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August 24, 1945 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1945-08-24

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~R~A, UGST24-14- PGET-E

Michigan Sailing Club Takes
Second in Danmark Regatta

The Michigan Sailing Club, repre-
sented by two teams, took second
place in the Danmark Trophy Regat-
ta Sunday, Aug. 12, at the Coast
Guard Academy, New London, Conn.
Harriet Jackson and Barbara Fair-1
man sailed for the Club and Roy
$aase, former. NRO student here
crowed for Miss Fairman.
First place in the Regatta was
taken by a team from MIT which
comnpiled 174 points. Michigan's
second place score was 142 points and
Coast Guard Academy, Worcester
Tech, Yale, Penn, Williams, Holy

Cross, Cornell, Stevens, Dartmouth,
and Brown followed in that order.
Miss Jackson tied for second high-j
est skipper in the Regatta with a
score of 91 points. Leigh Brite of
MIT was high point skipper with a
score of 95.
This is the second of three Inter-
collegiate Yacht Racing Association
events in which the club is partici-
pating this summer. The first was
the McMillan Cup Races held at
Southhampton, Long Island in which
Michigan took last place among five
colleges. On August 26 the team will
travel to Boston to compete for the
Fowle Trophy at the Nautical Asso-
ciation of MIT.

Ii ii

, 1

Luscious, New
Lovely, New
The smartest wardrobes are
assembled around them. Both
cardigan and pull-over sweat-
ers, including cashmeres, in
autumn shades. The skirts,
pleated to please, come in
warm plaids or solid colors.
SKIRTS ... 5.95 to 7.95
SWEATERS ... 5.00 up

Doehia School
Announces New
Design Contest
Competition Is Open
To High School Pupils
A nation-wide competition in de-
sign, the first of its kind open to
high school students, has been an-
nounced by Henry J. Burroughs, di-
rector of the Harry Doehla Art Com-
The competition will be open to
all students of public high schools
in all cities of the U. S. Its purpose
is to encourage young artists and to
develop their talent and art appre-
Seek Original Design
The problem in the competition is
to create an original design in color,
suitable for use on a greeting card.
Prizes in the competition will be as
First national prize, a four-year art
school scholarship, with a value of
$1,000; plus an allowance of $100 for
artist's materials for each of the four
school years. The student may select
the art school he attends.
Second national prize, a two-year
art school scholarship, plus an al-
lowance of $100 for artist's materials.
Third national prize, a one-year
art school scholarship, plus an al-
lowance of $100 for artist's materials.
State-wide prizes will be: (1) $100
War Bond; (2) $50 War Bond; (3)
$25 War Bond.
City Wide Winners Get Scrolls
City-wide prizes will be scroll
awards for the ten best entries in
each city. City-wide winn'ers become
eligible for state-wide prizes and
state-wide winners for national prizes.
High schools attended by all state-
wide prize-winners will be awarded
sets of books on art. A jury of
nationally-known artists will select
prize-winners, under the chairman-
ship of Virginia Murphy, art director,
New York City Board of Education.
The competition is sponsored by
Harry Doehla of Fitchburg, Mass.
Doehla believes that a high school
student's artistic talent, both active
and latent, can best be developed by
gestures of encouragement such as
this art competition.
Claims Ready
Detroit's Unemployed
Will Be Paid On Time
DETROIT, Aug. 23-()-A pledge
that compensation claims of De-
troit's 200,000 idle workers would be
paid on time came today from the
unemployment commission as lines
of workers at the Michigan Unem-
ployment Compensation offices grew
Chairman Robert M. Ashley of the
unemployment commission told a
committee of the Wayne County CIO
council that the claims would be paid
with $20 bils if check-writing ma-
chinery bogged down, and promised
that "ninety-eight per cent of the
applicants will get their money at
the right time,"
Some 20,000 claims will be pro-
cessed daily beginning next week, ac-
cording to Eugene T. Dormer, exec-
utive director, and claims now re-
ceived call for payment of $4,000,000
to $5,000,000 weekly.
UAW-CIO members picketed the
Commission's 4dministratiVe offices
today while the committee protested
possible delay.
Meanwhile the regional War Man-
power Commission announced that
industry would be able to reemploy
approximately 33,000 workers within
the next 30 to 60 days.

RWMC Director Edward L. Cush-
man, who will leave Friday for Wash-
igton to report the Detroit situ-
ation to WMC Executive Director
Sobert. C. Goodman, said 15,000 per-
ions applied Thursday for compen-
sation or USES job placements.

