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July 11, 1946 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-11

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Are We inflation Bound?


Fifty-Sixth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton P'reudenheim
City News............................ Clyde Recht
University .......................... Natalie Bagrow
Sports ................................... Jack Martin
Women's .................................. Lynne Ford
Business Staff
Ousiness tanager ........................ Janet Cork
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches creditedto it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein a'iso reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.

National Advertising Service, Inc.
* College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Ostrich Attitud e

PROF. AASTA STENE'S remark that the Bri-
tisher's inclination to speak softly causes the
American to consider him "standoffish" reminds
one of the attitude of scientists toward political
affairs in this country. The near-passion of the
scientific temperament in its aloofness from
matters of state and society has been greatly
emphasized during recent months in the after-
math of the first atomic explosion. M
Dr. Harold C. Urey's self-description as a
"frightened" man, the hurried organization of
groups of scientists to help mould public opin-
ion, and the interest shown by social scientists
in our world-wide problem of adjustment to the
new age are indications that the man with the
test tube is, in isolated cases at least, finally
aware of his gargantuan force in our world.
It is high time such a. reaction set in; our
civilization may stand or fall depending upon
how widespread the activity of men with sci-
entific background becomes.
A recent report in the American Scientist by
Moris L. Cooke ilustrates clearly that scientists
and engineers generally want no part of public
life. Among 200 top-grade members of major
engineering societies in a large eastern city, on-,
ly four are associated with quasi-public social
activity. Among more than 100 prominent citi-
zens associated with the management of the
American Civil Liberties Union, there are only
one scientist and one engineer.
i The attitude is so prevalent that we might call
our cloistered friends "civic conscientious objec-
Why do scientists, as they say in show-busi-
ness, "stay away in droves" when political prob-
lems are to be solved? Mr. Cooke suggests two
reasons: (1) the scientific or engineering student
traditionally devotes his energies to study so
completely that he leaves college lacking in so-
cial qualities and he carries over into later life,
almost automatically, this "standoffish" atti-
tude: (2) an extreme sensitivity among scien-
tists to criticism that is inescapable if one entrs
,the public eye.
A third factor, more disputable but commonly
accepted, is that the type of personality that
thrives on scientific or engineering endeavor
essentially is irreconcilable to public activity.
These reasons are not considered inclusive
enough by scientists, and, indeed, are probably.
found objectionable by most of them. Their view
-point is that they hold certain concepts regard-
ing their function in society, i.e., that their work
ends with the laboratory or the field-work that
follows their research. Whatever the cause, or
causes, the condition exists and should be reme-
Perhaps the remedy can be provided, in part
at least, by an altered approach to the university,
training of our natural science and engineering
students. A suggestion by Mr. Cooke is that every
freshman student in these fields be required to
take a practical course in some sort of social or
public activity-not simply formal class-room
instruction-but actual participation in com-
munity work.
Whatever remedial steps are taken, there

