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August 18, 1946 - Image 1

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VOL. LVI, No. 35S



New Students
To Compose
Large Group
Old Students Polled
By Literary School
A breakdown on the record-shat-
tering enrollment figures for the fall
semester indicates that the percent-
age of new students expected will
range from twenty to ninety per cent
in the various schools and colleges
of the University, except the literary
college and the architecture school.
The literary college mailed post
'cards this week to approximately 4,000
students in an effort to estimate the
number of old students who plan
to return, in order to make out time
schedules and to figure out the teach-
ing burden of the literary college
faculty. No estimate on the expected
number of new students was avail-
The law school expects approxi-
mately 450 new students and 950
old students.
In the School of Public Health,
about 180 new students are expected
and about 50 old students will re-
The medical school revealed that
approximately 540 students will re-
turn, while there will be about 130
new students enrolled.
In the dental school, the percent-
age will be about half and half, with
90 students expected to return and
90 new students expected. There,
will be about 30 new hygienists and
24 who have completed one year of
their two-year course.
The music school announced that
its enrollment quota of 430 students
had been reached, about 40 per cent
of which will be new students.
In the forestry school about 502
students will return while 426 stu-
dents will be enrolled there for the
first time.
The pharmacy school expects 64
new students and 77 old students.
Figures on the number of studen'ts
expected to enroll in the architecture
school are not yet available, since
the same method of estimation is
being used as in the literary school.
In the engineering school approxi-
mate figures eveai an expected num-
ber of 2,830 old students and 954 new
Scientists Will
Be Deferred In
Revised Draft
new draft plan based on liberalized
deferment policies is in the making,
Selective Service officials disclosed
One of them told a reporter that
the latest estimates indicate the draft
can produce only 155,000 men 19-29
years of age by next March 31 "even
if the bottom of the barrel is scrap-
ed." Maj. Gen. Willard S. Paul, Di-
rector of Personnel, has said the Ar-
my needs 185,000.
Increase Necessary
Liberalized rules would make even
fewer than 155,000 men available.
About the only way to increase the
number substantially, would be to
raise the age limit above 29 years, one
Selective Service official said.
He added, however, that this is for
the Army to decide. The War De-
partment specified a few weeks ago
it wanted its men under 29. The law
permits the drafting of men up to
44. In addition 18-year-olds must
register but are not subject to call.

Some announcement concerning
new deferment policies is expected
next week, one official said. Nothing
is expected to be done for some
time to increase the number of men
subject to call as the present supply.
is sufficient for months.
Protests Registered
I The recalculations of manpower,
based on liberalized draft rules, were
ordered on the heels of protests from
education and science organizations
that the proposed rules will permit
the drafting of some of the "most
promising" young scientists of the
In addition the American Council
on Education estimated recently
8,000 professors could be drafted if
present rules are rigidly enforced.
This, the Council estimated, would
eliminate educational opportunities
for 168,000 war veterans.
Mid-West Tornado
Kills 5, Many Hurt
MANKATO, Minn., Aug. 17-()--

CIO Publishes Voting
Record of Congressmen
Compilation Described as 'Guide' for Balloters;
Survey Includes Price Control, Housing Bills


Toll Mounts

to 270


Two Days of Hindu-Moslem Riots;


CIO published today as "a weapon in
the coming battle of ballots" the
voting records of all members of
congress "on 12 issues of major im-
portance to the American people."
Calling the compilation of how
congressmen voted a "guide" for citi-
zens in determining how they will
cast their ballots, the CIO and its
Two Officials
Hurt in Great
Lakes Strike
Four Seamen Held
After Chicago Melee
DETROIT, Aug. 17-(P)-Violence
flared again on the Great Lakes
shipping strike today as two officials
of the Lake Carriers Association were
injured and four "CIO seamen" de-
tained by South Chicago police af-
ter a melee at an association hall
At the same time, Joseph Curran,
President of the CIO National Mari-
time Union, asserted at Detroit strike
headquarters that two "NMU pick-
ets were injured today" in an inci-
dent at Ashtabula, Ohio.
. Curran, in a statement issued be-
fore he boarded a train for New York
where he will discuss strike settle-
ment terms, declared:
"The seaman want to picket peace-
fully in their effort to win the 40-
hour work week. If goons from the
Lake Carriers Association want
trouble, they'll get it all across the
lakes. We propose to see that no
pickets are hurt."
At Ashtabula, unofficial reports in-
dicated several pickets were injured
when an auto passed through an
NMU picket line. The reported "in-
cidents" were the first since Thurs-
day-initial day of- the strike-when
NMU pickets and some AFL mem-
bers clashed on a Detroit dock.
Meanwhile at Cleveland, the CIO
unionists-who began their strike
against Great Lakes ship operators
at 12:01 a.m. Thursday-received
supportfrom the AFL tugmen.
Reports from that city said the
tugmen of the ODT-operated Great
Lakes Towing Company failed to
tow two ore freighters in and out
of Cleveland harbor.
Lawrence C. Turner, manager for
the government operated company,
warned the AFL unionists that fail-
ure to furnish normal service would
constitute a violation of federal
regulations. He then conferred with
AFL officials regarding the stoppage.
Poland Seeks
ore'U.S. Aid
Ambassador Refutes
Alleged Satellite Status
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-(P)-Po-
lish Ambassador Oscar Lange, back
from a month of conferences in War-
saw, declared today that Poland is
actively seeking close relation with
the Western nations as well as with
Russian and does not intend to be
a satellite of any power.
But, he said, the closeness of Po-
land's economic relations with the
United States depends largely on the
amount of financial assistance which
it can obtain here. He disclosed that
Warsaw is interested in an addition-
al American loan, saying "we could
use half a billion dollars or $100,-
000,000-it depends on how much you
can let us have."

