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August 03, 1946 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1946-08-03

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Atomic Explosion Study
Group Releases Report

By The Associated Press
-WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-President
Truman's atomic bomb evaluators
said today that a combination of the
Bikini underwater explosion with the
overhead burst first tested might
"effectively dispose of a fleet for
many months."
"We are convinced," the Evaluation
Commission added in a report on the
offensive results of the second, under-
A .L
Britain Accepts
Atomic Plans
Of U.S., Russia
LONDON, Aug. 2-(/P)-The Brit-
ish government announced accept-
ance today of both the United States
and Russian plans for atomic energy
control and proposed that the ideas
be fused into one.
Meanwhile, the magazine Aero-
plane condemned what it termed
dallying by, British scientists in
atomic research,declared the "Rus-
sians are conducting intensive nu-
clear research with Russian and a
few foreign scientists" and said it
was only a matter of time until the
Soviet Union had the atomic bomb.
British acceptance of both the
American and Russian plans for con-
trol of atomic energy was announced
in the House of Commons by Philip
Noel-Baker, Minister of State.
Noel-Baker said the American plan
for an international authority to own
and control the world's atomic raw
materials was a "tremendous revo-
lutionary proposal" unprecedented in
international affairs.
"Let us not by the slightest inflec-
tion of our voice detract from the
importance of the decisions which
the U.S. government comes to when
they put this plan forward," he said.
OPA Violators Pay
Fines To Treasury
Local OPA 'officials today an-
nounced that four local merchants
have paid $181.52 to the U.S. Treasury
for overcharges prior to the expira-
tion of the price control law last
Those who made compensatory
payments were:
Campus Soda Grill, of S. State
street, $37.50, for boosting the price
of banana splits.
Vogel Bros. Market, 345 Main
street and Fuller's Grocery Store,
4675 Jackson avenue, $25, for selling
various food items over ceiling.
Mrs. Lydia Wurster, of E. Wash-
ington street, $94.02, for selling a car
at a higher-than-ceiling price.

water test, that "distance is the best
The commission was headed by
Senator Hatch (Dem., N.M.). It de-
clared both Bikini tests "strongly in-
dicate that future war employing
atomic bombs may well destroy na-
tions and change present standards
of civilization."
Immediate Rtesearch Advised
A second report, made public si-
multaneously by the White House, by
the Joint Chiefs of Staff Evaluation
Board, declared it is not too soon to
point to the necessity for immediate
and intensive research into several
problems posed by the atomic bomb,
"The poisoning of large volumes of
water presents such a problem. Study
must be given to procedure for pro-
tecting not only ships' crews but also
the populations of cities against ra-
diological effects as were demon-
strated in Bikini Lagoon."
The President's Commission said
both the first and second explosions
sank several ships. It added that
from the limited observation seven of
its members had 11 miles away from
the underwater blast, the ships re-
maining afloat within the damage
area appeared to have been more seri-
ously damaged by the aerial (first)
Damage Not At Maximum
It said that damage to ships in the
first test might have been far greater
if the bomb had exploded "directly
over" the target ship Nevada.
In the first test, the report con-
tinued, ship personnel would have
received fatal doses of neutrons and
gamma rays froi the original deadly
"Or the other hand," it said, "the
deadly effects of persistent radio-
activity would have been much more
severe in the second test."
The civilian commission said had
the target array been manned, it
seems clear that "casualties, both
physical and psychological injury to
personnel, would have been very
great." It added:d"Rescue and atten-
tion to casualties would have been
difficult and dangerous. Within 2,000
yards of explosion, ships would have
been inoperative and a lapse of weeks
might well ensue before relatively un-
damaged ships could again be used
in combat."
Navy Commissions
Offered to Nurses
Navy nurse corps commissions are
now available to qualified graduates
of schools of nursing, according to
a statement released by the Office of
Naval Officer Procurement, 947 Book
Building, Detroit.
Applicants must be between the
ages of 22 and 30 years, be registered
and meet physical requirements.

