4f[tr Ig"n
Fair and Warmer
Slight Winds
Japanese Cities
Pounded by
'U' Foreign Students Address >>
SOIC Rally Held at Lane Hall
In Behalf
of 'U' Administration,
Hopes for Success of
Dean Lloyd
Marine,. Navy Planes Smash
Factories and Rail Terminals
Kenney Promoted To Top Air Commander
Moves Advanced Headquarters to Okinawa
By The Associated Press
GUAM, July 13, Friday-More than 500 B-29s spilled 3,000 tons of fire
and demolition bombs before dawn today on a Tokyo Bay oil center and
four Japanese cities after Marine and Navy planes had battered a big
naval air station, factories and rail lines at the south end of the daily-
pounded enemy homeland.
Shortly after the 21st Bomber Command disclosed the sixth Super-
fortress strike in 13 days at Nippon, Fleet Headquarters reported a "strong
flight" of Marine Corsairs tore into<
One-hundred fifty people assembled at Lane Hall last night to hear
speakers from foreign nations tell of conditions in their native lands.
Sponsored by the Student Organization for International Cooperation,
the rally was held to welcome Jack Gore, who is back from the Washington
Youth Conference, and to initiate plans for the ,adoption of a foreign
Opening the program, Dean Alice Lloyd, representing the University
administration said, "I want this to be one of the most representative move-
Taft Opens ,
Fight Against
Bretton Woods
Barkley Favors Plan
To Avoid Past Errors
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 12-Opening
a Senate'floor fight against the Bret-
ton Woods agreements, Senator Taft
(R.-Ohio) declared today the pro-
posed Interndtional Bank would be-
come a "device for draining our sav-
ings out of the United States for the
benefit of the rest of the world."
Barkley Replies
He drew an immediate reply from
Majority Leader Barkley (D.-Ky.)
who said the agreements represent
'at least a fair chance" of avoiding
the sort of mistakes made after the
last war. These mistakes, he said,
led to the 1929 depression.
"No nation can preserve prosper-
ity for itself if there is chaos in the
rest of the world," the Kentuckian
Officially, the legislation for Amer-
ican participation in the Interna-
tional Monetary Fund and the Inter-
national Bank, proposed in the agree-
ments, will not reach the Senate floor
until Monday. ..It has passed the
5,000-Word Speech
Taft opened the fight ahead of
time with a 5,000-word prepared
speech against the proposed $9,100,-
000,000 bank 'U. S. subscription
$3,175,000,000). He said he would
deal in detail later with the $8,800,-
000,000 international stabilization
fund (U. S. quota $2,750,000,000).
Union To Hold
Mixer Saturday
'Best music on record' will be play-
ed at the first Union mixer of the
summer term to be held from 2:30
to 5 p. m. EWT (1:30 to 4 p. m. CWT)
tomorrow in the ballroom of the
Union, Paul John, social committee
chairman, has announced.
"Although we have not definitely
planned any Union dances for the
summer," John said, "if enough
people show interest in the mixer we
will arrange for a series of dances,
both indoor and outdoor."
A strictly stag affair, the mixer
offers an opportunity for new stu-
dents on campus to get acquainted
with sophomores and upperclassmen.
USO Hostesses To
Meet on July 22
Please disregard the USO notice
in yesterday's Daily. The meeting
will be held at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p.m.
CWT) July 22, in the USO ball-
All junior hostesses are required to
attend this meeting unless a written
excuse is filed by 4 p. m. of that day
in the USO office. Girls failing to
attend or give written excuses will be
permanently dropped from the club.
-uments the University haspever had.
Students have the support of the
University in any project which will
enlarge our vision and help students
of other lands."
Ting Chang Ku, president of the
Chinese Students Club, described
the odessey of the students of the
University of Tsing Hua as they
moved from Peiping to Chang Sha
to Kunming, on foot, by boat and
by bicycle. Relating the life of
these students he entered a plea
for help to his countrymen.
Madame Lila Pargment of the Rus-
sian department traced the history
of the education movement in Rus-
sia. She told how learning continued,
even during the siege of Leningrad
when starvinghstudents worked in
basements to gain their precious edu-
cation. "The students are beginning
to rebuild now, brick by brick. Let's
help them to finish building."
Father Sophacles cited our indebt-
edness to Greece as the cradle of
knowledge, asking aid for the Univer-
sity of Athens.
"Out of the war have come youth
movements of which American
youth knows little about," Gore
said. He stated the principle points
discussed at the Youth Conference
as the maintenance of peace, the
needs of youth, the rehabilitation of
devastated countries and racial.
"After the 63 day uprising in War-
saw in 1944, not a building was left
of the University," Stefani Albrecht
of Poland said. "The University of
Warsaw is non-existent in the physi-
cal sense, but in an idealistic sense
it still exists in the minds of those
who hope to rebuild it."
