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August 24, 1945 - Image 26

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-24

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USO Advised by Servicemen



Coeds Are Eligible To Become
Junior Hostesses, Duties Vary

With hundreds of uniforms lurking
about the campus one of the best
ways to meet one is at the local USO,
center of fun and entertainment for
our, campus G. L's, and coeds may
become junior hostesses.
Advised by the newly formed Ser-
vicemen's Council of three Army and
three Navy men, the Club maintains
perpetual entertainment with the
many facilities ranging from the
W omen's Glee
Club To Follow
Award System
A system of awards to recognize
each member for her services will
be instigated this season by the Wo-
men's Glee Club, an all-campus or-
ganization headed by Bernice Hall.
Under the direction of Miss Mar-
guerite Hood, the Glee Club will hold
tryouts for coeds early this fall. As
well as offering practice and instruc-
tion in group singing, the group re-1
ceives practical experience through1
radio broadcasts and its own con-]
certs, one at Christmas and anotherc
in the spring.1
Women in the Glee Club are eli-
gible to petition for a scholarshipt
to help them in their music educa-N
tion. -

ping-pong tables in the basement
to the dance hall on the second floor.
Is He Hungry?
If he gets hungry, lead him into the
kitchen. If its a letter he wants to
write, there is plenty of material for
him to use, or if he just wants to
talk, the lounge is a fine place to re-
lax. He can wander in any time of
the day to read the newspaper, play
cards, chat with junior hostesses, play
the piano, or just listen to the nickl-
Countless requests from photogra-
phy fans among the servicemen has
led to installation of a darkroom, to
be used, of course, for developing
Food Again
What man doesn't like to eat? Tak-
ing this into consideration, the Club
starts its week off with a Sunday
morning breakfast which is served
free of charge to all G. L's between
10 a. m. and noon Sunday. Carrying
this theme into the afternoon, a cof-
fee hour is held for those who missed
out on the breakfast.
The classical music hour on Sunday
afternoon finds the fellows listening
to Beethoven and Brahms. Or if he
thinks his own voice will record like
Bing Crosby, he can have this done
on Wednesday.
Portraits Made
The profile of Barrymore or some-
thing like Van Johnson is achieved
when the servicemen has his portrait
done so he can send it home to


USO CLUB at State and Huron offers entertainment to servicemen rang-
ing from ping-pong to dancing. The Club has a. kitchen, darkroom,
phonograph, juke box and portrait-making services.

In business for over forty
years, we have offered Ann
Arbor the finest in service.
Our stock consists of only
the most reputable lines of

mother. Brushing up on his bridge
on Wednesday nights is one of the
favorite past times.
For those servicemen who like to
do a little serious arguing, a discus-
sion group is held once a week, head-
ed by various members of the faculty.
'Dancing to the juke box twice a
week and a Saturday night dance
with an orchestra twice a month is a
regular attraction.
So when you hit Ann Arbor, come
one, come all to the USO and join
the fun.
Junior hostesses must be between
the ages of 18 and 30 and should
expect to contribute one hour a week
in addition to the social hours. Two
letters of recommendation, one from
a minister, are the only prerequi-
Ac qua iE tarce
Bureau for You
Saturday is the big night, the night
of the "Moonlight Ball," and you are
in a fever to be among those pres-
ent. However, by some cruel trick
of fate, Horace is ill, Cuthbert is out
of town and your best beau, Elmer,
has just been drafted, so here you
sit without a date for the biggest
dance of the semester.
Don't cry, little girl, act. Sign up
at the Acquaintance Burean in the
League for your ideal escort.
This bureau functions every time
there is an important dance held on
campus. The dance committee will
announce in The Daily when the bu-
reau is open for business. It is us-
ually possible to meet your pros-
pective dance partner for a "coke
date" in order to get better acquaint-
ed before the big night.


