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August 18, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-18

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Fifty-Sixth Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim
City News ..........................C.. lyde Recht
University ..........................Natalie Bgrow
Sports................................ Jack Martin
Women's ................................ Lynne Ford
Business Staff
Business Manager.................. Janet Cork
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newpaper Al rights of re.
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, .$44, by mail, $5.25.
Ofember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
C. S. Lewis, "That Hideous Strength," Mac-.
millan New York, 1946, $3.00, 459 pageS.
IT IS NOT for any small talent that C. S. Lewis'
writing has excited a good bit of attention in
recent years. His work varies from such highly
imaginative novels as "Out of the Silent Planet"
and "Perelandra" to essays on "The Case for
Christianity" and "The Problem of Pain" and a
fascinating but unclassifyable book called "The
Screwtape Letters." Now the third member of
the trilogy of fantastic novels has been released,
bearing the title, "That Hideous Strength." Al-
though some of the characters are carried over
from the other books, this may be read by itself
without any loss of understanding.
Instead of placing the action on some far-
away planet, as he did in the first two novels,
Mr. Lewis has situated this new struggle between
good and evil, his favorite theme, on earth, in
the heart of England. It is built around the
local politics of a small college and involves a
young fellow of that college and his wife. Mark
Studdock becomes involved in the machinations
of the force of evil, represented by the National
Institute of Co-ordinated Eperiments, through
his interest in college politics. His wife, Jane, is
drawn in because of her ability to dream realities
as they happen. The real characters in this
masterful allegory are the forces of good and
evil personified. There is also a strange and
wonderful mixture of the magic of Merlin, which
adds to the feeling of terror embodied in the
These are the superficial elements which make
"That Hideous Strength" such fascinating read-
ing. But there is much more to the book. Implied
in the story are many of Mr. Lewis' ideas on the
problems of the world today, on theology and
the problem of evil. No matter what one may
think of the author's theological and political
beliefs, one cannot help but admire the fine
humor and satire with which he presents them.
This is good writing, and there is much food for
thought in what Mr. Lewis has to say. Certainly
the problems he poses are of greatest importance,
and certainly there is not enough thought de-
voted to them. The book cannot be read without
arousing a great deal of speculation about the
author's hypotheses. At the same time it is ex-
citing enough to render it difficult indeed to
stop reading long enough to speculate about
-Margery Wald

Vets in South
James Buttral, husky 225-pound manager
of the re cent GI non-partisan group that wrested
political control from a machine in McMinn
County, said at Athens, Tenn., that he would not
recommend the same action in other parts of
the country.
Buttram, whdse group of veterans now legally
holds office in Athens, disclosed in a, United
Press intervievw that he had received letters from
all over the U.S.A. from ex-GI's complaining of
political corruption in their home towns. They
wanted to know if Buttram would prescribe the
Athens treatment as a remedy in their areas.
"I told them 'No'," Buttram said.
Ile said he though the McMinn County situ-
ation was unique and that violence employed
there was a last resort.
"I don' ndvise the same drastic action that

