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July 12, 1945 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1945-07-12

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THURSDAY, J"UT 12, 1945


FAtr4ih Y aily
Fifty-Fifth Year

Equality for Negro Urged


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub-
ilshed every day during the week except Monday and

Ray Dixon
Margaret Parmar
Betty Roth
Bill Mullendore
Dick Strickland

Editorial Staff
. . .Managing Editor
. Associate Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mal, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by mnembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Veterans Group
"WE LOOK FORWARD to becoming civilians;
making a decent living, raising a family
and living in freedom from the threat of anoth-
er war." This simple, honest statement is taken
from the expressed aim of the American Vet-
eran's Committee, an organization whose only
requirement for membership is an honorable
discharge from our armed forces, merchant
marine, or allied forces.
The American Veteran's Comuittee is con-
cerned with the future of the veterans of this
war and, thereby, of the wrld. The well
being of veterans is its purpose; anything
antagonistic to their well being, its enemy.
It is not an organization for cronies who
want to wave flags as they bait labor, who
want to brag of their wounds as they preach
phoney Americanism. It is an organization
with a real and fighting purpose. It is an
organization composed of the men who fought
this war, the men who want and deserve a
lasting peace and a decent living.
The American Veteran's Committee is new and
vigorous. It was started two years ago with Lt.
Charles G. Bolte, an American who fought with
the British at El Alemein where he lost a leg, as
chairman. Its original members were people in.
the service . . . men and women alike ,..
who were one and all convinced that there was
much to be done in the post war world, who
were likewise convinced that not only they
should but could do it.
They were the people who knew what fascism
was and why they fought it. They knew what
cooperation between nations was because they
were an integral part of it. These people started
the AVC . . . those wpo knew and understood
the profound meaning of this war.
But they need support. They need the help
of every person in the service, for in num-
bers there is strength, and with strength
guided in the right direction, there may come
a decent world such as mankind has not
known before.
Chief among the principles of the AVC is
found in the late Franklin Roosevelt's words,
"The fruits of victory this time will not be
apples o the street corner." The AVC wants
aid to the veteran and his family during demobil-
ization, a job for every veteran (not a bonus) to
be made available through the combined re-
sources of private enterprise and the govern-
ment. Social security is an aim of the AVC, as
is the desire for the true effectiveness of the
Four Freedoms. And the AVC wants to see
Germany and Japan rendered impotent as
military powers, and the United Nations to
gain ever more unity and strength.
The AVC is not aligned with any political
party. It is not under the influence of any pres-
sure group. Its members do not boast the one
Gerald L. K. Smith was speaking of when he
said, "My time will come in the post war period
the candidate will not be me-it will be a
young veteran of this war but I'll be behind
him." No, the AVC members will not be Gerald
Smith's men because they have been fighting
and always will fight what he represents-
fascism and phoney nationalism.
The members of the AVC are fighting fas-
cism, anywhere, because they are fighting for
a better world. They are fighting for a better
world now as' peaceful citizens as they fought
for it when members of our armed forces.

Their success is necessary to America's fu-
ture. -Eunice Mintz
Argentine Way
A MAN who claimed to be speaking in the name

