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August 18, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1946-08-18

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Truman Puts Troubles'Aside
To Enjoy Prolonged Vacation

With President Truman in At-
lantic, Aug. 17-0P)-President Tru-
man abandoned himself to the en-
joyment of a prolonged vacation as
he put out to sea tonight after a
voyage through inland waters which
sparkled peaceful in the sun.
He walked about the decks of the
U.S. Williamsburg chatting with the
seamen, thumbed through biogra-
phies of two of his White House pred-
ecessors, loafed lazily with his staff
and dozed occasionally in his state-
room aboard the presidential yacht.
A little more than 24 hours out of
Washington, he was described by
Press Secretary Charles G. Ross as
"completely relaxed."
"This trip's done him a lot of
good already," Ross radio-telephon-
ed reporters trailing the president-
ial yacht aboard the Weiss, a Navy
attack tranaport commanded by
Lt. Comdr. C. E. Nelson.
The ships slipped from Delaware
Bay into the Atlantic early tonight
after moving slowly from Chesa-
peake Bay through the narrow Chesa-
peake-Delaware Canal, and headed
for the Block Island-Narragansett
Sale of War
Goods Probe
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-- (IP) -
Chairman Slaughter (Dem.-Mo.) of
the House Surplus Property Commit-
tee disclosed tonight he has ordered
his staff to prepare a special report
recommending immediate changes in
what he termed "sloppy administra-
tion" of war goods sales.
He told a reporter a week of com-
mittee hearings has shown "so many
sore spots" in disposal of excess ma-
terials by- the War Assets Adminis-
tration that he decided some quick
changes in procedure are needed.
Slaughter said the major recom-.
mendations will call for changes de-
signed to:
1. Tighten up handling of veter-
ans' priorities "so they aren't abused."
Many honest veterans are "being
cheated," he declared.
2. Put a halt to large-scale pro-
fiteering by speculators and brokers.
3. Insure adherence by WAA to
congressional instructions regarding
allocation of scarce items.
4. Speed up sales and disposal gen-
erally, before the goods drop in value.
Slaughter said the report will be
made public "as soon as possible."
He added that will be before hearings
are resumed here in mid-September.
Suspected Gambler
Waives Examination

Bay area from which they will pro-
ceed up the Maine coast.
Even though he "overslept" this
morning, arising at the unusually
late hour of 7 a.m., the President
walked the decks of the Williamsburg
while members of his staff still slumb-
ered. By 8 o'clock he had most of
his party up for breakfast.
As evidence that this cruise will
be concerned with little more than
"loafing," oss said the President
has not been confronted with 'any
public business since he pulled out
of Washington Friday. afternoon.
He has not even considered the
personnel of the five-member Atomic
Energy Commission authorized un-
der a recent law, since he boarded the
ship, Ross said. However, he is known
to have gone into that question fully
before leaving Washington. ,
Ross, appointments secretary Mat-
thew Connelly, and George E. Allen.
RFC member, all aboard the Wil-
liamsburg, cooperated to protect the
President against ceremonies which
might interfe e with his rest.
Ross would not disclose the exact
course the President is traveling
for fear it would lead to invitations
he cannot accept.
The rule for the trip is "no cere-
monies, no speeches, no public ap-
The President plans to sail back
into Washington Sept.'2, Labor Day.

Senator Mead
Hits at Surplus
Stores Disposal
NEW YORK,. Aug. 17-(')-Sen.
James M. Mead (Dem., N.Y.) Chair-
man of the Senate War Investigating
Committee, said today after inspect-
ing a cargo ship here that materials
vital to America's reconversion effort
were not being shipped home from
military surplus stores abroad "as
we had expected they would be."
Senator Mead asserted there was
"no excuse" for what he termed the
failure to ship home critically-need-
ed materials and indicated his re-
marks applied to surplus stores in
all parts of the world.
In an effort to correct the situa-
tion he described, Senator Mead said
a committee representing all sur-
plus and disposal agencies of the
government would leave soon for the
Pacific to inspect surplus materials
and decide as to their disposition.
The committee, he added, will
"closely scrutinize" all sales in the
Pacific and will have full authority
to act without reference to Wash-
Senator Mead spent 90 minutes
touring the cargo ship material Edel-
stein, which was unloading a 3,558-
ton cargo of surplus stores shipped
from Luzon in the Philippines.

