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August 09, 1946 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-09

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Beaten Battle of Ballots Leader
Trough with Politics Forever

By The Associated Press
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Aug. 8-
Pat Mansfield, former sheriff of Mc-
Minn countyband a leader of forces
which were beaten in a battle of bal-
lots and bullets last Thursday, said
today "I'm through with politics for
good-it'll sure mess you up some-
The stocky ex-sheriff disclosed that
he was suffering from slight buck-
shot wound in the right leg-re-
ceived in a rousing, six-hour pitched
battle between his forces and partis-
Scientists Seek
Santary Means
Of Dishwashing
Not all scientists are engaged in
atomic research-some of them are
concerned with dishwashing.
Essential factors of sanitary dish-
washing, both by machine and hand
methods, for public and private eat-
ing places are being sought by the
National Sanitation Fouidation here.
Research is concerned with de-
termining time and temperature
necessary to the elimination of all
public health hazards from eating
utensils. The mechanics of washing
and rinsing under actual working
conditions as well as possibilities of
"cold sterilization" of utensils are
being studied.
The foundation is non-profit and
hopes the results of its studies
may help unify dishwashing codes
throughout the country, in accord-
ance with public health regulations.
Ten dishwashing machines are be-
ing tested by the foundation under
the direction of Dr. W. L. Mallman.
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., head of the
epidemiology department is directing
research on "cold sterilization."
"The purpose of the foundation is
as broad as the whole field of sani-
tation," Dr. Henry F. Vaughan, dean
of the public health school and presi-
dent of the foundation, declared. He
pointed out that the organization's
objective was to improve environ-
mental health in the United States.
Boys' School
Plans Newv Site
LANSING, Aug. 8-(P)-The State
Youth Guidance Company today
.heard plans to acquire a new site for
the boys' vocational school near Wil-
liamston at a cost of more than
The Rev. Paul Czemanske, chair-
man of the State Juvenile Institute
Commission, predicted the commis-
sion would accept the site at its Sep-
tember 6 meeting. The site was rec-
ommended by a legislative committee
headed by Rep. Robert M. Mont-
gomery, Lansing Republican.
czemanske said the selection of a
new site for the school was hampered
by the statutory necessity of acquir-
ing at least a section of land and the
need for placing it close to state hos-
pital and educational agencies.
Members of the Youth Guidance
Commission questioned whether the
legislative committee's plans did not
over-emphasize agricultural training.

ans of a victorious ex-GI slate of
candidates. The wound wasn't seri-
ous, he said.
Mansfield gave a telephone inter-.
view from 'the Chatsworth, Georgia
home of relatives where he has been
staying since he abdicated as sheriff
early last Friday. He disclosed that
he revisited Athens, McMinn county
seat, today-for the first time since
the gunfire-to resign his last offi-
cial connection with the strife-torn
county-membership on the election
"I'm going back to railroading,"
he announced. "I'm a locomotive
engineer, you know, and I expect to
go back to my old job of railroading
between Etowah and Atlanta on the
Louisville and Nashville Railroad."
Mansfield was a high lieutenant in
the Paul Cantrell McMinn county
administration which lost the elec-
tion and the gun battle waged around
the county jail for possession of con-
tested ballot boxes.
He and a score or more of deputized
officers barricaded themselves in the
jail, only to be routed with dynamite
blasts after the GI faction had be-
sieged them with shotguns, pistols,
rifles and at least one machinegun.
As an aftermath, the county offi-
cers resigned and were replaced with
ex-GI winners in the election.
Father Divine,
Bride Appear
For ietures
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 8 - 4P) -
FIather Divine, five-foot, billiard-bald
Negro Evangelist and self-proclaim-
ed "God," posed today for the first
pictures with his beautiful 21-year-
old white bride and predicted their
marriage will carry "democracy,
Americanism and Christianity to the
new birth of freedom predicted by
Abraham Lincoln."
His bride-she was Edna Rose
Ritchings of Montreal, Canada, be-
fore she adopted her cult name of
"Beautiful Angel"-sat demure and
silent through the brief press con-
Then the smiling blonde girl, who
towers six inches above "God," quiet-
ly took her place at the head of a
huge banquet table in the four-story
downtown building which is Father
Divine's headquarters, one of many
"heavens" which his sect owns and
operates throughout the North.
,Lumberman's Wage
Increase Refused
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8-(')-The
government today refused to approve
a second round of postwar wage in-
creases for the west coast lumber
industry, the first such decision yet
made under the wage-price policy.
Reconversion Director John R.
Steelman held that a pattern of in-
creases, 15 cents an hour above
those in effect on V-J Day, had been
established for the industry. He de-
clined to approve an additional 3/2
cents hourly increase.
Steelman's ruling reversed a decis-
ion of the National Wage Stabiliza-
tion Board whih had approved the
3/2 cent increase on top of the earli-
er-approved 15 cent pay boost.


