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July 13, 1946 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-13

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'4' Eirvigu a11j
Fifty-Sixth Year

lII Colt Poepiial gelg.optep.



E'ited and managed by students of. the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Oontro
of Student Pubicatos.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim
City News ................................ Clyde Recht
University ............................ Natalie Bagrow
Sports .................................... Jack Martin
Women's .................................. Lynne Ford
Business Staff
Business- Manager.................... Janet Cork
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for xe-publication of all news dispatches credited toit or
otherwise credited in this newipaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at At Arbor, Michigan Mme
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by ca -
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945.46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
Sre written by members of The Daily staf
and represent the views of the writers only.
The proposed Army-Navy' merger bill still
sits in the Senate after months of controversy.
Unless Navy opposition to the unification plan
is listened to and a compromise reached, chances
of passing the bill before the planned recess
of Congress this month are nil.
Reasons for the heated Navy opposition to
the bill are many and in some cases justified.
In their offense upon the creation of a single De-
partment of Defense, the first general assump-
tion of naval leaders is that the Navy is of vi-
tal importance to our national defense. Cer-
tainly they are correct here, although Navy Se-
cretary Forrestal's discounting of the might of
the atomic bomb is evidenced by his surprise
at the "relative unimportance" of the damage
done to naval vessels in the Bikini Bomb test is
an example of gross under-estimation.
The Army, on its side, has nursed a century-
old resentment of the Navy's flare for the'spec-
tacular. Man's awe of the sea seems to cling des-
pite modern science. Destroyer skippers and
the glamour boys of the PT squadrons made the
headlines during the war far more than did the
infantryman. From the Army's point of view,
then, the bill would be to their distinct disad-
On April 11 the President cracked down on
Navy lobbying and propaganda against the bill,
implying threats of severe disciplinary action
against violators. Three days later, "The Army-
Navy Journal," unofficial service publication,
made a fair offer in proposing that the Presi-
dent refer the bitter controversy over Army-
Navy unification to his recently created coun-
cil of elder statesmen for national defense which
would serve as a jury. The appealwas made with
the warning that "scars from this controversy"
may only intensify the "bitterness which already
Pointing out that the council,, which consists
of ten top war leaders who were given their
high ranks and active pay for life by special
action of Congress, the publication remarked
editorially: "A unanimous decision of that coun-
cil, having upon it men ,who were leaders in
the war, who coordinated the different arms in
action, and who have their own convictions and
yet realize thoroughly the need for harmony,
would satisfy the public and be accepted by the
The proposal was ignored.
At that time Congressional opponents of the'
merger said that the Senate unification bill
would be delayed until the Navy was allowed to
voice its objections. These forecasts have proved

On July 2 the Navy made its own opportuni-
ty with an attack on the revised bill before the
Naval Affairs Committee, headed by Senator
David I. Walsh. The bill had then been amended
by the Military Affairs Committee and was
avowedly designed to carry out Mr. Truman's
latest recommendations. Senator Walsh said
that the Navy had complained that the new bill
carried proposals not agreed 'to by the Navy
Department and "a good deal that was con-
trary" to what had been the area of agreement
with the Army..
He added that several of the objections were.
to parts of the bill which President Truman on
June 15 had personally decided must be in-
corporated, even though Navy representatives in
their negotiations with the Army had been un-
willing to accept them. The revised bill carried
two proposals objected to by the Navy, those for
a single Department of Defense and for putting
all land-based aviation under the control of the
Air Forces.

