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August 10, 1946 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-10

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Fifty-Sixth Year

£etteri to th ektor

Economic Analysis .. .
To the Editor:

IT IS QUITE POSSIBLE that Ray Ginger who
wrote an article in The Michigan Daily in
the "Controversial Reporter" column on August
3 is better qualified to consider such important
economic problems than a mere first-term busi-
ness administration student. However, in that
article any evidence of Mr. Ginger's competence
to rebuke Professor Slichter is totally absent.
The fu'ther. I read the more incredible it be-
I ar naive enough to believe that you cannot
get something for nothing, and that profits have
an important, justifiable place in our free econ-
omy. (This may be partly due to the fact that
I hope to some day to earn profits myself, but
before that I expect to work for salaries or
U'ndoubtedly it is true that some individual
companies are making excessive profits and

Edited and managed by students of the tnivErsity of
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
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and represent the views of the writers oiy.
RussianMon opoly,
GROUP of exiled Roumanian patriots have
retently submitted an appeal to the Paris
Peace Conference to prevent their country from
being economically dismembered and reduced to
the level of a servile state.
The Roumanians claim that the proposed
treaty, now being considered by the confer-
ence, violates the provisions of the armistice
signed by Roumania whereby Russian troop
would remain in the country only long enough
to restore that country's independence and
Today, one year later, Russian troops are still
in the country, being supported by the Rouman-
ian people. In addition, estimates show that
Russia has already received an indemnity of
more than 12 times the amount specified in the
armistice. The treaty provides for a further
payment of 300 million dollars, based on the gold
value of the dollar, within six years. /
In addition, Russia has seized economic con-
trol in Roumania through Roumanian-Soviet
soviets known as "Sovrom," which plan to con-
trol all Roumanian business.
The territories of Bessarabia, Bucovina and
Southern Dobruja have been taken from Rou-
mania as a result of the armistice and now Hun-
gary is being considered as a recipient of Trans-
ylvania. National self-determination has not
been the basis of these divisions.
Roumania's patriots contrast this virtual de-
molition of the country with Roumania's devo-
tion to democratic principles and attempts to
resist the German and Russian war machines.
They claim she was drawn in on the Axis side in
spite of herself.
Whether or not these attempts to white-
wash Roumnania's part,in the war are valid or
not, protest must be made against the arbi-
trary way in which Russia has monopolized
the country. Certainly no one can say that
Roumania's domestic situation has been tran-
quil in the years before the Njar. Therefore, she
is easy prey to any outside influence and Rus-
sia is making the best of her weakness.
Roumania, whatever her sentiments, certainly
did not wage energetic war on the side of thes.
Axis, she did not willingly rush to Hitler's aid
and there is no reason why she should be un-
justly and arbitrarily divided up and weakened
to satisfy Russia's economic desires.
-Phyllis L. Kaye

Looking Backward,
Lately there has been much disagreement ove
important issues between the smaller nations of
the world and the all powerful Big Four. In some
cases the differences have proved to be tempor-
arily paralyzing. Who can deny that these small
nations are not deserving of equal representa-
tion. They are populated with human beings
whose need for justice and freedom is as great
as that of citizens of the larger nations. This
sort of controv'ersy brings to mind the problems
with which the delegates to our own constitu-
tional convention were faced. It will be remem-
bered that the small states demanded their
rights and properties be recognized and res-
pected equally as well as those of the larger
states. The members of the convention solved
this problem by making a compromise that has

could absorb a large increase in labor costs
without raising prices, but this is not the situa-
tion for industry as a whole. In view of all the
facts, I am inclined to agree with those econ-
omists who say that the only way for work-
ers-all workers-to increase their incomes
substantially is to produce more and to pro-
duce more efficiently.
Be this right or wrong, what I desire to em-
phasize is that in the following paragraph Mr.
Ginger shows either that his economic analysis
is very weak or that he is attempting to mislead
unwary readers:
*"In certain other industries the cost of labor
is but a small fraction of the cost of production.
For instance, only $8 in wages is paid to the
labor used in making a $150 piece of farm equip-
ment. The ratio of labor costs to price is even
lower in such industries as oil refining."
But Mr. Ginger does not make it clear what
kind of farm equipment this is, but my com-
mon sense does not allow me to believe that,
"only $8 in wages is paid to the labor used in
making a $150 piece of farm equipmenrt.'1
Certainly this $8 was involved in only one
phase of production-perhaps asembly. Cer-
tainly wages were paid to the men who fabri-
cated the parts, to the men who produced the
metal, to the men who mined the ore, and to
all those involved in the distribution of the
I do not question Mr. Ginger's right to express
his opinion, but I do not like to see anything that
is misleading-it reminds me of a certain type
of propaganda.
-George A. Elgass
Unhooded KKK .. .