T HE NEGRO PEOPLE have participated in all
America's great wars. As soldiers or civil-
ians their contribution was wholeheartedly and
bravely given and thankfully received. Their
rewards for helping to save the Union and for
assisting in the defeat of the Kaiser were not
commensurate with their sacrifices. Will the
Negro people be fairly treated as citizens who
helped defeat Hitler after this war is over?
To understand this question it is useful to
examine the two main, earlier wars in American
history after the revolution and the periods
after them.
The most amazing campaign of historical
falsification, perhaps in the entire history of
the world, has been successfully carried on
about the reconstruction period of American
history. That campaign has been so well
generaled that its victories are nothing short
of incredible. It is the purpose of Mr. W.E.B
DuBois in Black Reconstruction to begin to
organize a small partisan unit in the ever-
glades to begin a movement to defeat this
professional army of historians.
By omission and distortion the travesty and
burlesque of the Negro in the reconstruction per-
iod has been great. Typical is the chauvinistic
remark about the shiftless, stupid Negroes of the
South Carolina legislature who voted themselves
solid gold spitoons. True as that may be, and
revealing, the learned white man who deals in
such merchandise carefully omits either an in-
dictment of the ante-bellum South for letting
four million people grow up so uneducated, or
omits any reference to the great, democratic,
reform legislation that went through the same
legislature by these same "shiftless, stupid"
Negroes, legislation which gave South Carolina
the best educational and political system it had
ever had.
Distorted History
THE PROBLEM of reconstruction, if faced
honestly, cannot be dealt with through mere
facile explanations of stupid Negroes, bitter
planters and vindictive, hot-headed abolitionists
and democrats like Stevens and Sumner.
Du Bois analyzes the period from 1865 to 1880
with regard to four main elements: the planter,
the poor white, the freed Negro and the North-
ern industrial interests. These groups each
attempted alliances with others. At first it
was the planters and the poor whites, and only
a minority of the latter, working just as be-
fore the war; then the freedman and the
Northern interests came into control; and fin-
ally when the reaction set in the planters and
the Northern interests settled down to exploit
black and white labor, north and south..
As Du Bois puts it, the North found it could
exploit white and black labor the cheapest, and
get a good return on its investments, by an
UAW Reconversion
HENRY FORD II recently stated that war
plants such as Willow Run are casualties of
the war, "expendable as a battleship."
In contradiction to this one-sided opinion
the UAW has offered a peace plan for war
born factories which promises to develop use
of the excess Government owned plant facili-
ties and provide a minimum of 6,000,000 jobs.
The plan as proposed by Walter Reuther, UAW
vice president, would save the Government money
by salvaging these factories from the peace time
junk pile. Three ends would be achieved:
1. Railroad and other transportation equip-
ment would be manufactured which would
make possible the speedy deployment of our
armed forces to the Pacific theatres of war.
2. The nation's rolling stock would be mod-
ernized through the use of light-metal manu-
facturing with accompanying reduced freight
3. Modern and durable homes, fully equip-
ped, would be produced at low cost.
To promote the use of the surplus government
plants it is proposed that Congress set up two

public authorities similar in organization and
function to the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Each authority would be empowered to lease
plants to private manufacturers, to directly oper-
ate the plants, or to lease them to worker-pro-
ducer cooperatives.
The formulation of this practical and inte-
grated plan imdicates that labor is ready and
able to pull its share of the reconversion load.
-Janice Goodman

alliance with the planters. The brutal Ku
Klux Klan aided in planter control in recon-
struction. This was the gross and immoral
betrayal of the freedman by the North. He
was good enough to save the Union through
some 200,000 Negro soldiers and 300,000 labor-
ers for the army, but not deserving of the
lasting reward of equality in that Union.
World War I Betrayal
AFTER THE WORLD WAR (I) the situation
was quite different in some respects, hor-
ribly similar in others. Negroes wished to fight
in the Civil War; propaganda helped get Negro
volunteers and keep up morale, in World War
I. However in the South Negro veterans had
their uniforms torn off their backs and were
lynched for being "bad" Negroes-meaning
Negroes who sought equality and democracy.
Thousands of Negroes came up North to war
industries and helped make the armaments that
beat the Germans. With the peace the cruel
slogan "Last to be hired, first to be fired" was
put into effect. The Negroes had fought for
freedom, plenty and democracy and were de-
nied them. They found that freedom was
white in America.
Looking back on the sordid betrayal of four
million Americans in 1865-76 and recalling
their grand effort for a better world, looking
back at the equally shameful but shameless
treatment of the Negro after the last World
War, it is only to be hoped this will not happen

Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Summer session office,
Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
VOL. LV, No. 7-S
ATTENTION-All organized houses
in which undergraduate women are
1. Closing hours will be 10:00 p. m.
CWT on Sunday through Thurs-
day and 11:30 p. m. CWT on Fri-
day and Saturday. Every woman
must sign out when leaving her
house after 6:30 p. m. CWT and
must sign in upon her return.
2. Sign-out sheets must be turned in
by the house president by 11:00
a. m. CWT every Monday from now
on. A composite sheet must ac-
company the original sign-out
sheets. Also attached must be any
late permission slips which are,
signed by the house head. All
writing must be in ink.
3. The sheets must be placed in the
-box marked "Sign-out Sheets" in
the Undergraduate Offices of the
Michigan League. A model sign-
out sheet and a composite sheet
may be found posted in the Under-
graduate Office. Illustrations are
given of the proper procedure in
encircling permissions, probations,
etc., and methods of recording
these on the composite record.
Copies of house rules, sign-out
sheets, and composite sheets are
available in the Social Director's
Office in the League. House presi-
dents should be responsible for
keeping their houses supplied with
these and for posting a copy of the
house rules in a prominent place.
4. Every house must elect a president
and vote on quiet hours immediate-
ly if it has not already done so.
Basic quiet hours will be 6:30
p. m. CWT to 9:30 p. m. CWT
Sunday through Thursday. Addi-
tional quiet hours may be estab-

in 1945 or 1946.
and dangerous
folly again.

It would be tragic, infamous
for America to repeat that

y C-y
WHITMORE LAKE is a place where the Michi-
gan male exposes himself to warm water
and dirty mud, and where the Michigan coed
exposes herself to -the warm sun and the
Michigan male. We are inclined to be a little
arbitrary when we try to distinguish between
the mud and the water. It took a geologist and
three fish a week and a half to determine where
the mud ends and Whitmore begins.
On Saturday and Sunday afternoons Whit-
more fairly buzzes with activity; the mosquitoes
are especially active-as thick as thieves and
twice as blood-thirsty. Most of them aren't
too particular about who they stick for the
drinks, and they've become bloated and indolent
as a result of the racy life they lead.
The air was cold when we went out there;
one girl caught a bad cold, and another we
knew caught a freshman Med student. Ab-
breviations are usually followed by a period,
but out at Whitmore they're followed by a
crowd. We don't know too much about girls'
bathing suits, but the girls manage to show
a lot of style, and the styles manage to show
a .lot of girl.
We do know that the smaller the bathing suit,
the shorter the girl looks and the longer the
boy looks. Some suits are really clever crea-
tions, a creation being something made out of
* *' * *
We are among the minority that goes out
to Whitmore to swim. We use a rather
smooth dog paddle that we picked up from a
local water spaniel. An acquaintance of ours
(a Detroit boy whom we shall call, "Adam,"
because we like to write in the first person)
is really an expert swimmer. As a matter of
fact many members of his family have been
famous at one time or another as divers and
swimmers. It was only a year ago that one
of his uncles was killed in a dive on the west
Tribute to a Leader
O PAY HOMAGE to the man under whom he
served during most of the European war,
General Dwight D. Eisenhower made a brief visit
to the grave of the late President Franklin D.
The general, in a simple ceremony, placed a
wreath on the former president's plain, un-
marked grave in the rose garden of the Roose-
velt estate.
A solemn tribute from a leader of our fight-
ing forces to a leader of the people.
--Lynne Sperber


habit of sprinkling plays with
good belly laughs, he guaranteed the
success of almost any one of them.
In this way the Michigan Repertory
Players could hardly have managed a
dull evening, short of remaining in-
However, to make a really first
rate performance remains more
difficult in this than in many plays
where the emotions required of the
actors are of an obvious nature:
murderous rage, moronic frivolity
or bestial passion. There can be
little doubt that last evening's per-
formance, making up with en-
thusiasm what it lacked in finesse,
easily achieved a superior rating
and deserves a wholehearted rec-
Miss Baird's performance was per-
haps the most spontaneous in the
role of the gymnastic spirit-fetcher.
The two Mrs. Condomines, nicely por-
trayed by Miss Chaikin and Miss
Murzek, balanced each - other prop-
erly; and Mr. Mitchell, as the ful-
crum of their lever seemed to be
achieving almost as much as he was
trying. If his eyes flashed from the
boxes to the pits a little too often.
his energy and sense of timing com-
Densated for it. The slight extent to
which Miss Godwin, Miss McLaugh-
lin and Mr. Myers tended to over-
act may perhaps be attributed to the
The director is to be commended
in that he did not attempt to show
ghostliness by having a baby spot
trail the characters, but I dis-
approve of the roller skate effect
with which the spirits walk, the
caricaturing of Edith in the first
act, and the fact that the curtain
was nine minutes late.
-Frank Haight
By Crockett Johnson

