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July 28, 1945 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-28

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Significance of Labour Victory

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Edited and.managed by students of the !University of
Michigan under the authority of the. Board of Control
of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub-
lished every day during the, week except Monday and
Editorial Staff

Ray Dixon .
Margaret Farmer
Betty Roth.
bill Mullendore

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
Business Staff

Dick Strickland

. ..Business Manager

Telephone 23.24-1
Member of The Associated Press
a The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Declining Power
the great power of the world are fast be-
ing replaced. The war has shown how great has
been the military effort of the United States and
Russia related to that of Great Britain. Eng-
land, traditionally the queen of the seas, has
been forced to abdicate her title to the United
Any conclusions relating to the post-war
world must consider England as a declining
nation, for she cannot keep pace with the
faster stepping nation.
England's position is further aggravated by a
fast declining birth rate and- since 1923, the
population has not been replacing itself. This
means that England will be underpopulated
within the next few decades and that eventually
she will slip to a second class nation, if that is
not what she is now.
Certain estimates have been made that the
present population of 46,000,000 will fall to 31,-
000,000 by 1975 and to under 4,500,00' within
the next 100 years.
If this population trend is not checked, the
probable effect might become disastrous to
Great Britain. She would not have sufficient
manpower to staff her industrial machine and
her defense situation would be imperilled. With
the reduced population, maintenance of her
empire system would fail as emigration to the
colonies declined..
Britain is taking steps to combat this popula-
tion trend. A royal investigating commission has
been appointed and it is assumed that legisla-
tion will have to be passed for the purpose of
encouraging larger families.
It is indeed significant to note that tradi-
tional ideas regarding British supremacy in
the world no longer hold. There seems to be
some basis for thinking that she will soon fall
into the discard pile of the powerful nations.
-Arthur B. Gronik
German Front{
forged the Anti-Fascist Democratic Union.
according to the press in the capital's Russian
The new German front has a five-point pro-
gram: 1) cleansing Germany of Hitlerite rem-
nants; 2) reconstruction to provide work, food,
shelter, and clothes; 3) a democratic state;
4) freedom. of thought and worship; 5) recog-
nition of Germany's reparation debts.
The Union, primarily established with Rus-
sias blessing, was influenced by Communist
Wilhelm Pieck, onetime Reichstag Deputy, and
a founder and charter member of Moscow's Free
Germany Committee.
The new Popular Front was reported to have
offices in the British and U. S. districts where
political activity is restricted, while in the Rus-
sian zone the program was acclaimed to be a
new page in German history.
The Big Three are to discuss an overall Ger-
man government under Allied control. Stalin,
in contrast to our do-nothing-but-restrict pol-
icy, will be able to offer a program which can
build a new Reich, accompanied by a func-
tioning force to put the plans into effect;
whereas our whole attitude in Germany seems
as vague and aimless as the meaning of frat-