Political Action Committee said in
their joint publicaton that they were
not settng up a blacklist or a list of
endorsed candidates.
The publication continued:
"This is the time to learn the is-
sues-and even more important to
get your future congressman firmly
committed to supporting labor's de-
Record of 79'th Congress
"This is a record of the 79th Con-
gress that failed to act on many of
the most important issues affecting
the welfare of the people. Congress
mangled price control. It looked the
other way on housing. It buried
health and minimum wage legisla-
tion. It refused even to debate the
question of an extended fair employ-
ment practices committee, to abolish
racial discrimination. It failed to act
on the anti-poll tax bill. It watered
down the full employment bill.
"Labor, farmers, consumers, small
businessmen, professional people-
all must turn to political action to
make sure that the next session of
Congress will heed their plight and
act in their behalf."
Senate Vote Record
Of the dozen issues selected in the
Senate to measure members there
up to CIO standards only 30 of the
total '96 voted more often for than
against the way the CIO would have
liked them to vote. In the House on-
ly 142 of the total 435 members had
more pluses than minuses after their
names in the CIO list.
Two senators-Mead (Dem., N.Y.)
and Guffy (Dem., Pa.)-voted exactly
the way the CIO thought they should
on all dozen issues. Another senator-
ial pair-Johnston (Dem., S.C.) and
Stewart (Dem., Tenn.)-voted con-
trary to CIO's position on every is-
sue named.
The CIO publication, a supple-
ment to the organization's regular
newspaper, said a congressman can-
not always be judged by his voting
record because "frequently they play
for the record in the same way that
a ball player 'plays for the grand-
stand.' . . . PAC endorsement Qf a
candidate is based on many factors."
115,000 Soviet
Troops Reputed
At Iran Border
TEHRAN, Aug. 17-(')-An offi-
cial foreign source who requested
anonymity said today that cabled re-
ports from the northern frontier in-
dicated the Russians had massed be-
tween 15 and 25 divisions-possibly
as many as 115,000 mena--along the
Araxes River boundary between Iran
and Soviet Russia.
Maintain Units
This official, who said the reports
came from "qualified military obser-
vers" described the troops as "typi-
cal Red Army mountain units" and
added they were deployed for 38 miles
east of Dzhulfa, border city 80 miles
north of Tabriz.
(The official Soviet news agency
Tass said yesterday it had been au-
thorized to deny similar reports, at-
tributed to Hussein Ala, Iranian Am-
bassador to the United States.
Purpose Unknown
(Ala said in Washington Tuesday
that he had received some reports
that the Russians had, concentrated
troops in the Caucasus north of Iran,
but that his information did not in-
dicate their purpose. He added that
they might be used to counter Bri-
tish pressure against Iran in the
south, or to bring pressure on Turkey
in view of Russia's proposals for a
hand in direct control and defense
of the Dardanelles.

British Army





Rioting Began Yesterday Dburing
Moslem League 's'Action D'Jay'
Armed Bands of Indians Defy Strict Curfew;
Looting Calcutta Shops Continues Unabated

CONNALLY ON WAY TO AID BYRNES-Standing on the pier in New
York just before sailing for France aboard the liner Queen Mary are
Senator and Mrs. 'rom Connally of Texas. Summoned to the Paris peace
conference by Setretary of State James F. Byrnes, Connally told report-
ers that Russia had "maintained an unreasonable position" at the con-
Britain Planning To Ship 10,000
Jewish Ref ugees toCypruscam

