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July 13, 1946 - Image 1

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Sec Page 4


. LVI, No. 9S





Extension of OPA
Three 'U' Veterans Join Campaign For
'Effective, Complete' Price Control

Extension of an "effective, com-
plete" OPA will be urged today in
Lansing by a three-man University
delegation to the summer meeting
of the State of Michigan Veterans
Association, representing 20 schools
and colleges.
"If OPA is repealed and prices
rise, the GI Bill will become an
empty promise, and veterans with-
out savings will be forced to drop
out of the University," Kenneth
Fleisehhauer, president of the cam-
pus VO, who will attend the meet-
ing, said yesterday.
Other University delegates are

State President Sam Bass and War-
ren Wayne.
Backing up their stand on OPA,
the University delegation will de-
mand that rent controls be estab-
lished in the event that OPA is
emasculated. The University re-
presentatives will favor the state
of Michigan Veterans Bonus (to
be put before the voters in Novem-
ber), provided that it is adequate-
ly paid for by progressive taxation,
according to Wayne. A bonus
measure which would place an
equal burden on rich and poor
would not be favored by the cam-
pus veterans, he stated.

Chinese Relie
Head Asks For
Resumed Ai
Cites War Damage In
Pileup of Supplies
SHANGHAI, July 12-- (A) -The
director of the Chinese National Re-
lief and Rehabilitation Administra-
tion declared today the ravages of
war-not politics-dammed the flow
of food to China's starving millions.
The director, T. F. Tsiang, told
newsmen he had instructed his re-
presentative in Washington to try
to persuade UNRRA Director-Gener-
al LaGuardia to rescind an order re-
ducing relief for needy China.
Tsiang styled "misleading" alle-
gations by Chairman Tung Pi-Wu of
the ChinesenCommunst Relief or-
ganization in, Nanking, that only
half of one per cent of Chinese re-
lief filtered through government
blockades to stricken Communist
"Local interference by both sides
was conceded, but Tsiang declared
these violated orders issued by both
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek and
the Communist command.
L* * *
LaG uardia Insists'
On Reform in China
WASHINGTON, July 12--(P)-F.
H. LaGuardia, Director-General of
UNRRA, has cabled directly to Gen-
eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek a de-
mand that China's "unsatisfactory"
handling of relief supplies be over-
The message asserted that "per-
sonalities and politics cannot be con-
sidered" and that Chines'e relief must
not be "shaped or guided or diverted
to meet the expediency or the speci-
fic interest of any individual or
LaGuardia's cable was sent May
29 and delivered June 6. It came to
light tonight in the record of Senate
Appropriations Committee hearings
on a bill carrying a House-approved
allocation of $465,000,000 for UNRRA
and other items.
The former New York mayor told
the Senate committee his message
to Chiang "might not be couched in
diplomatic language, but I tried to
make it so he would understand."
Ethics Needed,
Perry States
Says Moral Education
Must Control Science
"Assuming that the true moral
science is that branch of science
which is most .fruitful of moral good,
it will not bear fruit so long as it re-
mains merely science," Prof. Ralph
Barton Perry, noted philosopher
from Harvard University and author
of "One World in the Making," said
yesterday while speaking in the Uni-
versity's current lecture series on
"Social Implications of Modern Sci-
Discussing "What is the Good of
Science" from a philosophical stand-
point, Perry noted that, "The im-
minent danger of the catastrophic
misuse of atomic energy has raised
in acute form the broad question of
the relation of science to good and
"Before the science of morals can
bear fruit," Perry declared, "therer
still remains the necessity for the
moral education of the people to

University veterans will back
Michigan State representatives in
their opposition to a raise in dormi-
tory fees in, East Lansing, Wayne
stated. The State Veterans Associ-
ation will also ask for representation
on the state veterans Trust Fund
Board, which according to Wayne,
they have qualified for by number
of membership and chapters. The
group will demand that state policy
on the fund be clarified.
FBI Record Of
Talk.Played At
Espionagre Trial
SEATTLE, July 12-(R)--An FBI
"whispering wire" transcription of
conversation between Russian Naval
Lieut. Nicolai G. Redin and Herbert
G. Kennedy, shipyard employe, was
played on a recording machine to
the jury hearing Redin's espionage
and conspiracy trial today but few if
any words were intelligible.
Sounds which appeared to be those
of children, an occasional heighten-
ed voice of an adult, the noise of
jumbled conversation and the hum
of the recording machine made un-
derstanding of it difficult.
Buys Naval Secret
Kennedy has testified that Redin
paid him $250 for naval secrets about
the U.S.S. Yellowstone, a destroyer
At conclusion of the recording, J.
Morton Arnold, FBI special agent
here who made the records, testified
of his recollection of the three-room
"listening-in" and from his notes of
what he said he heard during the
three-hour period last Feb. 2, 1946,
at the Kennedy home.
Describes Redin's Voice
He repeated various phrases and
parts of. sentences which he at-
tributed to Kennedy and described
Lieutenant Redin's voice as either so
low he could hardly understand it or
as a "mumble."
"And you didn't even hear Lieut-
enant Redin say one word . . . in
connection with the matters in-
volved in this case?" Griffin asked.
"I did not understand any," the
witness said.
Newspapers declared the killers
were agents of Gen. Wladislaw An-
ders, who commanded Polish troops
fighting in Italy.
Aleman' s Lead in Mexican
Election Increases To 3-1
MEXICO CITY, July 12-P)-
Miguel Aleman tonight increased his
lead over Ezequiel Padilla in Mexico's
presidential race to nearly 3 to 1 in
complete and official returns from
32 of the 148 congressional districts.

