Minnesota'U'Fights Polio;
Purdue Turns Away 5,000
(.'______________5 ,0 00____________________________
The University of Minnesota con-
tinued its fight on the polio epidemic
this week, the biggest epidemic that
has occurred in the United States,
according to Dr. Donald Cown, assist-
ant director .of the Minnesota Health
Service. Although 21 children be-
tween the ages of five and 16 have
been treated there, no new cases
among University students have been
reported since the two recent fatali-
A plan for full utilization of higher
education facilities in Minnesota
through a process of joint registra-
tion will be inaugurated this fall as
a measure aimed at giving the esti-
mated 41,000 college students in the
state their chance for a college edu-
* * *
The University of Illinois campus
newspaper, "The Daily Illini," re-
ported this week a strong possibility
that 30,000 prospective college stu-
dents from Illinois will be barred
from entrance to any branch of high-
er education in the state because of
over-crowded . conditions. According
to an estimate based on the study of
the education facilities of the state,
AF of L 72,br'
Rauc eteerng'
Faces Inquiry
DETROIT, Aug. 17-(A)-Eighteen
officers and business agents of the
AFL Teamsters Union were accused
of an extortion conspiracy and ,viola-
tion of the State Labor Law in war-
rants annoupced tonight by Circuit
Judge George B. Murphy.
Judge Murphy, who has been sit-
ting as a one-man grand jury investi-
gating charges of labor racketeering.
said the warrants were the first of
"what may prove to be a long series."
The inquiry has been going on since
A grand jury investigation was ord-
ered by the Wayne (Detroit) County
courts after food merchants of the
metropolitan area, protesting union
tactics in an organizing drive, had
accused the teamsters of illegal prac-
A 3,500,000 damage suit was brought
against the union by the Detroit Re-
tail Meat Merchants Association lastl
May. The suit alleged a "coercive;
and monopolistic" campaign on the
union's part in seeking "unlawful1
labor objectives."
The union had set out to organize
the clerks of the metropolitan area's]
6,000 food stores. A court injunction
restrained the union from picketing1
the stores Aid from demanding that1
merchants buy 35 monthly permits
from the union in order to pick up1
foodstuffs at markets.
there is room for probably not more
than 100,000 students.
A campaign to fight discrimina-
tion against Negroes is underway at
the University of Illinois under the
direction of the Student-Commun-
ity Interracial committee, with the
public comnendation of President
George D. Stoddard. Six campus
restaurants have been picketed by
members and sympathizers of the
committee for unequal services to
Efforts to ' salvage the academic
careers of numerous junior and sen-
ior girls at the University of Illinois
who were displaced by sale of 10
houses in which they had been liv-
ing, resulted in formation of a par-
ents' cooperative, which purchased
three houses in the campus area.
A "split-shift" work plan for stu-
ient veterans at Michigan State Col-
lege is being considered as a possible
inswer to the problem of increased
food and housing costs. Although
:till in the idea stage, it shows prom-
ise of enabling the veterans to make
$100 per month to supplement their
;overnment incomes. The central
idea of the plan is for veterans to
divide a full shift at the larger in-
dustrial concerns in the Lansing area.
A draft of plans for a cooper-
tive store at the trailer camp at
Michigan State College were present-
d to President John A. Hannah this
** *
The Purdue University has been
forced to deny entrance this fall to
approximately 5,000 students, large-
ly out-of-state residents, due to the
critical housing situation and limited
instructional facilities. The estimat-
ed total resident enrollment at the
University is expected to approximate
12,000, as compared to the pre-war
peak of 7,121. In addition, 1,000
freshmen students will be admitted at
1S centers maintained by the Purdue
Extension division.
Another headache at Purdue Uni-
sity concerns the housing prob-
lem. University officials have made
an appeal to all householders in
nearby small towns in an effort
to provide accommodations for
approximately 3,000 students who
must be housed in private hones
or be forced to stay out of school.
An editorial campaign in the Uni-
versity of Indiana "Daily Student"
has been launched against the illicit
c ale of marijuana, a quantity of the
sensation - provoking weed having
been discovered in a private automo-
bile in Indianapolis last week.
In the midst of the phenomenal
housing difficulties at the University
of Indiana, as elsewhere, a coed there
has rejected her educational career
because the only room she could
find was papered and decorated in
pink, to which color she claimed she
was violently allergic!
PRESIDENT GOES ABOARD YACHT--Smiling and bareheaded, Presi-
dent Truman walks up the gangplank to board the yacht Williams-
burgh at Washington. He was bound for an 18-day vacation cruise in
the Narragansett bay area and along the cost of Maine in his first off-i-
cial vacation since entering the White House.
* * *
* * *
1g The radio message, received at 2
MacArthu Is Reported To Have P.M., (EDT) said "Fire in coal car-
go; condition serious but not criti-
W h'1 0 Ncal."
Ref uted rresi~ential Candidacy rigtrcaddinhs.esgeta
Arthur Hensen, master of the
freighter, added in, his message that
By The Associated Press President's backing in his job of he was attempting tmake St. John's,
WASHINGTON, President Truman governing Jap an. Newfoundland.
is reported to have the assurance of story, that if MacArthur wanted Mr. e~efegtr hpig it hw
at least one sometimes-mentioned Truman's job, to just come and geed, is owned by the War Shipping
presidential prospect that he will it. Administration, and was last listed
not be a candidate to succeed him. MacArthur, mentioned as a possible as operated by the American Sout
When a Senate committee recently Republican nominee, was saidj to have African Line._
visited the Orient, one menber is sent word to the, President that if
said ,to have borne a message from Mr. Truman found any general run- Watch for Announcement
the President to Gen. Douglas Mac- ing against him in 1948, it would not
Arthur, assuring the General of the be MacArthur. of Student Book Exchange
-ro LWIS-E N To
On the air
7:00 AM. to
7:30 P.M.
In August
Dial 1050
(Continued from Page 4)
Speech, in conjunction with the
School of Music Monday, Aug. 19,
8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn The-
The regular meeting of the U~ni-
versity Women's Veterans Associa-
tion will be held at 7:00 p.m. Mon-
day, Aug. 19, at the Michigan League.
Plans for the fall program will be
discussed, and all interested women
veterans are urged to attend.
"The Late Christopher Bean," com-
edy by Sidney Howard, will be pre-
sented by the department of speech
Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, admission free
to the public. This play will be staged
by advanced students in dramatics as
a laboratory production showing the
type of play which can be done in
Be they round, square, flat
-for that Michigan "Crew-
Cut" at the
Between State & Michigan Theaters
the average High School. Tickets are
available at the theatre box office.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division Street.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Soul."
Sunday school at 11:45.
A special reading room is main-
tained by this church at 106 Wolver-
ine Building, Washington at Fourth
where the Bible, also the Christian
Science textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
and other writings by Mary Baker
Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur-
chased. Open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5
The subjects of coming Sunday
morning services are as follows:
Aug. 25-"Mind."
Sept. 1-"Christ Jesus."
Sept. 8-"Man."
Sept. 15-"Substance."'
Sept. 22-"Matter."
Sept. 29-"Reality."
Lutheran Student Association-On
Sunday afternoon at 4:00 the Luther-
an Stud(*t Association will meet at
I -
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