lished by individual houses if theyr
vote to do so.
5. The house head and house presi-
dent will be held responsible for
the accuracy of all reports turned
in at the Undergraduate office.
The house president shall be re-
sponsible for their delivery.
Important Notice:
All women students and house
heads are held responsible for the
House Rules. Copies of these rules
are available at all times in the
Social Director's office in the Mich-
igan League.
All men interested in trying out
for the staff of the Interfraternity
Council are asked to attend a meet-
ing of all tryouts in the office of the
Interfraternity Council on Monday,
July 16, at 3 p. m. (EWT). See your
House President for further infor-
mation, or call at the office of the
Interfraternity Council during of-
fice hours.
The second Clinic of the season
at the University of Michigan Fresh
Air Camp, will be held Friday, July
13th, 8:00 (EWT) at the Main Lodge.
Dr. Patterson will be the consulting
psychiatrist. The camp is on Pat-
terson Lake, near Pickney. Students
interested in Mental Hygiene and the
problems of adjustment are welcome
to attend.
Students, Summer Session. College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses may not be elected for credit
after the end of the second week.
Saturday, July 14, is therefore the
last day on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of an
instructor to admit a student later
will not affect the operation of this
rule. E. A. Walter.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance re-
port cards are being distributed
through the departmental offices.
Instructors are requested to use
green cards for' reporting freshmen,
and buff cards for reporting sopho-
mores and upper classmen. Reports of
freshmen and sophomores should be
sent to the Office of the Academic
Counselors, 108 Mason Hall; those
of juniors and seniors to 1220 An-
gell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
ces. and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to absen-
ces are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 22 of the 1945 Summer Term
Announcement of our College.
E. A. Walter
City of Detroit Civil Service an-
nouncements for the following exam-
inations have been received in our
office. Public Housing Aid, $2,150 to
$2,553 per year, Assistant Dietitian,
$1,998 to $2,130, Dietitian, $2,263 to
$2,670 per year, Technical Aid (Male
& Female) (General) (Business Ad-
ministration) (Medical Science),
$1,952 to $2,084 per year, Sanitary
Chemist, $2,484 to $2,898 per year,
Clinic Assistant, $1,734 to $1,800 per
year, Dental Clinic Assistant, $1,734
to $1,800, per year, & Dental Mech-
anic, $2,819 to $3,450 per year. For
further information call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Signed: University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupa-
tional Inform'ation.
Summer Session Choir: Conducted
by George Oscar Bowen, Tulsa, Okla-
homa, open to all students who can
qualify. Rehearsals Mon., Wed.,
Thurs. and Fri. 7 to 8 p. m. Rm. 506
Women students wishing part-time
employment while at the University
may register at the Office of the
Dean of Women. All students who
are now employed or who accept em-
ployment during the term are re-
quired to register at that office.

Social Dancing Class: A social
dance instruction class will be held
on Thursday evenings at 6:30 (CWT)
7:30 (EWT) in Barbour Gymnasium.
This is open to all men and women
students. Sign up in Room 15, Bar-
bour Gymnasium promptly.
Try-outs for the principal roles in
Naughty Marietta will be held on Fri-
day from 2 to 4 p. m. CWT in the
Lydia. Mendelssohn Theatre' Bring
something to sing .and accompanist
will be provided. Try-outs for 'male
and female chorus parts in Naughty-
Marietta will be held on Monday from
2 to 4 p. m. CWT in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Tenors and bari-
tones are especially desired.
A Special Matinee of "Blithe
Spirit" will be givenSaturday, July
14th at 1:30 CWT in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre by the Michigan
Repertory Players of the Department
of Speech. Tickets are on sale now
in the theatre box office.
Thursday, July 12: Lecture. "Health
Education Developments in Michi-

