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July 12, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1945-07-12

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To Hold Big Rally


Gore Will Report on
Youth Conference
Dean Lloyd, Speakers of Other Nations
Will Address Group on Rackham Steps
Speakers from China, France, Greece, Holland, Poland and Russia
and a report by Jack Gore on the Washington Youth Conference will be
featured on the program for the mass student rally to be held at 7:30
p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT) today on the steps of the Rackham Building.
Dean Alice M. Lloyd will represent the University administration at
the rally. Ting Chang Ku, president of the Chinese Students Club, Pierre
Raynaud of Casa Blanca, speaking for France and Father Sophacles of
Greece will appear on the program.U

Also to speak are Stefani Albrecht
of Warsaw} Poland and Madame Lila
Pargment of the Russian department.
The platform for the American
delegation to the International Youth
Conference will be discussed by Gore,
as a part of the report on the Con-
In the event that it should rain, the
rally will be held at the same time in
Lane Hall.
* * *
Gore Describes
Conference of
World Youth
"For the first time in American
history a gathering of youth has dis-
played its understanding of world
problems and its unity in the one goal
of achieving a world of lasting peace."
These were the words of Jack
Gore, University student, who attend-
ed the Washington Youth Conference
held July 2 and 3 to formulate a
platform for the American delegation
to the World Youth Conference to be
held this fall in London.
Delegates from 46 United States
youth groups, representing student,
labor, church, Negro, Jewish and vet-
eran groups, attended the Confer-
ence, and heard addresses by such
persons as Sen. Claude Pepper (D,-
Fla.) and Dr. Emily Hickman, who
was attached to the staff of the Unit-
ed States delegation to the San Fran-
cisco conference.
Spirit of Unity
"You get the spirit of the unity
of these people and their hopes for
international peace and understand-
ing when you talk to Ambassador
Kaufman of Denmark at an embassy
reception--when you join with him in
singing Danish sangs,-you applaud
to the fire of the partisan songs rend-
ered by the Yugoslavian lieutenant
who saw action with Tito-and when
the Danes and Yugoslavs and others
of different nationalities sing with
you in unison the 'Star 'Spangled
Banner.' he said.
"You get the feeling that you're
doing something important when you
hear the personal note sent by Pres.
Truman expressing his belief in the
value of our work and his encour-
agement to carry on.
Youth Problems
"Over and over the guest speakers
repeated the idea that the problems
of youth are the problems of the
world. As Sen. Pepper pointed out,
since youth, minority groups and the
(See GORE, Page 4)

Linguist Shows
How To Pdick Up
Strange Tongue
Post-war world travelers who find
themselves parachuting down from a
disabled plane into an unknown
country need have no fear of going
without bed and board if they follow
the techniques demonstrated last
night by Dr. Kenneth L. Pike before
an audience that filled the Rackham
Meeting his informant last night
for the first time, Dr. Pike began the
interview with a handshake and a
greeting in Mixteco, a language of
which the informant had no knowl-
edge. The informant, who atrthe end
of the demonstration was revealed
to be Okechukwu Ikejiani, of Nigeria,
a student in the medical school, re-
plied in Ibo, his native language.
Writing words as he learned them
in phonetic symbols on the black-
board, so that the audience might
follow- his progress, Dr. Pike con-
tinued, pointing to his ears, eyes,
and rose, holding up "properties"
-fruit, flowers, a leaf, a branch,
and other common objects- pour-
ing water, beckoning a, spectator
forward, and pretending to strike
him a blow. By the end of the in-
terview he had three blackboards
(there were only three) covered
with words. The word for "No,"
learned early in the interview,
proved useful in correcting false
first impressions.
After the interview Dr. Pike stated
to the audience the, meanings of
words he had arrived at, summarized
the phonetic structure of Ibo so far
as he learned it, declared that it
used tones to distinguish words oth-
erwise pronounced alike, and made a
number of statements about word or-
der and syntax. Mr. Ikejiani con-
firmed or corrected the various points
of the analysis. One surprise was
that the word to which Dr. Pike had
tentatively assigned the meaning
"yellow" turned out to mean "differ-
ent," Mr. Ikejiani having stated that
a yellow flower was different from a
red one.
In his introductory remarks Prof.
Charles C. Fries, director of the Lin-
guistic Institute, emphasized that the
demonstration was not merely a
stunt but an illustration of what a
trained person can do and often must
do in various parts of the world.