T HIS COLUMN recently quoted the official
records of the Paris Peace Conference of
1919, which indicated that the United States at
that time had withheld relief supplies in an
effort to starve out the Communist governments
in Russia and Hungary. . UNRRA officials in
China now charge that the Chinese National
Government is witholding relief supplies from
Communist areas in China.
These charges have been revealed in a series
of dispatches .fron John Graham Dowling of
the Chicago Sun Foreign Service. These charges
clearly demonstrate that Communist areas, con-
'Let Them Eat Cake'
OS ANGELES-The strategy of the enemies
of price control is quite obviously to delay
action on a new bill; they hope that within a
few more days our business community will
be so involved in new prices and new contracts
and its warehouses will be so loaded with goods
bought above ceiling, that to unscramble the
mess will be as hard as to dissemble an omelet.
Every day that passes without a bill is, to them,
a victory gained; for, as business people put
their money into lead at 9.5 cents instead of
8.25 cents, or into butter at 73 cents, wholesale,
instead of 51 cents, they become committed to
the new price level and hence they also become
reluctant converts to the doctrine that perhaps
we had better stay lost, instead of trying to
find our way home again.
It is serious business, this, of becoming
committed to a new and higher price level,
and we had better begin to look at some of the
likely and less obvious results. These will be
many and varied. Quite at random, for ex-
ample, one might pick the subject of world
famine; and one can say with confidence that
the price rise is going to make it harder for
for us to shi wheat abroa'd.
For as cattle go to a new all-time high, the
urge to turn grain into meat instead of selling
it as grain will be strengthened During an
inflationary rise, a lust develops to turn every
basic commodity into its most expensive and
complex, rather than into its cheapest and
simplest final product, which is why, during such
a time, it is always easier to buy silk shirts and
steaks than socks and bread. The present in-
crease in slaughter may counteract the ten-
dency for a short time, but midwestern farmers
are already talking about brighter prospects for
"feeding out" their cattle to the ultimate of
primeness and fatness, a process which is cer-
tain to compete with our need for feeding out
the world's famished millions to keep them
from dying.
One can, at this poit leave economics and
turn to a question of a more spiritual kind.
One aspect of inflation is that a certain
coarseness and grossness of the public spirit
arises inevitably with it; of which the pros-
pect sketched out above, for more steaks and
less famine relief, is only one example.
Surely there are those who remember the
peculiar and intellectual climate of the inflatior
which followed the first world war; that strange
period of the striped silk shirt, the profiteer, and
the disregard of the returning servicemen.
Strange things happen to the spirit of man
during an inflationary rise; it seems to harden,
so as to fit itself to lve in a setting in which
we produce elaborate night club dinners for
the few instead of round steak for the many;
hundred dollar suits rather than thirty-five
dollar suits, and gadgets made of gold rather
than kitchen articles of tin.
It becomes a time when the ride in the limou-
sine nocks the quiet walk in the lane; a time
tough and coarse and filled with envy; a kind
of night-time for the clearer side of men, and
this will come upon us in a period when we shall
need all our perceptiveness and our unspoiled
instincts to keep us right-side up in a chancy
world. This is the commitment upon which we
are engaging ourselves; and it is odd indeed that
it is being peddled to us as a return to a simpler
and more straightforward kind of life than that
which we have recently known.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Philippie Question
N WHAT NEWS sources can a man believe?
Prof. Slosson, Michigan's well known auth-
ority on current affairs is reported to have said
in a University Lecture Tuesday that, "Philip-
pine independence marks the end of the im-
perialistic era."
I pointed out in an editorial last week that
while the new Republic of the Philippines has
been given nominal political independence, it
is being forced to amend its constitution to per-
mit the unchecked economic exploitation of the
natural resources of the Islands. Certainly there,
is no more abominable nor ,more effective type
of imperialism than the domination 'of a ,na-
tion's economy by foreign business interests.
If his statement is to be interpreted in the
popularly accepted usage of the 'phrase, it seems
to me that Prof. Slosson's statement is incor-
rect. t-Tom Walsh

