about fisherman's luck while vacationing at Big Lake, near Wnocqua, Wis. Left to right: Milton,
Manhattan, Kan.; Dwight himself; Earl, Charlero, Pa.; Arthur, Kansas City, Mo.; and Edgar, Tacoma, Wash.

Pauley To Give
Truman Report
On Reparations
WASHINGTON, July 19-(R)-Ed-
win W. Pauley returned tonight to
deliver a report to President Tru-
man on his world reparation studies
which officials expect to lead to
sterner opposition to Russian repara-
tion policies.
"This,, was a fact-finding mission
and we got the facts," he told re-
porters at the airport at the end
of his 40,000-mile mission which be-
gan May 4. He declined to elaborate
pending his report to the President.
Stiffened Policy
There already has been a notice-
able stiffening of American policy all
along the. line so far as Russia is
concerned. Particularly strong op-
position has appeared against two
relatively new Soviet demands: For-
eign Minister Molotov's insistence
on $10,000,000,000 reparations for the
Soviet Union from Germany, and
Russian moves to take industrial
equipment from their zone in Austria
in the face of Austrian claims that
the plan would wreck the country's
Reparations for Control
Diplomatichauthorities here con-
tend that the Russians are using
reparations as a means of exercising
direct economic control and there-
fore indirect political control in vari-
ous countries. It has worked out that
way in the Balkan states, these in-
formants say, and the Russians ap-
pear to be trying to make it work out
that way in Germany and Austria.
Pauley visited among other areas
Japan, Korea, Manchuria, the Philip-
pines, Germany and Austria. He
called also at London and Paris.
Bulgars To Get
Free Elections'
U.S. Opposes Present
Regime Says Byrnes
WASHINGTON, July 19-(Y)-The
State Department disclosed today
that Secretary Byrnes had received
assurances from a ranking Bulgarian
official that Bulgaria would hold
"free and open elections' within three
The department also reported that
Byrnes had strongly reaffirmed
American opposition to present polit-
ical conditions in Bulgaria.
The information came out in the
aftermath of the Foreign Ministers
Conference at Paris which drafted
a Bulgarian peace treaty that is ex-
pected to be signed with the present
communist-dominated government of

U' Professors, Local Groups'
Join Anti-Inflation Parade'

A committee of three facultymen
joined veteran groups yesterday in
pledging complete support to the
AVC sponsored "Smash Inflation"
parade and rally to be held at 4 p.m.
Tuesday at State and Main streets.-
First action of the "committee of
professors" will be the telephonic
round-up today of other facultymen,
to obtain their help in the "Smash3
New July 19,
Record Is et
By Heat Wave
By The Associated Press
A 100-degree temperature, highest
July 19 figure in the 74-year history
of the Detroit Weather Bureau, was
recorded Friday as most of the state
sweltered in 90-degrees-plus readings.
One death was recorded as William
Licht, 55, a retired merchant, dropp-
ed dead at Romeo.
The top Detroit reading came at
3:30 p.m., but a briefrrain and wind-
storm sent the mercury tumbling to.
a 75 degree mark at 9:15 EST Friday
Other top temperatures listed by
the Detroit weatherman included:
Jackson 95; Battle Creek 98; Muske-
gon 87; Grand Rapids 90; Lansing 97;
Flint 99; Romulus 99; Saginaw 94
and Traverse City 79. Sault Ste. Mar-
ie with a 67 degree atmosphere was
the coolest place in the state Friday
afternoon, the weatherman Added.
Considerable property damage, but
no personal injuries were reported in
the storm that. swept Detroit early
Friday night.
Thundershowers in southern Iowa
and Northern Michigan accompanied
the cool air, and showers were fore-
cast for today (Saturday), in West-
ern Massachusetts.
Keep Cool, Eat Salt
"Lots of salt" was recommended
to aid sufferers from the heat yes-
terday by Dr. Margaret M. Bell.
Although Health Service has as
yet no cases of heat prostration to
report, Dr. Bell cautioned that un-
less students follow her advise to
"eat lightly, wear unrestricting
clothing and .avoid excessive exer-
tion," heat prostration may result,
as several cases usually do occur
every summer from lack of obser-
vance of these suggestions.
Studying and walking to and from
classes do not come in the category
of "excessive exertion."