s in jorty
The weaker sex is still the strong-
er in numbers on the Michigan earn-
pus, despite the returning service-
It took a war to do it, and women
are now sneaking through the front
door of the Union in such numbers
that it has lost its novelty. George,
the doorman, is only one man . .
and, by the law of averages, he turns
his head once in a while.
Things have gotten so that every
time George blinks a coed takes ad-
vantage of his eyes being closed.
Even. The Daily
In the dear dead days there were
so many men flocking about the
Union lobby, entrance and front
walk that no woman would have a
chance to get through the door with-
out being caught. But today braver
members of the women's swimming
classes have a minimum of difficulty
in leaving the Union head-on.
Women even belong in the Union
offices. Bomber Scholarship Com-
mittee is half-women, and the old
rules barring women from the stu-
dent offices can't operate when the
Union has given up its sovereignty
and come out for cooperation with
the League, now called the Women's
War Council.
If there were a doubt before, it's
dispelled by The Daily staff. For the
past three years, until this summer,
a woman has held the position of
managing editor. If a woman had
been appointed managing editor five
years ago it would have made a ban-
ner headline.
And the Sports Staff
Editorial staff night editors used
to be men, men and some more men.
Now it's half and half.
And then there is the sports staff'
... some more women. The business
staff has experienced similar revo-
lution, and the women ran it last
Vice Versa Life
Even dating has been affected, and
the independence of the coed has
become an accomplished fact when
she takes her Friday night date home
to the barracks, kisses him good


Annual Drama
Will Highlight
Sop h Activities
Twenty-five women have been
named to head the committees for
the Soph Cabaret, an annual dra-
matic production given by members
of the sophomore class.
General chairman will be Jean
Gringle, and Jerry Gaffney will as-
sist her. The secretary will be Gretel
Schinnerer, and Marilyn Seward will
be in charge of patrons. Publicity
will be handled by Betty Ann Rybolt,
and Shirley Loeblich will assist her.
Lois Anderson is in charge of posters,
Tickets Committee
Members of the ticket committee
are: Betty Eaton, chairman, assist-
ed by Erma Eickhorn. The floor
show will be directed by Barbara Lee
Smith, and Ruth Ann Pery will as-
sist her. Polly Thompson will head
the script committee.
The position of stage manager
will be taken by Rae Keller. The
singing chorus will be directed by
Betty Spillman. Camille Ayo will
head the costume committee. Assist-
ant chairman in charge of make-up
will be Jeanette Collins.
The programs will be handled by
Pearl Handlesman. Sarah Simon will
check eligibility and Sue Lunden will
head the refreshment committee.
Jean Lindsay has been chosen to
be in charge of hostesses. Finane
will be managed by Betty Hahneman,
assisted by Jo Reuland. The chair-
man of decorations is Ernalee Brut-
schy, and Lois Calvin is her assistant.
Hospital Work
Is Soph Project
The Soph Project for the past few
years has been to recruit hospital
volunteers for the University Hos-
Cynthia Coates will head the pro-
ject this fall. Her assistants are
Audrey Lawrence, Pearl Klausner,
Julie Benson, Lucille Kennedy, Marie
Neumeister, Carla Mullendor, Mar-
tha Gilmore, Barbara Busse, Nancy
Robertson, Betty Lou Zwemer, Jan-
ice Green and Edna Klein.
A meeting will be held early in the
term for those women interested.
night, and treks home with hours to
spare. Women once felt themselves
restricted by "keeping hours." War-
time has turned the tables.
Hitchhiking has also undergone a
radical change since Pearl Harbor,
Men in uniform are prevented by
service regulations from lifting a
thumb, and so it has become profit-
able to take a date on week-end
jaunts which once were stag parties.
The date, understand, does the
thumbing. Yes, the age of chivalry
really is dead.
And So . . .
All this must have its social im-
plications. What will the future
hold? Is a woman to sit at home,
waiting for a man to telephone?
Hardly. She must be out of the
house, running the campus in some
way or other.
Picking cherries and raking leaves,
the campus woman might as well
forget that spotless, band-box ap-
pearance. So . . . she can no longer
attract men by frailness and femi-
ninity. What's to be done?

