iRIDA, AUGUST 24, 1945
League Serves as Headquarters
Of Coed Extracurricular Activities
Phi Bete
'Inside Dope' on How
To Step Up fAverage, Have Fun
Focal point of women's extracurri-
cular activities at Michigan is the
two-million dollar Michigan League
which serves as the headquarters for
the Women's War Council, the
eames, Keep
Lut of Union
Dogs, drunks and dames... these
are the cardinal points of the taboos
of the Michigan Union.
But the monastary will admit the
third under certain prescribed and
rigid conditions. To protect the last
surviving stronghold of male suprem-
acy on the campus, these rules are in
1. The Union is a men's club, and
is therefore governed as such. The
rules regarding women are similar
to those of other men's clubs.
2. Women may not enter the
front dor They may enter by the
side door if they enter legally...
that is, under the conditions listed
here. Help, freight and women
must use the north entrance.
3. During Union membership
dances, the main ballroom and ad-
joining corridors are open to
4, The Pendleton Library and
the basement taproom may admit
women during dances and special
5. Women must remove their
fats when attending Union dances.
6. The first floor lobby is open to
women only on football week-ends
and on special occasions, such as
the recent G.I. Stomps. Women
may work in ticket booths in the
lobby under special permission.
Women may also enter to buy bus
tickets at the main desk.
7. Women may be admitted for
special meetings, such as those of
Bomber Scholarship and the Post-
War Council.
8. Beteen the hours of 10:30
a, m. to 6 . nm. women, if acco-
panied by Union members, may be
shown through the building. How-
ever, women guests may not enter
the area of the swimming pool.
The Union breaks ddwn twice a
week and permits women's swimming
classes to be held in its pool. Other-
wise, the Union and all its facilities
are for men.only.
Don't Say We
Didn't Tell You
Though it may be good for Victory
gardens, Ann Arbor weather neces-
sitates additions to the coed's ward-
Raincoat, umbrella and some-
thing to keep the feet dry, whatever
that may be, must not be overlooked.
Because, despite the summer
drought, Ann Arbor is a city of
rain. The rains come . . . to
drench you on the way to class, to
drown out that tennis game, to
spoil holidays and weekends.
Local weather has been explained
by a variety of experts and non-ex-
perts: that we're in a valley, that the
air from the frigid zone moves south-
ward and clashes with our more tem-
perate southwest winds. But ours
not to reason why, ours but to pre-
pare for a very rainy winter.
Whoever laid Ann Arbor side-
walks, particularly those near the
campus, probably had an eye to
the future contamination of the
Huron River and the consequent
ban on swimming. Therefore, the
sidewalks are built to hold water,
providing a rainwater substitute
for the loss of our other aquatic
For those who prefer to walk to
class, boots, galoshes, or rubbers are
"musts." There are still a very
few available, and substitutes will
probably of necessity come to the
fore, unless such items will also be
more abundant with the decrease of
rationed shoes.
women's alumnae association and
other committees.
Every coed enrolling in the Univer-
sity automatically becomes a mem-
ber of the organization and is en-
titled to use any of its facilities dur-
ing her stay. Upon graduation, a
coed receives a life membership.
Created and preserved by many
;lasses of graduates and undergrad-
uates for the participation and en-
,,yment of the campus, the chapel,
oallrocm, lounges, theatre, club
rooms, accommodations and cuisine
have become integral parts of the
Undergraduate Office
Hub of coed activities is the under-
graduate office located on the first
floor. Here are found the office of
the president of the War Council and
the head of Judiciary Council, the
files of the merit committee, the
council room and bulletin boards
with the notices of campus activities
posted regularly.
Across the hall is the office of the
social director, Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, and at times rooms on the
first floor are opened to the WACs,
WAVEs, Spars, and Marines for
recruiting purposes. Here too is the
office of the Alumnae Association
which maintains connections with
more than 22,000 women graduates
throughout the nation and records
their activities.
Cafeteria, Soda Bar
The Alumnae Association also is
responsible for the construction of
the League, which is now free of
debt; for the semi-cooperative dor-
mitory, Alumnae House; for donations
for the proposed women's swimming
pool; and for scholarships and fel-
The spacious League cafeteria
serves meals and contains a soda bar
which is open to the public. Meals
are also served in the Russian Tea
Room, which is open to private par-
ties, in the main dining room and
private dining rooms on the second
and third floors. The main ball-
room has been opened to quick cafe-
teria service with one specified meal
One of the main attractions of the
building is an informal garden, open
to men only when accompanied by a
League member. Surrounded by a
high stone wall, this spot, with its
trim shrubbery, flowers, and shade
trees provides a cool meeting place
for coeds and their friends. A favor-
ite place for garden weddings, the
garden is also the scene of many
teas and receptions.
Chapel Scene of Weddings
Students and alumnae often re-
turn to Ann Arbor to be married in
the League Chapel, dedicated to
Charlotte Blagden, president of the
League in 1925. Many of the honor
societies hold their initiations here.
