Political, Social
Activities Head
AVC Fall Plans
Organization's Aim
To Include All Vets
The American Veterans Committee
plaris to broaden its program to in-
clude mre s6cial functions as well as
to dontiue with an intensive 1ion-
partisan consideration - of the major
political issues of the day, according
to Lorne Cook, who will be the tem-
porary chairman when the group re-
sumes activity this fall.
"Our aim i. to miake the AVC an
organization for all veterans, includ-
ing the woien who are joining in
increasing numbers," Cook declared.
'Since recreation is 'a major prob-
lem on the campus, we propose to
sponsor one regular social event each
'Smash Inflation' Rallies
The AVC's most outstanding activ-
ity this summer was the assumption
of campus leadership to unify the
support of the student body behind
the OPA by a series of "Smash Infla-
tion" rallies which were a part of
the nation-wide public protest that
iAif6enced the restoration of price
In the past it has been AVC's pol-
icyteo a noint a committee to invest
igate zl tters of importance to the
veterans on national as well as local
levels. The general membership has
considered the committee reports,
voted on a course of action to pur-
sue, and initiated activity in support
of that stand.
'U' Adopts Suggestions
-Shortly after the group's inception
last fall, the University adopted the
AVC s suggestions for obtaining the
temporary housing units which are
now located near the Intramural
The campus group worked with the
Ann Arbor town chapter of AVC in
recornending to the Governor a
proposal which would substitute- a
revolving fund," financed by a less
than one per cent income tax, to
provde loans to veterans for homes,
aims, or businesses, in place of the
bonus plan of questionable value
wlhch 1 noW on the fall referendum
Congressional Action Supported
To support Congressional action on
the Fair Employment Practices Com-
mission, the British loan, an un-
amended MacMapion Bill for the
qivilian control of atomic energy, and
the restoration of the OPA, the
American Veterans Committee, both
ap a group and by the actions of its
indvidual members, has sent letters
to key legislators and administrators
to indicate their attitudes as inter-
ested non-partisans.
In explaining the position of the
grqup on the campus, Cook noted
that the AVC is the only organization
which offers both local and national
ffiliations to the veteran.
AVC To 'Maintain Leadership'
"Veterans approached during the
chapter's membership drire this fall
cant rest assured that the AVC will
continue to maintain a leadership in
the formulation and promulgation
of student opinion," declared Cook.
All new veterans are encouraged by
Cook to attend the AVC's meetings
and social functions. "There they
will find," he said, "a group of active
fellow vets who, for social and serious
occasions, are united under the AVC
slogan: Citizens First-Veterans 9ec-
Busmess Short
Course Program
Proves Popular
(Editor's Note: This column is a reg-
ular feature of The Michigan Daily
designed to provide veterans with in-
formation of particular concern to
Free legal counseling service is now
available to all veterans in Ann Ar-
bor through the courtesy of members
of the American Bar Association.
Veterans in need of legal counsel-
ing should apply to Karl Karsian at
the Ann Arbor Veterans Counseling
Center, telephone 8204.
They will be put in contact with a
lawyer in the city who will render
legal advice without charge. Should
any legal action be necessary, ser-
vices will be rendered on a inimumi
fee basis.
Married veterais may purchase
student activities cards for their
wives under a standing University
ruling applying to all married stu-
-dents. Following registration, the
married student may obtain his
wife's card when he picks up his
own football tickets at the Ferry
Field ticket office. The price:
Veterans' families are entitled to
receive student rates for out-patient
treatment and hospitalization at the
University Hospital.
Wives and children of students re-
quiring out-patient treatment at the
University Hospital should report to
the Regisration Department of the
Hospital where they will be register-
ed for service as dependents of stu-
dents, upon identifying themselves
as such. At the present time a $5.00
deposit is required at the time of
Registration. If the services ren-
dered amount to less than this de-
posit, a refund is made.
If hospitalization is required, an
estimate of the expenses will be,
given based on the estimated
length of stay and the services to
be performed. Arrangements re-
garding the required deposit for
hospitalization will be discussed in
each case with a member of the
Hospital Credit Department.-
The University Hospital is among
the hospitals now under contract
with the Veterans Administration to
provide immediate hospitalization
for veterans with service connected
disabilities when it is impractical to
use VA Hospitals.
First 'U' Buildings
Aeronautical research, large scale
loading tests on airport runways,
high pressure experiments, testing of
lubricants and gas turbines, auto-
mobile road tests and photographing
of forests are only a few of the ac-
tivities the University is planning to
carry on at its recently acquired Wil-
low Run Airport.