Army Set To
Induct Older
Men In Fall
May Call Up More
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 12 - "The
only male undergraduates over 19
left in colleges will be war veterans,
fathers, farmers, those with physical
disabilities or students in medicine,
dentistry, veterinary medicine or
theology", if an Army recommenda-
tion to President Truman goes
through, Col. George A. Irvin dis-
closed today.
Irvin is chief of the demobiliza-
tion division of Selective Service.'
The change, when draft calls are
resumed in September, would be due
in large part to the exemption of 18-
year-olds in the new draft act. That
measure sets the age limits at 19
and 45. The youths of 18 heretofore
had been the big source of manpower.
The War Department said tonight
that in the future it "may be neces-
sary to consider the induction of men
through age 35" but that it had made
no recommendation to that end to
President Truman.
Denial Issued
The press memorandum was issued
as a follow-up of last night's public
declaration that the Army does not
want any men past 35, and word
from another official close to draft
policy that the War Department had
recommended that the President
raise the induction age limit.
Today that official, advised of what
the War Department said, told -re-
porters that as late as yesterday
afternoon he understood the letter
to the President had gone forward.
Asking not to be quoted by name,
he saidnall Selective Service plans
were based on the change from 29
to 35 in the top draft age.
Memorandum Quoted
TheoWar Department's memoran-
dum today said :
"In any future calls on Selective
Service for personnel the War De-
partment will specify that the call
be filled, in so far as possible, by
men within the 19 to 29 age bracket."
"If in the future it is found that
there are insufficient personnel with-
in this age bracket to satisfy man-
power requirements it may be neces-
sary to consider the induction of
men through age 35.
Hungary Stops
Circulation of
Inflated Pen goe
BUDAPEST, July 12--()-The Fi-
nance Ministry ordered the fantas-
tically inflated pengoe withdrawn
from circulation today after it reach-
ed the dizzy height of 500 quintillion
to the American dollar. Before the
war, the pengoe was worth 29.12

MI'olotov Blocks
Peace Treaty
With Austria
Immediate Settlement
In Germany Refused
By The Associated Press
PARIS, July 12-The four-power
Foreign Ministers' Council adjourned
its 28-day session tonight after So-
viet Foreign Minister V. M. Molo-
tov stood firm ' against any moves
that would have led to immediate set-
tlement of Austrian or German prob-
lems, a British source said.
The Soviet Minister blocked an
American proposal that would have
established a special commission to
draft a peace treaty with Austria and
declined to permit the authorization
of a commission to draw up a de-
finition of German assets in Austria,
the British informant said.
Molotov further refused to sup-
port a plan to set up a central admin-
istration for all Germany except the
Saar Basin.
Bevin Presiding
British Foreign Secretary Ernest
Bevin presided at the night session
which wound up the current meeting
of the Ministers of The United States,
Great Britain, France and Russia.
His gavel dropped at 9:10 p.m.
(3:10 p.m. Central Daylight Time)
and he commented:
"Well, we shall meet again at the
Peace Conference."
American sources said Molotov's
opposition to making any immediate
decision on the Austrian situation was
closely allied to his charge that sev-
eral hundred thousand displaced per-
sons who have Fascist and pro-Hitler
backgrounds still are in Austria.
Molotov Asks Deportation"
These persons must be deported,
Molotov has reiterated. The other
Ministers previously indicated they
would support such a deportation
At the close of the discussion on
Germany, President Georges Bidault
of France said he would bring up the
question of the next meeting of the
Ministers-a special one in the fall-
and would demand the right of other
nations interested in the problem to
sit in with the Four-Power Ministers.
Armed Bands
Kill 22 More
Jews In Poland