taining 25 per cent of the people of China, have
received a disproportionately low percentage of
the relief supplies sent to China by UNRRA.
Mme. Sun Yat-sen, widow of the founder of the
Chinese Republic, stated that only one per cent
of the supplies sent to China by UNRRA.had
reached 'the Communist areas. The Chinese
Communists say that the figure is less than two
per cent, and INRRA officials place it at 2 to 4
per cent. The most generous estimate thus clear-
ly proves discrimination against the Communist
A documented report by an UNRRA field
director revealed that the armies of Chiang
Kai-shek had stopped a shipment of food bound
for the Comniunist famine area of North Hupeh
province. The report of these National troops
declared that "the military feels that they have
the Reds in North Hupeh cut off and hope to
starve them into submission."
UNRRA also revealed that this discrimination
stemmed directly from the office of the Chinese
National Relief and Rehabilitation Administra-
tion, organ of the Chiang Kai-shek government.
UNRRA reported that CNRRA had approved and
was preparing to ship 5,000 tons of flour and an
additional 12',000 tons monthly to "North Kiang-
su refugees from the Communists". The UNRRA
representatives in North Kiangsu protested bit-
terly, wiring: "What's the idea? There are no
North Kiangsu refugees here except a few
wealthy landlords who have run away from the
Communist districts." This would not be the
first instance of these wealthy landlords, many
of whom collaborated with the Japanese, getting
relief supplies from the Chiang Kai-shek govern-
ment and selling them to the starving.
When confronted by these documented facts,
Dr. Tingfu F. Tsiang, director of CNRRA, re-
plied: "There is no political discrimination in
my office." Dr. Tsiang maintained that the
"Communists don't need food and don't want
food". Mr. Dowling quoted the following sta-
tistics to indicate that Dr. Tsiang's contention
was unfounded: "Whether the Communists real-
ly need aid is illustrated by the Communist re-
port from Yenan on the people's losses in North
China liberated areas during the war years:
Killed or tortured to death: 3,100,0,.
Disabled, including civilians: 2,900,000."
Ths report also states that over 6 million cat-
tie, 48 million sheep, and 19 million homes were
destroyed by the invaders in these areas.
Fiorello LaGuardia, director of UNRRA, has
reacted to these charges by cutting off all
UNRRA shipments to China except food. He
has threatened to stop even food shipments if
the Chiang Kai-shek government continues to
discriminate for political reasons.
Thus Mr. LaGuardia's name must be added
to that long list of men who have condemned
the Chiang Kai-shek government. Since early
in the Sino-Japanese War, such correspond-
ents as Edgar Snow and Nathaniel Peffer of
the New York Times have pleaded for Ameri-
can support of the Communists in China. They
based their plea on the fact that the Commun-
ists alone in China were vigorously fighting
the Japanese, while Chiang Kai-shek did the
bulk of his fighting against the Communists.
But throughout the war years, and still today,
the American government supports the feudal
dictatorship of Chiang Kai-shek.
-Ray Ginger
Proud Slavery
HITLER has redeemed the word "slave." He
has made us see that slavery is nothing to
be ashamed of.
Slavery, he has made us remember, is a condi-
tion imposed from the outside; and in the last
analysis, no condition imposed from the outside
can rate the victims as low in the scale as those
who made them victims. The Frenchman who
goes back to his village will, in some later day,
say to his grandchildren, bitterly but proudly:
"I was a slave." He will tell of insults, beatings,
of working under harsh overseers, of being starv-
ed into submission; but he will tell these things
with a remembering pride in his tough power
to survive. His grandchildren will be proud to be
the offspring of this man who was once a slave.
Nothing in modern history-before the Hit-
ler days-is darker than the African slave

trade. It was conducted by whites, and it is
something for whites to be ashamed of. It is
nothing for colored people to be ashamed of.
Yet there is a tacit assumption that. Negroes
of today have, in their slave background, some-
thing they need to live down-as a newly rich
woman hides the fact that her father was a sa-
loonkeeper. But there is, in slavery, nothing for
Negroes to live down. White men, in their
moods of mastery, committed some of the cruel-
ist acts in history. They were man-hunters-
brutal, conscienceless, and hypocritical. They
searched out texts in their Holy Bible to justify
their abominations. Never did hypocrisy wear so
mean a face as among Christian slavers.
There is nothing in his slave ancestry for the
Negro to be ashamed of. Rather he has reasons
to be proud. Not only did his ancestors have
the stuff in them to survive the hardships of
slavery, but they were vital enough to impress
the pattern of themselves upon their masters.
-H. A. Overstreet in
"The Saturday Re-
view of Literature"

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parade of military might in Bu--
aos Aires may have had several mo-
tivations. There can be little doubt
that its primary purpose was to in-
press Argentina's neighbors. None of
them, with the exception of Brazil,
has any such array, or the money to
support such an army. Argentina
is using 45 per cent of her budget
for that purpose.
Comparisons of the equipment of
the Argentine Army and the armies
of the great powers that fought the
war are not a true index of the effec-
tiveness of Peron's forces. It makes
little difference whether the carbines
and artillery are comparable to those,
say, of the United States, Britain
and Russia. A better comparison is
between the weapons and forces that
Peron has at his disposal and those
of neighboring countries.
Peron is not rattling his saber at
us. This display was for the eyes
of the other Latin-American diplo-
mats and military observers ,
Probably they were impressed.,
-The New York 'times


a 6 -,ld f-i- SY di-" I
P. oft-Ail , i,,I I .lr.