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Japanese Admiral Says War
Was Needlessly Prolonged

State Op




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"We're here to study trees and nothing else!"-'U' Forester at Camp
Roth considering the attractions of a local debutante as depicted by Ted


4' * ',

By implication, retired Japanese
Admiral Keisuke Okada blames Rus-
sia for prolonging the Pacific war.
In an interview with Associatedi
Press Bureau Chief Russell Brines int
Tokyo, the 79-year-old former prem-
ier says the Russians knew six monthsr
before entering the war themselves,i
that Japan wanted to surrender, but
gave no indication of relaying "plead-
ing" Japanese peace feelers to the
Okada Not Informed
Admiral Okada apparently is not
too well informed. That is the only
interpretation possible unless you as-
sume that he means (a) that the
Russians deliberately kept mum about
peace feelers in February, 1945, in'
order to take advantage of the secret
clauses of the Yalta Agreement, or
(b) that they told the Allies about
the peace feelers and that the Allies
did nothing about them. Either as-
sumption is pretty hot if justified,
which remains very much to be prov-
Won't Improve Relations
In any case, his statement is not
designed to improve Russo-American
relations, which could stand improv-
ing in the Orient just as M4uch as
All during the spring of 1945 there
tere officially unconfirmed reports
around Washington that the Japan-
ese were hinting about peace to the
Russians but that their terms were
Atomic Bombs Decisive
It was widely reported in this
country that the Japanese wanted
to send former Premier Fumimaro
Konoye on a mission to Moscow, but
this apparently fell through under
the impact of the Potsdam Ultimat-
um in July. It took the Japanese,
GI Offers Students
Plan for Split-Shifts
married GI at Michigan State Col-
lege today offered a plan by which
he and his fellow veterans can sup-
plement their, GI Bill allowances by
working "split-shifts" in Lansing in-
dustrial plants.
Mike Riley, Lansing freshman who
wants to major in industrial sociolo-
gy, presented his plan whereby two
veterans may work one eight-hour
shift in the plants to the college ad-
ministration for approval.
Firms in the Lansing area will be
asked to adopt it if it is sanctioned
by the MSC authorities.

almost a month and two atomic
bombs to make up their minds after
During the Potsdam Conference,
itself, acting Secretary of State
Joseph C. Grew said that the Ameri-
can government had received no Jap-
anese peace offers, but only some
Anglo-American Oil
Agreement Opposed
GRAND RAPIDS, Aug. 8-(R)-Op-
position to Anglo-American oil agree-
ment, pending in Congress, was grow-
ing among members of the Inter-
State Oil Compact Association which
opened a three-day quarterly meet-
ing here Thursday.

