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July 27, 1945 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-27

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itFfth aily
Fifty-Fifth Year

Jtteri o the 6htor

Braden as Aide, Slap at Argentines

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub-
lished every day during the week except Monday and
Editorial Staff

Ray Dixon .
Margaret Farmer
Betty Roth
Bill Muendore a
Dick Strickland

. . . . Managing Editor
.* . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
Business Stuff
Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.-
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.,
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Prison Reform
uncovered by Attorney General John R.
Dethmers in the State Prison of Southern Mich-
igan are enough to convince anyone that we
need a statewide prison reform. Why such a
display of bribery, trickery and harmful and per-
verse moral standards are allowed to exist in
a day of advanced sociological and psychological
knowledge, is difficult to understand.
The job of administering a prison is now
nothing more nor less than a racket. We say
that men must be thrust behind prison walls
because they are dangerous criminals. Then,
rather than rendering them less dangerous,
and treating them as individuals, we allow un-
trained, unskilled political parasites to order
them and bully them.
No man with criminal tendencies, no matter
how mild he may be, can safely be assumed
immune from the temptations that exist behind
prison walls. If these temptations are allowed
to continue and are even fostered, as they are
in the Michigan state prison by men who have
something to gain, any gleam of hope in re-
making them into responsible citizens is lost.
Attorney General Dethmers, in his com-
plaints against prison officials, said that he
found loose methods in the classification div-
ision. This means that all types of prisoners;
hardened criminals, first offenders and even
juvenile delinquents, may be thrown into con-
tact with each other in the penal institution.
The State Corrections Commission, under the
leadership of Mr. Garrett Haynes, is attempt-
ing the gigantic task of supervising classifica-
tion, parole, probation and prison administra-
tion. But this task reaches beyond the abilities
of any one commission. It needs trained sociol-
ogists to study the men and send them to the
right prison. It needs psychiatrists and doctors
to ascertain when inmates of the prison can be
released on parole. It needs wardens and guards
who, unhampered by political motives, can take
an interest in their jobs. It needs college grad-
uates who have been specially trained to make
thorough case studies of each offender. It needs
money for recreational and educational purposes.
The purpose of punishment, as it appears
in the state of Michigan, is to avenge the
crime. With this purpose in mind, officials of
the prison administration have given up all
hope for the reformation of people whom they
term "menaces to society". They have refused
to admit that the prisoner needs their help.
Consequently corruption and favoritism flour-
ish and prisoners remain criminals.
-Carol Zack
Crisis for Labor
SINCE THE BEGINNING of production for de-
fense, stories of labor abuses have been wide-
ly circulated. All the coruptions and inefficien-
cies which are inevitable in a big organization
have been hung on the labor unions as if these
attributes originated and ended with them.
In the frantic scurry of the war effort, the
ultra-conservative segment of management has
had the chance of the generation to prove its
point that organized labor is irresponsible and
And though it was organized labor which
signed a no-strike pledge, which by and large
held to that pledge, which kept a large pro-

portion of labor single-mindedly at its task
rather than stopping off to bicker over vary-
ing aims and interests, it is organized labor
which is now being assaulted as the cause of
all the industrial strife which there has been.
As long as the push was on, these charges
were only mutterings. Now that the drive of
production has slackened a little, there is talk

