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July 22, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-22

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i i

Tags Will Be Sold
TuesdayTo Obtain
University Provides Social Guidance
Outdoor Activities for Needy Boys
Boys from the University Fresh Air Camp will sell tags on campus and
downtown, Tuesday, to collect funds for summer activities and social
About 224 boys, selected by social agencies in the detroit area, are
*spending two four-week sessions at

U.S. Joins All-Nations
,Food Organization
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 21-The Senate shouted approval for United
States membership in the United Nations Food Organization today, thus
forging another bond of international cooperation before it takes up the
United Nations Charter next week.
The resolution commits this country to contribute $625,000 to the
first year's operations of the Organization which grew from the Interna-
tional Food Conference held at Hot Springs, Va., in 1943. It authorizes
a contribution of up to $1,250,000 annually thereafter.
Twenty-three other nations, including the United Kingdom and China,
already have accepted membership.
The organization's purpose is described as studying ways to improve
world nutrition. Claude R. Wickard, then Secretary of Agriculture, testi-
<'iled before the foreign relations com-

State Department Papers
Hint Nazi Rise to Power

Boosted b y U.S.


Ja s Boast of
Weapon To Halt
Feared Attack.
American Subs Sink
11 Enemy Vessels
By The Associated Press
Radio Tokyo boasted of a new sec-
ret anti-invasion weapon today while
the Japanese government moved to
mobilize communications workers in-
to an actual fighting force to help
defend the battered homeland.
Except in China little new ground
action was reported from the vast
Pacific-Asiatic war theater. The
Chinese were fighting furiously on
the approaches to one of the biggest
prizes in the southern part of that
country-Kweiling and its. three big
air fields.
Warned to Surrender
In Washington the Navy Depart-
ment announced the sinking of 11
additional Japanese ships by Ameri-
can submarines.
Meanwhile the Japanese were told
officially by an American spokesman
that unconditional surrender was
the. "only way. by which you can
make possible the salvation of Ja-
The Army and Navy Journal, un-
official service publication, said Pres-
ident Truman took with him to the
Big Three Congerence a draft of the
State, War and Navy Departments'
terms on Japanese surrender. These
terms, it said, provide for disarma-
ment of Japan, loss of territory out-
side her home islands, complete econ-
omic control by the United Nations
and surrender of war criminals.
The Navy department announce-
ment said the latest bag of the Yank
subs included four small combat
ships and two transports in addition
to some cargo ships.
The submarines, prowling deep in
Japanese waters since the early
months of the war, have sunk a total
of 1,174 ships-144 combat vessels
and 1,030 others.
Mine Sweeper Lost
The Department announced the
loss of the American motor mine
sweeper YMS-84 in Borneo waters.
She went down as a result of enemy
action. This raised to 325 the num-
ber of U. S. Naval vessels lost from
all causes since the start of hostili-
The Japanese government ordered
mobilization of the country's 400,000
communication workers. Radio Tok-
yo said they will form an actual
fighting force for the coming battle
of the mainland.'
Tokyo also reported that bombed
and shelled Nippon cities were yield-
ing enough scrap iron for the con-
struction of weapons and fortifica-

