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August 18, 1946 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1946-08-18

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Ship Owners Plan To Keep
War Volume of Lake Travel


DETROIT, Aug. 17-UP)-The war
years brought a travel boom remin-
iscent of the golden era on the Great
And steamship owners, glad to be
back in the chips after taking a back
seat to the automobile for many years,
are making plans to hold that war
won volume.
Officials of the Detroit & Cleve-
land Navigation Company, operators
of the largest passenger fleet on the
Great Lakes, are confident the years
ahead will be right for lake travel.
Way' Travel Good
Bernard M. Gordon, secretary-trea-
Coast Guard*
Plan'Fles Aid
To Troopship
NEW YORK, Aug. 17-(P)--One
passenger has died and another is
seriously ill aboard the troopship
Newbern Victory, 400 miles east of
New York in the Atlantic, the Coast
Guard announced this afternoon.
The announcement was made as a
Coast Guard-manned Army bomber
took off from Floyd Bennett Field
here with medical supplies. Earlier
a plane with a physician aboard
had taken off from Salem, Mass., to
answer a radio call from the troop-
ship. The first call for help said two
passengers were seriously ill of "res-
piratory difficulties."
The plane that left here was pilot-
ed by Comdr. A. J. Hesford and plan-
ned to fly low over the troopship
and parachute two packets, each con-
taining five 8-gallon containers of
oxygen and other medical supplies,
to the ship.'
The Newbern Victory, carrying 1,-
495 troops, 17 civilians and a Red
Cross worker, was scheduled to dock
Names of the two passengers were
not disclosed in the messages from
the ship, the Coast Guard said.

surer of D & C, declared passenger
and freight volume during the war
was equal to some of the company's
best years.
The five7ships of the D & C fleet
carried 437,178 pasesngers and 174,
294 tons of freight in 1943. Top gross
revenue, passenger and freight, for
a single season during the war was
Probably Less Freight
' This year, Gordon said, passengers
probably wil. be equal to last year.
Freight, however, will be off, perhaps
30 per cent,,he said, because many
industries have notdyetreached full
production and shipping has been
To help make future lake travel
even more attractive, D & C plans to
offer passengers a streamlined, fast
luxury liner.
Specifications for the new vessel,
a new "Greater Buffalo," already have
been drawn. It will be comparable
in size to the company's present flag-
ship, the Greater Detroit, but will
have five decks. A twin-screw vessel,
it will be powered by four oil-fired
boilers. It's speed will be 22 statute
miles an hour.
Will Hold 2,200
The ship, planned for the Detroit-
Buffalo run, will have a capacity for
2,200 passengers. It also will be able
to carry 1,000 tons of freight and 100
Features of the new Greater Buffa-
lo will include a dining room seating
300 persons, a cafeteria, club cafe and
a motion picttre theatre seating 250.
Estimated cost of the new vessel
is at least $5,000,000, Gordon said.
Improvement Shown
The ship, with its overall length
of 523 feet, 87-foot beam and modern
furnishings, would bring wonderment
to those who knew the R. N. Rice,
one of the Company's earliest boats.
A single deck ship used by D & C
from 1868to 1877, the R. N. Rice was
247 feet long- and had a beam of 32.6
feet. It would carry only a few hund-
red passengers and had top speed of
15 statute miles an hour.


HOMES AND SCHOOL FLOODED-This aerial view of a residential street in East St. Louis, Ill., shows how .
water piled up by nine or more inches in 48 hours inun dated homes and a school building.