Tq The Editor:
Miss Kingsbury's plan to have a New York
photographer take all Ensian photographs has
me all riled up. Does this photographer adver-
tise in the Ensian, Gargoyle, Daily or any of our
publications? Has this photographer ever sup-
ported any of our drives or functions? Why
Dominic Say S
SHORTCUTS to social grace are always inviting
us aside from the main road to wisdom. Re-
lease of the children once or twice a week for a
class in religion under Church instructors is the
latest. This is the most persistent call for in-
creased religious motivation. The argument runs
that what the public schools include in their
curriculum impresses the child as important and
what they exclude is judged tobe trivial. There-
fore, move the Bible lesson, the culture of the
Jews, the Christian virtues and our religious
heritage away from Sunday to week-days and
certainly our children and youth will speedily
take on both the wisdom of the sages and the
attitudes of the saints. There seems to be gen-
eral agreement that religion is legitimate and
worthy of increased devotion. The zeal they dis-
play and the tenacity of the citizens who main-
tain Parochial schools of religion, are commend-
able and all Americans look with favor upon a
deepening of our culture at the point of spiritual
values. Whether the delegation of more time to
the religious leaders, after two-sevenths of every
week, Saturday and Sunday, have been frittered
away will mean increased religious devotion or
better behavior is under debate.
Recently, certain groups of religious citizens
in Detroit have formulated a somewhat different
proposal. They ask that every session of the
public school be opened with the Lord's Prayer
and the Ten Commandments. The selections
are moderate and would seem to be about the
simplest possible request. It is argued, that these
precise statements of belief and hope cannot be
variously interpreted, that the teachers them-
selves and not clergymen shall lead in these re-
citals without comment, and that neither Jew
nor Gentile, Christian nor pagan, can object to
this accepted minimum of religion. (Yet the
Jewish groups and Liberals do object in current
weeklies.) On the other hand, the League and
others sponsoring the idea are perhaps enter-
taining the belief that the sacred scripture, as
such, whether treated with indifference, used
perfunctorily or ambraced as a central core
of conviction will be understood by the children
alike in the second grade or junior high school,
and no adaptation of the curriculum of ideas
to given age levels is needed to guarantee the
desired result in life and conduct. While grant-
ing that the Lord's Prayer is germane as worship
and the Commandments essential to good edu-
cation, it does not follow automatically, as we
see it, that the end desired is a certainty.
Several basic facts should be kept in mind as
we restudy the culture and seek to enrich the
experience of our children and youth. First:
The education of the child in religion as in any
other experience or skill is the business of par-
ents and even the schools, the state, or the com-
munity, as well as the church must rely upon
the parents. The Oregon Decision of the Supreme
Court established this fact in 1911. That is
thirty-five years ago. Homes have done little on
a community basis during those thirty-five years
to improve the child's religious education.. The
International Council of Religious Education,
speaking for about thirty .of the Protestant
bodies, is unable to approach any community as
a community by any method other than denom-
inational or sectarian instruments. Catholic
Christians with even more persistence than in
former decades insist that the properly qualified
priest alone can teach religion. Hence, cooper-
ation on a community or geographical society-
wide basis is impossible. American parents, ec-
clesiastical bodies, tradition, sectarian fragmen-
tation among the Bible-centered believers in all
good conscience have failed, if not defied, the
parents who may desire to have their children
and all children properly educated and certainly

disciplined in the religious attitude. Secondly:
Many of the central spiritual values, without
which our culture would be pale and its behavior
uncertain are being taught rather successfully
by the public schools, and this teaching reaches
fully ninety-five percent of the children in every
county in the United States. Yet our ecclesiast-
ical leaders are inclined to accept that great and
constant religious service without voicing ap-
proval or volunteering support. Not until the
accepted religious leaders have learned to ap-
preciate the training all children get in spiritual
values and begin to sustain the teachers rev-
erently in their community-wide cultural efforts
can we expect to attain that measure of cordial-
ity which is ideal climate in which to grow mem-
bers of a democratic state, or to move steadily
toward Christian goals. In other words, the main
road to wisdom and its converging collateral
paths are interdependent. Democratic culture is
woven delicately, and the life of a child is even
more sensitive and sacred.
-E. W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

should Ann Arbor photographers be deprived of
their rightful business because some New York
photogapher may be less expensive! Let the
senior have their pictures taken where they will
-from this New York concern if they so desire.
The editors of the Ensian have no right to
compel us to give our business to anyone if we
aren't willing to do so.
Seniors unite -let's fight Miss Kingsbury's
plan and patronize those who support us. Mich-
igan merchants' taxes are supporting our uni-
versity and thus sending us through school, not
New York merchants'. The one ad this New
York concern will no doubt feel obligated to
give the Ensian can never equal the support--
moral as well as financial-that Ann Arbor mer-
chants have given us.
-Helen D. Horwitz
To the Editor:
THE SENIOR PICTURE plan published in
Friday's Daily is designed to save time, head-
aches, and money for the students and the Mich-
iganensian. It is the result of five months of
careful planning and has the complete approval
of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
A retouched glossy print made to uniform
specifications will be furnished to the 'Ensian
at less than a third of the cost Ann Arbor
photographers wished to charge for the same
service. Since the student is the one who actual-
ly pays for this service, the saving is his, not
ours. These uniform glossies eliminate charges
from the engraver for recropping that have cost
us $300 each year for the past two years.
Two Ann Arbor studios also refuse to do this
work unless the student promises to order $10
worth of pictures, in addtion to the fee he pays
to cover the cost of having his picture put in the
'Ensian. This fee would be between $4 and $5
if the work were done by Ann Arbor studios
while the charge under our plan will be between
$2 and $3 and the student is under no obligation
to order extra pictures.
Ann Arbor photographers were not able to
meet our engraving deadline requirements. So
in addition to the fact that more seniors will be
able to have their pictures in the 'Ensian because
of lower costs, the system was changed because
of necessity.
-Flo Kingsbury, Managing Editor
1947 Michiganensian
On Ginger
To the Editor:
SINCE Ray Ginger's slandering of the profit
motive system has not passed me by un-
noticed, I feel that I must offer some words ;n
his defense. A defense that is perhaps unwar-
ranted, as Mr. Ginger is entirely capable of de-
fending himself, and with a logic that will wither
the sophistries of Ken Herring and his like.
I would particularly like to take issue with
Mr. Herring's contention that the masses do not
share in the losses of a depression. It is common
knowledge that the losses which the masses do
incur, those of a job and savings which bring
possible destitution to their families, are the
most serious consequences of a depression.
There are many of us who will agree with Ray
Ginger that "so long as the profit motive is
allowed to dominate this country, there will be
new wars, and new wars will bring new scandals."
By this agreement we do not necessarily
condemn the capitalistic system in its essence
but rather bemoan the materialistic philosophy
that has eminated from the system's venera-
tion which causes us to extoll the accumulation
of profit as man's highest accomplishment to
the minimizing of human and social achieve-
The use of the word "dominate" by Mr. Ginger
is the issue that I believe should be raised out of
the above quotation. According to my interpre-
tation of Mr. Herring's "editorial" a capitalistic
system must either dominate or be replaced.
That is to say, he infers that the making of