"French students can't believe that
they are no longer under the German
occupation," Pierre Raynaud said.
"Americans can give the French
people the feeling that they are free
again, which is as important as any
material aid."
"Adopting a university is only
the framework in which to solve
the problem of the rehabilitation of
Europe," Max, Dresden of Holland
asserted. "The people need hope
and guidance in the gaining of
faith in their own ability to solve
their problems."
U.S., Britain
'Invade' Br lin
BERLIN, July 12-P)-The United
States and Britain took over control
of 12 of Berlin's 20 boroughs from
the Russians today and American
counterintelligence officers immedi-
ately began examining Soviet-ap-
pointed German administrators and
policemen to weed out possible Nazis.
The American officers indicated
that efficient Russian-named civil
servants would be retained regard-
less of whether they were Commu-
nists or Social Democrats or had oth-
er non-Nazi affiliations.
U. S. units which had been wait-
ing since midnight of July 4 to take
over moved into their occupation1
zone at 9 a. m., and British officers
assumed control at noon. American
truck convoys were organized to feed
750,000 Berliners, while the Britishi
accepted responsibility for 900,000 in
their zone.
THESE MEN WILL RULE BERLIN-These four generals-Berlin's "kommandanture"--will take over the
government of the bomb-shattered capital of Germany. Left to right are Major Gen. Floyd L. Parks, of the
U. S.; Col. Gen. Alexander V. Gorbatov, of Russia; Major Gen. L. 0. Lyne, of Britain, and Major Gen. Geoffrey
deBeauchesne, of France. The four will rotate as head of the group, serving 15-day terms in that capacity.
Former Grid Star
Is a 'Nursemaid'
"Nursemaid to a bunch of
women" is the job of Lt. Edward
W. Czak, rough-and-tumble foot-
ball player here back in 1942, T.
Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of Alumni Association, point-
ed out yesterday.
The 1942 graduate is resident
officer at the Atlantic Hotel, Casa-
blanca, which is reserved for
women only.
"Sooo, there I am alone with 60
women. What a war this has been
for me-from a foxhole in Italy to
a luxurious hotel room in Casa-
blanca," he wrote to Robert O.
Morgan, assistant secretary of the,
Chinese 1Troop
.recover U.S.
Bomtber .base
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, July 12-Chinese!
troops pushing beyond Liuchow-re-
covered U. S. bomber base which was
turned into a mammoth booby trap
by the retreating Japanese-are driv-
ing toward Yungfu, 30 miles from
Kweilin, site of another abandoned
air field, the Chinese command said
The "most elaborate mining and
booby trapping of the whole eight
years of war in China" was found
at Liuchow's airfield, indicating
that "the further the Japanese
retreat toward their chosen major
battle position, the rougher the
pursuit will become," an Associated
Press dispatch from Liuchow de-
Chinese headquarters meanwhile
announced a setback on the South
China coast where the Japanese cap-
tured Tinpak, 170 miles southwest of
Canton. The Chinese also said ene-
my forces at Dong Dang just inside
the Indo China border had made
repeated attacks against Chinese
frontier positions 75 miles northeast
of Hanoi, but asserted these thrusts
were repulsed.
The high command said its troops
moving up the Hunan-Kwangsi rail-
road from Liuchow had scored fur-
ther gains toward Kweilin, and had
'Beethoven Concerto ',Red
Films Wll Be Shown Today
The "Beethoven Concerto" is being
presented to the campus by the Sum-
mer Session Office at 8230 p.m. EWT
(7:30 p.m. CWT) today and tomor-
row in the Rackham Auditorium.
Accompanying the Russian feature
are two shorts, "The Red Army
Chorus," and the "Swan Lake Bal-
let." There is no admission charge.
The "Bethoven Concerto" is a
musical concerning a children's
national music contest in Moscow.
The plot revolves around the prob-
lem of a music professor who hopes
to see his son win the contest.
However, one of his other pupils
is more talented than his son and in
a weak moment the professor discon-
tinues his lessons, blaming Vladick,
the more talented of the two for an
injury to his son's hand which was
caused during the children's play.
Young Vladick is heartbroken, and
in a moment of rage he throws the
professor's Beethoven cadenza in a
locomotive. His sister recruits the
childaen of the neighborhood and
v ith the help of a very talented dog
te music is found.
The children try to help Vladick
get his lessons via a radio-tele-
phone contraption. The professor,
Truman Heads
For C mf erence
Big Three To Meet in
Potsdam Next Week
July 12 - () - President Truman
neared Europe tonight for a confer-
ence which will cover so many prob-
lems that it may last longer than any
previous "Big Three" session...-..