Tobacco, Grain Added to Senate
List of Price-Control Exemptions;
Foreign Ministers Meeting Ends

GOVERNOR RETURNS--Former Governor Chase S. Osborn, in his
87th year, returned to Michigan from his winter home in Georgia. In a
statement to the press, Osborn supported Republican nominee for gover-
nor, Kim Sigler.
OPA fssue Illustrates Weakness
Of U.S. Democracy -- Kallenbach

The pengoe was replaced by the
complicated "index pengoe" which
Hungarians popularly call the "tax-
pengoe" because it was created in
January primarily for paying taxes.
The index pengoe crept into ordin-
ary business exchanges about a week
ago. Its value is based on prices,
salaries and numerous other indices
of the economy.
The U.S. dollar was quoted today
at 6,500,000 index pengoes.
Official circles expressed hope the
index pengoe would remain fairly
steady until Aug. 1, when a new
money called "forints" appears. The
value of the "forints" has not been
announced. Guesses have ranged
from five to $1 up to 50 to $1.

WARSAW, July 12-(P)-Twenty-
two more Jews have been killed in
fresh outbreaks of persecution, gov-
ernment reports said today, and vio-
lence against Jews appeared to be
spreading despite government efforts
at suppression.
Officials blamed outlaw bands hid-
ing in forests for the latest killings,
which occurred on highways and
trains between Lodz and Breslau.
The government has reinforced
militia and security police and put
armored cars into action in efforts to
protect Jewish travelers. Jews have
been dragged from automobiles and
trains and shot by groups which the
government declared were "Fascist
reactionaries" such as Nazi bandits.

One of the "fundamental weak-
nesses" of our system of government
is illustrated by the developments of
the present OPA situation, Prof. Jo-
seph E. Kallenbach, of the political
science department, declared yester-
Prof. Kallenbach pointed this out
as the failure of Congress to act on
matters of general public interest and
the additional failure of individual
members of Congress to follow their'
respective party leaders so as to
"draw the issue clearly."
Other weaknesses result from the
"undue influence" of well-organ-
ized pressure groups on Congress.
In addition, the "confusion" that
exists in the division of power be-
tween the two fundamental policy-
making branches of our govern-
ment, Congress and the President,
stresses their "failure and inabil-
ity" to work together as a unit, he
Commenting on the effect of the
OPA extension contest on the 1946
elections, Prof. Kallenbach explained
that it was "too early" to make any
kind of analysis or estimate of such
"We do not know how the econ-
omic situation will have evolved by
November," he said1, "and any one
of a number of situations would
cause different political reactions."
Most political observers seem to
believe that President Truman, by
his veto, has temporarily won the
general approval of the wage earn-
ing element and fixed income
groups, because he made it quite
clear that he would carry on the
fight for a new bill which would
make more effective price controls
possible, Prof. Kallenbach declared.
However, he pointed out, if the
eventual outcome should be failure
to secure any efficient price control
measure, opponents would have the
opportunity to blame the President,
"however unfairly," for the resul-
tant rise in living costs.
Furthermore, Prof. Kallenbach
stated, if OPA remains "dead" and1
the increased production and conse-
Allies Speed Move
To Denazify Austria
VIENNA, July 12-(A)-A geared-
up denazification program for Aust-
ria was proposed today by Gen.
Mnffark, WT (Th.r..b- .-..-.A .-.A hu: -.. 41

quent reduction in general level of
prices predicted by its enemies result,
the position of President Truman
and other current advocates of price
control will have been "very seriously
Whatever the outcome,arespon-
sibility for the issue will have been
so confused by November, he said,
that the average voter will be unable
to clearly fix either blame or credit
on either political party on either
branch of the government.
Atom Agency
TO Organize
Data Boards
NEW YORK, July 12-(M)-Soviet
Russia fought for more than three
hours today to block Australian pro-
posals for machinery to -draft an
atomic control plan, but was de-
feated on two measures and finally
gave up on, a third, proposal.
The wordy battle took place in a
stormy three-hour closed meeting of
the working committee of the United
Nations Atomic Energy Commission
which heard the chairman, Austral-
ian Foreign Minister Herbert V.
Evatt, reject Russia's atomic control
plan as "impossible."
Evatt Proposes Treaty
Evatt, reporting on the work of a
six-nation sub-committee, proposed
a broad international treaty to put
into effect an atomic control system
similar to that advocated by Ber-
nard M. Baruch, tlAe United States
One of the delegates, who did not
wish to be identified, said Soviet dele-
gate Andrei A. Gromyko took issue
with Evatt's report at one point be-
cause the Australian failed to men-
tion Russia as one of the nations
which had been helpful in the sub-
committee's work.
The working committee finally
voted to establish three 12-nation
committees. The first was a com-
mittee to make recommendations on
measures of control, sanctions and
observance of measures to insure the
prevention of the use of atomic ener-
gy for. destructive purpose.
Russia, Poland Opposed
This was approved by a vote of,
10 to 2, with Russia and Poland
voting against it.
A second committee was created
to study legal questions, and will
handle such complex questions as the