-Marjorie Jackson
At Laval's Risk

MPHASIZING THAT the program of the
British Labor Party is not as radical as
Conservative election propaganda would indi-
cate, Prof. John A. Perkins of the political
science department in an interview yesterday
called attention to the possibility that the House
of Lords might succeed in blocking action with
the assistance of the conservatively-inclined
administrative class of the British civil service.
"The Labor government plans to institute
a limited program of socialism rather than a
wholesale nationalization of industry," he said.
He. pointed out that the Labor platform made
clear that while coal, steel, gas and electricity
and the main branches of inland transport
would be nationalized, land would not be na-
tionalized outright, but would instead be reg-
ulated in the national interest.
The Bank of England, which functions in a
similar capacity to our Federal Reserve System,
will be taken over by the government, but sub-
sidiary banks will be controlled only in that they
must act in conformance with over-all govern-
ment economic policy, Prof. Perkins explained.
The House of Lords, which he termed "an
anomalous institution in a democracy" can, by
use of its suspensive vote, thwart reform for
three years, he aserted. Assuming that it will
take from one to two years to draw up legisla-
tion, such legislation can be delayed for four
years and the government's term will have ex-
pired before the people have been permitted an
evaluation of its accomplishments.
Prof. Perkins cited another possibility -that
the House of Lords might insist on a mandate
for each specific Labor reform, thus enforcing
the Labor government to undergo successive
Instead of fighting every step of the way, he
pointed out, the House of Commons could, as
has been suggested earlier, try to abolish the
House of Lords. In order to achieve this, the
King would need to appoint a suffipient num-
ber of Laborites as Peers to give them a ma-
jority, but the threat of abolition might
force the Lords to sign their own death war-
With increasing nationalization, the govern-
ment would need the administrative coopera-
tion of the civil service, whose educational and
social backgrounds tend to place them in the
conservative camp, he asserted.
"The undemocratic features of British gov-
ernment, long minimized, are catching up
with them," Prof. Perkins commented.
"Perhaps the most striking feature of the
British election was the dominance of the plat-
form, rather than personality - in contrast
to this country where Presidential campaigns
are fought largely on personalities," he said.
Asked why most observers had predicted a
Churchill victory, he listed a number of factors:
1) there had been no general election in Britain
for 10 years and while there had been a number
of by-elections, they were not straight-out con-
tests because of the party truce; 2) this country
could not fully realize that the impact of war
had made socialism seem less drastic; ) the
British people had had no opportunity to ex-
press their displeasure with the Conservative
policies of the thirties under Chamberlain; and
4) never before has labor been in as strong a
position - that is, with competent men experi-
enced in high-ranking jobs.
The Labor Government will continue bulk
purchases as operated by the Ministry of Food
during the war, will direct investment and
plant location, extending public works with
special attention to housing and will press for
WHAT DO THEY charge you with, Monsieur
What is the nature of your guilt, your crimes?
Is this because you silenced freedom's chimes
When the invader blazed and bled your land?
Is it because, with honor contraband
Dignity exiled and the hearth fires dead,
You took the smooth path all betrayers tread,

Clasping, in icy pride, the' Fascist hand?
NEVER CAN JUSTICE-not the highest bar-
Try you for the crimes so black they have
no name,
Guided by human rights your kind despise.
Look: Your accuser is this darkened star-
Marianne turned to slattern by your shame;
Here your indictment, written in her eyes.
-Christian Science Monitor

comprehensive public health service as well
as implementation of the present Education
Act, he said, adding that they would seek to
equalize the distribution of income through a
more progressive tax structure.
Doodling Choir
THERE IS, INDEED, something suspicious
about the lack of opposition to the San Fran-
cisco Charter. One detects faint smiles in the
isolationist choir. Almost the entire Senate in-
tends to vote for the Charter, in a body. But if
you look closely, you will see some of the isola-
tionists elaborately examining their fingernails,
with an expression which says they know some-
thing they won't tell.
Their intention is not far to seek. They will
make a pleasant tea-party of voting for the
Charter now, and then they will try to kill it
a year from now, by voting against the use of
American troops by the Security Council. For
it is going to be necessary to negotiate a sep-
arate agreement with the other nations, con-
cerning the actual size and equipment of the
American forces to be held in readiness for
peace enforcement. When this agreement
comes before Congress, possibly a year from
now, the isolationists will put their doodles
away, and rise to their feet, and you will real-
ly hear men scream.
The old League of Nations was killed with
stated reservations; the intention is to kill the
new one with mental reservations; for some, at
least, are going to vote for it with their hands in
their pockets, so that the teller cannot see
whether they have their fingers crossed.
For all sorts of delicious questions of Consti-
tutional law are going to be raised by the supple-
mentary agreement, which is to specify what
American forces are to be detailed to peace
work. Will that agreement have to go to the
Senate in the form of a treaty, requiring a two-
thirds affirmation? Or can it be cast in some-
thing like the form of a domestic statute, to be
passed by majority vote of both Houses?
The Administration holds that the Charter
is the master treaty, binding the country as to
policy, and that the rest is mere detail-work,
to be handled by majority vote. But Mr. John
Foster Dulles, Dawey's adviser, has continued
his odd career of advocating internationalism
while, seemingly in spite of himself, giving aid,
and comfort to isolationism, by coming out for
a two-thirds vote on the military agreements.
Mr. Dulles' testimony has become the Bible of
the mental reservationists.
OTHER QUESTIONS will be raised. Does the
American delegate on the Security Council
have to report back to Congress, and get special
permission to use our troops, in each case of
need? That one suggestion of itself would kill
the entire Charter, unless' some way could be
found to make an aggressor obligingly hold off
his blitz until Congress was done arguing about
him, in each case. Can Congress limit the areas
in which American troops can be used by the
Security 1ouncil? The mental reservationists
think so.
It seems to me that the name "mental res-
ervationists" ought to be clapped on to this
crew, and made to stick. They are planning
nothing less than a kind of outrageous prac-
tical joke on a world scale. The world will
reach confidently for the completed Charter,
only to see it pulled away, as on a string, amid
howls of dreadful laughter; that is their in-
tention, and they regard passage of the Char-
ter itself as only the build-up for their incred-
ible gag.
It is good to see that Administration spokes-
men have already taken steps to bring the issues
out, and to break down the unreal, giggly silence
in which the enemies of the Charter are pre-
paring to vote for it. It is necessary to incorpor-
ate every disputed point in the current debate,
to gloss nothing over, for courts do have a way
of going to the Congressional Record 'itself in
close cases, to see what th.e real Congressional
intention was.
Senate friends of the Charter ought to seize
this moment to issue a direct challenge to the