Meeting is Scheduled
It was revealed aboard this war-
ship that the conversations with
Prime Minister Churchill and Pre-
mier-Generalissimo Stalin in con-
quered Potsdam will get under way
Monday or Tuesday of next week.
The President was reported con-
vinced that the meeting on Berlin's
outskirts will outlast those of Que-
bec, Teheran and Yalta. The Yalta
meeting lasted eight days.
Except for the date of the meet-
ing itself, Mr. Truman's schedule still
was kept secret for security reasons.
Reach Antwerp Sunday
(From Belgium, however, it was re-
ported that the presidential party
was due to reach Antwerp Sunday
enroute to Potsdam. The 137th Regi-
ment of the 35th Division arrived in
Antwerp today to serve as honor
guard. Mr. Truman served with the
35th as an artillery officer in World
War I, and it was at his request that.
the troops from that outfit drew the
Bi Battle Rages
MANILA, July 13, Friday-(1')-A
violent battle beyond Balikpapan was
reported today with Australian and
Dutch troops wielding flame-throw-
ers in an attempt to encircle formid-
able Japanese ridge positions north of
the captured Borneo oil port.
At the same time, a one-mile ad-
vance east of Baliknaann was scored
repenting his foolishness, offers to
take Vladick back.
Vladick in the meantime has writ-
ten his own cadenza which is superior
to the professor's. In Moscow, he can-
not pass the preliminaries because of
the feeling of insecurity resulting
from the lost lessons, but the pro-
fessor's son passes and plays Vla-
dick's cadenza. The film ends happily
with both children winning the con-
test together.
Milli Delieries
To Be Resumed
Today in Detroit
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, July 12-Milk deliveries
to some 130,000 families whose sup-
ply was cut off four days ago by a
strike are scheduled to be resumed
Elsewhere on the labor front, how-
ever, the outlook was less encourag-
ing as 4,100 workers were idle in dis-
The strike of United Dairy Work-
ers (CIO) members at the Detroit
Creamery Co. and the Ebling
Creamery Co. actually was ended
Wednesday but company spokes-
men said processing of raw milk
required nearly two days before
deliveries could be resumed.
When the walkout began Monday,
union officials said office workers
were protesting failure of three
branch managers doing cashier work
to join the union. Inside dairy work-
ers and truck drivers later left their
jobs in sympathy.
The number of idle tonight includ-
ed 2,900 employes of the Graham-
Paige Motors Corp., 500 at the Amer-
ican Metal Products Co. and 700 AFL
workers at 12 lumber yards.
Total Casualties To
Date Are Revealed
WASHINGTON, July 12 - () --
Combat casualties reported by the
armed forces during the war rose to
1,049,104 today with the Navy turn-
ing in its heaviest weekly increase in
The total was 12,167 higher than
last week. The Navy chalked up
7,846 of the rise-nearly double the
Army increase of 4,321.
The aggregate-915,718 for the
Army and 133,386 for the Navy-in-
cluded 243,165 killed, 635,839, wound-
ed, 48,777 missing and 121,323 prison-
the Kanoya Naval Air Station on
Kyushu the day before. On the same
day, Navy search planes destroyed a
factory, damaged another and wreck-
ed rail traffic on eastern Kyushu.
In Touch with Fleet
(A dispatch from the cruiser Au-
gusta taking President Truman to
the Big Three Conference said the
Chief Executive was in touch hourly
with the powerful U. S. Third F leet
off Japan.
(Building up toward "the air satu-
ration of Japan," Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur announced at Manila that his
veteran air leader, Gen. George C.
Kenney had become top tactical air
commander and had moved advanc-
ed headquarters of the Far Eastern
Air Force to Okinawa.)
Along a 480-mile strip from the
southern island of Shikoku north-
ward to an industrial city 60 miles
north of Tokyo, the sky giants dump-
ed their cargoes of destruction, bring-
ing to nearly 18,000 tons the weight of
bombs they have unloaded on Japan
since July 1.
Oil Center Smashed
The big Kawasaki oil center on a
reclaimed island in Tokyo Bay, pre-
viously hit in an April raid, was the
target of demolition bombs.
The four industrial cities, all raid-
ed for the first time, were showered
with incendiary bombs in the same
sort of saturation attack that has
been erasing Japan's war industries
one by one. They were:
Utsonomiya;, industrial city of
80,000 population 60 miles north of
Ichinomiya, west of Tokyo and nine
miles northwest of the often-bombed
munitions city of Nagoya.
Tsuruga, 55 miles northwest of Na-
goya on the coast of the main home
island of Honshu.
Teamwork That Paid Off
Uwajima, on the west-central coast
of the southern home island of Shi-
The blows on the home islands
coincided with new successes by U. S.
air blockaders in the Yellow Sea and
came close to the heels of heavy
strokes at the empire climaxed by a
1,000 carrier plane raid on Tokyo's
air fields.