Amend ments
Pass Despite
Barkley Fight
Meat, Poultry, Milk,
Petroleum Exempted
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 12 - The
Senate hammered new amendments
onto a patchwork OPA bill tonight,
including ceiling exemptions for
grain and tobacco, but demonstrated
that it wants some price controls
A proposal by Senator Robertson
(Rep.-Wyo.) to limit the powers
of a revived OPA to rent control
alone was beaten on a roll call vote
of 61 to 12.
But other amendments, according
special treatment to transportation
lines, southern pine pulpwood and
cotton manufacturers were shouted
The Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee meanwhile took another slash
at the funds which OPA has request-
ed for another year's operation. The
OPA had asked $142,000,000, com-
pared with $150,171,000 which it re-
ceived for the year ending June 30.
The House cut this to $106,000,000.
The Senate committee approved
Will Renew OPA
Barkley announced that the Senate
would sit into the night "as late as
necessary" in an effort to complete
action on the badly battered bill. It
would renew the OPA until next
June 30, but with restrictionswhich
some Congressmen considered greater
than those in the original measure
which President Truman denounced
and vetoed.
Meat, poultry, milk, dairy products,
petroleum and other items were spe-
cifically exempted from price ceil-
ings even before the grain and tobac-
co amendments.
Amended by Voice Votes
Then, on voice votes, these further
amendments were tacked on:
1. A provision that any ceilings
on southern pine used for pulpwood
must be as high as that on timber
from other areas. This was by Sena-
tor Russell (Dem., Ga.), who said
former ceilings on southern wood
were as much as $4 a cord below that
for other sections. Barkley observed
that the amendment would order a
price uniformity that "never existed"
2. A prohibition against requiring
integrated cotton textile concerns
(those whose operations go straight
through from raw cotton to finished
product), to charge less than others.
Senator Johnston (Dem., S.C.), one
of the sponsors, said the OPA last
February ordered a three per cent
price differential against such con-
cerns, and contended it was dis-
criminatory. Johnston was joined in
the amendment by Senators George
(Dem., Ga.), Hoey (Dem., N.C.), and
Milaamlikin (Rep., Colo.).
Sugar Included
3. A ban against the Commodity
Credit Corporation's paying more
than 3.675 -cents a pound for im-
ported sugar. Senator Murdock
(Dem., Utah), said an agreement was
reached between the corporation and
representatives of the domestic su-
gar industry on the limitation.
4. A revision of the amendment
dealing with manufacturers' and pro-
cessors' costs to cover service and
transportation industries under the
same provisions. It was pressed by
Senator Radcliffe (Dem., Md.) and
accepted by Barkley. Senators ex-
plained that the OPA often inter-
vened in rate cases where railroads,
bus lines and others sought higher

Dana To Serve
On Committee
Dean Samuel T. Dana of the School
of Forestry and Conservation will
leave today for Higgin's Lake, Michi-
gan to serve on a committee spon-
sored by the American Forestry As-
sociation to formulate a postwar pro-
gram of restoration and development
for the nation's tree-growing lands.

Cultural Collapse Possible--Perry


* * *

Collapse of western civilization as
a result of a protracted atomic war
has become a distinct possibility, Dr.
Ralph Barton Perry, eminent Har-
vard philosopher told The Daily in
an interview yesterday.
The destruction caused by such a
war would require all of man's efforts
to be directed to rebuilding, allowing
civilization to lapse, according to Dr.
Controls Necessary
The recent scientific advances have
"put the fear of God" into people's
minds, making everyone feel the nec-
cessity of ending war, he said. Civil-
ian, national controls over atomic
weapons are a necessary part of a

"There is no doubt of an increase
in popular interest in philosophy as
shown in college enrollment and gen-
eral reading," according to Dr. Perry.
Such interest is usual after a war,
he said, but it has been especially
marked after this past "peculiarly
ideological war which put funda-
mental social philosophies on trial."
Philosopher's Interest Extended
Speaking of the extension of Ameri-
can philosophers' interest in non-
European scholars, Dr. Perry said
that "every effort is being made to
get in touch with Russian philoso-
phers. "As far as I know, Soviet phil-
osophy is straight Marxism." he add-

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