Cuba Will Lead
Fight To Crush
UN Veto Rule
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Aug. 2-Cuba served
notice today that she would lead a
fight at the September session of, the
United Nations General Assembly to
"eliminate the so-called veto privil-
ege" from the U.N. Charter.
The veto question already had been1
placed on the Assembly's agenda at
the request of Australian delegate1
Herbert V. Evatt, but Evatt merely;
asked that the issue be discussed with
a view to arriving at a new inter-
pretation of how the veto should be,
Notifies Members
Acting Secretary-General Arkady
Sobolev notified the 51 members
of the United Nations that he had
just received a communication from
Cuban delegate Guillermo Belt in-
voking Article 109 of the U.N. Char-
This article provides that the Gen-
eral Assembly by a two-thirds vote,
including any seven members of the
Security Council, may convoke a 51-
nation general conference to consider
amending the charter. ,
In view of the fact that the veto
will not apply on the question of call-
ing such a conference, it appeared
possible that Cuba might be able to
line up the necessary votes.
Greece Opposes Albania
It was not regarded as likely, how-
ever, that the necessary two-thirds
vote could be obtained on a propos-
al to eliminate entirely the veto rights
of the five permanent members of
the Security Council.
Ambassador Vassili Dendramis,
Greece's representative to the United
Nations, today opposed U.N. mem-
bership for Albania on the ground
she was "not a peace-loving state."
The envoy, who said he might carry
an appeal directly to a Security Coun-
cil Committee now studying the ap-
plication, declared in an interview:


7- -


Radar To "See" Rain . . .
Radar is being used to "see" the
weather or rain coming on its way.
The rain belt reflects the radio im-
pulses sent by the radar station and
the belt of rain can be observed on
the viewing screen. By watching
the screen the radar expert can tell
how rapidly the rain is converging on
a certain area. Radar is now also
used to find the direction and speed
of the winds at various heights. A
balloon is released which is surround-
ed with a light radio-echoing net.
The .waves are reflected by the net
as it drifts with the winds and the
calculations are made at the receiv-
ing station.
* * *
Study Bikini Effects . .
The United States Department
of Agriculture sent scientists to
Bikini to determine effects of
radioactivity on germinating plants.
The exposed specimens of seeds
will be observed to see whether
they will germinate at all, and if
so, if they will be stunted or alter-
ed in growth. The scientists will
.also observe the lethal effects, if
any, on cultures of disease bacteria.
Insects were also exposed to the
Bikini radioactivity. Beetles, star-
ticks, ebeese mites, moths, mos-
quitoes, and even bedbugs partici-
* * *

£cience in (4eek

GLAMOR GAL ANN PLAYS CLOWN-Ann Sheridan, the movie actress,
having found suitable garb in the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey
Circus wardrobe stock, played clown during a performance at Grand
Rapids, Mich. Above, she signs autographs for three fellow-performers.
She told newsmen she had once tried to get a circus job when a Texas
youngster-but failed, and was thus fulfilling a childhood ambition.
OPA Announces N'ew Ceilings
For Bread and Bakery Goods,


the German scientists investigated
the problem of producing large
sheets of mica.
* * *-
Work on Pure Science...
The Westinghouse Mfg. Co., has
announced resumption of its scienti-
fic fellowships to young scientists for
work on pure science. Under the plan
young scientists are chosen from ap-
plicants all over the country to carry
out research which they themselves
outline and initiate. The fellowship
has a stipend of $3,300 per year and
may be renewed for a second year.
The discovery of photo-fission, a new
type of nuclear fission-that is, the
splitting of uranium atoms by high
energy rays with a commensurate re-
lease of huge quantities of energy-
was made in 1940 by a group of three
fellows appointed in 1938.
* * *
DDT-Wallpaper Made ...
The famous warborne insecti-
cide, DDT, has now been incor-
porated in a new type of cedar
closet wallpaper. Moths, ants, mos-
quitoes, and flies drop dead short-
ly after contacting the new wall-
paper, which contains 5 to 6 per
cent of active DDT. In such dilu-
tations it is nonhazardous to hu-
mans and domestic pets.
* * *
May Use Mustard Gases...
The deadly nitrogen mustard gases
may have some beneficial use after
all in the investigations of their ef-
fects on cancerous tumors. They will
be. distributed gratis to qualified in-
stitutions throughout the country for
science by the Committee on' Growth
of the National Research Council.
About 150 patients have been treat-
ed with the chemicals at Yale, the
University of Utah, the University
of Chicago, and Memorial Hospital
in New York. The nitrogen mustards
are not a cure for cancer, however.
But they have some effect on tumor-
ous growths.
* * *
Russia Develops Cotton.-.,
As a result of long-time research
by Soviet Russia colored cotton of a
new type has been developed. Ac-
cording to the reports from U.S.S.R.
rose, lemon, '4rown, and green cot-
tons were being grown on an area
of 3,700 acres. The yield was over
700 tons, or a million yards of natur-
ally colored cloth. Color fastness of
the fabrics, the Russians say, is
greater than that of cloth made fron
synthetically-dyed cotton. American
cottons with green, pink, or brown
tints have been known for some