( indtee in
House Votfs
FEPC $250,000
'About-Face' Action
Assures Record Vote
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 11 - The
House appropriations committee
about-faced today and recommended
a $250,000 fund for continued and
unrestricted operation of the Fair
Employment Practice Committee.
It did so at an afternoon session
less than three hours after it had
voted FEPC $250,000 to liquidate.
The latest actionleft both sides
in the six-weeks fight over FEPC
somewhat bewildered, and assured a
record house vote tomorrow that may
jar loose the $752,000,000 national
war agencies supply bill that has been
riding a parliamentary merry-go-
round since June 1.
Deadlock Tied Up Funds
The deadlock has tied up funds for
sixteen home-front war agencies,
many of them facing payless pay-
days until it is broken. All are oper-
ating now under special legislation
allowing them to incur obligations
but spend no actual money.
The burden of carrying an amend-
ment now rests with FEP's oppo-
nents. They indicated they would
seek to eliminate the appropriations
committee's final recommendation
that the $250,000 fund be made avail-
able for normal FEPC functions un-
til such time as Congress enacts spe-
cific legislation dealing with that
agency. Measure to create a perma-
nent FEPC is pending. Authoriza-
tion for the present agency, created
by executive order by the late Presi-
dent Roosevelt, expired June 30.
Wording Confusing
The wording of the recommenda-
tion approved this morning was con-
fusing to some committee members,
who sought a quick opinion from the
comptroller general. On the basis of
that opinion the committee held a
second meeting and made it clear
that, although the fund was intend-
ed "for completely liquidating" the
FEPC, it could be used for normal
operations until the agency "is con-
tinued by an act of Congress."
The $250,000 recommended is the
same amount voted by the Senate
last month and is less than half the
$599,000 in the FEPC's budget esti-
mates for the fiscal year that start-
ed July 1. However supporters of the
agency said they were williig to
accept the pared fund on the theory
they later could obtain an additional
allotment in a deficiency bill.
USO Junior Hostesses
Must Meet Sunday
All junior hostesses of the USO
are required to attend a meeting
at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. CWT)
Sunday in the Center's Ballroom,
it was announced yesterday.
Those who do not attend this
meeting, if not excused, will be
permanently dropped from the
club, a USO official warned.