"I've been looking at young Judson's war record. It says he fought on
the sane side as the Russians."


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent In typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 AngelI Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 9S
Service Women interested in dis-
cussing plans for the formation of a
social organization to serve their in-
terests are invited to attend a brief
meeting Monday evening, July 15,
at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League.
Interested Service women, unable to
attend, may call Anne Dearnley,
phone 2-4561 if they desire to be in-
formed of future meetings.
Dependents Schools Service:
Representatives from Headquar-
ters, United States Forces, European
Theatre, Dependents Schools Service
will be in the office of the Bureau of
Appointments on Monday and Tues-
day, July 22 and 23. They will inter-
view candidates for teaching posi-
tions in Germany. Candidates are re-
quired to have two years of teaching
experience and should have in hand
the following information:
1. Proof of citizenship, personal
data such as age and marital status,
photograph, and any requirements
for the procurement of a passport.
2. Complete statement of school-
ing, giving dates, degrees, honors,
majors, etc.
3. Description of teaching experi-
ence, giving dates, location of schools,
age levels taught, characteristics of
groups, typical as well as unusual
instructional procedures employed
in directing classroom activities.
4. Brief description of self, stres-
sing personality traits, health status,
hobbies, reading interests, social and
community activities.
5. Refereices and letters of re-
6. Copies of teaching certificates.
For appointment, call the Bureau
of Appointments - Extension 489,
Miss Briggs.
University of Michigan Sailing
Club: Officers, Members, and poten-
tial members : There will be a meet-
ing of the club at 1:00 pm.. on Sat.,
July 13 at the Michigan Union. Will
the secretary please bring the roll
of members. We will leave for Whit-
more Lake shortly after 1 p.m.
Housing for Women Students for
the Fall Semester;
(1) Women students now enrolled
who have dormitory applications on
file in the Office of the Dean of Wo-
men will be notified during July of
their assignments.
(2) Those who have applied
through this office for supplemen-
tary housing and been referred are
advised to sign contracts with the
individual League Housemothers.
(3) Those who are enrolled for the
summer session who still need to ap-
ply for housing for the fall semester
are advised to call at the Office of
the Dean of Women immediately
provided their admission is not limit-
ed to the summer session only.
The YWCA is looking for women
graduate students and senior under-
graduates with sociology, group,
health and physical education majors
who would be interested in working
in an international, interracial and
inter-faith organization. There are

openings for teen age program direc-
tor, business and industrial healthk
education, and executive director. All
those interested in talking to Miss1
Lois McColbch of the National Sta1
call the Bureau of Appointments, 2011
Mason Hall, ext. 371, for further in-1
There will be a lecture by Mabel
E. Rugen, Professor of Health and
Physical Education on Monday, July
15, at 4:05 p.m. in the University
High School Auditorium. The topic
will be "Interesting Developments in
State Plans for Health Activities in
There will be a lecture by O. W.
Stephenson, Associate professor of
the Teaching of History, on Tuesday,
July 16, at'4:05 p.m. in the Univer-
sity High School Auditorium. The
topic will be "New and Old Horizons
in the Social Studies."
Dr. Preston W. Slosson, Professor
of History, and radio commentator,
will give a series of discussions of
current events, each Tuesday, of the
Summer Session in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 4:10 p.m. under the
auspices of the Summer Session. The
public is invited to attend.
There will be a lecture by Herbert
W. Briggs, Professor of Government,
Cornell University, Tuesday, July 16
at 8:10 p.m. on the topic, "The
Problem of World Government." It
will take place in the Rackham Am-
"The Wagner Act, Its Meaning and
Operation": a panel discussion spon-
sored by the student chapter of the
National Lawyers Guild. David Kar-
asick, Woodrow J. Sandler and Harry
N. Casselman, senior attorneys for
the National Labor Relations Board
in Detroit, will be the speakers Wed-
nesday, July 17, at 8 p.m. in Room
120, Hutchins Hall. All students and
faculty interested are invited to at-
Academic Notices
Students, Summer Session, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses may not be elected for credit
after the end of the second week.
Saturday, July 13, is therefore the
last day on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
instructor to admit a student later
will not affect the operation of this
Students, Summer Session, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
No courses may be elected for credit
after today.
Students, Summer Session, College
of Litrature, Science, and the Arts:
Except under extraordinary circum-
stances, courses dropped after today
will be recorded with a grade of
Laboratory Assistantship: There is
available for the, Summer Session a
laboratory assistantship in the De-
partmnent of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing. It is desired to obtain for this
position the services of a veteran
who has had experience in auto-pilot
installation or maintenance and
other types of instrumentation on
military aircraft. Interested and
qualified students will please call at
the office of Professor E. W. Conlon,
Roo B-47 East Engineering Build-
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a recital at 3:00 Sunday afternoon,

