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July 10, 1946 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1946-07-10

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V aried Athletic
Program open
To U' Women
Extension Service Also
Several courses in the summer re-
creation program offered by the De-
partment of Physical Education for
Women are still open to all women
Registrations will be accepted
through this week for elementary
and intermediate riding and senior
lifesaving in Office 15, Barbour Gym.
Any woman student enrolled in the
summer session is eligible to partici-
pate in the program. There is no
fee for registration. Women not en-
rolled for the present term, may reg-
ister through the Extension Service.
Medical permits, to be obtained at
Health Service, are required for par-
ticipation in all activities.
Riders will be picked up and re-
turned to Barbour Gym by stable
station wagons. Elementary riding
is taught at 4:30 p.m. Mondays and
Wednesdays and at 4:30 p.m. Tues-
days and Thursdays. The intermed-
iate riding class meets at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays. '
Certificates for senior lifesaving
may be earned by swimmers enrolled
in the lifesaving course. Certificates
are required of all swimming teachers
as well as of individuals who wish
to hold waterfront counselling posi-
tions at camps. The course was offer
ed this summer for" the benefit of the
many women who wished to take it
during the regular terms but had to
be refused admission because of the
large demand for the course, accord-
ing to Miss Josephine Yantis, instruc-
Hits Educational
UCit' Emphasis
McClusky Charges
'Human Erosion'
Modern higher education is con-
tributing to "human erosion," the
draining off of the best youth from
the small communities to the large
cities, Prof. Howard Y. McClusky,
professor of edmcational psychol-
ogy charged yesterday.
Prof. McClusky, whose talk was
given as part of tlle School of Edu-
cation lecture series on state and
national trends in education, said
that "the aggressive, alert leadership
in the small communities has ab-
sorbed the idea that you must go
away, usually to a large city, to make
good or to live a good life."
Colleges and universities, as the
"overwhelming sources of American
leadership," he continued, have an
obligation to ain at difusion and
decentralization of leadership in
Because most colleges are located
in urban centers and tend to em-
phasize large city problems and val-
ues, Prof. McClusky continued, col-
leges send more young people on to
large centers than they return to
the small communities from which
they came.
"Competent leadership in the small
towns and rural areas is essential in
a vigorous democracy," he said.
(Continued from Page.

Allergy Clinic Patient Totals
Soar 'As Ragweed Blossoms

The opening of Michigan's rag-
weed pollen season has brought large
numbers of additional hay fever
cases to the Health Service Allergy
Clinic for shots, Dr. Buenaventura
Jimenez, head of the clinic, stated
Last Friday approximately 130 pa-
tients presented themselves for
treatment. Many of these are veter-
ans and many are old cases con-
tinuing treatments under Health
Service's year-around plan. Also five
to eight new cases are added daily
and more are expected, Dr. Jimenez
Toward the close of the spring
semester, Health Service hit a high
record of 187 patients In one day,
with a daily average of 150 and new
cases continually appearing.
Dr. Jimenez pointed gut that the
Ga~Ie 'o Wdeome
Foyreign tStudents
Over 700 invitations have been
issued for the annual summer re-
ception for foreign students to be
held at 7:30 p.m. 'today in the 'Rack-
ham Assembly Hall and terrace.
Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the
International Center, and the staff
of the center will be hosts for the
event, and will welcome the foreign
student group, their American
friends, members of the faculty and
In the receiving line will be Pro-
vost and Mrs. James P. Adams, Dr.
and Mrs. Gale, Dean of Students Jo-
seph Bursley, Dean of Women Alice
C. Lloyd, Prof. and Mrs. George E.
Carrothers, Prof. Martha Colby and
Dr. Walter Colby, Prof. and Mrs. Ar-
thur S. Aiton, and Social Director
of the League Miss Ethel A. McCor-
Following the informal reception,
refreshments will be served by for-
eign women students. They are : Mrs.
Zilma Futuro, Miss Elizabeth Yang,
Mrs. Rafaelita Soriano, Mrs. Neseat
Arnas, Mrs. Kamla Chowdry, Miss
Bhanu Parikh, Mrs. Eva Martinez
and Mrs. Harry Moscoso.

early season due to grass pollen,
which goes from May to July, was
coming to an end, but at the same
time, the June to October season for
weeds had already begun. So far this
year, he added, there has been wea-
ther for the growth of. weeds and
When the day is cloudy, the doctor
said, and atmospheric conditions are
not good (high humidity and falling
barometer), asthmatic cases begin
to suffer symptoms. Therefore, other
factors besides the pollen count must
be taken into consideration.
The Health Service has instituted-
a yea-around program of treat-
ment to desensitize patients to agents
in the air, and factors other than
food which cause allergies and cannot
be eliminated through diet. This plan
is working satisfactorily, the doctor
Commenting on the State Health
Department program to aid hay
fever victims by spray control of rag-
weeds, Dr. Jimenez agreed that this
method of control would be very ef-,
fective, especially if the weed is killed
before pollenization begins. Now is
the time for such action. However, he
said, spraying should not be restricted
to city lots, but should be employed
wherever growth is thick, since pol-
len can travel many miles from coun-
try to city areas.
Dr. Lena English
Joins Health Service
Dr. Lena English, of Kent College,
is a visiting doctor at Health Service
this summer, Dr. Margaret Bell, act-
ing director in the absence of Dr.
Warren Forsythe, announced yester-
Dr. English was a. missionary in
India for 12 years.
In addition, Dr. Meldon Everett,
who recently spent 16 months in the
Navy, has returned to Health Ser-
vice. This makes a total of three war
veterans on the internal medicine
staff, Dr. Bell stated. Dr. Thomas
Fitzgerald and Dr. Napier Aldrich
returned from the Army in the