LOS ANGELEFS-A snarling debate is going on
over the question of whether current price
increases really constitute an inflation. Much of
the evidence is pretty frivolous; opponets of price
control, anxious to prove themselves right, show
a tendency to shout hallellujahs, when they find
that shoe strings, say, are still selling at June
prices; they take great comfort from the fact
that many retail establishments are still stand-
ing firmly by the old ceilings.
But this type of data proves almost nothing
at all; it is an argument about the honesty of
men, which is not the issue. Naturally there are
many honest sellers who will try to keep prices
down. But inflation does not take place because
some rogues, laughing hideously, raise their
prices to cheat the public. Inflation is a cyclical
THE SENATE TUESDAY lifted price ceilings
from all meat, poultry, and eggs in the new
bill to extend OPA. The Civilian Price Adminis-
tration also announced that it was lifting the
last effective guarantee of low-cost clothing pro-
Not a single Republican Senator voted to re-
tain price controls on meat and eggs. Senator
Homer Ferguson, who has been urged by veter-
ans and labor groups to retain and strengthen
QPA, voted to drop these controls. The errant
Republicans were joined by eighteen Democratic
Senators. It was a bi-partisan coalition which
knocked this hole in price control.
But the Republican Senators were worried
about the effects of their action on the voters.
Therefore the Republican congressional food
study committee issued a statement predicting
that consumer meat supplies will be plentiful by
the end of this week, with prices "about fivc
cents above previous ceilings." The committee
also stated that "adequate supplies" of milk
would be available at retail price increases of
one to three cents a quart, and foresaw "more
butter" at retail price increases of 10 to 15 cents
above .previous ceilings.
Therefore this committee, by its own admis-
sion, expects an increase of 10 and 20% in the
price of meat, eight to 20% in the price of milk,
and 20 to 30% in the price of butter.
If prices rise 20%, the supplies of all commo-
dities will be plentiful. After a 20% price in-
crease, the great majority of us won't be able
to afford to buy anything at all. These price rises
don't guarantee that we will have enough
meat ... they merely guarantee that we will get
as much as we can afford.
Milk is going up from one to three cents a
quart. This is no guarantee that babies will have
enough milk to keep healthy . . . but the little
shavers will have all that they can afford to buy.
There is no guarantee of butter for the bread
of a veteran, but at ninety cents a pound any
married veteran student can buy 100 pounds of
butter a month. That should be enough butter
for anybody, even if his wife eats a lot.
For all these good things, we should offer
thanks to the Republican Party. There is only
one good solution to the inadequate supplies,
say the Republicans. We should not expand
supplies; we should restrict demand. They
have just done a fine job of that, at least.
And don't lose sight of their Democratic col-
leagues. Eighteen Democrats were also conspira-
tors in this. If you put the present Senate in
a hat, shook it well, and then pulled out a chump,
even his nother couldn't tell whether he was a
Democrat or a Republican.
The United Automobile Workers made a
prompt reply to this threatened price hike.
They announced that within two months they
were going to open negotiations with Chrys-
ler for another wage increase. It'll be the same
old story. Chrysler, greedy for those fat pro-
fits, will announce that it is unable to pay
wages. The UAW will strike. Congress is going
to find out how much increased production
will result from its recklessness with the public

welfare. Not one car will come off those lines.
if there is a strike. Congress will be to blame.
We'll have a jolly Christmas. Both of your
brothers will be on strike, and that cap pistol
for your kid will cost $4.98.
-Ray Ginger
N atiorl Housing Bill
Near the top of the nation's list of urgent ne-
cessities are places to live; homes for returning
veterans, millions of homes for families now liv-
ing under slum conditions. The Wagner-Taft-
Ellender Housing Bill, which has passed the
Senate and is now stuck in the House Banking
and Currency Committee, is a practical and
thoroughgoing attempt to meet this need. It
attacks the problem on all fronts. Over a ten-
year period it proposes to stimulate the con-
struction of at least 12,500,000 family dwelling
units in urban areas. If we allow an average of
three and a half persons to a family, this would
be equivalent to rehousing about one third of
the present population of the United States.
-New York Times