FEW YQPW, Ag. 17-(/P)-As the
entire port city of Haifa stirred un-
easily yesterday to ominous Zionist
mutterings against deportation of
more illegal immigrants from Pales-
tine, a Cyprus government spokes-
man announced the Karaolos deten-
tion camp there was being expanded
to accommodate 10,000 Jewish refu-
The Palestine government already
has transported 1,200 illegal Jewish
immigrants from the Holy Land to
Karaolos, near Famafusta, capital of
As British officials in Haifa pre-
pared yesterday to ship 1,400 more
refugees to Cyprus, a mystery voice
harangued crowds of angry Jews in
Haifa's streets to "be prepared for
anything and stand for the next few
Although officials were hopeful the
new shipment of 1,400 Jews could be
carried out without a new outburst of
violence in Haifa, a first attempt Fri-
day night to get the operation under
way was abandoned in the face of
opposition from the immigrants
In Palestine, a high police official
Austria To Give
Peace Views
At Conference,
PARIS, Aug. 17-(P)-The Euro-
pean Peace Conference, turning down
Russian objections, voted 15 to 6
today to invite Austria to present its
views on the draft treaty with Italy,
and then apprpvecl unanimously a
Soviet suggestion that Iran also be
Championed by Britain and sup-
ported by the United States, the Aus-
trian proposal prpvided that the
former enemy state be invited to ex-
plain its point of view on the Italian
treaty "on the same terms as Al-
bania, Mexico, Cuba and Egypt."
Slays Opposed
All six Slav nations opposed the
move, which a Russian delegate said
was intended to air Austria's claim
to the South Tyrol.
The debate prompted a suggestion
that the Big Four hold meetings
outside the plenary sessions to speed
the work of the conference, which
has not yet gotten down to the task
for which it was summoned-the
drawing of recommendations to the
fnrai a n fi'flj ff,.c' lf n nfil nnl the

said the immigrants aboard the il-
legal ships "23" and "Fenice" in Hai-
fa harbor first had promised to co-
operate in the trans-shipment oper-
ation.. Later, however, when launches
and landing barges approached the
schooners, the imrigrants flatly re-
fused'to leave their ships, shouted
insults at the soldiers -and sailors,
and called the police "Nazis". and
"SS Men." The police official said
"We then decided to abandon the
effort because the whole thing was
planned on the basis of receiving
cooperation from the immigrants."
Thousands of Jews gathered early
yesterday in Haifa for a demonstra-
tion called to protest the trans-ship-
ment. The secret radio of Haganah,
Jewish underground organization,
broadcast calls for the meeting, but
warned Jews against going into the
harbor area or against making "use-
less sacrifices."
Refugee Shipment
To US Is Remote
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17--(P)-
Prospects of a quick open-armed wel-
come in the United States for Eur-
ope's homeless refugees appeared
scant today,.even as diplomatic ex-
perts grasped at signs that Anglo-
American talks on the explosive Jew-
ish-Palestine problem soon may be
Anxious diplomats in Washington
seized upon a Paris report that Bri-
tish Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin
had conferred- today with three top
officials of the Jewish agency, to bol-
ster their hopes that a stalemate on
Palestine's problems has not frozen
fast as yet.

CALCUTTA, Aug. 17-(P)-Rioting
Moslems and Hindus fought a pitch-
ed battle in central Calcutta tonight
and casualties mounted steadily from
two days of bloody clashes.
Reuters said the tol was esti-
mated at 270 killed and 1,600 injured.
Other reports said more than 2,000
had been hurt.
British army units, some using
armored cars, helped hard-pressed
police attempting to restore order.
Gunfire sounded in the streets.
Many victims were stabbed. Some
shops were burned and others loot-
ed. Time and again police opened
fire to break up angry crowds of Hin-
dus and Moslems.
Began Yesterday
The rioting started yesterday dur-
ing the Moslem League's observance
of a "Direct Action Day" in protest
against British proposals for Indian
independence and the Hindus' views
on the plan. Rioting and street
clashes continued through the night,
abating somewhat by early morning,
and then burst out anew today and
this evening.
The governor of Bengal, Sir Fred-
erick Burrows, in a broadcast urged
persons to keep off the streets and
declared it was "discreditable that,
on the eve of self-government, the
largest city in India should become
a victim of mob rule."
Crowds roaming the streets 'last
night had defied a strict 9 p.m. to 4
a.m. curfew.
Troops Heavily Armed
Heavily-armed, steel-helmeted Brit-
ish troops, called in to support the
harassed police, patrolled the streets
in trucks and jeeps, their vehicles
Claim Vietory
In Honan Area
NANKING, Aug. 17- () - The
Communist radio at Yenan said to-
day that 8,000 Chinese government
troops had been wiped out in fierce
fighting along the east-west Lung-
hai railway in the Kiangsu, Anhwei
and Honan provincial border area
some 300 miles northwest of Nanking.
Many of the casualties were among
the crack American-equipped 18th
Division, the Communist report said.
It declared the Communists forces
now held more than 100 miles of the
Lunghai railway after capturing Lo-
wang, a dozen miles east of the Honan
provincial capital of Kaifeng, and
Huangkow, 34 miles-west of Hsuchow.
'Turn in Used Textbooks
Agents for the Student Book
Exchange now have receipts and
will be collecting books all this
week, manager Dick Burton an-
nounced yesterday.
The bulk of the collections are
expected on Thursday and Friday
after finals and on those'days the
Student Book Exchange office in
the Michigan League will be open
to receive books from students
who have not been contacted by
house agents.