Smetana Opera
Will Be Played
Monday Night
'Bartered Bride' Held
Over for Alumni Unit
Bedrich Smetana's Czechoslovak-
ian Opera, "The Bartered Bride" is
being held over for an additional per-
formance at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow.
The University Speech Depart-
ment, in playing host to members of
the alumni conference Friday and
Saturday, scheduled the additional
evening performance.
Matheson Plays Lead
Playing leading roles are Charles
Matheson who is Jenik, Mary Jane
Albright who is Marie and Worth
Mallory who is Kezal. Barbara Lee
Smith is Ludmilla, George Cox is
Krushina, and Robert Holland is Va-
The plot concerns a pair of young
lovers who will not be allowed to
marry, because the girl is pledged to
marry the semi-idiotic son of a weal-
thy land owner. The village mar-
riage-broker, the opera comic lead,
tries to bribe the young lover to
break the engagement. He finally
consents on condition that the girl
marry only a son of the wealthy
landowner. It is then discovered that

EDITOR'S NOTE: This column is de-
signed to provide veterans with infor-
mation of specific concern to them.
All veterans are encouraged to submit
topics or guestions for consideration
A total of 13.000,000 former en-
listed personnel will be directly af-
fected by the recently passed termin-
al leave pay bill. The VA announced
this recently to explain the four to
six week delay in the distribution of
application forms.
Effective September 1, pensions
of veterans of both world wars will
be increased 20 per cent in accor-
dance with recent legislation. No
action is required by affected re-
cipients whose pensions will auto-
matically be raised to the new
Since payments are not made in
he is the long lost son of this land-
Thor Johnson Directs
The opera is under the musical di-
rection of Thor Johnson, and under
the dramatic direction of Valentine
Windt and James Moll. Choreo-
graphy was written by Jeanne Par-
sons, Setting was done by Herbert
Philippi, and costuming was done by
Miss Lucy Barton.

advance, however, the charge will
not be reflected in payments made
before October 1.
Watch for an important an-
nouncement from the Office of the
quartermaster General next fall.
World War II victory medals are
now being cast and deliveries are
expected to begin within the next
few months. Service at any time
from Pearl Harbor until whatever
date the present state of hostilities
is declared terminated makes you
As many as 270,000 veterans, ac-
cording to VA estimates,, may be
unable to enter 'chool this fall.
The VA is now authorized to pro-
vide an automobile or other con-
veyance for each World War II
veteran entitled to compensation
for loss, or loss of use, of one or
both legs at or above the ankle.
The cost of the vehicle is limited
to $1,600, including any special
equipment or attachments necessary
for the veteran to operate it.
It must first be determined by the
Administrator of Veterans Affairs
that the veteran will be able to op-
erate it and that he will be able to
obtain a license to .operate the ve-


1' i

TO SPEAK HERE--Governor Ellis
Arnall of Georgia.
CIO Announces
Economy Plan
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-(/P)-The
CIO Auto Workers Executive Board,
concluding a two-day meeting here
today, announced an economy pro-
gram to "make it possible to operate
on a budget based on an, average
monthly membership of 600,000."
The union declined to say what the
economies would be, or to elaborate





- Today and Monday North Main Opposite Court House
BADMAN'S TERRITORY -Today, Mon., Tues.-
with Randolph Scott Johnny Mack Brown in
with Maria Mbntez plus
- Coming Tuesday Bruce Cabot in

-Prfctio 4n ModernGCooling


... .. -

$Errc f74V;
T in R . U S P . O ff- A R i hs qk$, .,,M X 1





Each Morning

PONTIAC, Mich., Aug. 17-(/)-
,Mike Mazin, under grand jury in-
dictment for conspiracy to violate,
the state gambling laws, waived
examination today,
He was bound to circuit ,court un-
der $32,500 bond.
Earlier Mazin made a statement
to Circuit Judge George B. Hartrick,
who is -conducting, the investigation.
He iplicated William Yaker, under
arrest in Los Angeles on the same
charge, in a horse-race -betting syn-
dicate which he said operated in
Pontiac between March, 1943, and
March, 1946, Judge Hartrick said.


Extra Shows Sunday
"Dumbelle of the Yukon" Adults 43c incl. tax




Ben Hecht's

Enjoy his wry, sardonic humor.

L -_ .- - - -


Starts Today


chuckle along, with

What's all this nonsense
.'ve been hearing about
a fairy Godfather, son?


Mr. O'Malley




Crockett Johnson's Daily Comic Strip.

Read both these features in


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