the camp under the supervision and
guidance of trained counsellors.
Defines Camp Purpose
The purpose of the camp, Prof.
Ferdinand Menefee explained, is "to
seek the basic reason for the boys'
lack of acceptable progress" in his
social and school environment. A
record is kept at the camp of the
boy's progress and is submitted to
the social agency in charge of him
for further study.
The 37 counsellors and the camp
staff, consisting of at least three Uni-
versity teachers, are chosen for their
knowledge of adolescent child psy-
chology and their training in educa-
tion and social work. The counsel-
lors are furnished their tuition, room
and board and are required to take
six hours in education and sociology
Founded in 1921
.The camp had its beginning in
1921 when Lewis C. Reimann, foot-
ball tackle, and student pastor of the
Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor,
took a group of city boys on a two-
weeks camping trip. At the request
of Marion LeRoy Burton, President
of the University, 180 acres of land
on the shores of Patterson Lake, 23
miles from Ann Arbor, was purchased
for the camp.
The original purpose was to give
Detroit boys a two-week vacation un-
der the leadership of volunteer Uni-
versity students. Eight years ago the
University Summer Session began to
offer to the counsellors graduate
courses related to the camp program.
The camp was officially accepted by
the University Board of Regents in
June, 1944.
House, Senate
To Take Long
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 21-House
members took off today for their
longest vacation since 1938 after a
listless final session in which they
boosted the pay of a group of legis-
lative employes and discussed the
palatability of horse meat.
Barring emergencies which might
recall them to work sooner they
won't return to business until Octo-
ber 8, the 11 weeks holiday being the
most extended unbroken surcease
from official work since the six-
months vacation in 1938.
Meanwhile, the Senate adopted the
House-approved resolution by which
it will adjourn until October 8 after
it has acted upon the United Nations
In case you didn't see the right
paper, The Daily wishes to tell you
the glad tidings-Daddy Warbucks
is back. We rejoice with Harold Gray
the Detroit Free Press and Little Or-
phan Annie, who, we have no doubt,
will come through triumphant in
spite of lawyers, judges and millions
of comic strip readers.

Brown To Open
Series on U. So
In Post-War
Two-Week Lectures
To Begin Tomorrow
Prof. Everett S. Brown, chairman
of the political science department,
will open the two-week lecture con-
ference on "The United States in the
Post-War World" at 4:10 p. m. EWT
(3:10 p. m. CWT) Monday at -the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Sponsored by the Office of the
Summer Session, the series will in-
clude 20 afternoon and evening ad-
dresses. The lectures, given by mem-
bers of the staff and outside author-
ities, will be combined with a series
of relevant courses in the Summer
Session. The theme throughout the
lectures will be the problems that
underlie the peace and United States
concern with them.
To Discuss Political Thought
Prof. Brown will discuss "Patterns
of Political Thought, National or In-
ternational?" An assistant to Her-
bert Hoover in the American Relief
Administration from 1918 to 1920,
Prof. Brown, during World War I,
served as a member of the U. S. Food
Administration. His writings include
"The Constitutional History of the
Louisiana Purchase" and a compila-
tion, "The Ratification of the Twen-
ty-First Amendment to the Consti-
tution of the United States." He is
a member of the American Political
Science Association, the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts and Let-
ters, the University Research Club,
the American Historical Association
and Phi kappa Phi.
Prof. James B. Baxter III, Presi-
dent of Williams College, will ana-
lyze "The Military Position of the
United States" at 8:15 p. m. EWT
7:15 p. m. CWT) Monday at the
Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. Bax-
ter is historian of the Office of Scien-
tific Research and Development and
has been lecturer at the Naval War
College and a Master of Adams
House, Harvard. He has also been
Director of Research and Analysis
for the Coordinator of Information
and Deputy Director for the Office
of Strategic Services.
U. S., Arab World Is Topic
The Tuesday afternoon lecture will
be given by Prof. Clark Hopkins of
the Latin department on "Problems
of the Relations of the United States
and the Arab World." Prof. Hopkins
is a specialist in the eastern Medi-
terranean area and the Near East.
Jacob Viner, University of Chicago
economist, will speak Tuesday even-
ing on "Problems of Economic Coop-
Prof. Mischa Titiev of the anthro-
pology department, will speak on the
"Problem of Interracial Cooperation"
Wednesday afternoon. Prof. Titiev
has been on leave from the Univer-
sity to work for the Office of Stra-
tegic Services.

mittee that the basic aim would be
"to find ways of increasing the con-
sumption of food and other agricul-
tural products by methods that would
benefit producers equally with cus-
The United Nations charter is just
as sure of passage, although with
more debate. Thus far, only Senator
Johnson (R.-Cal.), who helped beat
United States membership in the
League of Nations, has come out
against it.

