*o 6
Swt a
Fall Enrollment
To Present Acute
Record 1
for F
City Residences
Are Canvassed
For 400 Rooms
3,500 New Students
To Be Accommodated
With an estimated enrollment of
18,000 resident students for the fall
term, University housing officials
carried through the summer a drive
to provide residences in the increas-
ingly critical housing situation.
It Was disclosed in July that "at
least 400" more rooms for fall erm
faculty members and students were
needed if student enrollment was to
be allowed to increase to the estimat-
ed 18,000 as against the spring term
figure of 14,350. Housing authorities
turned to city residences to provide
places for 250 students and 100 fac-
ulty members of "junior level" status.
Housing Facilities Increased
Through increased housing facil-
ities, principally at Willow Village, a
University spokesman revealed that
accomodations will be made for most
of the 3,500 new students expected
in the fall. The crucial point in the
housing problem will be to find rooms
in local residences.
Last spring, 3,747 students lived in
private homes in the city. Rooms for
at least 4,000 will be needed if an
18,000 enrollment isgaccomodated.
Unless, additional living quarters are
found, it is likely that the housing
shortage will hold enrollment below
the 18,000 .figure.
Distribution of Students
A breakdown on student residence
capacities in various units shows an
estimated 5,400 will be placed in Uni-
versity residence halls, 3,300 at Wil-
low Village, 1,600 in fraternity and
sorority houses, 2,000 in League hous-
es and other approved residences, 300
in the new apartments for married
veterans near University ospital
and 4,700 in city residences.
University officials revealed that
50 of X92 apartments at the vet pro-
ject will be reserved for faculty miem-
bers with 20 others in the Union and
30 in houses acquired by the Univer-
sity for the business administration
Apartment Buildings Planned
Authority to build four additional
apartment buildings for married vet-
erans, bringing the total to twelve,
was granted by Civilian Production
Authority. officials in Washington.
The new units will be built concur-
rently with those already begun,
Plant Superintendent Walter Roth
Married couples were warned last
spring by Dean Joseph A. Bursley
that housing facilities for them will
be particularly scarce in the fall.
Students having houses were urged to
keep them during the summer in
order to be sure of having a place in
the fall.
Two new dormitories, capable of
providing room for 1,000 students,
are expected to be completed by the
fall term. One of these, being built
for women students, will house men
for the first two years. The other
new building is the married students
dormitory, expected to house 300.
* * *
Disabled Vets
Get Preference
In Dormitories
Disabled Michigan veterans will be
given the first priority ratings for
new assignments to men's dormi-
tories for the Fall Semester, Dean of
Students Joseph Bursley said in an-
nouncing policies for the University
residence halls system.
Under the policy for the fall, Mic-
igan freshmen will be second in order
of preference and other Michigan
veterans will rank third.
Men now housed in the dormi-
tory system will be reassigned to
University residencesrunless their
"citizenship" records show that
they are "not suitable," he said.
Although the University will have
three more houses on campus for
civilian students in the fall and hopes
to secure additional space in Willow
Village, Bursley said he could not
estimate at this time how many men
the Universisy will be able to accom-
modate in the dormitory system.
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL now in the planning stage, will be located on Haven St. facing.
Monroe St..directly across from the School of Architecture. Cost of the project is estimated at $1,800,000.
* * * * * * * * *
Dormitories, Vet Apartments, Academic
Facilties Are Included in" U' Expansion
U' Legislature
Will Sponsor
Book Exchange
Cooperative To Save
Money for Students
Once again this fall the Student
Book Exchange will be operated co-
operatively to permit the students
to buy and sell used books at rea-
sonable prices.
Sponsored by the Student Legisla-
ture, the Book Exchange will have
offices on the second floor of the
Michigan League and will be open
for business during registration and
'the first week of school.
Large Savings Possiblek
"In the past," manager Dick Bur-
ton explained, "the Exchange has
saved the students hundreds of dol-
lars each semester and this year we
are making a special effort to meet
the expected demands of a peak en-
Books will be collected at the end
of the summer session and will also
be accepted for sale during registra-
tion week and the first few days of
school. Because the Exchange is
staffed by volunteer help, its opera-
tion will only extend through the
first week" of the term when the great
bulk of textbooks are purchased.
Student Cooperation Essential
"I cannot stress too strongly," Bur-
ton declared, "the need for student
support of this cooperative activity.
The Exchange is operated for the
benefit of the students and the degree
of its success- will be measured by
the extent of student participation
in buying and selling books."
Students with books to sell should
leave them at the Exchange as soon
as they arrive on campus this fall.
They will be asked to set their qwn
prices and will be given a receipt
for the books.
Meet Your President
If anyone asks you, the president
of the University is Dr. Alexander
Grant Ruthven. You will get a
chance to shake his hand and
drink his tea at any of a number
of Ruthven Teas, at which he and
his wife will play host at their S.
University St. home. Notice of
Ruthven Teas will be published
in The Daily.
out-state students.