process which forces even honest men to raise
their prices against their wills, and the question
before us is not whether American merchants are
honest, but whether this cyclical process has
When pressure for price increases becomes
too great, the question of honesty becomes ir-
relevant. A safety valve has no concern with
ethics and it will blast in the end if it be a
Diogenes who is sitting on it. The question is
not whether the initial set of price increases is
high or low, for no single set of price increases
makes an inflation; the question is whether we
have embarked on a process in which one
set of price increases forces a second set of price
increases which forces a third set of price in-
creases, and so on. If we have started on that
process, we are in inflation, regardless of whe-
ther Americans are honest or dishonest, or
whether the first steps are to be measured by
dimes or dollars.
The great thing about price control was that
it broke this process-broke it by brute force,
perhaps, and at a certain cost. But it broke it.
We used to spend over a billion dollars a year,
for example, in subsidies to producers of meat,
butter, milk and a number of other foods, in
order to keep wholesale and retail prices down.
The opponents of price control used to argue
hotly that we were only deceiving ourselves;
that since the money came out of the taxpayer's
pocket anyway, he might just as well have paid
it out directly in the form of price increases, as
indirectly, in, the form of subsidies. Not so; the
subsidies broke the circle and sealed off the price
rise. They kept higher food prices from being
translated into unlimited demands for higher
wages, which in turn would lead to still higher
prices, etc. The money spent out of the treasury
for food subsidies formed an insulation blanket
against the chain reaction which is inflation.
These points are ignored by those trade as-
sociation executives who are filling the papers
with declarations of firm intention to keep
prices down, which is a little bit like announc-
ing one's firm intention not to get wet in a
shower bath. The thing about inflation is that
it is stronger than the will of men,.once it gets
started; and it is immature and unsophisti-
cated to try to draw comfort from the fact that
price increases during the first week have been
rather limited, and that men have tried to be,
But the search for small grains of comfort
continues. Some observers have even made a
point of fact that fresh vegetable prices have
actually declined in the East, forgetting that
the first week in July is the period of the heav-
iest rush of garden truck to market.
Such evidence as this that there is going to be
no inflation is worthless. But the more one
studies the static, batten little bits of data that
are being used to show that we are safe, the more
one feels that the disgraceful adventure on which
we have embarked is not only a tragedy of cu-.
pidity, but also a tragedy of naivete; and of the
two, the second is; perhaps, the more discredit-
able in a great and advanced nation.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
1 it


\ (A

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 7S

tion during
There is no

the summer sessions.
fee for registration.




KJ(4iI15 U £ U& 444114AU>
SIDNEY HILLMAN, the Lithuan-
ian-born national chairman of the
CIO Political Action Committee, was
an astute labor leader who believed
in the American Way of Life. He
made the worker politically con-
scious, and he directed the worker's
vote into channels that were bene-
ficial to labor. In spite of the name-
calling of his enemies who resented
his power, he continued to uphold
"democratic processes" which he
said "must be introduced into our
industrial life if we are to salvage
them from all the attacks they have
Coming to this country in 1907
Hillman first held a position as an
$8 a week garment cutter. His inter-
est in the labor union movement be-
came active when he led success-
fully a movement in 1914 of the old
United Garment Workers Union of
which he was a member.
As a labor leader, Hillman not only
had power. He had a broad under-
standing of progress in labor-man-
agement relations which won him
the respect of both sides. The strike
was in his opinion a weapon of the
.ungles. To the American public
sickened of pitched battles between
labor and management, he said "the
civilized mthod is arbitration, not
the strike."
Sidney Hillman died yesterday at
the age of 59. He will be known as
a liberal and enlighted labor leader
who fashioned and directed a great
political organization to enable
American laborers to show their pow-
er. -Paul Harsha

PAPA IS ALL by Patterson Greene.
Mendelssohn Theatre.

I've already planned his school, college, branch of service and veterans'


Michigan Repertory Players is well under way
with last night's high calibre performance of
"Papa Is All," a comedy-drama of the Pennsyl-
vania Dutch country.
It's difficult to find fault with any member of
the small cast, but Claribel Baird as the tyran-
nized Mama and Hal Cooper as Jake were stand-
outs. The Pennsylvania Dutch flowed with.
abandon, the lights and shadows of the action
were in their faces, they were deft and certain
on the stage.
Robert Bouswma demonstrated that his per-
formance as General (Gentleman Johnny) Bur-
goyne in the spring production of Shaw's "Devil's
Disciple" was not the simple success of type-
casting. He displayed an inclination to move
with a little more grace than this role required,
but was otherwise a properly terrifying zealot
who held his family in complete subjection.
Clara Behringer, as the incorrigible gossip,
provided spirited comic relief with a portrayal of
all-out vacuity. Dorothy Murzek erred slightly
on the dramatic side as Emma, the frustrated
daughter, and Harp McGuire was a bit stiff as
the policeman whose duty always turned out to
be a happy one, but frustrated daughters and
policemen are much given to such extremes and
no harm was done.
The play is a fie, light vehicle for summer
production, and thoroughly deserved its sec-
ond appearance in Ann Arbor. Despite an oc-
casional tendency tO overdo the traditional
forecasting of dramatic events the action moves
If we were sufficiently picayune to worry about
the direction, setting, and costumes, we couldn't
remember anything to criticize. The whole pro-
duction is an admirable one, and if the Reper-
tory Players continue production at this level,
they deserve the capacity house that saw last
night's performance. -Will Hardy