Only 4% of G.I.'s
To Attend College
University educators through-
out the nation who had predicted
that 20 per cent of the World War
II veterans will return to college,
modified their estimates following
the publication of a recent U. S.
Department of Education study.
The study revealed that only
9.7 per cent of the returning ser-
vicemen ask questions about high-
er education and of this fraction
3.5 per cent are expected to actu-
ally attend a university or college.

Statement Shows American Policy
Worked. with Wall1 Street Financiers
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 21-The story of American financial deals which
built up Germany between wars and hints that some American tycoons
backed Hitler in 1930 were released by the state department today.
The department, following its usual custom of publishing state papers
after 15 years, put out 2,000 pages of documents on American foreign rela-
tions in 1930.
The chapter on Germany gives considerable attention to Hitler, then
clutching for power. It also shows that American policy worked closely
with Wall street financiers, anxious9

Fngineering council petition
Due Tuesday Noon at Union

Prospective candidates for positions
on the Engineering Council must sub-
mit their petitions by noon EWT (11
a. m. CWT) Tuesday to the Men's
Judiciary Council in the Union Stu-
dent Offices.
Positions to be filled include one
sophomore and two second-semester
freshmen representatives to the
3 Union Vice-Presidents
Three Union vice-presidents, in ad-
dition tothe Council representatives
will be chosen at a campus election
Friday. Students will also select a
foreign university for adoption. The
Student Organization for Interna-
tional Cooperation, sponsor of the
adoption, will send supplies to aid in
rebuilding the university chosen.
Union officers to be elected include
one student from L. S. & A., one from
the engineering school, and one to be
chosen by the combined schools.
Polling Hours Announced
Polls will be open from 8:45 a. m.
to 2:15 p. m. EWT (7:45 a. m. to
Fires Blaing
In Oregon as
Rain Arrives
PORTLAND, Ore., July 21-(RP)--
Welcome rain was falling today over
the blazing 70 square miles of north-
west Oregon-but the still un-
quenched fire continued to roar
Flames defiant of the drizzle raged
before a strong south wind over
Roundtop Mountain, and approached*
within two airline miles of the tim-
ber town of Cochran below.
Fires Move Toward Ocian
Another blaze on the eastern edge
of the flaming area was moving to-
ward the Pacific coast, 20 miles away.
The rain-light in some areas,fair-
ly heavy in others-encouraged the
2,000 men who have been vainly
fighting the flames for ten days.
In half-evacuated Glenwood, log-
gers who halted a blaze 1,000 feet
from their homes looked out at
feebly smouldering embers. "It's
raining hard here," said one glee-
fully. "They answered our prayers, I
Blaze Gaining Rapidly
But meanwhile t h e Roundtop
Mountain blaze was also approach-
ing Glenwood. Fire fighting equip-
ment was concentrated on the line,
and on the west where the Salmon-
berry fire was rapidly gaining west-
Spot fires, carried by strong winds,
have broken out in so many points
that foresters hesitated to guess at
the burned acreage.
Hurrying to build new trails while
the rain slows the flames, fire fight-
ers agreed that whether the fire stops
or spreads over the entire' 275,000
acres of the Tillamook burn is up to
the weather man.
The weather forecast was incon-
clusive - predicting showers which
might or might not be heavy enough
to discourage t h e wind-fanned
Peru Elects Liberal
Rivero President