OPA today raised retail price ceil-
ings on bread and bakery products,
flour, breakfast cereals, macaroni,
noodles, corn meal and hominy grits.
The increases, all effective im-
mediately, are:.
Bread-one cent on loaves weigh-
ing up two pounds with proportion-
ate price hikes for larger loaves.
Bakery products-bread-type rolls,
one cent a dozen. Biscuits, crackers
and cookies, 15 per cent.
Flour-about one cent a pound at
Breakfast cereals (all kinds ex-
cept corn flakes, puffed rice and puf-
fed wheat)-one to three cents a
Macaroni and noodles-two cents
on eight-ounce boxes, one cent on
smaller size.
Corn meal and hominy grits-one
to two cents a pound.
Congress Pay
Boost Approved
By President
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2- (P) -
President Truman signed the bill to
modernize Congress today, praised it
as a "significant advance," and sug-
gested further moves in the same di-
In a formal statement the Presi-
dent indicated particular pleasure
over a section of the new law boosting
the pay of representatives and sena-
tors from $10,000 to $12,500da year
plus a tax-free $32,500 expense allow-
ance. He called that "a long overdue
step in providing adequate compen-
Principal provisions of the mea-
sure, in addition to the pay raise:
1. Cut the number of Senate com-
mittee from 33 to 15 and House com-
mittees from 48 to 19.
2. Require lobbyists to register
their names, employers and expen-
ses for a check by Congress.
3. Relieve Congress of handling
minor claims, pension and local bills
by giving Federal agencies broader
4. Require four major committees
-House Ways and Means and Appro-
priations, and Senate Finance and
Appropriations-to meet at the start
of each Congress and recommend a
Federal budget for the coming year..

The OPA said the new ceilings on
bread, bakery products and flour are
temporary. They will remain in effect
only until the new decontrol board
decides whether ceilings should be
restored on wheat and other basic
grains which are now exempt from
Meanwhile, OPA reversed a previ-
ous ruling and decided that corned
beef hash, meat stews, tamales and
chili con carme are free of price con-
trols, at least until after August 20.
OPA said ceilings were not appli-
cable on these items for the present
because they contain more than 20
per cent meat.
OPA also announced that millers'
ceilings on corn meal, corn flour,
hominy grits, brewers' grits and other
corn products made by a dry-mill-
ing process have been increased $1.10
per 100 pounds.
This increase is being granted,
OPA said, to compensate millers for
the increase in corn prices since July
1, when grain ceilings lapsed.
The total flour increase amounts to
$1.11 per 100 pounds east of the
Rockies and $31.24 on the west Coast.
"The higher price on flour arrives
from the fact," OPA said, "that the
price of wheat has gone above the
June ceilings and it is administra-
tively impossible to restore the sub-
sidy on flour within a short period
of time.

Search for Missing Craft
Is Started by Navy Planes
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 2-(W)-Na-
val and Coast Guard aircraft and sur-
face ships searched the Caribbean
Sea and the Gulf of Mexico today
for three Navy landing craft myster-
iously overdue on a voyage from Pa-
nama to New Orleans.
The ships, which normally carry
crews totaling 115 officers and men,
had not been heard from since they
left Panama at 2 p.m. July 24. Their
estimated time of arrival at the
southwest pass of the Mississippi Ri-
ver was 2 p.m. last Friday, July 30.
Eighth Naval District Headquar-
ters, announcing the vessels over-
due, identified them as the LSM 84,
LCI 883 and LC (FF) 656.