opposition, saying explicitly: "If you have any
mental reservations, about full enforcement of
the Charter, we ask that you do not vote for
it. We don't want your vote on that basis. We
regard a vote for the Charter as a vote for
carrying out its stated intentions. We spurn
and repudiate support offered on any lesser
level." Let's talk'it out now; let's make the
doodling choir sit up; and see that its grim
joke has been spoiled.
(Copyright, 1945. N. Y. Post Syndicate)

Carillon Once More --
To the Editor:
I AM one of those simple people
who like to hear music in one place
at a time and I wish to protest the
arrant inconsiderateness of those in
charge of scheduling the carillon
concerts. I have nothing against
bells, as such, even when they are
struck in sequence, but I also like
quartets. These appreciations are
distinctly separate and can in no way
be combined. There is no concerto
for carillon and strings, at any rate,
there shouldn't be.
I feel that we have all accepted
with good grace, the ringing of the
bells during student meetings, dur-
ing classes, in the midst of plays,
when the Sunday symphonies are
being played over the radio, and as
a constant accompaniment to our
waking hours (it. is impossible to
sleep) but, it would appear possible
(from the fact that the bells CAN
be silenced) that the Music School,
whose responsibility the said bells
would seem to be; could, at least,
so arrange affairs that the carillon
could be shut up (tight!) during
the summer Faculty Concerts..
The concert of July 26 was all but
mutilated by the throbbing bells. If
the carilloner could have heard the
muttered threats and imprecations
of the audience in Patengil Auditor-
ium (a good two blocks away, but the
carillon is not a dulcet instrument)
the said carilloner would have packed
and fled for the Great North West.
PLEASE, can't the bells be bound
up on Thursday evenings?
PLEASE, can't we say: "The car-
illon shall NOT ring tonight"-
Pleadingly yours,
-Mary Ann Ber

At the Michigan

0 1

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"A Medal for Bennie."
A STORY of the California paisanos
written by John Steinbeck.
Although this story falls short of
Steinbeck's "Tortilla Flat," it pro-
vided a fairly clever twist to a rela-
tively new kind of heel-the one
who personally capitalizes on war
If the movie had ended with the
scene in which J. Carroll Naish ac-
cepts the Congressional Medal for
his son, it would have been better,
especially for the ethereal thinkers.
But the vehicle ends with Arture de
Cordova joining the Army to out-
shine the departed war hero whose
girt Arturo wishes to win.
Rather of an insipid ending, but
up to that point, the movie. is bet-
ter than average entertainment.
Dorothy Lamour plays the femi-
nine lead and acted well occasion-
ally. Naish, one of our top char-
acter actors, does an excellent job.
Frank McHugh provided a few
At the State".
"Flame of the Barbary Coast."
LIKE the ads say-it was blazing
and boisterous. Something about
wild west. It included shooting, fight-
ing of all sorts and Ann Dvorak who
has made a living in far better pic-
tures, as has Joseph Schildkraut.
SmallComfo rt
A TOKIO broadcast enthusiastically
urges the Japanese people to
think of the amount of much-needed
scrap steel that the B-29s are de-
livering day after day. It is always a
pleasure to hear from satisfied cus-
tomers.-The New Yorker, July 28,