Meanwhile, Prof. Philip Bursley,
orientation director, predicted that
"the incoming freshman class
as large as pre-war" frosh classes.
He added that the recent change
in the draft law, exempting 18-year-
olds, would tend to up enrollment.
Top officials in education and
government, acting in what has
been considered in many quarters,
the best interests of international
relations, have requested that
American universities make "every
effort to accommodate the rising
tide of foreign scholars."
Dr. Esson W. Gale, director of the
International Center, represented the
University at a conference of educa-
tors in Chicago aimed at securing
cooperation of leading U.S. univer-
sities in the solution of this enigma.
To assure that students aren't just
"shopping" for a school, the Uni-
versity has initiated a $25 "accept-
ance deposit" for new students be-
ginning with the fall semester.
Unofficial sources predicted that
between 7,500 and 9,000 World War
II veterans ' wil be enrolled here
this fall. During the Spring Se-
mester, approximately 6,200, vets
attended the University.
The record-shattering enrollment1
will see relatively fewer coeds at the
University. It has been predicted
that the pre-war ratio of four men
to every woman on campus will be
The 18,000 figure represents al-
most a 100 per cent increase over the
fall semester 1945 figures when slight-
ly more than 9,600 enrolled here.
How long will the boom con
Administrators here shake their
heads in wonderment.
Some say that the peak enroll-
A $6,630,00 building expansion
program is now fully underway atl
the University of Michigan as offic-t
ials seek to accomodate a capacity
enrollment for the 1946 fall semester.
Three of the units now under con-;
struction are self-liquidating dormi-
tories. Others are vitally-neededt
class-room and administrative unitss
made possible by $4,800,000 in ap-
propriations from the State Legis-
Top priority in the rushed con-,
struetion schedule was given to
twelve apartment buildings for the
housing of married veterans and
thekr wives, at a cost of $830,000,
located behind University Hospital.
Full Program
Is Sponsored
By eLegi-slature
Student Committees
Coordinate Activities
The Student Legislature is the
representative student body on cam-
pus which coordinates the activities
of the other organizations and spon-
sors various all-campus activities.
Most of the work of the Legisla-
ture, according to its president, Ray
Davis, is done by committees com-
posed of both members of the legis-
lature and interested students from
the campus at large.
The Legislature's International
Committee is now planning a series
of informal mixers which will permit
the student body to become better
acquainted with the 500 foreign stu-
dents enrolled at the University.
Spurred on by the favorable re-
ception which met their programs
on Russia and Turkey last spring,
the committee, in conjunction with
the Veterans Organization for In-
ternational Student Exchange, ex-
pects to continue with a series of cul-
tural programs about other nations.
Under the leadership of Hank Kas-
sis, the Campus Committee, which is
charged with the operation of the
Student Book Exchange, is also work-
ing for the reestablishment of a co-
operative restaurant on campus, as
well as the improvement of local
traffic conditions.
Student recommendations for cur-
riculum changes and the institution
of a system of student grading of in-
structors will be the problems dealt
with by the Academic Committee this
Other functions of the Legislature
are handled by the Publicity, Secre-
tarial, Publications, Veterans, and
.giyint (+nvrarnment Committees.
New Freshman Class
Will Be Pre-War Size
While the exact enrollment figure for this fall has not yet been definite-
ly determined, University officials have predicted a new all-time high en-
rollment of 18,000 students.
Citing the unprecedented pressure on every university and college in
the nation, University Vice-President Robert P. Briggs described the crisis
facing educational institutions as "our post-war emergency period."
The University's international and national character is not en-
dangered however, since outstate and foreign students will comprise
30 per cent of the total fall enrollment.
This esimate takes into account a recently-inaugurated University
noliew restricting new admissions of
Other housing units are two dorm-
itories, one adjacent to East Quad-
rangle and the other near Mosher-
Jordan Hall on Observatory street.
Both units normally will house 500
students. The first will be perm-
anently for the use of men. The sec-
ond will be temporarily used by men
during the present enrollment crisis
and will eventually be for women stu-
Plant Superintenident Walter M.
Roth has estimated that the married
veteran's units will be completed
December 1 and the other two dorm-
itories next spring.
The following educational and ad-
ministrative units are also under
General Service Building, on
State St., opposite Angell Hall, at
a cost of $1,500,000, funds for
which were appropriated by the
legislature several years ago. It
will be used for administrative of-
fices now in Angell Hall and Uni-
versity Hall and the top two floors
will be used for classrooms temipo-
Chemistry Building addition, on
N. University St.;at a cost of $1,000,-
000, funds for which were provided
by the Legislature in a $3,300,000 ap-
propriation last fall. It will provide
the University with critically-needed
laboratory and classroom facilities
of the most up-to-date type.
East Engineering Building ad-
dition, on East University, at a cost
of $1,750,000 to alleviate crowded
conditions and produce greater num-
bers of badly-needed engineers for
the profession.
School of Business Administration,
on Monroe street, opposite the
School of Architecture, at a cost of
$1,800,000. Business administration
school students now attend classes
in Tappan Hall, built in 1874.
