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August 08, 1946 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-08

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Fifty-Sixth Year

I ControJer,6iallQe rorter Jill,


War of




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
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Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenheim
City News ............................ Clyde Becht
University......................Nataiie Bagrow
sports .................................... Jack Martin
Womens............................Lynne Ford
Business Staff
Business Manager ....................... Janet Cork
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Member of The Associated Press
The Assocated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-pubication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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National Advertising Service, Inc
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420 MADISoN AVE. * '-W YORK. N.Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945.46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
aid represent the views of the writers only.
AnAC-tive Interest
DEMOCRACY was seen working at its best at
the Ann Arbor City Council meeting last
At the conclusion of the meeting, a slight, mid-
dle-aged woman addressed the group to "ask a
few questions."
First of all, she explained rather timidly, she
had observed % policeman on Main Street com-
pletely ignoring the cars parked in metered
zones where the time limit had run out and
which were supposed to be ticketed. She had in-
quired at the police station if this were a par
of the man's duties and the clerk at the desk
"didn't know."
Is it right to have a man on duty at the po-
lice station who doesn't know what a police-
- man's duties are, she wanted to know?
Next the lady noted that taxicabs of one Ann
Arbor concern were charging over the pre-
scribed rates in instances where the passenger
stopped during the course of a ride.
Hei last "question" to the Council concerned
the regulation of auction sales. At the present
time she claimed, there are no regulations af-
fecting auctions in the city and many articles
have been misrepresented at recent auctions. ;
In each instance the president of the Coun-
cil referred her "questions" to the Police Com-
missioner for appropriate action.
- Probably none of these problems will ever be
a major campaign issue and yet they are ir-
regularities which certainly should be cor-
Our friend had appealed to the proper city
officials without result and as a last resort was
exercising her right as a private citizen to pe-
tition the City Councl for acton.
It is heartily reassuring to find in today's so-
ciety an individual interested enough in the
affairs of her community to present such prob-
lems to the City Council
Let us hope that the City Council and the
Police Commissioner were sufficiently aroused
to take the specific action necessary to improve
these conditions; and let us hope, too, that in
the future more citizens will take as acive an
interest in the affairs of our community.
-Tom Walsh
Trieste Problem
DISILLUSIONMENT has already descended
upon the Paris Peace Conference, now in its

second week, having gained easy entrance in
the form of disagreement of terms, a situation
which has already given promise of being one
of the most common sources of conflict in ob-
structing the peace-makers' efforts.
This time the controversy is centered in the
word "internationalization," which may suc-
ceed in gaining as manry meanings as there
are definition-makers.
The problem revolves around the key Adri-
atic seaport of Trieste. It has become clear since
the Big Four Foreign Ministers meeting, that
merely agreeing to set up a formula of "inter-
nationalization" solved nothing. The difficulty
is strongly reminiscent of the Yalta agree-
ments, when it was decided that Poland and
other European countries were to have "demo-
cratic governments."
This week six different schemes for the
internationalization of Trieste will be pro-
-..-..,...,- W...