On weekends, the main ballroom
becomes the scene of some of the
campus' main social events. Tea
dances, school dances, Assembly and
Panhellenic Balls and weekend dan-
ces with local orchestras are held
here. Class project mass meetings
are usually held in the ballroom or
one of the smaller club rooms.
Theatre Included
Seating 700 people, the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, located in the
League, is the scene of the plays
produced by the Michigan Repertory
Players and Play Production. Mov-
ies, speakers, and class programs,
such as JGP, and so forth are often
held there also.
The campus surgical dresing unit
is located on the second floor of the
building as are the Ethel Fountain
Hussey and Grand Rapids rooms
which contain pianos, easy chairs and
sofas for the enjoyment of members.
In one of the lounges is held the
weekly record concert of classical
On the third floor is found the
League library, a retreatknown to
many, which contains 2,400 books,
the ltest magazines, and comfort-
able study conditions. It is open
only to women. The library also
possesses a collection of volumes on
marriage relations donated by Mor-
tar Board, senior women's honorary
THE MICHIGAN LEAGUE, shown above, is the headquarters of the
War Council (the League Council in peacetime), Assembly Board, Pan-
hellenic Council, Alumnae Council, and women's activities in general.
The building was dedicated in 1929.
First 'U' Coed Graduated in 1871
Alumna'e Have Been Active Since
Important To Get Off individu
To Good First Start I would
cases of
By A PHI BETE class ho
Don't let the byline scare you! the ass
This little treatise is designed to give words o
you neophytes some hints on how impress
ycu can roll up an impressive aver- instead
age, and still have a bang-up good der lin
Mime at Michigan.m
That may sound like burning the time du
-andle at both ends to some of you, Notes I
but it it really quite simple when you You'll
get the hang of it. Be;ore I puruse tage if
the subject further, let me state notes.
emphatically that I disagree heartily 11 or 12
with those who say that college is abher(
place for work and not play, it is the have p
place for both. those oy
The experiences and friendships to history.
be gained from extra-curricular ac- Use a
tivities and other recreation stack up the fili
pretty well alongside the more intel- and fill
lectual pursuits in their value to the have tir
individual. Either one alone, how- I' trio
ever, seems to create a rather shal- butger
low personality, but get
The most important thing is to get the det
off to agood start. You'll probably they'll'
get a few assignments your first day so don'
in class, so instead of spending -if- By a
teen minutes hanging out your win- class, et
dow watching the B-24's, spend the to stay
h utf toyour
time getting your assignment out of oyter
the way. Most of the early assign- r
ments are short, and if you nibble youerel
away at them as they come along' have el
you won't have, the whole cheese to aner
eat the night before an exam. A go
Use Those Free Hours Aknow
You may find yourself with a kssign
schedule with free hours here and about
there between classes. These provideao
excellent opportunities to go to the
library and get a little work out of
the way. Preferably work -for the
class you just got out of, not the one
you go to the next hour! FU
Eventually you may be able to
discipline yourself so you can go>
alone to alocal drug store and drink
a coke while you study during the << BL
hour. Utilizing your odd hours dur-
ing the day has the advantage of
leaving your late afternoons and
your evenings free for chats with
your friends, activities or an occa-
sional movie.
Cutting classes is a matter for the r.~
al to settle nor himself, but
n't recommend it except in
f dire necessity. Attending
as many benefits other than
imilation of the professor's
of wisdom. It creates a good
ion and may get you the B
of the C if you're on the bor-
. It also helps in getting a
if you really are sick some
ring an exam.
Ifrnd it a tremendous advan-
you know how to take good
If you take Slosson's History
2, you'll be off to a fine start,
e are a few suggestions which
roven helpful to many, for
f you who aren't interested in
an outline-essay form, getting
n points and sub-points down
ing in whatever details you
me for. Usually you will have
uble keeping up with a lec-
,nd can get almost everything,
what's important, and fill in
ails during a lull. You'll find
come in handy on an exam
't neglect them.
ll means, look interested in
ven if it means writing letters
awake. And, if possible, talk
r instructor sometime before
c class. If there is something
not quite clear on, or wish to
aborated further, don't hesi^-
ask him, but be sure the
isn't in the book first!
od way to let your instructor
you are reading his optional
vents is to ask him a question
it, perhaps "some point that
differs from the text. Talking to a
professor before or after class gives
him a personal impression of you,
whether it is good or bad will depend
on the questions you ask. That im-
pression may prove valuable in a
recommendation some day.
Find Old Exams
When blue-book time comes a-
round, you should experience little
difficulty, if you've gotten off to a
good start. The professor will usually
give you a pretty good idea of what
he thinks is important and the type
of questions he'll ask. If not, you
can always make use of the exam
files at the main library lower study
Hoping that this will help you a
little, let me wish the best of luck to
you new freshmen in your studies.
But let me also urge you to go out
for some extra-curricular activity
for its many benefits and I hope
you'll have as much fun as I have.