U' Psycholog
Guidance, Co
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth and
final article in a series entitled, "What
the University Is Doing for the World
War II veteran."
What is the veterans ability? 'In
what direction is he motivated? What
is his background? Generally, what
kind of a person is he?
Answers to these and numerous
other questions are being sought and
discovered daily by the University
Psychological Clinic which assists the
University in dealing with veterans'
Donahue Director
Formed in 1938 as a unit of the
University Institute for Human Ad-
justment, and at present directed by
Dr. W. T. Donahue, the Psychologi-
cal Clinic does not deal with psychi-
atric problems, but serves veterans in
a counseling and guidance capacity.
Seeking advice and definite know-
ledge regarding their abilities, veter-
ans come to the Vocational Guidance
Service, a division of the Clinic, main-
ly to be aided in finding a suitable
vocational field.
If the veteran so desires, he takes
two-day aptitude and special ability
tests. Regardless of whether or not
Tilley Finishes
Dictionary of
ild Proverbs
"A Dictionary of Proverbs in Eng-
land (1500-1700)", which has been
brought to completion under the ed-
itorship of Prof. Morris P. Tilley, of
the English department, will be pub-
lished in a volume of more than 800
large pages as soon as printing con-
ditions permit.
The dictionary, which will contain
numerous illustrations of the prov-
erbs occurring in English literature
of the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries, will be thoroughly indexed
in order to make it as easy as pos-
sible for the user to find the proverb
in which he is interested in spite of
variations of wording.
Prof. Tilley, who studied at the
University of Virginia and Leipzig
University, has taught at Michigan
since 1906. The Elizabethan drama
has been one of his principal inter-
ests, and the frequent use of prov-
erbs by Shakespeare and other dram-
atists of the period led him to under-
take a systematic compiling of prov-
erbs of the English renaissance.
Good Grades,
Fun Combine
"You can have fun on the campus
and still make Alpha Lambda Delta,"
is the message of hope which Fay
Lorden, past president of the fresh-
men women's honorary society gives
to prospective coeds.
Any woman who makes a 3.5 aver-
age, that is half A's and half B's, in
any college of the University during
her freshman year is entitled to be-
come a member of Alpha Lambda
Delta. The emblem of the national
honor fraternity, which members
wear, is a gold candle set with four
pearls and one. ruby and a candle-
stick with the letters of the society
Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women,
is the faculty advisor for the group.
The chapter also has two delegates
to the Grand Chapter in which is
vested the supreme legislative power
of the fraternity.
adds a pleasing touch of individuality

to your library. Theses bound over
night. Free estimates, pick-up and
Harald Olsen, Bookbinder
815 Brookwood - - - Phone 2-2915

ical Clinic Gives
insel to Veterans
the vet has graduated from high
school or has attended a university,
he is eligible to take the tests.
Test Results Count
If the test results meet the Uni-
versity standards, the veteran may be
recommended for admission to the
University. If the veteran did not
graduate from high school, or if his
high school grades were poor, the
recommendation still stands, Dr.
Donahue pointed out.
Activities of the Clinic are not con-
fined to veterans who are considering
attending the University. Local com-
munity counseling centers refer vet-
erans to the Clinic and they are of-
fered similar aptitude, and ability
"We try to help every veteran for-
mulate and implement a plan for the
future," Dr. Donahue explained.
Under Public Law 16, the Veterans
Administration provides that veter-
ans must have counseling facilities
available. The Clinic has a contract
with the VA providing for the re-
quired counseling service.
Full High School Unnecessary
Proof that a veteran who has not
graduated from high school canbe
successful in college is evidenced by
the vet now attending the University
who had only three years of high
school and has between an A and
B record in his three semesters here.
He took the Clinic's two-day testsrand
was recommended for admission.
Another vet who supported himself
during his high school career and
subsequently received poor grades,
has made good marks on the ability
tests and will probably be recom-
mended for admission.
"Numerous other veterans with
similar high school backgrounds have
been admitted to the University and
probably will continue to be admit-
ted when they show that they can do
college level work," Dr. Donahue ad-
40 Teachers Expected
Approximately 40 new teachers are
scheduled to arrive in Ann Arbor
on Sept. 5 for the first meeting of
the pre-opening public school con-
C) S

Little suit with plain skirt and
checked lumber jack top,-
Trim skirts in plaids and
Brown - size 12. $25.00
solids - slick slacks in gabar-
dine and twill and smart little
cardigan jackets to go with
I both.
Just in time for School


How Sweet You Are

w it

Helena Rubinstein
Say good-by to the discomfort of summer
humidity in a cool, refreshing bath.
Then luxuriate in Helena Rubinstein
beloved APPLE BLOSSOM for a lingering
fragrance and lasting freshness.


of your bath and into a
scented mist of loveliness.
Revel in its luxury-delight
in its soft, clean, silken
feeling. 1.00, .85, .50

The scent of slimmer itself
captured in the fragrance
of-an apple orchard
in full blossom. 1.00


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oftly detailed little blouses for
ress wear - smoothly tailored silk
irts - wool plaid shirts - for
ports wear and warmth - we have
Iiem all.

L - -
.I, ... .:"{...
Sweaters that you dream about
cardigans- boxy pullovers
little short sleeved sweaters
with snugly fitted waisbands-
all sizes and wonderful colors.
-I,., t-


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