The gigantic modern airport be-
came University property June 3,
and the University immediately
signed a working agreement with
Capital Airlines (formerly PCA)
whereby the firm will operate the
airfield for commercial purposes.
Even as Capital Vice-President
Robert J. Wilson announced that
flights out of Willow Run would be-
gin June 15, the University em-
barked on one of the greatest re-
search programs in the history of
higher education..
Many departments in the College'
of Engineering and several other
schools of the University plan to
make use of the airport. Its facilities
will be used to expand the Depart-
ment of Aeronautical Engineering
which is badly in need of a place to
carry on research.' Te University
plans to expand this department into
an aeronautical, operational, tech-
nological, research and training cen-
ter second to none, Prof. Emerson
W. Conlon, chairman of theDepart-
Ment of Aeronautical Engineering,
Willow iun will be used as a
field test station to train students
in matters relating to aviation,
air'craft and airports. There will be
instruction and research work in
the fields of propulsion and aero-
dynamics. A supersonic wind tun-
nel will be built for tests in super-
sonic aerodynamics, the study of
properties of air traveling at speeds
greater than the velocity of sound
(746 miles per hour at sea level).
"An option to train engineers for
airline operation will be initiated
when there is sufficient demand, if
a program can be formulated that
will be approved by the Society for
the Promotion of Engineering Edu-
cation," Prof. Conlon said. "Every-
thing done at Willow Run should
serve the country as an example of
efficient design and management."
Prof. William S. Housel of the
Department of. Civil Engineerin,
who was consulting engineer for the
original construction of the airport,
pointed out that his department
needs facilities for research and field
testing. "An experimental program
in soil mechanics closely coordinated
with air field maintenance and con-
struction is being planned for Willow
Run by this department," he said.
Large scale loading tests are the
first of the projects proposed for
Willow Run by Prof. Housel.
Evaluation of airport paving under
wheel loads up to 150,000 pounds
will be made. "Since the present
runways at Willow Run are not
built for such loads," le said, "we
must eitlier take precautions to see
that these runways are not dam-
aged, or establish rates high
enough to repair or replace them."
The second project outlined by
Prof. Housel includes field observa-
tions of the service behavior of run-
ways. This would involve the con-
struction and testing of full scale
pavement cross-sections under ac-
celerated traffic and full size wheel
loads. It would also include the ob-
servation and analysis of existing
paving under the heavy traffic con-
templated by the airlines.
Development of rational design of
airport drainage systems is the third
project outlined by Prof. Housel. An
instructional program in soil surveys
and the influences of soil conditions
on airport design and construction is
the fourth project that will be taken
up at Willow Run by the Depart-
ment of Civil Engineering. The fifth
project planned is concerned with
modern construction equipment de-
sign, operating characteristics and
cost estimates.
"As a field laboratory Willow
Run will be unexcelled by any
facility available to a university,"
Prof Housel said. He pointed oTit
Willow Run Airport To Be
Base of Campus Operations
OBJECTIVE-8 O'CLOCKS: Student veterans lined up for one of the sixteen buses used at rush hours for
the trip between Willow Village and Ann Arbor. -(Ann Arbor News Photo)
willow Village Proves To Be'U Solution
To0Studet Veteran Housi ng -,Problem
"We'll put them out at Willow Vil-
lage," has been the University's prin-
cipal answer to the problem of hous-
ing the thousands of veterans who
have swarmed here to school during
the past year.
Seven hundred single veterans
and 1,400 married men commuted
to school last spring from the Vil-
lage, a Federal Public Housing
Authority pioject. Originally the
low-cost housing unit was built to
temporarily house the war workers
from the nearby Willow Run
Bomber Plant but the plant's cs-
ure left man~y vacancies which were
made available to the student-vet- '
Although the rents are very reas-
onable in this low-cost project, (an
important item for the veterans liv-
ing on, meager subsistence allow-
ances) the Villageshas in many ways
proven less desirable than lodging
on the campus itself.
The most unpleasant aspect of
"U' Vet S ervice
Butreau Gives
Aid, Co unsel
Vet Students Overtax
Piesent 'U' Facilities
In the fall of '45 the University's
School of Business Administration,
in conjunction with the University
Extension Service, set up a short
course in business management for
the benefit of veterans.
Designed to meet the needs of vet-
erans planning to go into business
for themselves, the University course,
under the supervision of Prof.
Charles L. Jamison of the business
administration school, runs four
months and covers the knowledge
which small businesmen should have,
from accounting to worker relations.
First in Country
"The University's course," Prof.
Jamison said, "is the first of its kind
in the country, and as such has
aroused inquiries from Seattle to
Boston." He has received many let-
ters and telegrams not onlyfrom
veterans interested in taking the
course but from other colleges and
universities interested in setting up
like programs of their own.