C i tnse'4 lif

PEOPLE SAY that things would be a lot dif-
ferent if Roosevelt hadn't died. It's pretty
difficult to deny that. Years will pass before
there is any general agreement about his exact
role in history, but Roosevelt was uncontes-
tably one of the few who have left a deep im-
print on the American scene.
Grafton probably came close when he
characterized Roosevelt as "the great bus.
driver." Roosevelt was the driver on the liber-
al bus; and, while only he knew the destina-
tion, he didn't lose many passengers. Some-
how everybody learned to have faith in the
driver, and their major role was pushing the
vehicle out of mud puddles.
Roosevelt never lost his faith in himself, kept
his poise, and retained a firm hand on the con-
trols. That's the fatal weakness today; there
isn't any control any more. In foreign affairs
this is daily obvious with the constant stories
of tiffs and major quarrels between the two
blocs at the Peace Conference. Day after day
the headlines blare the news of the Viostrecent
deadlock; and we look at each other in dismay
and plead for better understanding between
But the plea for better understanding is fu-
tile. The bitter fights at Paris do not arise be-
cause of misunderstanding . . . there is mis-
understanding because of the fights at Paris.
These diplomatic controversies are based on a
real conflict of interest, and the only road to
better understanding between nations is to
solve the problems which lie beneath the mis-
A plea for better understanding is not a pro-
gram; it's a wail of despair. The liberals are
stranded without a program, and they swing
wildly from pessimism to false optimism.
Five years ago there was in this country a
liberal movement. They all huddled together,
and the President called signals for the whole
team. If he decided that liberals should fight
the trusts, all liberals fought the trusts until
he changed his mind, How different from the
situation today, when there is no longer any
agreement about action at all. Five years all
liberals were Roosevelt liberals, but today there
are Smith liberals, Jones liberals . . . every
man has his own variety. A man develops a
cause ... if he can convince three close rela-
tives he starts a movement. Some men get
alarmed at the high price of strawberries, and
other men get alarmed at the low cost of cot-
ton. But the price of strawberries doesn't come
down, and the price of cotton doesn't go up,
so the advocates of both measures become dis-
gusted and go home to sulk.
The Paris Conference shows this clearly. It's
almost like a battlefield, with the left wing
drawn up on one side and the right wing drawn
up on the other side. Just before the fight starts,
the American liberal runs down midway the
opponents, waving his hat and pleading for a
return to reason. But this doesn't solve the prob-
lem of Franco; it doesn't take the British out of
Palestine; or the French out of Indo-China. It
simply confuses the whole picture, and like as
not the liberal gets his head shot off.
-Ray Ginger

NY NIGHT in the homes of a few
of Hollywood's brightest charac-
ters you can find a group of ener-
getic pro - Communist celebrities
sprinkled with professional comrades.
I've seen this Hollywood crowd
in action and have found them
mostly good people bored by their
own glamour and desperately in
search of exciting new fads. These
Hollywood people can take a cause
or a slogan and virtually over-
night giamrize it into a sweeping
national campaign. This crowd
did just such a glamour job for the
pugnacious pro-Communist Harry
Bridges, who until two weeks ago
was California regional CIO direc-
The other day CIO leader Philip
Murray tired of Harry's beligerence.
IMurray decided to cut Bridge's power
by snipping the California region in
two and 'removing the southern
half-mostly Los Angeles and Holly-
wood-from Bridges' left wing con-
trol. This was done at a noisy meet-
ing of CIO vice-presidents in Wash-
ington.aMurray announced the di-
vorce and kept his silence while
Bridges and Johnny Green, the slim
little., shipbuilding workers' chif, an
ardent Murray man, fought it out in
old-fashioned waterfront cussing.
Murray then pulled Irwin De Shet-
ler, an unknown, enthusiastic anti-
Communist out of the Kansas CIO
headquarters and put him in charge
of California's southern area to bat-
tle Bridges and to unglamorize the
CIO there by gradually separating
it from Hollywood's left wing fadists
and their professional Communist
guides. De Shetler's first big job then
will be to help the CIO's retail clerk's
union, the textile workers and the
auto outfit-all of whom are sending
anti-Communist organizers to Los
Angeles these days-to launch awide
unionizing drive there.
What's the meaning of Murray's
It can be one of the most impor-
tant bits of labor strategy in recent
years-for it can mean the crush-
ing of basic Communist Party
strength in the U.S. How? The real
power of the American comrades
lies in the handful of CIO unions
which they control under Bridges'
leadership. If Murray follows
through-and there are signs that
he will, slowly but relentlessly-
the U.S. comrades will have no
"operational base." This would
mean the disappearance of Com-
munist strength not only in. labor
circles, but in national politics as
They already have begun to at-
tack Phil Murray-something they
would not have dared to do unless
they were really hurt by the CIO
leader. They have been. Wherever
they have fought the anti-Commun-
ists-in Detroit, Chicago and today
in Cleveland-Murray has moved
quietly but effectively against them.
But don't underestimate the com-
rades-they have the money, the
apparatus and the fanatical brains
to fight back effectively.
(Copyright, 1946 N.Y Post Syndicate)

LAL 11

... .1
" y sR0y9,.SnPgHOft-Allr s nvy rn y
"Did you cut his allowance again? lie's hanging you in effigy."