I £'ciehce in 24eview

1Writ Asked For



secretary. This position requires
both training and experience in
typewriting and shathand. This
is a fine position for a responsible,
capable person. Steady work and
good wages, Apply Dr. M. B. Rog-
ers, Superintendent of Schools at
Willow Run Village. Phone Ypsi-
lanti 423. In evening phone Ypsi-
' lanti 1413. (3
HELP WANTED-Stenographer for
part-time work. Hours can be ar-
ranged. Phone University ext. 433,a
Evenings 3291. (2
WANTED-Ride to northern part of
southern peninsula, near Petosky,
either Saturday or Sunday, August
25. Will share expenses and will
aid in driving if desired. Phone
Bill Langford 8177. (16
WANTED: Ride to Omaha or Soo
City. About 26 Aug. Share expenses
and driving. Write 1135 Southwick,
Willow Run. References exchanged.
WANTED: Ride for two to vicinity
of Omaha, Nebr., leaving any time
between Aug. 22 and Sept. 7. L. H.
Redfern 1067 Goshen Ct., Willow
Run, Mich: (5
CHEVROLET 1933 Tudor. Perfect
condition. Heater, excellent tires.
$300. Phone2-7 423 (12
FOR SALE--Juke box from private
home. $87.50. Good mechanical
condition. 1615 E. Stadium. Tel.
5651. (14
PHONOGRAPH-New portable. su-
perb tone. Plays 12-in. records,
cover down. Call "Charlie"N at
2-4925 after 2 p.m. (17
FOR SALE-Typewriter. Underwood
portable. Good condition. First $15
Monday morning takes it. Vogan,
409 Thompson (18
FOR SALE-Girl's bike. Good con-
dition. Reasonable. Call Marcia,
8598. (1

2-ROOM furnished apartment, Evan-
ston, Ill., on NU campus, all facil-
ities, $50 per month.' Will exchange
for furnished, unfurnished small
apartment or house in Ann Arbor.
Veteran and wife. Reference: Im-
mediate occupancy. Write or phone
R. H. Galloway, 1730 Melrose St.,
Rockford, Ill., Main 2923. (56
HAVE NO HOPES but optimistic
veteran returning to academic life
and working wife urgently need
furnished apt., room, or what have
you? Please call Detroit, University
3-6286 collect day, night, or any-
time. /
WANTED-Quiet room in private
home for Junior medical student.
Fall and Spring terms. Will con-
sider working for room. Call 2-
2521, Ext. 353 evenings, or 4662.
1,000 HEADS WANTED!! Be they
round, square, flat--for that Mich-
igan "Crew-Cut" at the Dascola
Barbers, between State and Mich-
igan Theaters. (19
M.M.F. - You made the deadline.
Probably you're relaxing in civiliz-
ation once more as you read this.
See you this fall. J.L.C.
SALES * John Jadwin * Service.
855 Tappan Avenue, Ann Arbor.
Call 2-7412 for demonstration. (30
PLAN for your fall suits and formals
now. Expert workmanship on cus-
tom-made clothes and alterations.
Hildegarde Shop, 116 El. Huron.
Phone 2-4669. (10
better price paid. Sam's Store. 122
E. Washington St. (4

Sky Refrigeration .
A greater abundance of perishable
foods is promised by the use of sub-
stratosphere quick - freezing. The
elimination of costly mechanical re-
frigeration is combined with fastest
transportation to bring these products
to distant markets overnight.
At an altitude of426,000 feet and'
temperature near 40 degrees below
zero, air currents are led through
ducts in the plane's wings and nose
to passover the cargo of fruit, meat,
fish, or other perishables. This type,
of freezing has been found to have
no adverse effects whatsoever on the
* * .
Residents of St. Louis can now en-
joy the use of radio-telephone in
their cars and commercial vehicles.
The systems in use include 2-way
telephone between any regular phone
or mobile unit, and 2-way dispatch
service between the customer's office
and his own mobile units.
The service- at present carries a
$25 installation fee plus a $15 month-
ly service charge. There is an addi-
tional 30 cent charge for each 3-
minute call.
* * *
Eyes for Blind .. .
A new device has been developed
which will enable the blind to read
any printed article with normal ease.
The blind reader holds an instru-
ment the size of a pen flash light, and
sends a beam of light over each line.
The reflected light is picked up by a
lucite rod and carried to a photocell
tube. The electric impulses deliver-
ed by the tube are then amplified and
reproduced in the reader's ear
through a small earphone.
Expert instruction will be required
by the blind person before he can
translate sounds into letters and
words, but it is expected to pose little
more difficulty than learning the
Braille system. The entire unit is
about the size of the smallest portable
* * *
Radio Facsimile .. .
Wireless operation of teletype ma-
chines has been demonstrated be-
tween -New York and Boston using
long range micro-wave; transmission.
Messages were sent at the rate of
300 words a minute, with a music
broadcast being carried at the same
time. The messages were photograph-