French Tea today at 4 p.m. at the
International Center. All foreign stu-
dents interested in informal French
conversation are cordially invited to
Join our table. A splendid opportun-
ity for American students to meet in
a f'iendly way students of foreign
"Papa Is All", comedy by Patterson
Greene, opens tonight at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre as the first
play on the summer bill to be pre-
sented by the Michigan Reperatory
Players of the department of speech.
A matinee Saturday at 2:30 is sched-
uled and especially good seats are
available for this performance. Tick-
ets are on sale daily at the theatre
box office, which is open from 10
a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
University Women Students:
Women students who wish to usher
for Play Production are requested to
register today in the Social Director's
Office, Michigan League.
Summer Session Chorus: Changed
to."T.W.Th. at 7 p.m., Room 315 Hill
Auditorium-back entrance nearest
to the Tower. All students on cam-
pus are welcome to try out.
The Second Fresh Air Camp Clinic
will be held Friday, July 12 at 8:00,
Main Lodge, University Fresh Air
Camp, Patterson Lake. The dis-
cussant will be Dr. Pasamanich,
Child Psychiatrist, from the Univer-
sity Hospital.
Service Women interested in dis-
cussing plans for the formation of a
social organization to serve their in-
terests are invited to attend aybrief
meeting Monday evening, July 15,
at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League.
Interested Service women, unable to
attend, may call Anne Dearn-
ley, phone 2-4561 if they desire to
be informed of future meetings.
Job Registration material may be
obtained at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, during office
hours (9:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to
4:00) through Friday of this week.
This applies to August graduates as
well as to graduate students or staff
members who wish to register and
who will be available for positions
next year. The Bureau has two place-
ment divisions : Teacher Placement
and General Placement. The General
Division includes service to people
seeking positions in business, indus-
try, and professions other than edu-
It is important to register now be-
cause there will be only one registra-

The Museum of Art presents "Pio-
neers of Modern Art in America,"
an exhibition from the Whitney Mu-
seum of American Art, at the Rack-
ham Galleries, weekdays, 2-5 and
7-10 p.m., through July 20. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Professor Thomas A. Sebeok, of
Indiana University, will speak at 1:00
p.m., Thursday, July 11, in Room 302
Michigan Union, on the subject, "The
Hungarian Vocabulary."
There will be a lecture by Fred S.
Dunham, AssociateProfessor of Lat-
in, in the University High School
Auditorium on Thursday, July 11,
4:05 p.m. The topic will be "Should
Americans Learn Another Langu-
On Thursday, July 11, at 4:10 p.m.,
Dr. Arthur W. Bromage, Professor of
Political Science, will speak on the
topic "Total War and the Preser-
vation of Democracy."
This is the first lecture on the
special program of Social Implica-
tions of Modern Science and will be
given in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
At 8:10 p.m. Thursday evening,
Dr. H. R. Crane, Associate Professor
of Physics, will talk on "Recent Ad-
vances in the Physical Sciences".
This is the second lecture of the
series on Social Implications of Mod-
ern Science and will be given in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
There will be a lecture by Edgar
G. Johnston, Associate Professor of
Secondary Education, Friday, July
12 at 4:05 p.m. in the University High
School Auditorium. The topic will
be, "Intercultural Education and One
Lecture: Dr. Ralph B. Perry, Pro-
fessor of Philosophy of Harvard Uni-
versity, will speak on Friday, July 12
at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. His topic will be "What is the
Good of Science". The public is in-
Colton Storm, Curator of Manu-
scripts and Maps at the Clements
Library will give three lectures on
the Collecting of Rare Books, July 22,
23, 24. In the Rare Books Room,
Clements Library, 5:00 p.m.
Academic Notices
Students, Summer Session, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses may not be elected for credit
after the end of the second week.
Saturday, July 13, is therefore the
last day on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
instructor to admit a student later
will not affect the operation of this
Graduate students: Courses may
be dropped with record from July
8 until July 27.
By a recent ruling of the Executive
Board of the Graduate School,
courses dropped after July 27 will
be recorded with a grade of E.
Graduate students expecting de-
grees in October of this year should
file diploma applications with the
Recorder of the Graduate School
by Friday, July 12. Applications sub-