Drake University's definition of a
blind date-- It's like a bee, either
you get stung or you get a honey.
From the very first moment that
the new veteran begins to register at
the University, the Veterans Service
Bureau plays a vital part in his life
on campus.
It is at the Bureau that he first
applies for a subsistence allowance
under Public Law 16 or 346 and
there, too, that he is given informa-
tion regarding the University and its
admission procedures.
The Service Bureau helps the vet-
eran to save time and cut through
red tape by referring him directly to
the-proper agency in regard to ques-
tions about matters -like placing ap-
plications, housing, employment,
medical care, and legal counseling.
Trained advisors are on hand to
discuss with. the veterans the ad-
vantages of Public Laws 16 and 346
and for the veterans desiring it, vo-
cational guidance counseling is made
available through the Bureau of Psy-
chological Services.
As an agency of the University, the
Service Bureau certifies to the Vet-
erans Administration the veteran's
status in school which in turn auth-
orizes the payment of his subsistence
allowance and tuition expenses by
the government.
The Service Bureau continually
collects information regarding vet-
erans which it makes available to the
proper office of the University and
to the student body through publi-
cation in The Daily.
Should the veteran encounter any
personal problems during the course
of a semester, the Veterans Service
Bureau maintains various counseling
facilities to assist him,.
living there, according to the Vil-
lagers, is the twelve-mile distance
from the campus, which consumes at
least one precious hour a day in bus
travel. Strong criticism from the
single men about the curtailment of
their campus social life has brought
from the University a promise to
provide a more frequent scheduling
of buses for the fall, particularly
during the evening hours, when there
formerly existed a three-hour lapse
in service.
"The place looks like an army
camp," is another frequent com-
ment of the vets, and indeed, any
white barracks-like dormitories of
ex-serviceman approaching the
the conmnunity center of "West
Lodge," the home of the single
men, would scarcely be surprised
to see o couple of MP's and a group
of GI's at the entrance.
The single men's dormitories at
West Lodge are particularly reminis-
cent of the regimented life of the
service and many of the vets feel that
this, coupled with the long distance
from the campus proper, has pre-
vented them from becoming thor-
oughly integrated into the University
life and spirit and has marked them
as a separate isolated group.
"Home" life for the married vet-
eran is much more normal. His
"house" usually consists of a quarter
section of a long, dormitory-like
building badly in need of paint. In-
side, however, most of the homes are
neat and cozy. Their principal do-.
mestic problem is the coal stove. The.
stove must serve for cooking as well
as heat, and in the warm summer
days with no shade trees in sight,
cooking has been an unpopular pas-
time. Hot water for baths must be
obtained in the same way-by hand
stoking the coal stove.
The Willow Village Council,
composed of both student-veterans
and factory workers also living in
the area, tried during the summer
to persuade the government to
make available a greater supply of
electricity so that electrical heat-
ing and cooking units could be in-
stalled. So far, however, they have
met with little success.
The community spirit is evident
both among the single and married'
students at Willow Village, although
the married men are naturally more
deeply concerned. Complaints about
high restaurant and grocery prices
have abounded and the Village's AVC
chapter has taken the lead in uniting
the community demands for co-
operative restaurants and grocery
"The Village is far from being
ideal and there are many things
which should be improved," said
one married veteran. "On the
other hand, most of us realize that
if it weren't for the Village we
would not be able to go to school,
so we can scarcely complain too
In being able to admit the stream
of veterans who are returning here,
Michigan is far more fortunate than
at least 75 per cent of the schools in
the country, according to one Uni-
versity spokesman. Use of the tem-
-porhry housing project at Willow Vil-
lage this fall will enable the Univer-
sity to increase its enrollment to
18,000 students, or nearly 50 per
cent over any pre-war peak.
School by M Ail
Veterans elect correspondence
courses, according to Mrs. Bernice H.
Lee, in charge of the department, for
several reasons. Many of them, she
said, wish to refresh their knowledge
of specific courses, while others mere-
ly feel the need to get back in the
studying habit. High school defi-
ciencies may also be removed through
the courses, and advanced credit
A third wartime service of the de-
partment has been the administra-
tion of courses to German and Ital-
ian prisoners of war interned in this
country. Although all of them have
been returned to Europe, Mrs. Lee
said, lessons are still being sent to
some of them at their request.
i ,=
In February of 1839, construction.
for the University of Michigan at
Ann Arbor was begun. Four homes
for professors were built, including
the president's home, the only one
still in existence. Soon after, Mason
Hall, oldest campus building was
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