ed by a photo cell in New York, and
micro-waves carried the impulses
through six relay siations in the
200-mile circuit.
It is estimated that this new com-
munication medium can be operated
at about half the cost of present wire
and line system.
* * *
Malaria Weapon ...
The U.S. Public Health Service has
announced the development of a DDTj
"depth charge" -non-explosive, but
an effective, weapon against malaria,
Pellets containing DDT are lowered
on wires into streams where mos-
quitoes breed, and attack the wing-
less, worm-like larvae. The use of
DDT on the surface had proven in-
effective in water that was flowing.
After tests under controlled condi-
tions, the Health Service reports "a
material reduction in anopheles lar-
vae in the treated areas during the
entire season, following the intro-
duction of the pellets."
Three Modern Hospitals
To Be Sold As Surplus
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17- (A) -
Three ultra modern "package hospit-
als" with total patient capacity of
2,200 beds were offered for sale by
the War Assets Administration to-

Two Prisoners
Held byarmy
FRANKFURT, Germany, Aug. 17-
(M)--Capt. Earl J. Carroll announced
tonight he would file applications
to the United States Supreme Court
for writs of habeas corpus in behalf
of two Americans held in a U.S.
Army jail approximately two months
without legal counsel and without
formal charges served upon them.
Carroll, a San Bruno, Calif., at-
torney, made the announcement after
an unsuccessful attempt to see the
two prisoners, who have requested his
legal services, and after being refused
permission to see a copy of their
confinement orders.
Detroit Resident
The prisoners he seeks to free by
habeas corpus are Pfc. Daniel O. Wal-
czak, 22, of Detroit, Mich., a soldier,
and William P. McKinley, 24, a civil-
ian, of Bessemer, Ala.
The applications prepared by Car-
roll complained that "no charges of
any nature or description have been
served upon" the prisoners and that
legal assistance "has been denied"
Counterfeiting Suspect
Lt. Col. 'W. F. Fratcher, staff judge
advocate of the Headquarters Com-
mand, said McKinley kwas "under in-
vestigation' on suspicion of currency
control violations and possible con-
nection with money counterfeiting
Fratcher said charges of murdering
a German girl had been "preferred"
against Walczak and his case "refer-
red for pre-trial investigation," but
that no formal charges would be
served upon Walczak until his case
is referred to a court for trial, at
which time Army law requires a
counsel to be provided him.

