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August 07, 1946 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-07

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See Page2



Vets Subsistence
Checks Piling Up
In Quadrangles

Peace C




Rule Over Soviet Protest


Thousands of dollars worth of un-
claimed veterans subsistence checks
are piling up in campus residence
hall post offices.
Mail distributors at the East and
West Quadrangles yesterday reported
a total of .121 government checks for
the month of July had not: been
claimed at their offices. The checks
are for a minimum of 65 dollars.
Veterans Guidance Center auth-
orities put the blame for the pile up
on the fact that veterans who moved
from their residence halls had not
filled out official change of address
cards, or that veterans had not filled
out questionnaires at last semester's
end telling of their intention to leave
school or the Summer.
W. L. Wallace, director of the Quid-
ance Center, said the Veterans Ad-
ministration directs the residence
halls to send the unclaimed checks
to the U.S. Finance Disbursing Office
in Cleveland.
But this rerouting would mean at
least 30 days delay before veterans
still on campus receive their subsis-
tence allowances, he said.
Although the residence hall post
offices last month returned un-
claimed checks, they are coninuing
this week to hold the checks in the
hope that veterans who have moved
will call for them. Veterans Admin-
AVC To Vote
On Aff iliationt
W With University
In a move which is expected to in-
crease its participation in campus
affairs, the local AVC chapter will
vote today on affiliation with the
Jack Weiss, chairman of the cam-
pus chapter of the American Vet-
erans Committee, urged that every
member and all interested veterans
attend the meeting at 7:30 p.M. to-
day in the Michigan Union.
Weiss said that the plan proposed
by the AVC executive committee af-
ter a poll of the membership had
been taken, might affect the whole
future of the organization.
"Under the proposed affiliation
plan," Weiss said, "AVC would, as a
recognized campus group, carry its
'battle against apathy' on a national
scale onto the campus as well."
Plans for a giant membership drive
which will reach "every veteran on.
campus" this fall, are also to be dis-
cussed at the meeting.
in the fall, AVC expects to spon-
sor a series of "dynamic speakers"
of national stature, a series of fam-
ous war movies, and a drive to unify
the campus behind the fight for de-
cency and tolerance in race relations,
according to Weiss.
The AVC chairman cited a recent
letter in the Michigan Daily which
asked for AVC support in a drive for
greater circulation of art master-
pieces, and declared: "The campus is
looking to the veterans and to the
AVC for leadership in cultural and
aesthetic ideas as well as social and
political. Our new plan for affiliation
will give us just such an opportun-
Student Group
Petitions For
Traffic Controls
The Student Legislature petitioned
the Ann Arbor City Council Monday
to institute adequate traffic controls
for the University.
A fifteen mile per hour speed limit,
enforced in the campus area, and the
installation of traffic lights on the
corner of S. University and S. State
in front of the Michigan Union and

on the corner of S. State and either
N. University or E. Liberty were
asked by the Legislature.
In describing to the Council the
urgent need for instituting these
controls, Tom Walsh, spokesman for
the Legislature, pointed out that the
fall term beginning September 23
Will find twice as many students on
the campus as are now present.
"The need for an inforced speed
limit and the traffic lights to protect'
the hundreds of students and towns-