Inflation" assembly. Members of the
committee are: Prof. Horace Minor
of the sociology department; Dr.
Theodore Newcomb of the sociology
department; and Prof. Wesley Maur-
er of the journalism department.
In addition, Kenneth Fleischauer,
president of the Veterans Organiza-
tion, promised the support of his
group to AVC's "Smash Inflation"
campaign. He indicated yesterday
that members of his organization will
be urged to parade Tuesday in what
AVC publicity chairman, John W.
Carr, III, maintained "might be the
last chance to persuade Congression-
al fence-sitters that the U.S. needs
an effective price control bill."
Meanwhile, the newly organized
University Women's Veterans Asso-
ciation is conducting today a poll of
its membership to determine the ex-
tent to which the new organization
will participate in the drive.
Local business, labor, and agricul-
ture representatives have already
committed themselves to active sup-
port of Tuesday's campaign. At the
culmination of the parade at the
steps of the County Courthouse at
Huron and Main streets, speakers
from all three of these groups will
address the rally.
"All other groups or individuals
that wish to 'jump on the anti-infla-
tion bandwagon' are strongly urged
to join the assemblage at 3:45 p.m.
Tuesday opposite Harris Hall," Carr
Many Killed in
Renewed Luzon
Peasant Revolt
MANILA, Saturday ,July 20-(A)-
Months of sporadic fighting between
government forces and armed pea-
sants in central Luzon approached a
crisis today with the latest flareup
taking an undetermined number of
An official report to President Rox-
as Friday said one Military Police of-
ficer and two enlisted men had been
killed and 11 MP's wounded in a
continuing clash only 35 miles north-
west of Manila.
Casualties among the opposing
Hukbalahaps (armed peasants) were
undetermined, said the report from
the provost marshal general, Col.
Mariano Castaneda, but they were
believed to be "heavy."
Twelve MP companies equipped
with mortars, armored cars, and ma-
chineguns had been fighting for two
days with an estimated 500-60 pea-
sants armed with machineguns and
rifles. At last reports the fighting
was still in progress.
Luis Taruc, slightly built leader of
the Huks, told newspapermen in Ma-
nila the situation "fast was ap-
proaching a crisis" and that he
would seek a conference with Roxas
in an effort to avoid further blood-
Taruc said there still was time to
halt the fighting if Roxas and his
leaders would meet with the PKM
(peasant union) and Hukbalahap
'U' Professors Plan

Office Building, where May's office
is located. May accepted it without
Earlier May had shown sgns of
ignoring such a summons. Officials
said the House would have to grant
him special permission before he
could testify under compulsion.
Meantime, persons familiar with
the Senate committee's work said the
name of a second member of the
House of Representatives, not pre-
viously mentioned in public testi-
mony, had entered into the inves-
Three other Congressmen named
in testimony appeared before the
committee voluntarily during the day
and denied under oath that they gave
the munitions firms any assistance.
They were the Senate and House
Democratic leaders, Senator Bark-
ley (Ky.) and Rep. McCormack
(Mass.), and Chairman Sabath
(Dem., Ill.) of the.House Rules Com-
mittee. Former Rep. Dickstein (Dem.,
N.Y.) filed a similar denial by tele-
gram from Lake Placid, N.Y.
Mrs. Jean Bates, former secre-
tary in the combine's Washington
office, had testified of telephone
calls to or from the Congressmen's
Barkley and McCormack said they
personally had no dealings with the
munitions makers. Sabath said he
was "guilty" of sitting in pinochile
games with two of them, Joseph
Freeman and Murray Garsson.
While Sabath was on the stand,
Senator Brewster (Rep., Me.) dipped
into previously undisclosed testi-
mony in secret session which indi-
cated that the first meeting between
Henry Garsson, one of the chief pro-
moters of the combine, and A. B.
Gellman, President of Erie, was in
Sabath's office in the Capitol.
Business Panel
To Review Job
Business and industrial leaders will
give students an inside view of im-
mediate and future Job opportunities
at the annual Guidance and Place-
ment Conference Tuesday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
A panel of five businessmen and
women will provide what Dr. T. Lu-
ther Purdom, Director of the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, called "a
picture of present day business yon-
ditions and opportunities."
The panel will meet at 4 p.m. Tues-
day. Businessmen and women par-
ticipating are Joseph Padgett, Tole-
do, Ohio; John Haien, Detroit; Har-
ry J. Kelley, Grand Rapids; Sara
Ruane of Wayne University; and
Harry Hogan of Detroit.
A second portion of the conference
will consider the question "How Do
You Look to an Employer?" Presid-
ing at a demonstration of right and
wrong dress, manner and speech at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, will be Dean of
Women Alice Lloyd.
'Merger Quest
To Be Dropped
Action Is Acclaimed
By Navy Supporters