EDITORIAL COMMENT on the conflict in Pal-
estine has been largely confined to a con-
demnation of the bombing of British headquar-
ters in Tel Aviv by the Jewish extremists. Few
publications have even made an attempt to dig
through to the causes of such acts of terrorism.
The article by Freda Kirchwey in the August 3
issue of Nation Magazine is a long-due correcton
Americanus' Duty
ONE OF THE folk ways which most people of
this country believe in implicity.is that poli-
tics is a dirty business. This is nonsense. Politics
is no better and no worse than the people them-
selves. Politics is an indispensable ingredient in
our self government. The quality of our govern-
ment necessarily depends upon the quality of our
The fact is that the only trouble with poli-
tics is that there isn't enough politics, or, more
precisely, that not enough people take an in-
terest in politics. I have always maintained
that the people of this country have not only
a right to take part in politics, they have a
duty. As a matter of fact itis the obligation
of the people to exercise their political rights
in order to preserve their liberties for them-
selves and for posterity.
By this I do not mean that every man and
every woman ought to run for Congress or for
alderman. I do mean, however, that every man
and every woman old enough to vote ought to
make himself aware of the issues of the day and
ought to vote in the election.
In, those years when Franklin D. Roosevelt
was running for election, this country saw an
outpouring of millions of voters who ordinarily
never took the trouble to go to the polls. The
march of these millions overwhelmed the re-
actionary elements of the country. In the years
when Roosevelt was not running, many thous-
ands of votel's stayed away from the polls. As a
result, while the reactionary elements grewno
stronger, they elected more Congressmen.
In short, there never was and never has been
a swing to the right in recent years in this
country, there has only been a hammock in
which the progressive voter curled up and went
to sleep while the reactionaries busied them-
selves about electing reactionary Congress-
How remiss the citizens of this country can
be and have been in living up to their duty to
vote can be gathered from statistics comparing
the voting record of the United States with those
of other countres. In Italy, when the referendum
on the continuance of the monarchy was held
in June, some 89 per cent of the eligible voters
went to the polls, while in the last national
election in the United States only a little more
than halfe of those eligible, to vote did so. In the
1942 Congressional elections less than approxi-
mately a third of those old enough to vote went
to the polls. This is in contrast with Great Bri-
tain where three quarters of the eligible voters
cast their ballots in the national election, or
with France where 80 per cent of those old
enough to vote did so at the referendum on the
The situation as to voting in the poll tax states
could hardly be worse. However, the low per-
centage of those who take the trouble to vote
in this country cannot be ascribed to this alone.
Many of the great states of the North show a
voter turnout of hardly more than 50 per cen.
If the liberal forces of the country are to
continue their onward and upward march,
they must get up out of their easy chairs and
get out and vote. This is paiticularly impor-
tant in the coming elections in the great in-
dustrial areas of the country. In New York
in Pennsylvania, in Illinois, and in Ohio, it is
not the dependable reactionary vote that will
lick the liberal candidates who are defeated.
The stay-at-home vote will lick them.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Netherland's Claim
QUEEN WILHELMINA'S address from the
throne at the opening of the new session of
the States-General on July 25, was not very spe-

cific on the subject of Holland's claim to annexa-
tion of German territory.
The Queen did not mention plans to claim
"small tracts" of German territory in order to
"correct" Holland's eastern frontier. But it is
a matter of argument whether this is, or not, the
same as annexation, even though both have to
do with territorial changes.
This columnist must frankly admit that he
is at a loss to define precisely the difference
between an outright revision and a "correc-
tion" of a frontier. When is a frontier incor-
rect and when is it correct? Who judges these
things? And who determines finally whether
the correction itself is correct or incorrept?
We should very much like to hear the voice of
those who until a few months ago so forcefully
and rightfully pleaded for a revision of the bor-.
der in order to compensate the Netherlands na-
tion to some extent for the terrific damage it
suffered at the hands of the Germans.
-Jan van Amstel
Knickerbocker Weekly