istration rules forbid mailing the
checks to new addresses once they
have been received.
Wallace urged all veterans to keep
VA informed of their new address by
filling out form 572, the official for-
mal change of address. He estimated
that the processing of this address
change would require a minimum of
two weeks.
Wyatt Housing
Drive Continues
Despite Trouble
Original New Home
Estimate Still Likely
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 - (P) -
Nearly 500;000 houses were started
and 225,000 finished in the first half
year of the housing drive, Wilson
Wyatt announced today, but his re-
port revealed a variety of housing
The National Housing Adminis-
trator called the results "encourag-
ing" in view of the hurdles sur-
mounted.There still is "strong like-
lihood," he said, of reaching the
1946 goal of 1,200,000 rnewdwellings.
These setbacks were recorded,
however, in his second monthly pro-
gress report, covering six months of
the homes-for-veterans program:
1. The number of new home starts
dropped in June to 92,500, or 12,000
under May instead of increasing as
2. Factory-built housing has lag-
ged so far behind expectations that
the 1946 goal has been cut from 250,-
000 pre-fabs to 100,000.
Building time has lengthened from
a normal period of three to four
months per house to six or seven
months, because of slow deliveries of
Greater reliance'will be placed on
traditional methods of building, Wy-
att reported, since it appears that
mass production of prefabricated
homes "cannot be expected until
Accordingly, the target for private,
permanent homes of the traditional
types has been boosted from 650,000
news starts this year to 738,000, be-
cause of the "gratifying success" so
far in getting such homes under con-
sti uction.
Although the number of starts
slumped in June, the number of
home completions has increased
steadily every month, Wyatt said.
Of the 225,00 units finished, 153,-
000 are 'new permanent houses and
apartments, the rest temporary dwel-
lings, conversions and trailers.
Wirth Urges
Develoingr of
Social Sciences
Branding the National Science
Foundation as an "abortive legisla-
tive enterprise," Dr. Louis Wirth, as-
sociate dean of the University of
Chicagodivision of the social sci-
ences, said yesterday that continued
advancement of "unharnassed" ma-
terial power will lead to the destruc-
tion of civilization.
Speaking in the social implications
of modern science lecture series, Dr.
Wirth named the major tasks of the
social sciences. They must '^_". us
how society blocks progress in'.
utilization of scientific knowledge.
They must make "the physical world
adjust to man" rather than the pre-
sent converse situation. They must
strive to maintain a neutral view re-
garding values.
The social sciences should inves-
tigate and make known to the world
its findings in the four broad fields

of world organization, race relations,
industrial relations and the perfec-
tion of mass democracy. These fields
must be studied from the smallest
unit upwards, he said.
Dr. Wirth said that the world could
get along very well with only the
amount of knowledge it now has in
the physical sciences, and in medi-
cine, if this knowledge was distrib-
uted evenly. But, he said, unless the
gap between knowledge in the social
and physical sciences is lessened, we
are headed for disaster.



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Byrnes, Molotov Clash
Over Voting Procedure
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Wednesday, Aug 7-The Peace Conference Rules Committee
adopted today a British amendment on voting procedure permitting simple
majority decisions to go before the Big Four Foreign Ministers Council as
conference recommendations.
The vote was 14 to six. One delegate abstained from voting.
The ballotwas on a contested portion of the British amendment establish-
ing two classes of conference recommendations - those backed by a simple
majority and those supported by a two-thirds majority.
Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov had fought to limit the recom-


Mortenson Says
He Won't Seek


4 .:, t w


"Aw, quitcher grousing. Yer getting two credits outt ter this, ain't yer?" - 'U' Foresters pursue studies at
Camp Roth as interpreted by Ted Bank.
* * * * * * * * *
Forestry Students Purs*Ou-e Rugged
Life in Wilds of Upper Peninsula

Hearings Are Begun
On City Police Officials
Sherman Mortenson, suspended
chief of police, yesterday told mem-
bers of a three-man police commis-
sion that he will not seek reinstate-
ment when hearings on charges that
he permitted gambling to flourish
and accepted protection money are
The surprise statement was read
to the commission by Louis Burke,
Mortenson's attorney, only a few
moments after Prof. Orlando Ste-
phenson, commission ch airman,
opened the hearing.
Eugene J. Gehringer, suspended
lieutenant, who faces the same
charges as Mortenson, told the
commission that he would con-
tinue to seek reinstatement.
Mortenson emphasized that he is
not resigning from office now, but
that he intends to submit a formal
resignation later. He said he wanted
to "clear his name" from rumors
of "connection with the underworld."
He requested that the commission
conduct hearings only on charges of
bribery so that the hearing time could
be shortened. He said that he lacked
funds to pay an attorney for a long
period of time.

mendations to those approved by a
two-thirds majority.
Nations voting for the British
amendment were: The United States,
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada,
China, Ethiopia, Great Britain,
Greece, India, Norway, New Zealand,
The Netherlands and the Union of
South Africa.
Those opposed were: Byelorussia,
Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Ukraine,
Russia and Yugoslavia.
France abstained from voting.
Committee Reverses Vote
Previously the committee by an 11
to 9 vote rejected a New Zealand
amendment which would have estab-
lished a simple majority as the form
for all Conference decisions.
The voting climaxed more than
two days of debate on a series of pro-,
posals, counter-proposals, amend-
ments and sub-amendments.
By the time the committee came to
a vote on the British proposal the
situation was so confused that even
the chairman, Paul Henri Spaak of
Belgium, was not certain for a few
minutes which portion of the British
amendment was being voted upon.
Yugoslavia Suggests Change
Following the balloting on the
British amendment Yugoslavia's for-
eign minister, Edvard Kardelj, pro-
posed a further change in conference
procedure permitting nations border-
ing on former enemy states to pre-
sent requests directly to the Foreign
Ministers Council.
Andrei Vishinsky, Russian Deputy
Foreign Minister, supported this re-
quest, and U.S. Secretary of State
James F. Byrnes announced that he
had no objections.