Apple For Teacher'
Not Successful Here
When you were young, you no
doubt got through the first grpde by
bringing your teacher a nice, juicy,
red, wormless apple every Monday
morning. Then in high school, your
mother helped you with your geom-
etry by having the bachelor instruct-
or over for dinner. Forget all this
food, you're now in college, and the
way to a professor's heart is through
his cigaret case.
The University was one of the first
of the large universities to become
coeducational and was the first of
them to be represented at an early
National "alumnae conference" spon-
sored by the Association of Colleg-
Nws Bulletin
Sent to Grads
Among the many wartime inno-
vations at the University is the Al-
umnae News Bulletin now being
sent to more than 500 Michigan
women in service.
The Bulletin, edited by Mrs. Lu-
cile B. Conger, executive secretary of
Alumnae Council, consists of ex-
cerpts from letters which have been
written to Mrs. Conger from Univer-
sity women in all parts of.the world.
List of Service Women
Soon after the United States en-
tered the war, the Alumnae Council
began to compile a list of names and
addresses of Michigan women in
service. Each was sent 4a card ask-
ing for her address and rank, and
for information concerning her work.
From this correspondence Mrs. Con-
ger gathered the material for the
first issue of her news letter in De-
cember, 1942.
Sponsored by the Alumnae Coun-
cil, the publication is sent to alum-
nae overseas and in the United
States who are serving with the
armed forces or the American Red'
"We receive letters of appreciation
every week from all parts of the
world," Mrs. Conger said, "and in
several instances Michigan women
have discovered, through our Bulle-
tin, that a former friend or class-
mate was serving nearby. Many
small groups have been brought to-
gether through the News Bulletin."
Cards Revised Monthly
Mrs. Conger keeps a file contain-
ing a card for each alumna in serv-
ice, on which is recorded informa-
tion as to her rank, work and loca-
tion. These cards are revised each
month with the addition of news
from the latest letters which the
council has received.
The Bulletin is to be issued
throughout the course of the war.
"It has done a great deal to interest
women in the alumnae organization,"
Mrs. Conger said. The publication is
mimeographed and mailed out from
the League.
For Rackham Collection
After the war, when the last issue
of the Bulletin has been published,
all letters and records will be turned
over to the historical library in the
Rackham Building.
"Since this is the first time that
the women of Michigan have gone
to war, we thought it wise to make
a record of their contributions. Our
files and bulletins have been re-
quested for the Rackham collection
because of their historical value,"
Mrs. Conger stated.
iate Alumnae (now the American
Association of University Women).
Although Michigan alumnae have
been active since the first woman
graduated in 1871, they did not or-,
ganize into a group until 1917, when
the Central Correspondence Commit-1
tee began directing work "to do more,
for Michigan women and to stand
loyally by all interests and achieve-
ments of the University as expressed,
through her Alumni Association."
Established Markley House
The first project of the alumnae
was to purchase a self-help house, to
be maintained by women students.
A house on Washtenaw Avenue was
occupied until it was razed, and in
1926, the Regents acquired the pres-
ent Mary Markley House, earlier
known as Alumnae House.
With the growth of alumnae
groups, the name Central Corres-
pondence Committee was no longer
representative of the function of the
organization, and accordingly, in
1920, it was changed to Alumnae
Council of Alumni Association.
Centered in Barbour Gym
Until 1928, headquarters of the
alumnae, as wellas of all women's
organizations, were housed in Bar-
bour Gymnasium, which had been
built to accomodate about 400 wom-
en students.
The Women's League began the
fund for a separate women's build-
ing in 1921, and the Alumnae Council
embarked on a campaign to raise
$1,000,000 for it. When half the sum
was, accumulated, the Regents do-
nated the land on which the build-
ing now stands, and in June, 1929,
the formal dedication took place.
The Council has a national chair-
man and a Board of Directors. About
50 local groups are represented di-
rectly on the national Alumnae
Council, which meets annually in
Ann Arbor. In addition, the Council
is represented by two alumnae on
the Board of Directors of Alumni
Mrs. Henderson First Secretary
. The first executive secretary of the
Alumnae Council was Mrs. Mary
Bartron Henderson, '04, who served
from 1917 until 1930. Mrs. Marguer-
ite Maire held the position until
1932, and Mrs. Lucile B. Conger suc-
ceeded her.
Mrs. Conger has been very active
in her office and has begun such
practices as editorship of the Alum-
nae News Bulletin, which is now be-
ing sent tosmore than 500 Michigan
women in service.
Sponsored Housing Survey
The Bulletin consists of excerpts
from letters which have been writ-
ten to Mrs. Conger from University
women in all parts of the world.
The Council also sponsored a sur-
vey of housing facilities this sum-
mer. Among its permanent projects
is- a program of student aid based on
broad lines, awarding of current
scholarships and fellowships, and the
establishment of permanent endow-
ments in $10,000 units as basic funds
for graduate fellowships.
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THE SMART. CASUAL CLOTHES you'll find at Kessel's are just what you'll
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YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU WAITED to shop at Kessel's when you see our
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You'll major in charm
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