to the blurb of the daily press.
It has long been obvious that the entire
blame for the disturbances in Palestine could
not be laid upon the backs of the Jewish peo-
ple. Anti-Semitism in the very top circles
of the British government has too often re-
vealed itself. Nearly thirty years ago Winston
Churchill was urging war against the "Jewish
government" of Russia. Scarcely more than a
month ago Ernest Bevin, now Foreign Secre-
tary of England, declared in a speech that
the plan to admit 100,000 Jewish refugees to
Palestine was not acceptable to the British
government. He amplified his statement with
the following: "The Americans want to sendl
these Jews to Palestine because they don't
want them in New York."
Even more recently the general commanding
the British troops in Palestine imposed a non-
fraternization rules between his troops and all
Jews. He also instituted a boycott of all Jewish
stores, stating that this policy was intended "to
show our contempt for them, and to hit them
where they are most easily hurt-in their pocket-
books." Here we find the man who, more than
any other single individual, shapes the day by
day relations between the British and the Jews
in Palestine, idly insinuating the centuries-old
libel that all Jews are usurers. This general
seems to feel that British troops should be al-
lowed to fraternize with their late enemies, the
Germans, but should shun their late allies, the
Jews of Palestine. So many of the Palestine
Jews volunteered for service in the British army
during the war that the army finally refused to
take any more of them, lest the Arabs should be
Even before British headquarters had been
bombed, the!British had arrested without cause
more than 5,000 Jews. These persons were de-
tained behind barbed wire in concentration
camps, and no charges were entered against
them. As Miss Kerehwey says of Foreign Minis-.
ter Bevin," . . . he still believes that order is a
prerequisite to policy, ,an idea easily converted
into the theory that order is a substitute for
The British claim to be interested in free-
dom for India and for Palestine, but they re-
fuse to leave until order has been restored in
those countries. BUT ORDER WILL NEVER
LEFT. The presence of foreign troops is a con-
stant incitement to violence, even as it was in
the United States 170 years ago. The whole
British scheme for restoring order is based o4.
a contradiction, and nobody understands this.
better than the British.
Miss K'erchwey states that the Jewish people
in Palestine believe that they are fighing, not
just for themselves or their families, but for the
preservation of the Jewish people. There is be-
hind them a memory of the bloody terror of
Nazi Germany, pre-war Poland, the inter-war
fascist governments in the Balkans. There is the
knowledge that 75% of the Jews in Europe were
killed by the Nazis.
This background is essential to an under-
standing of the statements which Miss Kerch-
wey attributes to a leader in Palestine: "We will
fight to maintain Jewish Palestine. We have no
other choice. We cannot go on from here. This
is the stopping place-the end of the road. We
will stay here or die." -Ray Ginger

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I In m

GL0VES are off in Paris. Secretary
Byrnes and Soviet Foreign Minis-
ter Molotov have descended from
"the high level of harmony." They
are hurling acrid, fighting words at
each other.
As the 21-nation conference can
only make recommendations,
which the Big Four are not obliged
to accept, why all the row over the
voting procedure by which the con-
ference submits its suggestions?
The Russians, who accuse the
Americans and British of attempting
to dominate the conference, are
themselves attempting to domiAte
it. They can't rally enough support
to win if decisions are to be made
by simple majorities.
Secretary Byrnes first announced
that he would appear in Paris as "ad-
vocate" of the Big Four. Then he said
he would urge acceptance by the Big
Four of recommendations made by a
two-thirds vote of the conference
even though they were at variance
with decisions already taken. This
straddle, and his subsequent indorse-
ment of a British compromise on the
voting rule, were the basis of Moo-
tov's accusation of inconsistency.
A change of temper and tactics
alone can prevent the conference
from splitting the Big Four wide
open, undoing the labors of an ar-
duous year, and setting peace-mak-
ing in Europe back to where it was
on V-E Day.
-The Detroit Free Press


"No interruptions, Miss Bodkin. We're busy banning a book."



Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Summer Ses-
sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m.
on the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 26S
The Board of National Missions of
the Presbyterian Church in the Uni-
ted States of America has teaching
vacancies in Alaska, New Mexico,
Arizona, Utah in the following fields:
English, Home Economics, Music,
Mathematics and Science, Social Sci-
ence, Commerial, Arts and Crafts,
Manual Arts, Elementary, Physical
Education. Salaries consist of cash
stipend, maintenance, and traveling
expenses to field. Full details may be
had at the Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Notice to Veterans: All veterans
training under Public Law 346 (GI
.ill of Rights) in order to protect
their future training rights must re-
port to the Veterans Administration,
Rm. 100, Rackham Building, accord-
ing to the following schedule:
Students in the term ending Aug-
ust 9: Report Aug. 5-9.
Students in the term ending Aug-
ust 23: Report Aug. 12-17.
Students whose term ends after
August 23: Report August 19-24.
Veterans' presence is necessary to
fill out a training report and to in-
dicate whether leave is desired.
The office of the Veterans Admin-
istration is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. daily and from 8:00 a.m. to noon
on Saturdays.
State of Michigan Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
1. Industrial Inspector I, $200-$240.
2. Dietitian A through II, $185-$290.
3. Addressing Machine Operator
A2, $155-$175.
4. Blind Transcribing Machine Op-
erator Ci, $135-$155.
Closing date is August 21.
5. Architectural Engineers II, III,
IV, $250-$440.
Closing date is August 28.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
The Chicago and Southern Airlines,
Inc., are now taking applications for
the September training class for
stewardesses. Any girls who are in-
terested in stewardess training for
the airlines should call at the Bur-
eau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
City of Detroit Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
1. Junior Architectural, Civil, Elec-
trical, Mechanical, or Structural En-
gineers, $2,723-$3,174.
2. Assistant Architectural, Civil,
Electrical, Mechanical, or Structural
Engineers, $3,492-$3,968.
Closing date is August 22, 1946.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.