Way back in the deep, dark depths
of the U.P., Michigan foresters are
swinging into the sixth week of Camp
Every morning at 6 a.m. they're up
and out to tramp the forest trails
until 5 that afternoon. Carrying
compasses, axes, map boards, hyp-
someters, and extra-huge lunch
sacks, the embryo-foresters disappear
into the tangled mass of Upper Mich-
igan forests. There they learn "in
the field" the hundred and one tech-
nical phases of modern forestry.
Woods resound with, "White pine ...
tally two ten inchers" or "North
twenty East fifty chains," and now

and then even the traditional, "Tim-
berrrr" rings out to be followed by
the swish and dull boom of a felled
giant. But only now and then.
These days things are different.
Today the successful forester is a
combination Bunyan-scientist-engin-
eer and businessman. To learn his
profession he must spend long tedi-
ous hours mastering such widely dif-
ferent tools as axes, slide rules,
microscopes, compound interest for-
mulae, and compass. As part of this
diversified training the would-be for-
ester spends a summer at Filbert
Roth. There he lives in the woods.
He speaks. with logging operators,

World News at a Glance

Russian Critic...
NEW YORK, Aug 6-Soviet dele-
gate Andrei A. Gromyko today crit-
icized the United States for continu-
ing the production of atomic weapons
while seeking to set up a world sys-
tem to control atomic energy.
The said the United States seemed.
to consider this as a normal situation
and to regard only the future as of
any great importance. He added: "It
is obvious that the present situation
is abnormal."
"I don't see how anyone can ask
other states blindly to believe in the
good intentions of the United States
and to accept the United States pro-
posals, and at the same time to doubt
the position of others," he said.
* * *
Vets Housing.,..
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 - The
Civilian Production Administration
today ordered that henceforth new
aomes be held to sale to veterans
for a period of 60 days, rather than
30 days as previously.
The order applies to all dwel-
lings built for sale under the Vet-.
erans Emergency Housing Program.
CIO Deficit...
DETROIT, Aug. 6-George F. Ad-
des, secretary-treasurer of the UAW-
CIO, disclosed today that the union
is operating at a deficit of $70,000 a
month and has less than $100,000
cash on hand.
Re recommended immediate finan-
cial retrenchment and major staff
reductions to cope with the emer-
Garsson Case...
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6-Chair-

fiscal agent in Kentucky. May has
denied profiting from the firm's
* *'*
Axtell Leads ...
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 6-The Truman-
endorsed candidate in the Missouri
Fifth District, Enos A. Axtell, got off
to a good lead in returns from 13 of
255 precincts in yesterday's (Tues-
day) three-cornered race for the
Democratic nomination for the U.S.
Axtell had 2,034 to 478 for Rep.
Roger C. Slaughter, openly opposed
by the President and the CIO-PAC,
and 133 for Jerome Walsh.
The early count was from north
side strongholds of the Pendergast
organization which supported Axtell.
Decontrol Board.. .
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6-Three
former aides of Chester Bowles, re-
signed Economic Stabilizer, were
appointed to the new Price De-
control Board today.
They include: Walter S. Salant,
of New York City, who was Bowles'
economic advisor until OPA ex-
pired and who will serve the new
board in the same capacity; Bice
Clemow of Hartford, Conn., former
executive assistant to Bowles who
will serve as acting secretary of the
board; and Delmar Beman, who
served as information director
when Bowles was OPA head. He
will act as director of information
for the Decontrol Board.
Michigtan Vets Will
.R .ceive U.S. Bonds
LAi 'ING, Aug. 6-lP)-Michigan
veterai will receive more than $36,-
Ann An I TT fnrrn4 .... 1nt..A.- %