It Looks Fast
In the Showroom
Auto designers striving for bul-
let-shapes and tear-drop effects
are not seeking increases in speed,
but merely want to catch the car
buyer's eye, aocording to Prof. E.
r. Vincent of the Department of
Mechanical Engineering.
The effect of streamlining is re-
latively negligible at speeds below
100 miles an hour, as most of the
resistance to the forward speed
of the car occurs between the
ground and the chassis where
thereappars to be little chance
to overcome it, Prof. Vincent said.
Future streamlining and perio-
dic changes will be designed large-
ly to minimize sales resistance,
Prof. Vincent indicated.
Blakeman Is Renamed
Head of Research Group
Edward W. Blakeman, counselor
in religious education at the Univer-
sity, has been named chairman for
the fifth year of a special research
ccmmittee of the Religious Educa-
tion Association of the United States
and Canada.
Charged with making fuller use
of the facilities of colleges and uni-
versities, the committee, Religion in
Higher Education, is conducting re-
search projects in the administration
of religion in state universities.
Back rthe
Famine Drive

U' Graduate
Skippers Plane
Nolan Commands
Flight to Spain
A former University student, Capt.
John T. Nolan, was pilot in com-
mand on the second of a series of
special Pan-American World Air-
ways flights carrying Spanish resi-
dents of Mexico on a 5,500-mile aerial
migration to their native land.
The big four-engined Clipper which
Nolan commanded completed the
flight from Mexico City to Lisbon-
a trip equivalent in mileage to a fifth
of the distance around the world-
in less than 72 hours, with overnight
stops at Miami and Bermuda. The
same journey by surface transporta-
tion takes approximately two weeks
to complete.
Aboard the history-nmking Clip-
per were 42 of the more than 1,000
members of the Spanish colony in
and near Mexico City who hope to
make the trip this summer. Accom-
panied by Mexican-born wives and
children, most of the homecomers
will spend several months in Spain
before returning to Mexico.
Nolan, a graduate of Townsend
Harris Hall, New York City, in 1928,
and the University in 1934, is a mnem-
ber of Delta Upsilon fraternity. He
served as a Navy flier from 1934 to
1936, and has worked for Pan-Ameri-
can in the Pacific and in the com-
pany's Latin American Division.

LOWERED IN BOATSWAIN'S CHAIR-Firemen rescue a painter-
cleaner (lower) in a boatswain's chair in Chicago, after he and a fellow
worker had fallen into the interior of the stack. Man being rescued fell
into tangle of ropes. Stack is one of three on building in downtown dis-
trict housing Container Corp. of America.
Baier Foresees Naval Design
Changes To Meet A-Bomb Threat

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Prof. L. A. Baier, chairman of the
Department of Naval Architecture
and Marine Engineering, views the
outcome of the recent atom bomb
trial with moderation.
The torpedo, the airplane, and even
the battering-ram each were believed
to be capable of forcing the navy
out of existence," he said. "But in
each case, partial defense was ac-
complished to weaken their effective-
In the same way, it is to be hoped,
that we shall reduce the vulnerability
of our ships to this new threat, Prof.
Baier continued. The earlier wea-
pons, he said, had brought changes
in maneuverability and armor and
deck plating, but predictions of fu-
ture alterations must await full eval-
uation of the tests now underway.
Prof. Baier described the atomic
bomb as another step in the speed-
up of destruction which we probab-
ly shall never be able to combat ful-
ly, but whose usefulness against

surface ships is necessarily limited by
the wide dispersion of a naval force.
Prof. Baier added further that a
deciding factor in the future use of
this new weapon against enemy na-
val power is the tremendous advan-
tage in destruction possible when
turned againstcities. This point is
brought out, he said, by comparison
of the damage wrought at Nagasaki
and Bikini, even further when con-
sidering the dispersion of naval ves-
sels under wartime conditions.
In considering the effect of radia-
tion on personnel, Prof. Baier is of
the opinion that there is hope for
the abandonment of atomic energy
in future warfare, even as the use
of poison gas was outlawed through-
out the past war. But again, this will
be dependent, he believed, on the
success of our efforts to counteract
in some way the force of atomic
Hold Your Bonds

Administration Building -- Third Floor, Gate 10

_ _ ..

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estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester
or summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course
or courses unless this work is made.
up by August 1. Students wishing adi
extension of time beyond this date
in order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4, U.H. where it will be trans-
Students, Summer Session, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Except under extraordinary circum-
stances, courses dropped after the
second week will be recorded with
thea grade of "E".,
Events Today
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Wednesday evening, July 10, The
Michigan Christian Fellowship will
hold its weekly Bible study. The
study for this week includes the first
chapter of the Gospel of John. All
members and others interested should
meet at Room 302 Michigan Union
by 7:30.


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