T HAS ALWAYS been a source of mystifica-
tion to this reviewer as to why plays of such
excellence as the one presented last night at the
Lydia Mendelssohn do not appear more often
in the local repertoire. It always seemed to me
that Play Production was perversely seeking to
justify Eric Bentley's charge that the American
theatre fulfills at least one prerequisite for a
Renaissance: it is dead.
But the Apple Cart is very much alive, as
much so as its author, the indestructible Shaw.
This extravaganza proves to be a first-rate
vehicle for the monumental insights that can
only be distilled in Shavian humor and by way
of a wit that cuts and bites while it instructs.
Written in 1928, the play has enough sparkle
to outshine any ten productions on Broadway
And it was almost professionally handled. One
can overlook a few ineptitudes, a bumbling
Boanerges, an overacted Orinthia, and similar
incidentals in the face of Charles Meredith's
magnificent King Magnus. As in Major Barbara,
where his spokesman was an industrialist, so in
The Apple Cart, Shaw puts most of his wisdom
in the mouth of a monarch-and both of them
preach a subtle brand of aristocratic socialism.
Meredith understood his role so well, per-
formed it with such suavity and restraint that
I could virtually see the puckish and garrulous
old master himself through the character he had
The king is surrounded by cabinet which rep-
resents various degrees of imbecility, particular-
ly well done by Robert Thompson whos stentor-
ian voice and terrible scowl were completely
satisfying and by Clara Behringer as Amanda,
and John Babingten as Crasus.
-Bernard Rosenberg

Professor Kenneth L. Pike, of the
Summer Institute of Linguistics at
the University. of Oklahoma. will
speak under the auspices of the Lin-
guistic Institute on the subject:
"American English Vowels," on Thur-
sday,,August 8 at 4:00 p.m. in Rm.
308 of the Michigan Union. ° The
public is cordially invited.
Lecture: Ralph C. Wenrich, Assist-
ant Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion in Charge of Vocational Educa-
tion, Thursday, August 8 at 4:05 p.m.
in the University High School Audi-
torium. The topic will be "Current
Philosophy of Vocational Education."
Lecture: E. Blythe .Stason, Profes-
sor of Law and Dean of the Law
School, Thursday, August 8 at 4:10
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The topic will be "Technology, Law,
and Administration."
George N. Shuster, President of
Hunter College, will give a lecture
on "Good, Evil, and Beyond," Thurs-
day, August 8 at 8:10 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is cordially invited to attend.
Lecture: Irving H. Anderson, As-
sociate Professor of Education on
Friday, August 9 at 4:05 p.m. in the
University High School Auditorium.
The topic will be "The Child and His
Reading Habits."
Academic Notices
Seniors, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, Schools of Edu-
cation, Music, and Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for Sep-
tember graduation have been posted
on the bulletin board in Rm. 4, Uni-
versity Hall. If your name does not
appear, or if included there, is not
correctly spelled, please notify the
counter clerk.
'Colleges of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Archecture and Design;
Schools of Education, Forestry, Music,
and Public Health:
Summer Session Students wishing
a transcript of this summer's work
only should file a request in Room
4, U.H., several days before leaving
Ann Arbor. Failure to file this request
before the end of the session will re-
sult in a needless delay of several
Doctoral Examination for Samuel
James Eldersveld, Political Science;
thesis: "A Study of Urban Electoral
Trends in Michigan, 1920-1940," Fri-
day, August 9, at 2:30 p.m. in the
East Council Room, Rackham. Chair-
man, H. M. Dorr.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics
meets Thursday, August 8, at 2:10
in Rm. 312 West Engineering. Pro-
fessor Hay will speak on "Duffing's
Nonlinear Differential Equation and
Jump Phenomena." Visitors are wel-
Vitya Vronsky and Victor Babin,
pianists, will be heard in two-piano
recital Thursday night, August 8, in
Hill Auditorium, under the auspices
of the University Musical Society.
Tickets are on sale at the offices
of the University Musical Society,
Burton Tower, at poplar prices.
Student Recital: Saturday evening,