covered with wire mesh to fend off
the missles of the mobs.
Police published a stern order pro-
hibiting the assembly of five or more
persons who carried dangerous
,weapons. But Indians roaming the
center of the city defied the order,
arming themselves with heavy sticks
and clubs. Looting of shops continued
Some sources said it would be a
week before the trouble subsided ful-
.530 Veterans
Start Refresher
Term At U
Course Is Designed
To Aid Vet Orientation
More than 530 veterans have al-
ready registered for the four-week re-
fresher course which begins Monday,
according to Prof. Clark Hopkins,
associate director of the Veterans
Service Bureau which is sponsoring
the program.
The course, which is designed to
reacquaint the new student-veteran
.with study habits and examina-
tions, is offering classes in a wide
variety of subjects ranging from Eng-
lish, history, languages, and akin so-
cial sciences to engineering, -mathe-
matics, and slide rule instruction for
engineering stulents.
During the past two days the vet-
erans have been taking aptitude and
proficiency tests to determine the
particular sections which can best
aid them. Friday the University of
Michigan Veterans Organization
supplied guides who conducted the
new arrivals on a tour about the
Tomorrow the refresher students
begin the four week intensive course
to prepare themselves for the regular
fall semester.
Middle East Oil
Termed Vital
In U.S. Future

WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-(IP)-The
State Department told the nation to-
night that it faces an oil shortage in
20 years and that the best foreign
source of petroleum is the strife rid-
den Middle East.
Uncertainty over the future of Pal-
estine is even now holding up con-
struction of a pipeline across Saudi
Arabia in that area.
In one of the frankest discussions
of the relationships between oil, war
and foreign policy, the department
joined through two of its ranking of-
ficials with an officer of the Army-
Navy Peti'oleum Board to broadcast
a lengthy discussion of the interest
presently involved in oil here and
Remarks prepared for broadcast
brought out these -principal points:
1. An official prediction that the
country faces such a drop in domes-
tic oil production that it will have to
import about half its requirements by
2. A statement that American con-
trol of 42 per cent of the known
reserves in the Middle East, largest
in the world, is "extremely impor-
tant" to the United States both be-
cause of future import needs and
the presentu"strategic" imporance of
this oil.
City Council Plans
'U' Traffic Survey
In response to a petition by the
Student Legislature requesting that
traffic controls be instituted in the
University hrea, the City Council's
Traffic Committee has announced

The Late Christopher Bean'
To Close U' Dramatic Season

University Chorus To Present
Concert at Hill Auditorium

The summer dramatic season will
close with a student laboratory pro-
duction of "The Late Christopher
Bean" to be presented free of charge
Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
This Sidney-.Howard comedy des-
cribes the reaction of a New Eng-
land family when it discovers that
a painter, who had lived with them

Abbie, who really understood the
painter, shows the family up, and
claims the painting when she re-
veals that she married the painter.
The play is beingdirected by Ray
Pedersen and Dorothy Wineland.
In the case are: Roger Cleary who
will appear as Doctor Haggett, and
Betty Churchill who will be Susan.
.Tn as, Tmac. 'willI a fnn a a ac rc Wtncr-

Ninety-four students representing
twenty'-four states will sing in the
Summer Session Chorus when it pre-
sents its summer concert at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Mary Muldowney, director of choral
work at State Teachers' College, In-
diana, Pa., will conduct the chorus.
Soloists are Lynne Palmer, nationally
known harpist and faculty member
of the School of Music, and Kenneth

songs by Brahms, three nursery
rhymes arranged by Canning, three
folk tunes--"Meadowlands," "Annie
Laurie," and "I Love My Love in the
Morning," and three Negro spirituals
-"Ride the Chariot," "Gonna Jour-
ney Away," and "Set bown Servant."
The second of these, "Gonna Journey
Away," will be directed by its com-
poser, Noah Ryder.
Masaka Ono, soprano, will sing

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