1:15 p. m. CWT) at the engineering
arch, at the diagonal and between
the Romance Language Building and
Tappan Hall.
All students may cast a vote for a
university. Only freshmen and soph-
omores in the engineering school may
vote for Council representatives, and
in the selection of Union officers stu-
dents May vote only for candidates
from the school in which they are
Officers Arrive
To Enter Civil
Affairs School
Ninety-one Army officers, includ-
ing three British and three Canadian
officers, have just arrived in Ann Ar-
bor to form Class IV of the Civil Af-
fairs Training School, Far Eastern
They join the one hundred officers
of Class III which will be graduated
August 18.
The new group recently completed
an eight-week intensive course at the
School of Military Government,
Charlottesville, Virginia, and will
start on its 26-week course hereMon-
day, July 23. It represents fifteen
branches of Army service and all
grades from second lieutenant to
lieutenant colonel. Many of its mem-
bers have been on overseas duty.
In addition to study of the prin-
ciples, techniques, and mechanics of
military government and their ap-
plication to Japan, the course of in-
struction in the Civil Affairs Train-
ing School includes study of Japan-
ese language and characteristics of
the Japanese nation and people, as
well as physical training. The school's
administrative offices are located in
the Rackham Building which also
accommodates most of the instruc-
tional activities.
Pursuing a curriculum prescribed
by the Provost Marshal General's
Office, the school is a joint enter-
prise of the University and the War
Department whose representatives
and directors for the civilian and
military phases of the program, re-
spectively, are Professor W. F. Rams-
dell and Colonel Stephen A. Park.

to float loans of the troubled, un-
stable Reich.
American Interests
The American Charge D'Affairs in
Berlin wrote Secretary of State Henry
Stimson that he had heard "certain
American financial interests" were
actively backing Adolf Hitler and his
Nazis as a means of combating trends
toward Socialism in Germany.
George A. Gordon, the Charge
D'Affairs, also said that "Hitler re-
ceived very substantial financial sup-
port from certain large industrial in-
terests." He, judged, however, that
their influence on him "has been defi-
nitely a restraining one."
Sympathy Pleas
It ,has been widely predicted that
German policy following, the Reich's
recent defeat will be based on pleas
for sympathy, combined with efforts
to get around anti-aggression con-
trols. The '1930" papers show actual
operation of just such stumbling
blocks in the path of those who
tried once before to destroy German
war potential and plans.
The record shows a close parallel to
stumbling blocks which -have been
widely predicted for the Allies in their
second attempt., to destroy German
war potential and plans.
Germany was' expounding a desire
for international peace, but stressing
German armed 'equality with the rest
of Europe as an important basis of
that peace.
* * *
Nazis PFlan To
Regain Power
WASHINGTON, July 21 -.(,P)--
Senators back from Europe said to-
night that Germany could come back
quickly to industrial power and even
now is plotting the way.
Senator Kilgore (D-W. Va.) said
that at least three-fourths of Ger-
many's industry could be rehabilita-
ted in "three months to a year, at the
Senator Mitchell (D-Wash.) said,
"Germany is still the world's third
largest industrial power. Within five
years she could be stronger than she
was in 1939."
They and Senator Ferguson (R.-
Mich.) spoke on a radio program
against the idea of letting Germany
ever get into a position again to wage
aggressive warfare.
Kilgore said that German indus-
trialists "already have their plans
well laid. They intend to recover
their property and patent rights and
they are already moving to reestab-
lish their old cartel connections, as
they did after the last war."
Ferguson remarked that "if we let
German companies like I. G. Farben
keep their foreign holdings, they will
go on pretty much as before." He ad-
vocated taking away this property
for reparations and breaking internal
German monopolies as well.