Vote Called Test
To the Editor:
THE STUDENTS at the University of Michigan
today have an opportunity to show to the
world that at least a small segment of America
is sincerely interested in actively working for the
cause of world peace.
Today, all the students will have an oppor-
tunity to vote in an election to choose a foreign
University for adoption and rehabilitation. The
Student Organization for International Co-
operation, sponsoring the election, is eager to
have the students choose whichever University
makes the strongest appeal to the majority of
So far, however, the work of SOIC has been
done by a relatively small number of active stu-
dents. The masses of students have shown little
or no interest in the whole matter.
There have been several appeals in the col-
umns of The Daily urging students to vote for
this University or that one. I make no such
appeal, though I have an opinion on the subject.
I only urge that every student vote, no matter
what his opinion will be.
In a sense this election is a test - a test as
to whether or not the students at the Univer-
sity are sincerely interested in the cause of
world student cooperation and world peace.
If the proportion of students voting is high,
and if the number who turn out for the "Adop-
tion Dance" is great, then we will have given
proof of our sincerity and will.
-Katharine Sharfman
* * *
For Tokyo, Berlin
To the Editor:
THIS IS A PLEA to those who wish to see a
peaceful world. I am not speaking of idealists
and dreamers, but rather of realists, straight-
thinking individuals.
The University of Michigan is adopting a
foreign university. Friday (today) we will go
to the polls to vote for our choice. May I make
a suggestion? Why not adopt the University
of Tokyo or the University of Berlin? "Educa-
tion," is our cry for a better future world. Why
not then educate the factions causing the
Being the great university that we are, our act,
would influence others to do likewise. In due
time, our answer to the question of how to edu-
cate these present enemies so that they may be
useful citizens in a peaceful world, would be
answered. We, as students, could show our lack
of racial prejudice. We could prove to these
enemy students that we really are as sincere and
peace-loving as our governmental representation
would have them believe. We could prove the
success of democracy as a government of free,
unbiased men.
True, this will take more work, more toler-
ance, more patience; but what price a lasting
-Jeanne Rolfe
Wartns of Mistake
To the Editor:
TODAY is the day on which the student body
is to adopt a university. Yet as I write this
on Thursday afternoon, I am deeply aware of
the fact that the entire issue has had little time
for consideration by members of the U. of Mich.
In fact the first concrete suggestion was made
only a little more than a week ago. In the first
article which I wrote, I attempted to get the
student body to vote for a school with which we
can establish direct student-to-student relation-
ships. I mentioned Strasbourg as a likely school.
However the principle is more important than
the particular school.
Obviously, I could go on in a round about
method with this letter, but instead I shall
choose to be quite frank. In recent issues of
the Daily, and around campus, there has been
a well organized campaign for the adoption of
Kiev. The latest article quotes the part Rus-
sia has played in winning the war. In spite
of the validity of this point, we must also bear
in mind the American ideals of free expres-

sion of thought, for which the war is being
I have been unable to find any inkling of a
suggestion that if we do adopt the University
of Kiev, we will not have to deal directly with
the Russian government and only indirectly
with the student body. Were it not for this lat-
ter fact, incompatible with American idealism,

I too would support Kiev as having a good claim
on our adoption. However, in view of this fact,
the adoption of Kiev would have a strong claim
to being the greatest mistake made by the Mich-
igan student body this year.
- Bruce Edwards
New Treason-
THERE IS SOMETHING queer and hard to
look at in the trial of Petain. Treason is not
a common offense, anywhere; it is rare, even
among thieves and gunmen and prostitutes; any
treason trial is a sensation, and the spectacle of
the Marshal of France held in the dock on this
sort of accusation has in it the elements of a
great unnatural wonder.
The thing is complicated by the fact that
not even Petain's accusers believe he did what-
ever he did for money, or for a similar direct
advantage; while even his defenders do not
believe that he added anything to the lustre
of the name of France.
The conclusion is forced upon us that if what
we are handling here is a crime, it is a new kind
of crime, one hardly known before the present
age, and one which th old word "treason" covers
only approximately.
What we are dealing with, actually, is a kind
of sickness of our own time, born out of the
conditions of our own age, a disorder without
much history or precedient. It is in our day
that certain men have become so frightened by
the rising power of the people, by democracy
itself, that they have shown themselves not
unwilling to open the gates and let an enemy
nation come in, to enforce the kind of order
for which their hearts cry.
They do not do this for the sake of the enemy,
whom they may hate, nor to harm their own
country, which they may love; they may be said
to be "victims of their reminiscences;" they de-
stroy their country in the present to keep alive
their memories of it as it was in the oligarchical
past, before political freedom came.
France ceased to be France, in the minds of
certain Frenchmen, when she went left; their
patriotism was reserved for an older and van-
ished France. It must have seemed to them in
fantasy, that France would be France again,
once the left wing parties were stamped out;
and the victim of fantasy finds no price too
high to pay, not even that of working with the
IT IS ONLY on the basis of some such process as
that outlined above that we can fit together the
apparent contradictions and oddities of the
Petain trial. The Hero of Verdun could not
really have been a patriot, because he worked
with the Germans, says one side; but Petain
could not really have sold out to the Germans.
because he was the Hero of Verdun, answers the
other; and the story is a strange one, and the
old word "treason" does not quite tell all of it.
As to whether Petain is technically guilty of
the precise charges laid against him in the
indictment, we must, in accordance with a
good journalistic tradition, leave it to the tri-
bunal to decide. But it is not so odd to find a
Marshal of France on trial, after all, when one
remembers that all through Europe it was the
avowed "nationalists" of the old, reactionary
kind, who seemed to find it easiest to deal with
Ours is a day in which the extreme national-
ists of many countries joined a kind of bleak
international of their own, from Roumania to
France; and in the end it was the international-
ists who showed themselves rather more willing
than the others to fight for national independ-
ence. Ours is a day in which the ties of blood
were strangely loosened. "Nationalism" in our
time lost its national meaning and retained only
its reactionary meaning, and, in a strange re-
versal, was often made the rallying cry for loss
of nationhood.
It is for these reasons that the trial of
Petain lets loose so much emotion; for it is