By The Associated Press
BERLIN, July 11 -Four generals
upon whom devolves the task of gov-
erning the defeated German Reich's
bomb-cratered capital today consti-
tuted themselves Berlin's "Komman-
dantur" and announced they would
take over the city at 9 a.m. tomor-
Their names soon will be household
words in Berlin - Col. Gen. Alexan-
der V. Gorbatov of Russia, Maj. Gen.
Lloyd L. Parks of the U. S., Maj. Gen.
L. O. Lyne of Britain, and Maj. Gen.
Geoffrey De Beauchesne of France.
The four met in Gorbatov's head-
quarters in Berlin's Veterinary Col-
lege only a short distance from Hit-
ler's ruined Chancellery.
For the present, each Allied occu-
pied sector will be responsible for
supplying its troops as well as civil-
ians, but there will be interchange
and possibly a pooling of commodi-
ties to insure unified supply and dis-
tribution. French officials and troops
Chinese Retake
U. S. Air Base
In New Drive
CHUNGKING, July 11 - Chinese
troops, driving 32 miles in three days,
have recaptured a fifth abandoned
U.S. air base and pushed to within
less than 15 miles of Kahnsien, site of
still anothe'r major American airfield
lost to the enemy, the Chinese high
command announced today.
This offensive overran Sincheng-
where the U.S. 14th Air Force aban-
doned a base last Jan. 29-and then
drove on 17 miles and recaptured
Nankang, 15 miles from Kahnsien, on
Tuesday afternoon, the high com-
mand said.
Japs Flee
It declared the Japanese were flee-
ing toward Kahnsien, 240 miles north
of Hong Kong, with the Chinese in
The Chinese on Saturday captured
Tayu, 47 miles southwest of Kahn-
sien, and in three days have driven
32 miles up the Kwantung-Kiangsi
highway toward Kahnsien, by Chi-
nese account.
Other Chinese troops are fighting
six miles east of Kahnsien, head-
quarters here said, while the Japa-
nese are sending two columns north
and northwest of Kahnsien. One of
these is 12%1/z miles northwest of
Kahnsien. The other struck out north
of the city toward Suichwan, and was
engaged by Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek's forces, the Chinese said.
Chinese Capture Base
The high command also belatedly
announced that Chinese forces on
July 3 captured a point only 4 miles
west of Sheoyang (Paoking), site of
a seventh air base given up by the
Americans last year. Shaoyang is 225
miles northwest of Kahnsien, and
guards the western approaches to the
prime rail junction of Hengyang.
Besides Sincheng, the other recap-
tured American air bases are Suich-
wan, Yungning (Nanning), Liuchow
and Tanchuk.
Other Chinese to the southwest in
Kwangsi province captured Chungtu,
30 miles northesat of Liuchow, and
about 60 miles southwest of Kweilin,
where Maj.-Gen. Claire L. Chennault
once had a bomber base.
An American communique an-
nounced that "for the first time in
months, 14th Air Force fliers en-
countered air opposition when a mis-
sion of P-38's was attacked by four
Japanese fighters at Linh Cam,
southwest of Vinh in French Into-
China, yesterday. One enemy plane
was damaged."
In Kunming, General Chennault
declared in an interview that the
Japanese "are in pretty bad shape
and getting in worse shape daily.
They are not in shape to fight a
long continued war."

Navy Bond Results
Total $52,875.35

are continuing to live as guests in the
British sector, meanwhile studying
their occupation tasks.
Lyne said proclamations will be
issued tomorrow to Berliners inform-
ing them that in broad outline the
set-up hitherto designed by the Rus-
sians will be continued and advising
them the "Kommandantur" now is
the supreme governing body which
will direct the Berlin mayor and the
city council what to do,
U. D W. Ends
Detroit Area
Milk Strikes
Three Industrial Work
Stoppages Also Settled
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, July 11-Detroit's milk
strike and three industrial plant
work stoppages ended today while
production remained at a standstill
in two other factories.
Spokesmen for the Detroit Cream-
ery Co. and the Ebling Creamery Co.,
closed by walkouts Monday of 1;000
workers, said deliveries would be re-
sumed Friday. The strike has halted
milk deliveries to some 130,000 fam-
The decision to end the walkout
was reached at a meeting of strikers,
members of the United Dairy Work-
ers (CIO), who had contended three
branch managers should be union
members. The workers agreed to a
regional War Labor Board suggestion
to submit their dispute to arbitration.
Auto Rationing
May Be Lifteds
By January
WASHINGTON, July 11-(MP)-The
likelihood of increased passenger car
production quotas this year and an
end of automobile rationing by Jan-
uary was held out by the War Pro-
duction Board today.
Industry executives at a closed
"working meeting" with government-
al officials were told also that WPB
would decide "within a few weeks"
whether to give automobile manufac-
turers permission to start a multi-
million dollar factory expansion pro-
The Automobile Industry Advisory
Committee, made up of presidents
and executives of the ten companies
now re-entering production, request-
ed that they be authorized immedi-
ately to expand and build new plants
for full postwar output of four mil-
lion cars or more a year.
Henry P. Nelson, WPB Coordina-
tor of Automotive Reconversion, ac-
knowledged that action must be tak-
en "some time this summer" to in-
sure full postwar employment.
He asked the industry to submit
estimated cost and location of the
proposed new plants and branch fac-
tories, but said no priority aid would
be granted if approval is given.