visits ranger stations, and when the
occasion demands actually helps
fight fires. The long hours spent
each day battling through tangled
underbrush require stamina, and the
mosquitoes calls for patience; the
boys have both. They return to Ann
Arbor in the fall a tanned and hard-
ened crew.
The Filbert Roth forester's day be-.
gins like any student's - with an
eight o'clock lecture, though he must
be up and about two hours before
that. After lecture the boys pile into
the trucks which take them over
dusty backroads and needle-carpeted
trails to various lonely spots deep
within the woods. Some days they
must map a section of land. Other
days the problem requires tramping
over dry land and swamp alike to
measure the riches locked within the
forest. At times the boys wander in
pairs or alone studying the smaller
Field trips to recently burned-over
land may consume a day, or the
Michigan foresters may string tele-
phone wire between their two look-
out stations. One day they dashed
across tangled logs and waded steam-
ing bogs to locate a fake forest fire
"set" by Professor Young. It was a
practical test . . . one crew couldn't
find its way back for six hours.
Hitting the books and finally the
bunks completes the long day. A tired
camp sleeps. And outside, grumbling
bear, deer, and shuffling porcupine
take over the trails.
Vets Attack End
Of Bus Subsidy
William Dwire, chairman of the
combined Willow Run veterans' com-
mittee that was to go to Lansing to
protest the proposed withdrawal of
the state subsidy to bus service be-
.tween Detroit and Willow Village,
stated yesterday that Col. Pack, head
of the Office of Veterans Affairs,
"had handed the veterans another
Dwire said that he had in his
hands a letter from Pack stating that
the hearing on the subsidy had been,
postponed indefinitely and that all,
parties would receive a 30-day notice
before the case would be reopened.
According to a story in a Detroit
newspaper yesterday, however, Pack
has submitted a compromise plan
whereby veterans working or study-
ing in Detroit would pay 15 cents in-
stead of the former dime rate and all
others would pay 60 cents. This plan
will be taken up by the State Admin-

His request was overruled by the
commisison and witnesses were
called by William D. Brusstar, spe-
cial prosecutor for the local one-
man grand jury, which preferred
the charges resulting in the sus-
pension of the two officers.
Joyce Whitman, Negro, of 159 E.
Ann, testified under questioning by
Brusstar that he had given Gehrin-
ger "about $50," during 1945. He said
the money was made in $10 payments
and that he considered them as
"gifts." At the time the payments
were made, Whitman operated a
card gambling racket in a pool room
at 119 E. Ann.
Under cross-examination, Whit-
man said he did not consider that
the money was for "protection,"
and that Gehringer had never
asked him for money.
Other witnesses were Carl Brein-
ing, of 430 S. Fifth avenue, who tes-
tified that he had seen Gehringer in
the O.K. Poolroom at 212 N. Fourth
street, and that the former vice squad
detective entered the pool room, op-
erated as a numbers headquarters,
and received a sack from one of the
operators. Under cross-examination,
he said the only objects in the sack,
to his knowledge, were bottles of pop.
Samuel lliot, Negro, 516 Detroit,
who owns a barber shop at 209 N.
Fourth, said that he had seen Gehr-
inger enter and leave the O.K. Pool-
room "about twice a month," but the
exact times of these events were not
Stason, Shuster To
Speak Tomorrow
Dean E. Blythe Stason, of the Law
School, will speak on "Technology,
Law and Administration" at 4:10
p.m. and President George N. Shus-
ter, of Hunter College, will speak on
"Good, Evil and Beyond" at 8:10
p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Amphi-
I Dea in e for Vet.

Tables Mongolia
Admittance Plea
NEW YORK,, Aug 6--(P)-A United
Nations membership committee to-
day temporarily tabled an application
from Soviet-supported Outer Mon-
golia after China demanded that
consideration be delayed for a year
or so until more informiation could
be obtained about the rugged Asiatic
Declaring that up until now outer
Mongolia has exchanged no envoys
with any nation except Russia, Dr.
Shushi Hsu, Chinese representative,
said "This may be an indication that
she is not yet ready to take her place
as a member of the world commun-
The committee decided to suspend
further action until an accredited
envoy from the country could be
heard. Also awaiting more informa-
tion is an application from Albania,
who has the unqualified backing of
Russia and Poland.
Chinese Paper
War Flares Up
Communists Accuse
Marines for Anipmg
WASHINGTON, Wednesday, Aug.
7-P)-Propaganda warfare blazes
to new heights in China, despite Gen.
Marshall's stern warning to both
sides some months ago to lay off if
they really want peace.
But the crossfire of words keeps
up, and squarely in the middle today
are the United States Marines, the
prestige of America, and American
policy in China.
The Communists shout that the
government used American planes to
bomb their capital at Yenan. They
want the Marines out and a revision
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