not merely that one man is on trial, for one
alleged offense. A disease of our time is under
examination. There is no man who has lived
through the last ten years but feels himself
in some way involved in it; and when the
issues are so large, it is not strange that the
symbol of them should be so high a figure as
the Marshal of France.
(Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

WASHINGTON--Secretary of

y Jimmy Byrnes already has two
key men up his sleeve for top jobs in
the State Department. Unless some-
thing changes his mind before he gets
backfrom Potsdam, the new Under
Secretary of State, replacing Joe
Grew, will be Spruille Braden, now
U.S. ambassador to Argentina; while
the assistant secretary for Latin
Arrerica, replacing Nelson Rockefell -
er, will be Norman Armour, now U.S.
ambassador to Spain.
The promotion of Braden to be
under secretary will be a direct
slap at the Argentines, where
crowds have been booing Braden
and .hand-bills have been posted
all over Buenos Aires denouncing
him because of an accident in the
Braden copper mines in Chile.
Braden is a political diplomat with
plenty of career experience. He work-
ed on the fringes of the old Roosevelt
brain trust in 1932, and FDR con-
sidered appointing him ambassador
to Chile in 1933 However, there was
too much resentment from Chilean
labor because of Braden's heavy cdp-
per interests there and he was given
one of the hardest diplomatic jobs in
the Western Hemisphere.
Norman Armour, slated to suc-
ceed Nelson Rockefeller, is one of
the .outstanding career diplomats,
having been ambassador to Ar-
gentina and Chile, and minister to
Canada and Haiti. When Braden
leaves Argentina as ambassador,
his post will not be filled-a slap
at the Argentine Fascists, and also
indirectly at the State Department
group who rushed us into Argen-
tine recognition at San Francisco.
England's Ex-King
THERE WERE half a dozen empty'
chairs last week as Hugh Fulton,
former counsel for the Truman com-
mittee, hosted a luncheon in Wash-
ington's swank Hotel Statler for the
Duke of Windsor. Fulton, whose New
York law firm represents the Duke's
interests in this country, had invited
a small group of high Washington
officials and the entire membership
of the Mead committee (formerly the
Truman committee) at the Duke's
special request.
Half a dozen busy senators found
time to rush to the Statler for the
luncheon, which they described as a
pleasant affair with no particular
High spot of the luncheon was
furnished by Wyoming's Senator
Joe O'Mahoney, who produced a
letter from an Episcopalian mini-
ster in his state. The letter relat-
ed the plight of an Englishman who
had married an American woman
and settled in Wyoming. The E~ng-
lishman now wants to be naturaliz-
ed, the minister wrote, but is run-
ning into difficulty because his wife
is determined to press charges of
assault against him.
If he didn't beat his wife, he should
have, the minister wrote O'Mahoney.
The letter was shown to the Duke,
who remarked:
"I can testify that the Church of
England is peculiar about domes-
tic life. Here is a minister of the
church in apparent approval of
domestic disharmony. Yet when I
decided to marry, the Church of1
England insisted that I step downI
as king because my wife-to-be had
been divorced.
"The amusing thing to me," con-
tinued the former king of Eng-
land, "is that the Church of Eng-
land was originally founded by
Henry VIII in order to provide
clerical sanction for his several
NOTE-King Henry VIII had
six wives.-
Soldier Slap-Down?
ANOTHER Patton soldier slap-down
on a lesser scale has~ just been
settled by General Eisenhower, re-
sulting in a reprimand for Brig. Gen.I
Julius Slack.I
General Slack, an artillery com-
mander in Patton's Third Army,
was reprimanded for "intemperatei

and reprehensible actions and
language" toward 22 enlisted men1
in an alleged rape case.
Slack had accused three enlisted
men of taking two German women,
at the point of their guns, upstairs
in a German house, where other men
watched the rape.+
But according to Pvt. Walter M.