army trainees.
Discovery of local USO executive
board plans was made purely by ac-
cident recently when campus ser-
vicemen, visiting the center, stum-
bled upon minutes of a board meet-
ing which revealed that the body
was considering the advisability of
discontinuing USO operation.
"The minutes seem to have been
inadvertently placed on a table easily
accessible to all visitors," servicemen
It has been rumored that local
business groups would like to obtain
the USO to convert it into an office
building or recreational center. The
service center, located on the corner
of Huron and State Sts., is owned by
the Episcopal Church which acts
only as rentor. Present leasing con-
tract of the USO, expires in October.
Commenting on the report, Osi
Zwerdling, chairman of the USO
executive board said, "We do not
intend to close the local USO. It
will continue to operate for some
"It is possible that our committee
formed to work on future budget re-
quests has aroused some of the ser-
vicemen by asking questions," he
More than 2,000 Ann Arbor ser-
vicemen and World War II veterans
now have the privilege of using the
local USO.
Although the number of service
personnel stationed in Ann Arbor
has decreased slightly, within the
last year and a half, servicemen
contend that "the local USO is as
necessary and well-attended as
The USO center here, in operation
since December, 1943, serves more
than 5,000 service personnel a month.
Yugoslavs Assert
Macedonians Flee
LONDON, July 11-(VP)-Yugo-
slavia tonight renewed assertions
that Macedonians were fleeing
from Greece "before an organized
terror" as Greece's prime mini-
ster Admiral Petros Voulgaris,
rushed to Salonika for a personal
investigation of danger-fraught
border troubles.
Before leaving Athens, Voulgar-
is formally appealed to Britain
and the United States to protect
the Greek population in northern
Epirus, along the Albanian border,
until frontier disputes in that re-
gion could be settled at the inter-
national peace conference.
Premier Voulgaris' trip to Sal-
onika apparently was inspired by
Marshal Tito's assertion in a
speech at Belgrade last week that
"Greek reactionaries' 'were firing
across the Yugoslav border in an
attemptito provoke Yugoslavs to

Nimitz Silent
About Carrier
Based Planes
Marines and Navy Hit
Japs in Home Islands
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Thursday, July 12-Height-
ening the mystery of where the big
U. S. Third Fleet will hit next, Adm.
Chester W. Nimitz announced today
that no further information has
pierced the radio blackout concerning
the 1,000-plane carrier strike at more
than 70 Japanese airfields Tuesday.
Instead, he reportedsthe setting
afire of three cargo ships off the
China coast by search privateers of
fleet air wing on that same day;
told of Marine aircraft assaults Mon-
day~ and Tuesday in the northern
Ryukyus; and confirmed previous
Okinawa reports that some 200 raid-
ers plastered airfields on the south-
ern Japanese island of Kyushu.
Ships Damaged
Tuesday night Marine Mitchells
damaged a number of enemy ships
south of Honshu with rockets.
The whereabouts of the armada of
battleships and carriers has been a
mystery since it unleashed 1,000
planes at Tokyo's airfields Tuesday,
but the Japanese said it still was
"in the vicinity of our homeland."
Adm. Chester W. Nmitz himself
promised the Japanese that Navy and
Marine aircraft would keep raining
blows on their homeland in prepara-
tion for "further amphibious as-
Tokyo Reports
The Tokyo radio reminded listen-
ers that the last time carrier planes
struck the Japanese capital Iwo Jima
was invaded and said the same tactics
might be expected now with landings
somewhere else.
Another enemy broadcast said the
aerial assault on the home islands
was maintained Wednesday by 150
fighters from Okinawa which struck
air bases on the east and south coasts
of Kyushu.
Rushes Must
Sign Up Today
Or Tomorrow
In order to be eligible for rushing
a man must register between 3 and 5
p.m. EWT (2 and 4 p.m. CWT) today
or tomorrow in the Interfraternity
Council office in the Union.
Rushing for the summer session
and term began last Thursday.
According to the rules set up by
the IFC, a rushee shall be an under-
graduate male student, not affiliated
with any college fraternity repre-
sented on the University campus. No
man may pledge a fraternity until
two weeks after he has been officially
registered at the IFC offices.
Any man in his first term of
pledgeship may be initiated one
month after his pledgeship has been
officially recorded in the Office of
the Dean of Students if he falls into
ong of these categories: a freshman
in his first term at the University,
whose latesttgrade reports do not
show any grade below C; a student
who has been in the University for
one or more terms and whose entire
scholastic average is C or above.
Pledges may room and board in the
house of any fraternity to which they
are pledged immediately after such