money must encompass the "American Way" of
life or a system other than capitalism must be
It is in the light of such specious refutations
that Ray Ginger's controversial writings are best
-Hugh Short
Word Weaponts
WE ARE WELL AWARE that the right words
properly put together delivered at the right
spot at the right moment, can capture and kill.
Why not use words and ideas as an instrument
of peace, rather than as an instrument of death?
Why not, then, the establishment of a U.S.
'Department of Information on the same status
as the War Department? Why not a U.S. De-
partment of Information to police the world with
words of truth?
-Paper Bullets, by Leo J. Margolin

Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL LVI, No. 35
Students having lockers at the In-
tramural Sports Building should va-
cate lockers and apply for refunds
prior to August 24. The building will
be closed during the period August
26-September 16.
Graduate Student Council will meet
at the Rackham Building, Monday,
August 19 at 7:30 p.m. It is request-
ed that all members be present.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: The
last meeting of the Summer Session
will be held at 4:30 p.m. Sunday,
Aug. 18, in Lane Hall. Norman Schot-
tin will present a review of Dr.
Arndt's book, "Bible Difficulties." Dr
Roy D. Aldrich of the Detroit Bible
Institute will bring the message.
The Cities Service Refining Cor-
poration at Lake Charles, Louisiana.
has openings for chemists and chem-
ical engineers. All employees re-
ceive a training in the rudiments of
petroleum technology before being
assigned to work in the more techni-
cal section of the laboratory. For
further information, call at the Bur-
eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
United States Civil Service An-
nouncement has been received in this
office for Chemist, P-, $2,644 per
annum. No experience required.
Bachelor of Science in chemistry is
sufficient. Closing date is Septem-
ber 4, 1946. For further information
call at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall.
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
1. Claims Adjuster 1, $200-$240.
2. Building and Ground Mainten-
ance Foreman A, $195-$215.
3 and 4. Building and Grounds
Maintenance Superintendent I and II,
5. Industrial Health Engineer III,
6 and 7. Hearings Reporter I and
II, $200-$290.
8. Youth Guidance Field Repre-
sentative III, $300-$360.
9. Highway Materials and Equip-
ment Buyer IV, $380-$440.
10-14. Accountants I-V, $200-$565.
Closing date is September 4.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
1. Junior Architecturl, Civil, Elec-
trical, Mechanical, or Structural En-
gineers, $2,723-$3,174.
2. Assistant Architectural, Civil
Electrical, Mechanical, or Structural
Engineers, $3,492-$3,968.
Closing date is August 22, 1946.
For further information, call .at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
1. Industrial Inspector I, $200-$240
2. Dietitian A through II, $185-$290
3. Addressing Machine Operator
A2, $155-$175.
4. Blind Transcribing Machine Op-
erator Ci, $135-$155.
Closing date is August 21.
5. Architectural Engineers II, III
IV, $250-$440.
Closing date is August 28.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason

Veterans' Wives Club will not
meet during the remaining summer
months. The next meeting will be
on October 7.
Lecture by Y. R. Chao, Professor,
on Monday, Aug. 19 from 10:00 to
12:00 in Rm. 2016 Angell Hall. It will
be given under the auspices of the
Linguistic Institute. He will speak on
special topics in Chinese Grammar.
Panel Discussion on Monday, Aug.
19 at 4:05 p.m. in the University
High School Auditorium. Selected
students enrolled in Education B195
ks will take part. The public is in-
vited to attend.
Y. R. Chao, Professor, will also give
a lecture on Monday, Aug. 19 from
8:00 to 10:00 p.m. in Rm. 2016 Angell

Hall. It is also given under the aus-
pices of the Linguistic Institute. -He a
will speak on Translation of Gram-
matical Categories from English intod
Chinese. The public is cordially in-
vited to attend these lectures.,
Lecture by Warren R. Good, In-
structor in Educational Psychology on
Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 4:05 p.m. in the
University High School Auditorium.
The topic will be "The Curriculum
and the Individual Student."
Lecture. "Interpreting the News."
Preston W. Slosson, Professor of His-
tory, auspices of the Summer Ses-
sion, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 4:10 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
1946-47 Lecture Course: The Uni-
versity of Michigan Oratorical As-
-ociation announces the following
program of eight distinguished
Speakers for the 1946-47 Lecture
.ourse: Oct. 17, Hon. E.lis Arnall,
Governoir of Georgia; Oct. 29, Ran-
dolph Churchill, noted British col-
umnist and son of Winston Church-
11; Nov. 7, Louis Lochner, for fifteen
Tears head of the Berlin office of
Associated Press; No. 21, Brig. Gen-
ral Roger Ramey, noted Air Force
authority; Jan. 16, John Mason
Brown, leading dramatic critic on
Broadway; Feb. 20, Mrs. Raymond
Clapper, political writer and author
>f "Washington Tapestry"; Feb. 27,
Col. Melvin Purvis, former membei
of the F.B.I. and of the War Crimes
Commission; Mar. 22, Margaret Web-
ter, famous actress and director.
season tickets at $6.60, $5.40, or $4.20
mnay now be ordered by mail from
the Oratorical Association, 3211 An-
;ell Hall. All Lectures will be given.
in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 P.M. The
auditorium box office will be open
September 16.

Arts, School of Education, School of
Music, School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When
such grades are absolutely imper-
ative, the work must be made up in
time to allow your instructor to re-
port the make-up grade not later
than noon, August 31, Grades re-
ceived after that time may defer the
student's graduation until a later
Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Architecture and De-
sign; Schools of Education, Forestry,
Music and Public Health:
Summer Session Students wishing
a transcript of this summer's work
only should file a request in Room
1, U.H., several days before leaving
Ann Arbor. Failure to file this re-
quest before the end of the session
will result in a needless delay of
several days.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Viatthew Muir, Motany; thesis: "The
Relationship of Growth Hormones
md Fruit Development," Tuesday,
4ugust 20, at 2:00 p.m. in the Botan-
tcal Seminar .Room. Chairman, F. G.
Doctoral Examination for Hsu Lo,
Aeronautical Engineering; thesis:
'Determination of Bending Moments,
considering Deflections, in Pressure
aoaded Rings of Arbitrary Shapes.",
Tuesday, August 20, at 2:00 p.m. in
coom B-47 of the East Engineering
Building. Chairman, F. R. Stein-