Forester Relates Experiences
With'local Women, Mosquitoes

The cream of Iron River's deb crop
threw a party for us last weekend,
which meant that all chin stubble
under one inch was mown and clean
plaid shirts donned.
It was a great social success. The
boys are planning to return the in-
vitation and have the town girls out
at the lake for a traditional forester
The beef market looks pretty
slim, so the fellows are eying with
speculation the porcupines which
invade the camp each night. This
worries the girls whose stomachs
are a little More delicate than
ours. Word must have gotten
around that a hungry forester will
eat anything, for a few of the less
trusting girls are taking inventory
of all local dogs and cats.
We're still holding our own with
the mosquitoes here .in the U.P. Ac-
cording to entomological predictions
the critters should,,have ,disappeared
three weeks ago, but they hang on
like hungry relatives.
It's not the number of the blam-
ed things; it's the size that hurts.
We figure there must be only
twenty to the acre .. . mainly be-
cause there just isn't food for more.
swede Hanson staggered into camp
the other day babbling something
about one building a nest in an old
pine tree, but we decided he was
just weak from the loss of blood.
Si Lawson, saw-filing expert and
perennial camp visitor, put in his
appearance last week and we haven't
recovered yet. Si is just a small man
with a big tummy, but by sheer-
Polio Attack Fought
By Detroit, Windsor
DETROIT, Aug. 8 -(P)- Detroit
and its Canadian neighbor, Windsor,
tightened their defenses today against
an upsurge in the number of cases
of infantile paralysis.
An aquatic carnival Aug. 16 and the
children's pageant scheduled for Aug.
18 as a climax to the summer play-
ground program were cancelled in
Windsor closed its public bathing
beach and wading pools.
Detroit reported five new polio
cases, for a total of 71 for the year,
and a fifth victim died Wednesday.
Windsor, which had only seven
cases in 1945, has had 20 cases in
three weks and the first fatality
occurred Wednesday.
c ~ Wdding
s c8s RINGS
717 North UniversiyAve.
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Campus Highlights

For WayneU.
LANSING, Aug. 8-(P)-A legisla-
tive study committee today agreed
tentatively on a plan for state oper-
ation of Wayne University as part
of the state's educational system.
The committee emphasized that
its decisions were not final and that
it would not decide whether to recom-
mend state acquisition of the muni-
cipal university in Detroit until its
October meeting. It will confer next
month with the Detroit Board of
But the members appeared to have
accepted the theory that if the state
should take over the university it.
would be operated by a new state
agency, a board of governors similar
in status tg the boards in control of
the University of Michigan and Mich-
igan State College.


weight of several thousand choice
phrases to the tune of a sharp tongue,
he could out-box Paul Bunyan him-
self. One of the boys remarked that
it isn't that Si cusses too much as it'
is that he contaminates perfectly
good swearing with a few words of
the King's English.
Between stories Si instructs the
Michigan foresters in the intrica-
cies of filing a saw, but his opinion
of "perfessors" is low. He has more
respect for a rusted file than a col-
lege degree, but we learned a lot
from him.
Si sums upthe whole matter in his
favorite philosophy: "Ignorance ain't
so much whut ye don't know, as 'tis
whut ye know that ain't so."
Best wishes to the summer school
students down there in Ann Arbor,
and as one old timer put it, "Don't
worry too much about life, you mos'
probably won't live through it no-

Moonlight Hike,..*.
A moonlight hike and a watermelon
feast have been planned for tomor-
row night by the Congregational-
Disciples Guild.
Members will meet at the Guild
House <41 438 Maynard Street at
8:30 p.m.
** * *
Congregationalits , .
Swimming, a picnic supper,
games and worship at Saline Valley
Farms have been planned by the
Congregational-Disciples Guild for
Members will leave the Guild
House at 3 p.m. and will return
at 9 p.m. Reservations for trans-
portation and food should be made
by telephoning the Guild House
(5838) by noon today.
* * *
Tenor To Sging ...,
Robert G. Waltz, tenor, assisted by
John Wheeler, pianist, will present
a recital at 8:30 p.m. today in Pat-'
tengill Auditorium of the Ann Arbor
High School.
His program will includev selections
by Handel, Brahms, Franck, Faure,
Hageman, Rachmaninoff, and others.
Organ Concert. . .
Philip Malpas, organist, will pre-
sent acconcert at 4:15 p.m. Sunday
in St. Andre.w's Episcopal Church.
His program will include selec-
tions by Handel, Frese9baldi, Cler-