To the Editor:

"Midnight Rides of Terror" by Victor Riesel
and Bill Mauldin's cartoon were good. The geo-
graphic location is a bit twisted. The FBI is in-
vestigating Michigan along with New York, Ten-
nessee, Florida, California, Georgia and Missis-
sippi because of complaints of individuals, civil
rights societies and other organizations.
Personally I believe I have met some of the
KKK without their hoods in Ann Arbor, Ypsi-
lanti and Willow Run Village.
-Rev. David A. Blake, Jr.
* 'P *



'Quo Vadis.

To the Editor:

SUPPOSEDLY THE WAR is over, the carnage
has stopped, more than temporarily we hope,
and the time has again come for us to-stop, take
stock, and ask ourselves: "Where are we going?"
The facts stare us plainly in the face. The
proposition is reduced to basic simplicity. In
order to prevent a repetition or a continua-
tion of the past performances we must provide
economic security for all of the people of the
world. People with full stomachs, roofs over
their heads, and an opportunity to provide,
for their families do not fight wars. It is our
duty, now, to formulate a new, or modify the
present world economy to this realization.
At this date the leading peoples of the world
and their governments are letting themselves
be forced to make a choice of political-econom-
ic systems to provide this security that we seek.
Each day, each 'incident,' each report by return-
ing correspondents, brings us closer to the time
when we will divide the world into two camps
each with the same objective. We are slowly
moving to that time when the issue will be re-
solved: Shall a democratic-capitalism of the
Anglo-American type, or a socialistic-sovietism
of the Russian prototype be the one system to
prevail through the world?
The question now faces us. Are we politically
mature enough to reconcile these two systems
and thereby achieve the security which we so
desparately need, or will we again forge our
plowshares into lethal solutions to our prob-
lems? Can we reconcile majority, govern-,
ment-aided, semi-"free-enterprise" with mi-
nority, government-controlled corporate en-
We would like to say with self assurance that
this stage of maturity has been reached, but
one needs only to look at pictures of super-
bombers, and read of veiled threats of super-
bombs to realize in which direction we are go-
ing. The chips are down. It is not too late. We
must act now.

A fter the Storm

PURIFIED by the storm that swept
over it earlier this week, the Con-
ference of Paris now appears to be
settling down to work in a calmer
and more business-like atmosphere.
This, if continued, augurs well for its
success. The preliminary maneuvers
for position are over, the rules of
procedure have been completed, and
the artificial crisis and never serious
hints of a Russian walkout have dis-
solved under the weight of the over-
whelming vote in the Rules Commit-
tee for the British compromise pro-
posal. Even Russia, which held out
to the last for an exclusive two-
thirds vote on all issues, could
scarcelyvreject a decision arrived at
by a vote of 15 to 6, or by more than
a two-thirds majority, especially
since this decision, by giving the two-
thirds voto special importance, also
gave her more than half a victoiry,
though it preserved the right of the
simple majority to be heard.

Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 28
The Chicago and Southern Airlines,
Inc., are now taking applications for
the September training class for
stewardesses. Any girls who are in-
terested in stewardess training for
the airlines should call at the Bur-
eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Ziwet Lectures in Mathematics:
Everyone who has obtained a copy
of the Alexander Ziwet Lecture notes
by Professor K. 0. Friedrichs, should
call at the Mathematics Office for the
sheet of Errata for the notes.
The Board of National Missions of
the Presbyterian Church in the Uni-
ted States of America has teaching
vacancies in Alaska, New Mexico,
Arizona, Utah in the following fields:
English, Home Economics, Music,
Mathematics and Science, Social Sci-
ence, Commerial, Arts and Crafts,
Manual Arts, Elementary, Physical
Education. Salaries consist of cash
stipend, maintenance, and traveling
expenses to field. Full details may be
had, at the Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
The public schools of Taos, New
Mexico have vacancies in the ele-
mentary schools; art, English, mathe-
matics and guidance positions on the
secondary level. Living conditions
and salaries are good. If candidates
who are interestedin living in the
Southwest will call the Bureau of
Appointments they can receive more
detailed information about these
The libraries of the University
Elementary School will be open on
Saturday morning, Aug. 10 from 9-
12 and on Monday through Wed-
nesday, Aug. 12-14 in themornings
from 9-12 and in the afternoons
from 1-4. Students wishing to use
these materials from August 15-23
may have them transferred to 'the
School.of Education Library, 4200
University High School.
Lecture: Claude Eggertsen, Assist-
ant Professor of Education on Mon-
day, August 12 at 4:05 p.m. in the
University High School Auditorium.
The topic will be "Proposed: A Na-
tional Civilian Continuation Study
Institute." The public is cordially
Dr. Henry M. Honigswald of Yale
University will give a lecture, under
the auspices of the Linguistic In-
stitute, on Wednesday, Aug. 14, at
7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre, on the subject: "Descriptive
Techniques in Historical Linguistics."
The public is invited.
Lecture: Elmer D. Mitchell, Profes-
sor of Physical Education, Tuesday,
Aug. 13, at 4:05 p.m. in the University
High School Auditorium. The topic
will be "Recreational Guidance."