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Summer Session office,
Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LV., No. 19S
Phi Delta Kappa. Initiation of new
members will be held in the West
Council Room of the Rackham Build-
ing on Tuesday, July 31, at 7:30 p. m.
The address will be given by G. Lester
Anderson, Associate Professor of
Education and Principal of the Uni-
versity High School of the Univer-
sity of Minnesota. Professor Ander-
son will speak on "Horizons of Pro-
fessional Opportunity." Members of
all chapters are cordially invited. Re-
freshments will be served.
The Russky Kruzhok (Russian Cir-
cle) will hold a short social meeting
on Monday, July 30th at 8:15 p. m.
(EWT) in the International Center.
Tea will be served.
The Lutheran Student Association
is having a bike hike this Saturday
afternoon. Those planning to at-
tend please meet at the Campus Bike
Shop on William Street at 1:00 p. m.
A picnic supper will be served some-
where along Huron River Drive.
Outing Club: The Graduate Outing
Club is sponsoring a bike picnic on
Sunday, July 29 at 2 p. m. (EWT).
Each person is to bring their own
bike and lunch and are to meet at
the back entrance to the Rackham
Building. All faculty, alumni and
friends are cordially invited to at-
Academic Notices
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Five-week reports below C of all
Navy and Marine students who are
not in the Prescribed Curriculum;
also for those in Terms 5, 6, and 7
of the Prescribed Curriculum are to
be turned in to Dean Emmons' Of-
fice, Room 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not
later than August 4. Report cards
may be obtained from your depart-
mental office.
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Five-week reports on standings of
all civilian Engineering freshmen and
all Navy and Marine students in
Terms 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Prescrib-
ed Curriculum are due August 4. Re-
port blanks will be furnished'by cam-
pus mail and are to be returned to
Dean Crawford's Office, Room 255,
W. Eng. Bldg.
Students who intend to take th
Language Examination for Masters'
degrees in History should sign up i
advance in the History Office, 119
Haven Hall. The examination is tc
be given on Thursday, August 2nd, at
4 p.m. EWT, in Room B, Haven Hall
Attention Music Education Stu-
dents. A validating examination in
transfer methods, directed teaching
and sight-singing required for the
master's degree, will be held in Lane
Hall, basement room, on Saturday.
July 29, at 9:30 a. m. (EWT).
Graduate Students expecting mast-
er's degrees at the end of the Sum-
mer Session must have their diploma
applications turned in to the Grad-
uate School office by August 3. Ap-
plications received after that date
will not beconsidered until the end
of the Summer Term.
Geometry Seminar: Tuesday, July
31, 3:00 p. m. CWT (4:00 EWT.

I. R. Savage will continue the dis-
cussion of Klein's "Erlangen Pro-
Faculty Recital: David Blair Mc-
Closky, baritone, will present a re-
cital Tuesday evening, July 31, 7:30
p. m. (CWT), in Pattengill Auditor-
ium of the Ann Arbor High School.
Captain McClosky will sing a pro-
gram of song cycles of the composers
Beethoven, Schumann and Mahler
and will be accompanied by Joseph
The general public is invited.
Student Recital: Charlotte Mac-
Mullan ,soprano, will be heard in a
recital Monday evening, July 30, 7:30
p. m. (CWT), in Pattengill Auditor-
ium of the Ann Arbor High School.
Miss MacMullan will present composi-
tions by Ccarlatti, Haydn, Mozart,
Brahms and Strauss in a program
which will be in partial-fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music. She is a pupil of
Thelma Lewis.
The public is cordially invited.