Germans Bomb
Kiev University,
Plunder Arts
Nazis Burn Buildings
Books, Incite Terror
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in
a series of articles on foreign universi-
ties under consideration for adoption.
Information for this article was supplied
by bulletins from the embassy of the
Kiev, an old Ukrainian city, was
the cradle of Russian culture.
On the day after the German in-
vaders reached the city, the plunder
of the University's treasures began.
World-famous collections of the Zool-
ogical and Zootomical Museums, an-
cient archives and scientific equip-
ment were carried away to Germany.
Books were used to pave the streets
for German motor vehicles.
What the Germans did not re-
move they blew up as they fled from
troops of the First Ukrainian Front
who came to liberate the city No-'
vember "6, 1943.
The century-old University
building was burned to the ground.
Twenty-eight laboratories, eight
museums, a general library and
special departmental libraries, with
a total of more than 1,300,000 vol-
umes were demolished.
In the Ukraine alone, the losses
inflicted upon educational facilities
amounted to more than two-billion
rubbles (about one-billion dollars in
United States currency).
Those who had survived the Ger-
man terrorism, and those who re-
turned to Kiev after the liberation
found themselves in a dead city.
But these people began immedi-
ately to rebuild their city. School-
children cleared from the streets
the rubble of glass and bricks-the
remains of their homes and build-
Students came to the former site
of their University from guerrilla
detachments and "underground".
hiding places. They gathered to
collect a new library, rebuild their
school, and began again their edu-
On January 15, 1944, the first post-
liberation classes were held with more
than300 students attending lectures.
Today, students sit. in their class-
rooms, and through the windows they
can see the ruins of the old build-
And every day after class they go to
work building, brick by brick, a new
Dance Planned
For Saturday
Announcement of the foreign uni-
versity chosen for adoption by this
University will be made at the "Adop-
tion Dance," to be held from 9 p. m.
to midnight E1WT (8 to 11 p. m..
CWT) Saturday in the Union ball-
Students will select the university
at a campus election on Friday. The
institution chosen, one of a group
destroyed or damaged during the war
will be the recipient of supplies and
money to aid in rehabilitation. En-
tire-proceeds of the dance will go fo'
this purpose.
Japanese To Be
Topic of Talk
"Who Are the Japanese?" will be
the tonic of a talk by Dr Frank T



Today Prof. Preston Slosson will
speak on the San Fran-
cisco Conference at. the
Roger William Guild at
5 p. m. EWT (4 p. m.
Monday Russian Circle will hold
its weekly meeting at 8
p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT)
in the International Cen-
ter. Slides will be shown.
Monday Ivard Strauss will speak
at the Speech Assembly
to be held at 4 p. m. EWT
(3 p. m. CWT) in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
Monday Graduate Students in
Speech may attend the
speech symposium at 4
p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT)
in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham
Monday Dr. Everett Brown of the
Political Science Depart-
ment will deliver the first

German Leaders Guarded;
Suicide Precautions Taken

Petain Testifies He Arrested
Laval To Stop War Outbreak

MONDORF, Luxembourg, July 21-
(P)-One of the great dramas of the
postwar era is being played out in
the rooms and corridors of the once
fashionable Palace Hotel where
Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering,
Joachim Von Ribbentrop, Grand Ad-
miral Karl Doenitz and 49 other high-
ranking Nazi officials and Wehr-
macht officers are being held pend-
ing further disposition by the Allied
War Crimes Commission.
The once impeccable Ribben-
trop occupies a bare single room
on the fourth floor. He sleeps on a
folding canvas cot with straw matt-
ress. There are no mirrors and no
electrical current is provided. When
he is.hestnshe. onesafey-raz

lessen his dosage of sedatives, has a
larger room across the hall from Rib-
bentrop. It has identical furnishings
except that Goering's chair is larger.
"He is so heavy he broke his
other chair," Capt. Biddle said.
Goering, who also is suffering from'
an attack of bronchitis, is being
given a gradually reduced diet of
paracodeine. When he arrived, said
Col. Andrus, he was taking 20 times
the normal dosage of the drug.
The routine at the Palace Hotel
is almost identical with that of
penitentiaries in the United States,
with the exception that the only
movies are atrocity films and the
only amusements walking in the

PARIS, July 21-(R)-Marshal Pe-
tain testified today that he had Pierre
Laval arrested Dec. 13, 1940, to pre-
vent Laval from using French troops
to seize African colonies which had
joined Gen. Charles DeGaulle's Free
French movement.
He said he did this because he was
afraid such action would result in
war between Britain and France. The
fugitive Laval at present is under de-
tention in Spain.
The 89-year-old marshal, facing
trial Monday on a charge of having
intelligence with the enemy, was a
witness at a preliminary hearing of
Marcel Peyrouton, former Minister

entire course of complete collabora-
The aged marshal said German
pressure forced Laval's release, Vichy
position and never influenced Vichy
decisions after his arrest.

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