.death Penalty
Added by House
To Atomic Bill
Atom Bomb Production
Goes to Armed Forces
WASHINGTON, July 19-(P)-The
House wrote a death penalty pro-
vision into atomic energy legislation
today, paved the way for the Army
to manufacture atomic bombs, and
rewrote the controversial patent
Then it pet off a final decision
on the legislation, passed unanimous-
ly by the Senate in different form
more than a month ago, until tomor-
Subject to Roll Call Count
The death penalty, the Army bomb
production, and the patents amend-
ments were approved by standing
votes still subject to roll-call counts
if enough members demand them.
Rep. Summers (Dem., Tex.) was
author of the section setting up the
death penalty for violators of secur-
ity regulations. Also tentatively
adopted was an amendment by Rep.
Howard Smith (Dem., Va.) making
the minimum sentence in such cases
10 years.
Move to Kill Bill
Still ahead is a drive, to send it.
back to the House Military Commit-
tee for further consideration, a move
which, if successful, would kill the
bill until next year.
A five-vote margin, 99 to 94, struck
from the bill today a Senate section
that would have allowed the com-
mission to share with other nations,
under certain conditions, information
on the use of atomic energy for in-
dustrial purposes.
Today's other main development on
the military aspect was adoption of
an amendment aimed at letting the
Army keep on making atomic bombs.
102 to 70 Vote
That provision, favored ,by the
House Military Committee, went in
on a 102 to 72; standing vote, subject
to a later roll call if enough members
should demand it.
Under the amendment the Presi-
dent would have discretionary power
to direct the proppsed atomic con-
trol commission to allow the armed
forces to make atomic weapons.
Without such a provision, military
committeemen had contended, the
armed forces would be unable to
make atomic bombs under any condi-
* * *
No Scientific
Secrets Sought,
Gromyko 'Says


Vandenberg Favors State Rent Control
S* * *

NEW YORK, July 19--(A)-Andrel
A. Gromyko, of Russia, declared to-
day. that "nobody is. asking for
secrets" in the exchange of scientific
information involved in framing a
world atomic control charter.
Gromyko, sitting on the scientific
and technical committee of the Uni-
ted Nations Atomic Energy Commis-
sion until Russia's scientific repre-
sentative arrives from the Bikini
atomic bomb tests, said, however,
that the methods of exchange of sci-
entific information on the peaceful
uses of atomic energy were ripe for
Gromyko's remark was contained
in a statement issued by the United
Nations after the closed first meeting
of the scientific and technical com-
From authorized sources it was
learned that the committee had vot-
ed down a proposal by Gromyko to
have the committee chairmanship
rotated between the Netherlands and
the Polish representatives. Ten mem-
bers voted for a proposal for a single


Rent control centered in the in-
dividual states was favored yester-
day by Michigan's Senator Arthur H.
Vandenberg, in answer to a Daily
"I think this country is too big
and too complex to be run by stan-
dardized regulations from Washing-
ton excent as a last resort. But I

which must be financed through sep-
arate appropriations bills. The "bil-
libn dollar bill" authorizes that ap-
propriations be made covering the
Great Lakes Connecting Channels,
and authorizes survey projects at
Charlevoix Harbor, Leland Harbor,
Millecoquin River, Grand Traverse
Bay, Torch Lake and other lakes in
Antrim County. he said.

WASHINGTON, July 19- ()-
Navy boosters ran up a victory flag
today at word that President Truman
has agreed to drop his demand for
congressional action this session on
the Army-Navy merger.
"This is a big victory for the Navy,"
commented Sen. Robertson (Rep.,
Wyo.). He and other naval commit-
tee members have been backing the
Navy department in its 'long fight
against consolidation with the War
Department in a single defense de-

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