at 4:10 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. The topic will be "Se-
curity and Freedom."
Student Recital: Saturday evening,
August 10, at 8:30, Arthur C. Hills,
clarinetist, assisted by Beatrice Gaal,
pianist, Lee Chrisman, flute, and
William Poland, oboe, will present
a program in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Given in partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music in Music Education,
the recital will include' selections by
Stubbins, Saens, Delmas, Dacquin,
and Dewailly.
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Philip Malpas,
organist, will present a recital Sun-
day' afternoon, August 11, at 4:15in
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, N.
Division Street. Mr. Malpas' program
will include: Organ Concerto in B
flat major by Handel, Toccata by
Frescobaldi, Fantasia and Fugue in
G minor by Bach, and Carillon-Sortie
by Mulet.
The public is cordially invited.
Chamber Music Program: The
fourth in the current series of Sun-
day evening chamber music programs
will include Quartet in B-flat major,
Op. 168 by Schubert, Poem for viola
and piano by Edmund Haines, and
Quintet in A major, Op. 114 ("The
Trout") by Schubert. Scheduled for
8:30 p.m. Sunday, August 11, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall, this program
will be presented by Gilbert Ross,
and Lois Porter, violins, Louise Rood,
viola, Oliver Edel, vello, Charles Baer,
double bass, and Joseph Brinkman,
The program will be open to the
public without charge.
Faculty Recital: On Monday eve-
ning, August 12 in Rackham Lecture
Hall at 8:30 Lee Pattison, pianist,
will present his sixth program, in the
current series of lecture recitals. Mr.
Pattison's program will include: Fan-
tasy in C minor, K475, Sonata in E-
fiat major, K282, and Sonata in *F
major,.K332 by Mozart and Sonata,
Op. 2 No. 3 by Beethoven.
Carillon Recital: Sunday afternoon,
Aug. 11, at 3:00 Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will present a
recital on the Charles Baird Caril-
lon in Burton Memorial Tower. His
program wil linclude the following
selections: Land of Hope and Glory
by Elgar, Album for the Young by
Schumann, Intermezzo for 'carillon by
Van Hoof, and a group of hymns.
Faculty Recital: Louise Rood vio-
list and Helen Titus, pianist will pre-
sent a recital Wednesday evening,
Aug. 14, in Rackham Assembly Hall
at 8:30. Their program will include
Sonata in B-fiat Major by Stamitz,
Sonata in E-fiat Major by Brahms,
Sonata Op. 11, No. 4 by Paul ide-
mith, and Sonata by Rebecca Clarke
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Evelyn Ranson,
pianist, will present a recital in Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, Wednesday af-
ternoon at 4:15. Given in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music, Miss Ran-
son's program will include Toccata
in D Major by Bach, Sonata Op. 57
by Beethoven, Intermezzo Op. 118 No.




-R. P. Slaff

-The New York Times


My committee protests, Mr. Mayor.
The Fifth National Memorial Bank
doesn't need a new building. And
people don't need a skating rink.
18- 8
What a day! First Baxter. Then J. J.
O'Malley. Both claim that I'm a dead
duck politically if I don't put an
end to non-essential construction.

They want
homes ..
I assure you, Mr.
Baxter, that it's
within the law.
C. RT.gi ip. 6 7A NzwoP,, PM In.
Re U i P., O8

He's getting to be
a thorn in our side.
least we
don't have
O'Malley to
contend with.

B Crockett Johnson
A skating rink would have given me great
joy. But ,your father's cause is just. I
shall lend him full support- Operator?
I'll tell Pop you
called the Mayor;,
too, Mr. O'Malley.


Don't let them
intimidate you,
Mr. Mayor- is
this O'Malley's
phone number?

That's funny. It's Baxter's, too. I
wonder what their relationship is?
Maybe we ought to investigate.
Who knows what we'll uncover?

cAplot to embarrass
my adrniristratio-n?

gttiJr . , 0~p< Mi
Could be.-


f . 7 1 j

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