ambault, Kuhnau, Bach, Franck,
Vierne and Mulet.
* * *
Chamber Msic...
The fourth and last of a series of
chamber music programs devoted to.
the music of Franz Schubert and con-
temporary composers will be present-
ed at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Participants will be Gilbert Ross
and Lois Porter, violinists, Louise
Rood, violist, Oliver Edel, cellist,
Charles Baer, double bass and Joseph
Brinkman, pianist.
Selections by Schubert to be play-
ed are "Quartet in B-fiat major,"
Op. 168, and "Quintet in A major,"
Op. 114 ("The Trout"). "Poem for
Viola and Piano" composed in 1938
by Edmund Haines, a member of the
School of Music faculty, will be in-
cluded on the program,.
* * *
Rev. Hoek To Speak...
The Rev. Walter Van Hoek will
deliver a lecture entitled "Love Is
A Question" at 6 p.m. Sunday at
the Baptist Guild House.
All Guild members and their
guests are invited to attend.
* * *
Baptist Party Today . .
A party will be given by the Baptist
Guild at 8:30 p.m. today at the
Guild House, 502 E. Huron St.
Mrs. Jewell Johns will act as host-
ess at the party to which all mem-
bers' and their friends are invited.


LOST AND FOUND RESTRINGING elswhere Nylon $4.50.
Tournament gut $9.00. My price
FOUND: Parker pencil Wednesday, $3.00 and $7.00. Dean McClusky,
July 31. Owner pay ad. Call 2- phone 2-7360. (16
1268. Ask for Jim. (26
WANTED: Sewing. Refitting of young
LOST: Large silver earring contain- women's dresses and skirts. Miss
ing moonstone. Last Thursday eve- Livingston, 315 So. Division, 2nd
ning. Phone Vi Misekow, 8598. Re- floor front. (23
ward. _(28 PLAN for your fall suits and formals
LOST: Silver identification bracelet. now. Expert workmanship on cus-
Portage Lake vicinity. Engraved tom-made clothes and alterations.
Jack Smalter. Great sentimental Hildegarde Shop, 116 E. Huron.
value. Reward. Call 2-4591. (29 Phone 2-4669. (10
better price paid. Sam's Store. 122
WANTED: Student to do general E. Washigton St

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The Bagpiper,
a feminine version






..O '
of MacDonald's

cleaning 3 or 4 hours weekly in
home near campus. Call 9538 after
6 p.m.l
POSITIONS open in mathematics
and commercial work in easy com-
muting distance from Ann Arbor
at Pinckney. -Call Supt. Wesley
Reader, phone 9, Pinckney. (25
WANTED: Small apartment or two
rooms suitable for light house-
keeping for veteran and wife. Both
students and employed. Phone 2-
6053 or 8 731 between 10 a.m. and
12 noon.
WANTED-Quiet room in private
home for Junior medical student.
Fall and Spring terms. Will con-
sider working for room. Call 2-
'491 vT a ,r3enines: nr 4662.

FOR SALE: Sentinel three-way port-
able radio, practically new. Inquire
Roland Kalmbach, telephone 9764.
CAMERA "Perfex" 55-F3.5; 35 mm.
Perfect condition. Also filters, flash
synchronizer, case, bulk film wind-
er and film. If interested, contact
Myron Zeis, phone 7366. (31

Smart Stripe.. .
in fine wearing grey men's wear.
slim waisted with unpressed pleat full-
ness . . . belted in saddle-stitched
black leather . . . sizes 9 to 15

kilt. . . rich pure wool in various Scotch
Highland color combinations . . . sizes
9 to 15.. 8 95


Use Contact

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ConniewCO-wdies . ..
a gay shoe for school, sports, or play.. .
in burnished brown leather . . 5.95


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