Food Factor 'X' .,.
An unidentified food substance
which may play an important role
in the "palatability" of foods is a
discovery of A. M. Hartman and C. A.
Carey of the U.S. Department of
The experimenters find that "pala-
tability" depends not only on taste
alone, but in addition upon the bodily
need for the particular food. Nutri-
ent X occurs in lettuce, eggs, and
meats. One of the richest sources of
food factor X is liver extract which
as been used recently in treatment
of pernicious anemia.
7 ******
Synthetic Mica ...
A new process for production of
synthetic mica has been perfected
in the laboratories of the KWI
Ceramics Institute in Germany.
U.S. investigators report that the
product is as good as natural mica.
The synthetic material contains
mixed oxides, fluorides, and silico-
fluorides containing metals such as
aluminum, magnesium, iron, chron-
ium and vanadium. In addition to
the problem of determining the
optimum composition of the mica,



(Continued from Page 2)
are cordially invited to attend. Lang-
uage tables will convene.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division Street.
Wednesday evening service at 8:00.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Love."
Sunday School at 11:45.
A special reading room is main-
tained by this church at 706 Wolver-
ine Building, Washington at Fourth
where the Bible, also the Christian
Science textbook, "Science and
Health with Key to the Scriptures,"
and other writings by Mary Baker
Eddy may be read, borrowed or pur-
chased. Open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship ser-
vice at the First Presbyterian Church.
The guest preacher will be Dr. Wil-
liam B. Lampe of St. Louis, Mo. Dr.
Lampe was Moderator of the Pres-
byterian Church, U.S.A. last year.
.1is subject will be "What Price
Freedom." ,
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, has its Sunday service
at 11:00 a.m. This Sunday the Rev.
Alfred Scheips will have as his ser-
mon subject, "Christian Revelation."
The Lutheran Student Association:
Bible Study Hour will be held on Sun-
day morning at 9:15 at the Center,
1304 Hill Street. At 4:00 on Sunday
afternoon the group will meet at

Zion Lutheran Parish Hall and leave
from there for the home of Rev, and
Mrs. Robert Boettger, 2355 Holmes
Road, Willow Run Village. A picnic
supper will follow an afternoon of
outdoor games and then Miss Ruth
Berge, organ instructor at Concordia
College in Moorhead, Minnesota, will
discuss the Liturgy as used in the
Common Service. Zion and Trinity
Lutheran Churches will have regular
worship services at 10:30 on Sunday
Wesleyan Guild at First Methodist
Church, Sunday at 5:30 p.m. Dr.
Edward N. Palmer of Fisk University,
teaching this summer in the Depart-
ment of Sociology, will speak on
"Knowledge' as a Basis of Under-
standing." Don Betts is in charge
of the Worship Program. Dr. J. B.
Kenna will sing. The social hour
and supper will follow in the Social
First Congregational Church, State
and William Streets. Rev. Leonard
A. Parr, D.D.
10:45 a.m. Public worship. Dr. Ben-
nett Weaver will speak on "Across
State Street." The Rev. Thomas Leg-
gette will conduct the service.
4:30 p.m. Congregational-Disciples
Student Guild picnic supper and wor-
ship at West Park.
<==> 0<=> X<=> =<x
1)Diamonds .
U .M
5 sayRINGS
717 North University Ave. V
-yo-oc-e>o<-mococ o

WPAG To Carry
Vet Discussion
Ann Arbor veterans and their wives
will participate in the discussion "How
is the Veteran Getting Along?"
scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Sunday over
The program, which is sponsored
by the Ann Arbor Citizens Council
will have as its guests this week re-
turning service personnel from all
branches of the Armed Forces, a for-
mer member of the RAFC, and a for-
mer member of the South African
Nurse Corps, the British equivalent
of the American Army Nurse Corps.
All of the guests are now residents of
Ann Arbor.
Miss Wilma Eldersveld, a psycholo-
gist and Vocational Counselor at the
University,. and Mr. Ralph McPhee,
editor of the Washtenaw Post-Tri-
bune, will lead the discussion, which
is designed to aid the returning ser-
viceman in his return to civilian life.



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