* * *
Carrier Raid
Kept a Sec ret
GUAM, July 12, Thursday-(P)-
Heightening the mystery of where
the big U. S. Third Fleet will hit
next, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz an-
nounced today that no further in-
formation has pierced the radio
blackout concerning the 1,000-plane
carrier strike at more than 70 Japa-
nese airfields Tuesday.
Instead, he reported the setting
afire of three cargo ships off the
China coast by search privateers of
Fleet Air Wing one that same day;
told of Marine aircraft assaults Mon-
day and Tuesday in the northern
Ryukyus; and confi'rmed previous
Okinawa reports that some 200 raid-
ers plastered airfields on the south-
ern Japanese island of Kyushu.
Plea Is Made
For Immediate
OK of Charter
Vandenberg Expects
Hearing Completion
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 12-Groups
claiming millions of members today
filled the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee record on the United Na-
tions Charter with pleas for quick ap-
Senator Vandenberg (R.-Mich.)
said he thought the hearings could
be comhpleted tomorrow.
Ask Ratification
In addition to a stream of witnes-
ses asking Senate ratification of the
San Francisco charter, the committee
put on record piles of favorable let-
ters and telegrams from labor, pro-
fessional, veterans, church and
women's organizations.
Vandenberg predicted that the
committee will be ready to send the
document to the floor of the Senate
next week.
Chairman Connally (D.-Tex.) read
a statement from Bishop G. Brom-
ley Oxnam, head of the Federal
Council of Churches of Christ in
America, who emphasized the moral
need for world security assurances.
Vandenberg said the Bishop repre-
sented 20,000,000 churchmen.
Women's Group Support
Dr. Helen Dwight--Reid asked ,for
U. S. entrance into the peace agency
and continued full American parti-
cipation. She spoke for a dozen
nationwide women's groups, including
the American Association of Univer-
sity Women, the Federal Federation
of Women's Clubs, the National
Board of the Y.W.C.A., the National
Women's Trade Union League and
the United Council of Church
Women Begin
Sports Tourney
The summer sports tournament
sponsored by the Women's Physical
Education Department will open Fri-
day, July 20, it was announced yes-
The tournament will include the
following sports: two-ball foursome
and women's singles in golf; mixed
doubles and women's singles and
doubles in tennis, badminton and
archery for women.
Registration blanks must be hand-
ed in at the Physical Education De-
partment office in Barbour Gym or
at the desk in the Women's Athletic
Building by Thursday, July 19.
-- ----------------
Tournament Registration Blank
Name ..................... . .
Phone ........ Activities ..........J
struck out for Yungfu
turing Luchai, 28 miles
after recap-
northeast of
State Is Over Top
In War Loan Drive
DETROIT, July 12-(P)--Michi-
gan went over the top in the Sev-
enth War Loan by a higher margin
than in all but one of the previous
drives, it was disclosed today.
Frank N. Isbey, Michigan Chair-
man of the Treasury War Finance
Committee, said the state's total sales
were $747,548,732.25, or 49.2 per cent
more than the $501,000,000 quota.
Today The Summer Session Of-
fice will present "Beetho-
ven Concerto," a Russian
film, at 8:30 p. m. EWT
(7:30 p. m. CWT) in the
Rackham Auditorium.
Today The Newman Club will
hold a party from 7:30 to
9:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 to
8:30 p. m. CWT) in the
clubrooms at St. Mary's
Tndayi Allriduis tiuidnts are
Fight Over FEPC Ends- Agree
On Appropriation of $250,000
Nationally-Known Economist
Will Return to U' in November
Prof. William aber, nationally-
known economist, on leave from ther
University economics department
since January, 1942, will return to
the University for the fall semester :
beginning in November, it was learn-
ed yesterday.:
Prof. Haber is serving as Director
for Manpower in the Office of War
Mobilization and Reconversion. He :: <;::; A' =
4F 'Job-Jumpers'
Not Army Material
WASHINGTON, July 12 - () -
Selective Service tonight discontinued
the drafting of "job jumpers" over
26 who fail to meet the regular army
physical standards.
It announced immediate carcella-
tion of so-called secondary calls
which had put these men in special
groups that did not qualify for regu-
lar duty.
Provisions for the induction of
other job-jumpers are being retain-
ed. This means that registrants over
26 who are physically fit will con-
congressional fight over continuing
the Fair Employment Practice Com-
mittee ended tonight with House and
Senate agreement on a $250,000 ap-
propriation to run it in the 12 months
haeinnina Julv 1.
would make their sentiments known
and a larger appropriation would be
given the agenicy.
He launched into what he termed
"extended discussion" - sometimes'
another name for filibuster - in an