ler, and Fantasie in C major, Op. 159
by Schubert. Scheduled for 8:30 p.m.,
Sunday, July 14, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, this program will be
presented by Gilbert Ross and Lois
Porter, violinists, Louise Rood, vio-
list, Oliver Edel, cellist, William D.
Fitch, oboist, Albert Luconi, clarine-
tist, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist.
The entire series of programs will
be open to the general public with-
out charge.
Lecture-Recital: Lee Pattison, pi-
anist, will continue his series of lec-
ture-recitals at 8:30 Monday even-
ing, July 15, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. Entitled "Schumann and Liszt,
a Study in Contrasts," Mr. Pattison
will discuss and play Schumann's
Kreisleriana-Fantasies, Op. 16, and
Liszt's Sonata in B Minor.
Other programs are scheduled. for
July 22, 29, August 5, 12, and 19. All
are open to the general public with-
out charge.
Woodwind Recital: Approximately
20 students will participate in a re-
cital of compositions for Wind in-
struments, at 8:30 Tuesday , even-
ing, July 16, in the Rackham Assem-
bly Hall. They will be assisted by
Marvin Bostrum, Beatrice Gaal, and
Mildred Minneman Andrews, pian-
ists. Program will include Deuxieme
Suite by DuBois, Concerto No. 1 by
Brandt, Rigodon de Dardanus by Ra-
mean, Aubade by DeWailly Quartett
No. 2 by Maas, Fantasie Italienne by
Delmas, Sarabande and Allegro by
Grovlez and Concerto Grosso, Op. 6,
No. 11 by Corelli.
The general public is invited.
Student Recital: Mary Fay Slaw-
son, pianist, will present a program
at 8:30 Wednesday evening, July 17,
in the Assembly Hall of the Rackhai
Building. Given in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music, Miss Slawson's re-
cital will include Sonata in A ma-
jor by Bach, Prelude, Op. 32, No. 5
and Prelude, Op. 23, No. 3 by Rach-
maninoff; Postludium, Op. 13, No. 10
and Rhapsody, Op. 11, No. 3 by
Dohnanyi, and Sonata in F minor,
Op. 5 by Brahms. Miss Slawson is a
pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
The public is cordially invited.
Coming Events
French Club: Bastille Day will be-
celebrated Monday, July 15, at 8 pm,
in Room 305, Michigan Union. Pro-
fessor Rene Talamon, of the Ro-
mance Language Department, will
offer a reading of known French
works. Group singing and a social
hour. A special invitation to join
the club is made to students in
French 31, 32, 61, 83, 153, 159 and
in all French courses of literature.
Foreign students are also cordially
invited as well as any student inter-
ested in improving his oral French.
No charge.
The Graduate Outin Club will
meet Sunday, July 14, for an after -
noon of hiking and swimming. Inter-
ested graduate students should meet
in the club rooms in the Rackham
Building at 2:00 p.m., Sunday. Will
those" who can bring cars please call
George Costello at 5159 to discuss
Students in Business Edcatlon:
'There will be a picnic atthe Isad
Monday, July 15. Meet in the park g
lot of University High School at 5:00.
If you can go, and have not been
contacted by a member of the com-
mittee, call Helen Walter at B.sy
Barbour House Saturday. The price
is $1-for a chicken dinner.



It's a reluctant decision, m'boy ... But the
J. J. O'Maley Housing Project is in a state'
of temoorarv stalemate. Priorities, you know.

You won't build any
houses, Mr. O'Malley?

By Crockett Johnson
Don't say a word to Barnaby. 1
But I bought a tent for him
today. A nice canvas tent.

Summer Session Choir: The
vacancies in the soprano sectic


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