Prof. Percival Price, University
Carillonneur, will present a carillon
recital at 3 p.m. today..
Selections from Haydn, Mozart,
Grieg and Price, as well as several
sacred airs, will compose his pro-
"Bach and the Harpsichord
Composers will be the subject of
the final program in the summer
lecture-recital series "A Survey of
Piano Literature," to be presented
by Lee Pattison at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Included in the program will be
selections by Purcell, Teleman, Loe-
illy and Bach.
* * *
The string -quartet class will pre-
sent a concert at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
The program will include selections
by Haydn, Schubert, Ravel and Bee-
Members of the class participating
are Geraldine Schmoker, Wendell
Johnson, Elizabeth Romine, Ruth
Lindecker, Margaret Kay, Arlene
Burt, Jane Guyer, Perry Yaw, Mar-
garet Detwiler, Carolyn Bert, Elisa-
beth Lewis and Mary Oyer.
Keith Mixson, pianist, will pre-
sent a recital at 4:15 p.m. Tues-
day in Rackham Assembly Hall.
A member of the faculty of
Texas Christian University, Mix-
son will present the recital in Par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music.
He will play selections by Mozart,
Brahms and Chopin.
* * *
Mozart, Debussy, Brahms and
Beethoven will be the composers fea-
tured at a recital to be given by
George King Driscoll, pianist, at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Rackham As-
sembly Hall.
Driscoll is a pupil of Joseph
Carl Wickstrom, clarinkist, will
Car Production,
Increase Seen
DETROIT, Aug. 17-GP- The
trade publication Automotive News in
its Aug. 19 issue will say that despite
existing supply shortages the motor-
car manufacturers still hope to build
2,250,000 passenger cars in 1946.
Many plants, the paper will say
have established schedules for the
remainder of the year calling for a
50 per cent increase over present pro-
duction rates. Car output so far
this year amounts to 994,512 units.
Automotive News estimated this
week's output in United States plants
at 79,746 vehicles against a revised
estimate of 71,657 the previous week.
Of this week's assemblies 56,229 units
were'passenger cars and 23,517 trucks.
Combined United States and Cana-
da car and truck production was esti-
mated at 82,973 vehicles.

present a recital at 8:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday in Rackham Assembly Hall
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music in woodwind instruments.
Included on the program are se-
lectionsdby Handel, Barbirolli, Mo-
zart, Debussy. von Weber.
Wickstrom has been supervisor of
music in Lyons, New York and New
Hartford, New York and has recently
accepted a position as Assistant Pro-
fessor of Woodwind Instruments at
Ithaca College beginning this fall.
Wickstrom has swudied clarinet,
his major instrument, with Albert
Luconi, and flute, oboe and bassoon
with members of the University Wind
Instrument faculty.
Auto Orders
May Be Filled
With '47 Model
DETROIT, Aug. 17-(/P)-If you
have an order on file for a new pas-
senger automobile and it isn't high
on your dealer's priority list you prob-
ably will get delivery on a 1947 model.
But don't let the thought dis-
courage you too much. The industry's
second postwar models probably will
go into production much sooner than
has been generally expected-in some
instances probably around this year's
end;also, they will slip into the pro-
duction scheme and on the assembly
lines with a minimum of delay.
Only Minor Changes
That means, of course, that only
minor changes will be incorporated
in the second postwar vehicles. Ac-
cording to present indications the
changes will be mostly in appear-
ance, changes that can be made
without in any way disturbing the
elaborate and expensive tooling set-
up the car makers installed late last
Changes Unavoidable
When the production equipment
was purchased the industry had high
hopes ofturning out5,000,000gve-
hicles before making a model change.
Instead it will come to the point
whe_ some changes must be made
for merchandising reasons, with less
than half that total in passenger
Profits Modest
To date the industry has not pro-
duced enough of the first postwar
models to pay for the cost of mak-
ing them. Of the companies thus far
reporting on January-to-July opera-
tions most have shown modest profits
only through sizeable offsets from
income tax credits or the transfer
of operations of funds previously as-
signed to reconversion work.
Up until today few companies have
had actual profit from production
since V-J Day. They may move to the
profit side by the year's end, how-
ever, if the expected upsurge in out-
put dtuing the final three months


i __




OYdemure .L another
Loretta "Original" with
Leg O' Mutton sleeves and
a full, flattering skirt. In
SHAN-RITE, a rgyon shan-
tung by CHARBELLE. In
black only. Sizes 9-15.







i sl f. f
l i $ yVh lt./
t !.
.ew ywwxrtwnwM

h " selic:sz*

LO$T-Plain gold man's ring with
crest engraved Reward if returned
to B. D. Bannon, Michigan Union.
WILL THE PERSON who has taken
a biege Season Skipper coat from
the League lounge get in touch
with Marguerite Yagel, 914 Hill, or
call 4546 and get her own coat. (13
LOST: Large yellow, male. angora


l l

i MON AV ____


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