over a Thin Arrow-shaped Wing by
Means of Linearized Theory of Coni-
cal Flows. Visitors are welcome.
The Institute of Public Administra-
tion of the University offers five re-
search assistantships in public ad-
ministration. The $500 stipend for
the academic year 1946-47 will be
given for work on selected projects
in the Institute's Bureau of Govern-
ment. This work will enable the stu-
dent to satisfy the internship for the
MPA. degree. Interested graduate
students should make application to
the Graduate School not later than
August 1.
English 151, Introduction to Lin-
guistic Science, will meet Thursday,
July 11 and thereafter in Room 231
Lecture Recitals by Yves Tinayre,
baritone. School of Music students
enrolled in Music literature, voice,
and organ departments. Secure tick-
ets for lecture recitals at Room 200,
Burton Tower, before Friday, July
12, at noon.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a recital at 7:15 Thursday evening,
July 11, on the Charles Baird Caril-
Ion in Burton Memorial Tower. His
program will include a group of Irish
airs, compositions by Timmermlan
and Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and a
group of Russian airs. His next re-
cital will be on Sunday afternoon,
July 14, at 3:00.
Events Today
Men's Education Club baseball ser-
ies on Thursday, July 11, 4:00 p.m.,
at South Ferry Field.
Art Cinema League International
Film program, first presentation,
Heart of Paris, with Raimu, Michele
Morgan, four-star comedy. -English
sub-titles. Rackham Auditorium, at
8:30 p.m., today. Season tickets
available at all bookstores, Union
and League.
International Center: The first in
a series of weekly Thursdayteas of
the Summer Session will be held
today, July 11, at 4 p.m. in the In-
ternational Center. Language tables
will convene. Summer school faculty,
students, and others interested are
Spanish Club: The first meeting
of the summner session Spanish Club
will take place on today, July 11,
at 8 p.m., in Room 318 of the
Michigan Union. The program will
consist of elections of officers, Span-
ish songs, and a social hour. All
students are cordially invited to at-
Delta Sigma Pi professional ad-
ministration fraternity will sponsor
a smoker at the Union today, July
11 at 7:30 p.m. Professor Herbert 9.
Miller will speak on Public Account-
Coming Events
French Club: Bastille Day will be
celebrated Monday, July 15, at 8 p.m.
in Room 305, Michigan Union. Pro-
fessor Rene Talamon, of the Ro-
mance Language Department, will
offer a reading of known French
works. Group singing and a social
hour. A special invitation to join

It's your father's considered judgment,
m'boy. I'll need priorities to proceed
with the O'Malley Housing Project ...?r

Hmm. This DOES pose a problem.
We may be delayed. A day or two.
But wait-I hold your father in high
esteem. But is it possible that he

By Crockett Johnson
Nonsense,-Gus ... You're my housing
expediter. Check on the facts. Come.
We'll make a few telephone calls-

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