Campus Is Not A Harem

The Army, Navy, Marine Corps
and returned veterans have kept the
Michigan campus a comparatively
bright spot as far as dating and. so-
cial affairs are concerned and, al-
though the big-name bands and
weekly fraternity parties have van-
ished with the war, the entering
freshman women may expect to have
almost as good a time as she would
have found in the be-moaned pre-
war days.
The coed is given a start during
orientation week with coke dates, in-
dividual and collective, with fresh-
man men, so she may meet at the
very beginning members of her own
class. Although she mustn't expect
to "meet her future husband," the
coed may look forward to possible
future friendships from the coke
If this department proves false,
there is no cause for deep disap-
pointment because, even with that
inevitable wartime manpower
shortage, there are still men on the
University campus, and there are
still many ways of meeting them.
The Ruthven teas and the weekly
parties at the International Center
are obvious spots to form new friend-
If you are in an organized Uni-
versity house, especially one of the
larger ones, there will be the inevit-
able parties for servicemen.
Also instrumental in the open
season on servicemen is the USO.
Registration will be held at Harris
Hall, the USO's clubhouse,' and you
will be assigned to a "Regiment,"
which will hold meetings and give
parties. Further information on the
UEO may be found elsewhere in this
Classrooms are also instrumental
as meeting places. There are few
classes at the University with no
men at all, and often out-of-class

discussions about the subject lead
to lasting friendships.
Church groups are still, as the
always have been, cne of the best
meeting-places. Here persons have
at least one interest in common,
and it is easy to talk with strang-
ers when eating supper in a church
basement or picnicking with the
group on the church lawn.
Although local extra-curricular ac-
tivities are to a certain extent segre-
gate, there is a possibility in them
of making new acquantances with
the perennial popular subject, men.
Dance, committees are legion for
making friends, and there are mixed
groups in the Post-War Council, the
Michigan Youth for Demoratic Ac-
tion, the Inter-Racial Association,
and the Daily. However, don't let it
be said we're encouraging you to join
the above for social purposes. How-
ever, there's nothing against side-
Working in stores, University
cafeterias, and soda bars is anoth-
er popular acquaintance-method.
Who can remain inside a shell
while struggling with the dishes
behind a soda fountain?
In summary, this is not a com-
pletely dateless campus. Men are
still where you find them, although
the quantity may be somewhat de-
creased, and they may be. wearing
different camouflage . . . khaki,
green, and blue. They're stir men,
and they want to have a good time
as much as you do.
Many a woman thinks she bought
a gown for a ridiculous price when
in reality she bought it for an ab-
surd figure,
There's nothing like a wedding
To make a feller learn
At first he thinks she's his'n
-And later finds he's her'n.

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Really Looksl
ike Home"



for your college room

are our bedspreads, dresser scarfs, shoe bags,

laundry bags, and towels.

They really make

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... starring0..
Quality-Conscious Styles
for Campus Wear

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your room "homey" looking and attractive.
Always Reasonably Priced


One of the new
in Black
for special
Campus Capers.

LII, -- 'LI

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sv.">C .;pis {::' , ?i.s:";}:Y'""?s.


t0 othPe lljj' 0r 17,8 the

Grey Matter For Class and Campus
SKl-RTS . . . plain, plaid, pleated or gored.
JACKETS . . . lumber-jack or cardigan.
SWEATERS ... longies or shorties, yummy pastels and 100% wool.

hY - ' Y"'{k
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r :1x.yr Y N'
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Clothes keyed to your busy, purposeful life-
Classical Suits and Coats that will serve for
endless semesters and, of course - Sweaters
and Skirts and Blouses - in every wanted
style and color. Plenty of those new, smart
"Et ceteras" to go with them, toot

. ~If You' d
Memory m
Date dress
s ti .

Major In Glamour
aking dance dress.
es with oh! such an air!
Eye-Catching Electives
Hand-made gloves and mittens.
Genuine leather purses with crystal cleare
lucite trim, pouch and underarm styles.
Dickies for your suit or sweater.
Scarfs Galore
For over your head - 'round yoUr waist -
or to tie up with your favorite suit.

!S ...,."
t .



You'll be writing home:
"So glad I waited to
shop at Elizabeth

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