will be held at the Union Pool on
Tuesday and Thursday evenings at
7:30 p. m. CWT (8:30 p. m. EWT).
A fee of 25c will be charged. Stu-
dents are required to have a health
permit. These may be obtained at
the Health Service. Any student in-
terested is asked to register this week
in Room 15, Barbour Gymasium.
Special Three Week Sport Cour-
ses-Women Students:
Short courses in physical educa-
,ion for women will begin next week
>n Monday, July 16. Any student in-
terested is asked to register this week
in Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
Sections which will be open are: -
Archery-Tuesday and Thursday,
2:30 p. m. EWT (1:30 p. m. CWT).
Tennis-Tuesday and Thursday,
3:30 p. m. EWT (2:30 p. m. CWT).
Golf-Monday and Wednesday,
7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT).
Elementary Swimming-Monday
and Wednesday, 2:30 p. m. EWT
(1:30 p. m. CWT).
Body Conditioning-Tuesday and
rhursday 3:30 p. m. EWT (2:30
.. m. CWT).
Freshman Health Lectures for Men:
it is a University requirement that
ill entering freshmen are to take,
vithout credit, a series of lectures in
>ersonal and community health and
o pass an examination on the con-
ent of these lectures. Transfer stu-
lents with freshman standing are
ilso required to take the course un-
ess they have had a similar course
These lectures will be given in
zoon 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p.m.
nd repeated at 7:30 p.m. as per the
:ollowing schedule. (These times are
;astern War Time).
L.ecture No. Day Date
1 Monday July 9
2 Tuesday July 10
3 Wednesday July 11
4 Thursday July 12
5 Monday July 16
6 Tuesday July 17
7 Wednesday July 18
8 Thursday July 19
Please note that attendance is re-
luired and roll will be taken.
Warren E. Forsythe, M. D.
Director, Health Service
Chamber Music Program: The Al-
beneri Trio will present a program
of compositions for violin, cello, and
piano, at 7:30 p. m., CWT, Thurs-
day, July 12, in Hill Auditorium. The
;roup includes Alexander Schneider,
Benar Heifetz, and Erich Itor Kahn,
and will appear in Ann Arbor under
the auspices of the Elizabeth Sprague
Coolidge Foundation in the Library
of Congress.
The program will be open to the
general public, with the exception
of small children.
The Regular Thursday Evening
Record Concert will not be held July
12, due to the Chamber Music Con-
cert at Hill Auditorium. The next
scheduled concert will be held Tues-
day, July 17.
General Library,. main corridor
cases. Books printed in English be-
fore 1640.
Clements Library. Japan in Maps
from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854).
Architecture Building. Student
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. Representative
items in the Michigan Historical Col-
Museums Building, rotunda. Some
foods of the American Indian.

Events Today
Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con-
ference. Thursday, July 12. Lunch-
eon at 11:00 a. m. CWT (12 noon
EWT), Michigan League Dining
Room. Conference at 12:00 noon
CWT (1:00 p. m. EWT), in A B C
Room of Michigan League. Speaker:
Prof. Robert T. Ittner, chairman of
the department of German, Univer-
sity of Illinois. Subject: "Testing
Achievement with Various Language
Teaching Methods." Members who
do not wish to attend the luncheon
are welcome to come for the paper
and discussion.
French Tea today at 4 p. m. EWT
(3 p. m. CWT) in the International
French Club: Bastille Day will be
celebrated today, at 8 p. m. EWT
(7 p. m. CWT) in the Michigan
League with an appropriate program:
Professor Rene Talamon, of the Ro-
mance Language Department, will
speak; Miss CarolynStreet, voice stu-
dent, will sing a few French songs;
group singing and social hour. All
students of the Summer Session and
of the Summer Term as well as all
servicemqen are cordially invited to all

Before the broom flew away with my Fairy Godfather
we ate some of the gingerbread house and then Gorgon
chased the Witch's black cat and the Witch put the
evil eye on him so he can't talk anymore and then-
F Nonsense.
9 Nothing
like that
P ifhappened
at all, son.
,.JOHN sorY

Yes, it did, Pop... Gorgn!j
Of course
that dog
can't talk-
- - -

That's what I said. . . See?
He can't say a single wrd! Barnt
go to



We haven't found your father,
m'boy. But don't give up hope.
lA, - Ni n lrrrt e a ie


I - -----,

If he can be found at all, my
search party from the Elves,
, _rra~ _ r _ a T.. , _ _ _ _t. / s

Pop thought Jane and I were lost
! ~ , a , d ,

But nobody is lost now-
/Several valuabl

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