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August 18, 1946 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1946-08-18

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with a lovely
DEAL FOR TRAVELING, these robes are light-weight
and easily packed in a suitcase . .. available in small,
medium, and large sizes. They come in gold or aqua
with a hand-blocked bamboo design; white with a
Hawaiian shower; and rose with Hawaiian orchid.
Priced at $29.95.


Will the open toe, sling heel epoch
in women's footwear be shortened
or prolonged?
Leading shoe manufacturers offer
their answer to this moot question
and assert that the classic and closed
opera pump is on the upswing in
Styles Simplified
Among the early models shown
for fall selling are the plain and sim-
ple opera pump without any adorn-
ment, the pump with the rolled or
extension leather soles, and the
slightlier dressier pump with re-
strained throat ornament.
Among the reasons offered by
manufacturers for the popularity of
the style are the shoe's suitability
for wear with the new and longer
daytime hemlines and the more
perfect fit obtained with closed toe
and heel.
Covered-up Look Abounds
The covered look in leather-soled
shoes is carried out not only in the
classic pump, but in models that are
being closed up by degrees. Sandals
have wider asymmetric bands with
much smaller open spaces along the
stepin or fore and aft. Cut-outs are
smaller and many sling pumps with
squared leather soles have closed
Decorative notes in fall footwear
are more subtle, with the emphasis
on a softer feeling in trim.
The Big Four in shoe color for fall
includes formal black, navy blue,
brown in cocoa and deeper shades,
and rich wine tones.




MIRON Worsted
In Junior Sizes
FOR CAMPUS OR CAREER .. , this simple,
new-versioned high-buttoned collar suit
with waist-hugging jacket. Done in
that inimitable Handmacher manner in
Miron's 100% wool imported "Aristo"

Dr. and Mrs. John J. Brower, of
Holland, Michigan, announce the
engagement of their daughter, Paula,
to Murray F. Markland, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Markland of De-
Both are students at the Univer-
sity and Miss Brower is a member of
Pi Beta Phi sorority. The couple will
be married in September and re-
turn to school together.
* * *
The forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Dorothy Louise, was an-
nounced by Mr. and Mrs. Frank J.
Seiler in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Miss Seller will wed Richard Pan-
coast Longaker of Ardmore, Pa., Au-
guest 31, at the Church of the Saviour
in Cleveland Heights.
Formerly a student at the Univer-
sity, Miss Seiler was affiliated with
Alpha Phi sorority. Mr. Longaker is
a student at Swarthmore and a mem-
ber of Alpha Delta Phi. The couple
will reside in Ardmore. Louise Prang-
ley, sorority sister of the bride to be,
will be one of the attendants.
The engagement of Delilah Mur-
rah, class of '46, to Ralph M. Hulett
was made known by her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. J. L. Murrah of Herrin,
Illinois. Mr. Hulett is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Hulett of Flint.
Miss Murrah was a member of Kappa
Delta sorority.
* * *
The new Mrs. Richard Allan Metz-
ler, was formerly Doris Almeda
Cuthbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan N. Cuthbert of Ann Arbor. Mr.
Metzler is the son of Dr. Clyde C.
Metzler, of Sioux City, Ia., and the
late Mrs. Metzler.
The marriage was solemnized in
the Michigan League Garden, and
the couple left afterward for a trip
to Indian River, Mich. Mrs. Metzler
received her bachelor's degree from
the University in 1942 and her mas-
ter's in '44.
* * *
Mrs. Clara Arnesen Landes of Hol-
land, Mich. became the bride of Os-
wald E. Jorstad of Cristobal Canal
Zone at a ceremony in Holland re-
cently. The new Mrs. Jorstad re-
ceived her education degree from the
University School of Music, and Mr.
Jorstad took his master's at the
Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
The couple motored through the
northwest before flying to Guate-
mala City. Mr. and Mrs. Jorstad will
live in Cristobal, where Mr. Jorstad
is director of music in Panama Canal
Zone schools.
Doris Sternberg, University coed
from Oxford, Mich., will reign over
the peach festival to open in Romeo
this week.
0 ine in the Charming
Early American Atmosphere
THE of
Steaks- Chicken - Sea Food
Open through Aug. and Sept.
Capt. Rupert Otto, Organist
O dirn .4 ,.np .110elnnpr hlnt._



Cherry red, putty -beige or


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