Maternity hospital, a part of Uni-
versity Hospital, at a cost of $900,000.
Members of the legislature were ap-
palled by antiquated facilities used
To the Class
Of 1950:
The privilege of entering the
University of Michigan should be
more precious and full of mean-
ing to you of the Class of 1950
than to any of your predecessors.
An institution for unrestricted
learning, maintained by a free
state, in a free country, is, unfor-
tunately, a rare thing in the world
It is for you who are newcom-
ers, and for us who greet you and
-,:1ra Rt ...4 4P-..a eVni
in the present maternity unit of thel
University Hospital on a tour of in-
spection here before appropriations
were made last year.
Food Service Building, on E. Huron
St., at a cost of $600,000. Excavation
has just started on this unit. It will
serve as a storehouse..and refriger-
ation unit for food used in dormi-
tories, the League and the Union.
University officials last year
sought funds for a $15,000,000 ex-
pansion but pressing needs of other
schools and state government units
interfered with obtaining the full
amount. In his request for funds,
President Alexander G. Ruthven
pointed out to state officials that
no appropriations had been re-
ceived by the University for an
18-year period, and that of $36,-
000,000 worth of buildings, only
See 'U' EXPANSION, Page 4
'Field Cdmpus'
will multiply
'U' Enrollment
Expansion Is Foreseen
For Extension Service
The University of the future will,
probably teach many times the num-
ber of students who inhabit the cam-
pus, by means of extension courses,
according to Dr. Charles A. Fisher,
director of the University Extension
Dr. Fisher says he wouldn't be sur-
prised to see the day, very soon,
when the ratio of off-campus to on-
campus students would run as high
as ten to one.
Dr. Fisher and his assistant, Ever-
.ett J. Soop, who is in charge of the
Detroit center of the extension ser-
vice, pointed to the fact that the
Extension Service registered 13,500
students in the 1944-45 school year,
while the enrollment a decade ago
was only 3,500.
The Extension Service attempts to
give courses aimed at the needs of
the people, Dr. Fisher emphasized.
Demands range all the way from a
request for a course for prospective
home-builders through an institute
given annually for Detroit area fire-
men to an amateur band and orches-
tra which practices regularly at the
Detroit center under the direction of
University bandmen.
The biggest task now, according to
Dr. Fisher, is to round up faculty
men and funds to set up classrooms
in the field. Although the idea of
off-campus instruction is nothing
new, he pointed out that it is an
idea which is rapidly growing upon
the people of this country, and has
unlimited possibilities in an era of
post-war development.
Haircut War Is
Old Story Here
Barbershop Price Led
TIo Daily-Union Clash.
_ , ,
'U' CAMPUS IN 1860 consisted of one lone building pictured above. Look behind Angell Hall and you'll find
it - Mason Hail.
Scientists Unite for Research Study
The GI's strike against the high
price of hair cuts today will find
precedent in depression years when
students staged a similar war against
barbershop prices in the Union.
On Feb. 18, 1933, shortly after the
Roosevelt assassination attempt, Ann
Arbor barbers begrn a price cutting
war. Hair cut prices fell from 60ll
cents to 50 cents overnight.
A Daily front page editorial, urg-
ing students to patronize home-
town barbers, effectively reduced
town barbers to a 35 cent max-
imum for hair cropping.
Only one shop retained a higher
fixed price - the Michigan Union.
Its price of 45 cents cash or thirty
seven cents in Union coupons was
too heavy, a cross for the Daily ed-
itors to bear. War was inevitable.
The Daily began its fight with an
editorial Feb. 21 emphasizing that
the Union was supposedly non-
profit. The Union countered W~.
claiming. they held a lower price
during the flush years.
The editors retaliated with a roll-
ing barrage lasting until March 16,
the day before Prohibition ended. A
box directly under the masthead on
the editorial page appeared each day,
"The Union is still charging 45
cents for hair-cuts. Every other shop
Recognizing the interest of scien-
tists in the political developments
arising from their work, a group of
faculty members, and graduate stu-
dents in mathematics, physics, chem-
istry and medical sciences Joined to-
gether last year to form The Associa-
tion of the University of Michigan
The scientists, numbering about
140, express in their constitution
their aim to achieve "the best pos-
sible utilization of scentificreenarch
lative activities, provided speakers
for forums, broadcasts and meetings,
and sent delegates to meetings of the
Federation of American Scientists..
As part of a plan to acquaint peo-
ple with the implications of scienti-
fic legislation, the University of
Michigan Scientist's meetings have
been' open to all. Scientists have
spoken on the implications of atomic
energy control and the National Sci-
ence Foundation bill.
against military control and the
stringent punitive measures set forth
by the May-Johnson bill which would
hamper, in the words of their con-
stitution, the "spirit of free inquiry
and free interchange of information
without which science cannot flour-
In their library exhibit last Spring,.
"Atomic Energy-Promise or Threat"
the University of Michigan Scientists
expressed, in, the section called "Sci-
entists Enter the Political Scene,"