IT was a different story for
veteranswho came to the Univer-
sity after the first World War.
Prof. Fred B. Wahr of the Ger-
man department can testify to this,
because, as Counselor here for the
Federal Board, he had charge of
the general welfare of all disabled
servicemen sent to the University
at government expense - similar
to the task now overseen by Clark
Tibbits, Director of the Veterans
Service Bureau.
After the last war, in which he
participated as interpreter of French
and German overseas for 19 months,
Prof. Wahr was asked by President
Hutchins to administer for the Uni-
versity this governmental project for
the educational rehabilitation of ex-
"I looked after their books, their
housing and their general welfare
-everything but their actual aca-
demic problems of the 20g men,"
he said. "It was a matter largely
by general morale."
Prof. Wahr is also responsible. for
the administration. of another phase
of University life. As Assistant Dean

Coulter of Providence, R. I., General
Slack acted "on the word of two Ger-
man women who are without doubt
as fanatical as the German army
that we have given the best years of
our lives to defeat.
"We were taken to headquart-
ers, 204th Field Artillery Battalion,
where he had the most insulting
talk delivered to us that we ever
had to endure. General Slack call-
Sed us a bunch of dirty ........
two or three times. He told the
three men accused of rape that he
would personally see that they
were hanged and underground
within 30 days. He also said that
his judge advocate had never lost


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Summer Session office,
Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1945
VOL. LV., No. 18S
Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority sponsors a summer
dance at Smith Catering Service Fri-
day evening, July 27, 1945. Music by
the Sophisticated Five. Tickets may
be purchased from members. of the
Tea Dance at the International
Center on Friday, July 27, 3 to 5
p. m. (CWT). Foreign students and
their American friends cordially in-
Classical Coffee Hour. For students
and friends of the Departments of
Latin and Greek. Friday, July 27, at
4:15 (EWT) in the West Conference
Room of Rackham Building.
Men interested in applying for life
guard position at local beach, contact
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall, for further information.
The Lutheran Student Association
is having a bike hike this Saturday
afternoon. Those planning to at-
tend please meet at the Campus Bike
Shop on William Street at 1:00 p. m.
A picnic supper will be served some-
where along Huron River Drive.
Outing Club: The Graduate Outing
Club is sponsoring a bike picnic on
Sunday, July 29 at 2 p. m. (EWT).
Each person is to bring their own
bike and lunch and are to meet at
the back entrance to the Rackham
Building. All faculty, alumni and
friends are cordially invited to at-
Academic Notices
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Five-week reports below C of all
Navy and Marine students who are
not in the Prescribed Curriculum;
also for those in Terms 5, 6, and 7
of the Prescribed Curriculum are to
be turned in to Dean Emmons' Of-
fice, Room 259, W. Eng. Bldg., not
later than August 4. Report cards
may be obtained from your depart-
mental office.
Attention Engineering Faculty:
Five-week reports on standings of
all civilian Engineering freshmen and
all Navy.andnMarine students in
Terms 1, 2. 3. and 4 of the Prescrib-


By Crockett Johnson

I think Minerva wanted more
fuss made over her than the
little dinner we're planning-
What more could
anybody expect?
7 2S C. , 1945.The , N .. , PM, I
We'll ask the Shultzes and
the Pettengills. That's six.
And Minerva makes seven.
We need an extra man-

gay dinner dance under the stars!.. Your
backyard transformed by soft colored lights
reflected in women's jewels and the brass
horns of the band. Half an ox on a slow
spit. I'll carve. And lead the community
ig. And shoot off the romrn candles-
I 'll bet Aunt
Minerva will
like that kind
p of party fine,
CROCK-T'r'Mr.O'Ma ley

After I've eulogized your aunt over the -amplifying
system from the speakers' table, I'll call the square
dancing. But some of the older folk, tired, perhaps,
from the afternoon's ballgames, sack races, two-mile
run, and caber toss, may prefer cards. We'll have a
few well-run f aro tables and some three-card monte=
t' Gosh, Ill
tell Mom.


We're not inviting imaginary
Pixies to your Aunt Minerva's
party, Barnaby Hush, now-
--7/1 eA't I

Mr. O'Malley was going to run
the whole party! Gosh! When
he finds he's not even invited-
Run along, son.

Barnaby, 've another idea
for the party! ... I'll perform
my amazing card trick! . . '-
But, ee wiz,

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