Student Recital: Friday evening,
August 9, at 8:30 in Pattengill Audi-
torium, Robert G. Waltz, tenor, will
present a program in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
gree of Bachelor of Music. Mr.
Waltz's recital will include: selections
by Handel, Mozart, Brahms, Franck,
Rachmaninoff, and* Hageman.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a recital at 7:15 Thursday evening,
August 8, on the Charles Baird Caril-
lon in Burton Memorial Tower. His
program will include March from
Scipio by Handel, Sonatina, Op. 36,
No. 3 by Clementi, a group of Irish
airs, Fantasy No. 4 by Professor
Price, and My Country by Holst. His
next program will be Sunday after-
noon at 3:00.
Events Today
Men's Education Club baseball ser-
ies finals Thursday, August 8 at 4:00
p.m. at South Ferry Field.
Art Cinema League presents "Pepe
le Moko," with Jean Gabin. The orig-
inal uncut French version on which
the American film "Algiers" was bas-
ed. English sub-titles. Rackham
Auditorium, 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Fri-
day. Tickets available at Wahrs and
Ulrich's bookstores and 45 minutes
before beginning of the show in lobby
of League.
Willow Village AVC chapter will
hold its regular weekly meeting at 8
p.m. tonight at West Lodge. All vet-
erans living out at Willow Village
are strongly urged to attend.
* Conference on String Instrument
9:00 a.m., Oliver Edel, cellist, will
9:45 a.m., Louise Rood, violist, will
11:00 a.m., Concert by University
String Quartet.
1:00 p.m., String Bass demonstra-
tion, Elizabeth Green.
1:30 p.m., Demonstration of Ele-
mentary Class Teaching, Helen Han-
nen, Cleveland. ,
2:45 p.m., Violin solos, Emil Raab
7:00 p.m., Symposium on Rehear-
sal of Orchestra String Section.
All meetings in the Grand Rapids
Room, Michigan League.
French Tea today at 4 p.m. at the
International Center: Weekly In-
formal Tea, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Foreign
students and their friends cordially
Coming Events
French Club: The sixth meeting
of the French Club will be held Mon-
day, August 12, at 8 p.m. in Rm. 305
of the Michigan Union. Professor
Charles E. Koella, of the Romance
Language Departmergt, wil speak
informally on: "La neutralite de la
$uisse." Group singing. Social hour.
International Center: The All Na-
tions Club in conjunction with the
International Center resumes the
sponsorship of weekly informal record
tea dances on Friday, August 9, at
4 p.m. in the Recreation Room of
the International Center. Foreign
students, their guests, and anyone
else interested in dancing is cordially
invited to attend.
Visitors' Night will be held at the



Imagine it. Putting up a
commercial building when
so many people haven't a

Cep Wigh1, 1Mfl.M4..pep.,PM,. U.
A new bank. And
a skating rink!


Well, be sure of this.
Every public-spirited
citizen will object to

By Crockett Johnson
Whew! Your Fairy Godfather can't
wait until the new roller-skating
rink is opened to the populace-



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