Generals from 'Big Four'
Begin Rule of Berlin Today,

Wouldie Among
First To Disband
Servicemen Sign Petitions Protesting
Rumored Plans of Business Interests
The Michigan Daily learned last night that the local USO center may
be closed permanently in the near future.
If such action is talen, Ann Arbor's servicemen's center will be
among the first of thousands to discontinue operation since the outbreak of
World War IL
Hundreds of University servicemen, representing the Army, Navy, and
Marine Corps are protesting reported plans of Ann Arbor business interests
to close the local USO.
Several petitions requesting that the USO center be continued in its
present status are being circulated throughout the University. Petitions
have been signed by hundreds of



Annette Chaikiui Portrays Role
Of Ghost in Play, 'BlitheSpirit'

Today All Nations Club will
meet at 7:30 p. m. EWT
(6:30 p. m. CWT) in the
International Center.
Today "Blithe Spirit" will be
presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech at 8:30
p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m.
CWT) in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Today The Albeneri Trio will
present a program of
chamber music at 8:30
p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m.
CWT) in Hill Auditorium.
Today Dr. John Sundwall will
lecture on "Health Edu-
cation Developments in
Michigan and Other
states," at 3 p. m. EWT
(2 p. m. CWT) in the
University High School

Annette Chaikin portrays the role
of Elvira, the flighty ghost of a first
wife, in "Blithe Spirit" playing at
8:30 p.m. EWT (7:30 p.m. CWT) to-
day through Saturday in the Lydia
IMendelssohn Theatre.
Miss Chaikin also appeared in the
last Noel Coward production given by
she Department of Speech, "Tonight
at 8:30." The Michigan Repertory
Players' first play of the season has
been a complete sell-out, therefore,
a matinee performance is being given
at 2:30 p.m. EWT (1:30 p.m. CWT)
A cablegram to England brought
the consent of Mr. Coward for the re-
lease of his play for non-professional
production. Of all of Coward's plays
"Blithe Spirit" has been best re-

and technical supervision is under
Ernest Asmus and Ivard Strauss.
Tickets for the matinee are on sale
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
box office. Season tickets will be on
sale until Saturday.

N.Y. Publishers Association
Expects Deliveries To Resume

NEW YORK, July 11--()P)-The
Publishers Association of New York
city said today that machinery is
now in motion to restore as rapidly
as possible the full normal delivery
of newspapers' affected by an 11-day-
old strike of delivery workers.
The statement was issued after
members of the Newspaper and Mail
Deliverers' Union (independent) re-
jected the War Labor Board's third
demand that they return to their

they would face loss of their closed
shop, as well as possible retroactive
pay under a new contract, if the
strike continued.
Roles in Operetta
Open for Tryouts
All persons interested in trying
out for principal roles in "Naughty
Marietta" should attend the try-

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