Academic Notices
Notice to students in the Summer
Session regarding Library books:
1. Students who have in their pos-
session books drawn from the General
Library and its branches are notified
that such books are due Wednesday,
Aug. 21.
2. The names of all students whc
have not cleared their records at
the Library by Friday, Aug. 23, wiL
be sent to the Recorder's Office. Th
credits of these students will be held
up until their records are cleared, in
compliance with regulations estab-
lished by the Regents.
Library Hours after the Summer
Session. The General Library will be
closed Aug. 26-Sept. 2 while repairE
are in progress. Sept. 3-Sept. 21 it
will be open daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m
(Closed evenings.) The Medical Lib-
rary will be open the same hours but
the Basement Study Hall, the First
Floor Study Hall, and the Graduate
Reading Rooms will be closed. Therc
will be no services on Sundays until
The Divisional Libraries will be
closed Aug. 24-Sept. 18 with th
exception of Engineering, East Engi.
neering, Forestry, Hospital, and Phy-
;ics which will be open on shortened
schpdules. Information as to hour
will be posted on the doors or may be
obtained by calling University exten-
iion 653. Requests for materials from
the closed libraries will be taken care
'f at the Circulation Desk in the
General Library.
Make-upfinal. examinations for
English 1 and English 2 will be given
on Friday, Aug. 23, from 4 to 6
p.m., in Rm. 2225 Angell Hall.
English 1 and English 2 Final Ex-
aminations will be given on Friday,
Aug. 23, from '10 to 12 a.m. in the
following rooms.
English 1
Bacon, 2039 NS
Chase, 3056 NS
Hawkins, 207 Ec
Park, 202 Ec
Robertson, 3116 NS
English 2
Cox, 2003 NS
Everett, 4054 NS
Fletcher, 206 SW
Fogle, 4014 NS
Huntley, 2003 NS
King, 4082 NS
Muehl, 102 Ec
Shedd, 104 Ec
Examinations for University Credit:
All students who desire credit for
work done in the summer session will
be required to take examinations at
the close of the session. The ex-
amination schedule for the school
and colleges on the eight-week basis
is as follows:
Recitation 8:00 a.m.-Exam Thurs-
day, 8:00--10:00 a.m.
Recitation 9:00 a.m.-Exam Fri-
day, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Recitation 10:00 a.m.-Exam on
Thursday, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Recitation 11:00 a.m.-Exam Fri-
day, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Recitation 1:00 p.m.-Exam Thurs-
day, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Recitation 2:00 p.m.-Exam Thurs-
day, 10:00-12:00 a.m.
Recitation 3:00 p.m.-Exam Fri-
day 10.00-19-00a m

Doctoral Examination for Arnold
odward Schneider, Education; thesis:
'A Statistical Study of the Learning
Ability of Men as it Relates 'to Age,
Wdication and Intelligence with Par-
ticular Reference to Bookkeeping and
Clerical Procedures," Tuesday, Au-
gust 20',, at 4:15 p.m., in the East
Jouncil Room, Rackham. Chairman,
W. C. Trow.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
Jniversity Carillonneur, will present
i recital Sunday afternoon, Aug. 18
it 3 p.m. on the Charles Baird Caril-
'on in Burton Memorial Tower. His
program will include .the following
selections: Andante for Surprise by
Haydn, Quartet from Figaro by Mb-
,art, Anitra's dance by Grieg and a
Iroup of sacred airs.
University of Michigan Summer
Session Chorus: Mary iuldowney
,ill conduct the University Summer
Session Chorus when it presents its
only recital for this season on Sun-
day, Aug. 18 at 8:30 p.m. Lynne
?almer, harpist, and Kenneth Pool,
)rganist will be the soloists. Includ-
,d in the program will be selections
ay Palestrina, Willan, Pescetti, Sal-
sedo, Canning, and Holtz. The Negro
spiritual "Gonna Journey Away" will
)e sung under the direction of the
;omposer, Noah Ryder.
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: The String Quar-
;et Class will present a recital Mon-
day afternoon at 4:15 in Rackham
Assembly Hall. The program will in-
,lude Quartet in D minor by Haydn,
Quartet in B flat major Op. 168 by
Schubert, Quartet in F major by
Ravel, and Quartet in D major Op. 18
No. 3 by Beethoven.
The public is cordially invited.
Faculty Recital: On Monday eve-
aing, Aug. 19, in Rackham Lecture
ilall at 8:30 Lee Pattison, pianist, will
present his seventh program, in the
;urrent-series of lecture recitals. Mr.
Pattison's program will include Pre-
Jude, Menuet, Allegro by Purcell, Two
'antasies by Teleman, Gigue by
Loeilly, and Dance Movements from
she Suites, Prelude and Fugues from
;he Well-Tempered .Clavichord and
Chromatic Fantasie. and Fugue by
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: - Keith Mixson,
pianist, will present a recital Tues-
day afternoon at 415 in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. Given in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music Mr.
Mixson's program will include Rondo
A minor by Mozart, Variations and
Fugue on a Theme of Handel by
Brahms and Sonata B minor by Cho-
The recital isr open to the public
without charge.
Student Recital: George King
Driscoll, pianist, will present a recital
at 8:30 Tuesday evening, Aug. 20, in
Rackham Asserbly Hall. Given in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music, Mr. Driscoll's program will
include: Sonata, K. 332 by Mozart,
several selections by Debussy, Three
Intermezzi, Op. 117 by Brahms and
Sonata Op. 57 by Beethoven.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today


Too bad, m'boy. A worthy cause
and all that. But without the
zealous support of your Fairy
n- ,, s, , ,_J ."_ ,t .-- ,- .,L

out the window.

By Crockett Johnson'
or .j WAN Ad/n ;T. NG q

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