Clements Library. Japan In Maps
from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854).
Architecture Building. Student
Michigan Historical Collections,
160 Rackham Building. The Uni-
versity of Michigan in the war.
Museums Building, rotunda. Some
foods of the American Indian.
General Library, main corridor
cases. Early military science selec-
tion from the Stephen Spaulding, '27,
memorial collection, presented by Col.
T. M. Spaulding, '02.
Coining Events .
Prof. Ernest M. Ligon (while di-
recting the Religious Education
Workshop at Michigan Union, will
lecture for the public as follows:
How Christian Attitudes are De-
veloped"-Kellogg Auditorium, Sun-
day, July 29, at 4 p. m. EWT 3 p. m.
The Personal Equation, Why We
Behave As We Do"--University High
School Aud. Tuesday, July 31 at 4
p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT).
Significance and Formation of
Evaluative Attitudes" - University
High School Aud. Wednesday, Aug. 1
at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT).
Church and State Education, will
be the subject of a lecture in the
Religious Education Workshop Ser-
ies, by Prof. Francis J. Donohue,
Ph. D. of the University of Detroit,
Wednesday, 3 p. m. EWT (2 p. m.
CWT) in Michigan Union, Room 305.
Symposium on Molecular Struc-
ture. Dr. R. G. Fowler will speak on
"Infrared Spectra and Structure of
Organic Molecules" in Room 303
Chemistry Building on Monday, July
30 at 3:15 p. m. CWT, 4:15 p. m.
EWT. All interested are invited to
Linguistic Institute. Introduction
to Linguistic Science, Tuesday, July
31, 6 p. m. CWT (7 p. m. EWT), East
Lecture Room, Rackham Building:
"Linguistic Geography and Historic
Linguistics." Thursday, August 2, 6
p. m. CWT (7 p. m. EWT), Rackham
Amphitheatre: "Spotting and De-
limiting Speech Areas." Both lec-
tures by Prof. Hans Kurath.
First Baptist. Church, Rev. C. H.
Loucks, minister and student coun-
selor. Saturday at 1:00 p. m. mem-
bers of the Congregational-Disciples
Guild, the Methodist Guild, and the
Roger Williams Guild will leave the
Baptist Guild House to 'go to Pine-
brook farm and continue construc-
tion on the Cabn which was started
in the springtime. 7:10 choir re-
hearsal. 8:30 Guild open-house. Sun-
day, July 29, 10:00 a. m. Bible study
class in the Guild House. 11:00 Morn-
ing Worship. 5:00 p. m. Rev. Eugene
Zendt will speak to the Guild on
"Love and Marriage." 6:00 a cost
supper will be served.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation. Morning Worship
Service at 10:40 a. m. Dr. James
Brett Kenna will preach on "Riches
in Rags." Wesleyan Guild meeting at
6 p. m. Prof. Wesley Maurer will
speak on the theme "For What Are
We Learning?" Supper and fellow-
ship hour.
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
ples) 10:45 Morning worship. 10:00
a. in. (EWT). College Group meet-
ing. The Morning Message will be
delivered by Rev. Eugene Zendt.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at 4:30 p. m, at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard, and go from
there to Riverside Park for recreation,
a picnic supper, and a closing Vesper

Service. In case of rain the group
will meet in the Congregational
Church at State and Williams.
The regular Sunday meeting of the
Lutheran Student Association will be
held in Zion Parish Hall at 5:00 p. m.
Mr. Daniel Bennett, a member of
Trinity Lutheran Church will speak
on "A Layman Looks at the Church."
Supper will be served at 6:00.
Sunday: 10:45 a. m. Communion
service during the regular hour of
morning worship with Dr. Lemon
preaching on "The Bond and the
Free." A reception of new members
will be held at 10 o'clock in the Lewis
Parlor. 5:00 p. m. Summer Vespers
will be held at which Dr. Lemon will
speak on Robert Frost's "The Mas-
que of Reason." Supper will follow.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw, has its Sunday service at
11:00 EWT. This Sunday the Rev.
Alfred Scheips will preach on the
subject, "The Gospels-Authentic
Historical Documents."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, will have its regular supper
meeting Sunday at 5:15 at the Luth-
eran Student Center.


And another thing, Bcrnaby. Let me know
when the invitations to the party in honor
of your aunt are being mailed. I want to
invite some of my more cultured colleagues
from the Elves, Leprechauns, Gnomes, and
Little Men's Chowder and Marching Society-
- 9 Mr. O'Malley-
27 .Cop y96144 k - PM

Gosh. I didn't get a chance to tell Mr. O'Malley,
my Fairy Godfather, he's not getting invited-
He's notMinerva, please
don't humor him.

By Crockett Johnson
I pride myself on my understanding of
children's problems... Yes, Barnaby,
I'll write your imaginary Pixey a nice
personal invitation to my party . .
But- (




C J ( r a ti i-

I'm sorry,Minerva, but you were wrong
to write to Barnaby's Fairy Godfather..
. s or, Mife_ .. ._. 1_1-_ .1- -1




Nonsense, Ellen. At his age, the delightful.
fantasies of childhood are perfectly real
A_ L* a A -' A L .. A l- r _! _____

- ----

Nice of your aunt to send me




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