Ir - ITE13NESDAY, JULY 4, 1945
Te x . i 11I 1 VLl .:17H EiN lT VWDNSA. UY4.1
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U.S., Britain Recognize New
Polish Warsaw Government
Action Is Called 'Step' Toward
Fulfilling Yalta Agreements
London Exile Regime Cut Adrift; Truman
Says Crimean Plan Provides for Free Elections
United States and Britain jointly rec- government of national unity." It
ognized the reconstituted Warsaw said'an ambassador will be dispatched
Government of Poland tonight, cut- from London shortly.
ting adrift the London Exile Regime Lane Appointed
with which they have dealt through- Lane was appointed last September
out the war. as Ambassador to the London Pol-
In both London and Washington, ish -government, but never went to
however, it was emphasized in the London, apparently in expectation of
announcements that the setting up of such a shift as came today. He is in
the expanded Warsaw administration Washington. Previously he was Am-
constituted only a "step" in fulfill- bassador to Colombia.
ment of the Yalta Big Three agree- The Crimea agreement by President
ments. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill
Truman Announces Acceptance and Premier Stalin called for broad-
President Truman announcing ening the base of the Moscow-spon-
American acceptance of the Warsaw sored Warsaw group, to take in other
government, said it had "recognized" democratic Polish elements, and for
the Yalta agreement in full and free elections to be held later.
thereby confirmed the Crimean plan Stanislaus Mikolajczyk, one-time
for free elections leader of the London Polish govern-
for freseletsidArment, has been included in the New
The president said Arthur Bliss Warsaw set-up as Vice Premier. The
ane has bceednamed Ambassao nflew government was finally worked
as"possible." The British announce- out after long negotiations which all
ment laid stress on "full agreement but stalled overpvresentatectionsth
with the United States government" London group. The Russian arrest of
in recognizing the 'Polish Provisional 16 Polish underground leaders, whom
Moscow accused of subversive activi-
ties behind the Red Army lines, fur-
ther complicated the negotiations.
Formal Action Unlikely
Cultural Leader Diplomats here did not expect any
formal withdrawal of recognition
from the London Poles. Rather the
Sa 'S K oella organization was expected here to be
treated as if it had simply ceased to
"France must continue to lead the exist diplomatically. Whatever hap-
world in the field of the arts and ?ens in that direction, there prob-
literature," Prof. Charles E. Koella ably will be arguments over disposi-
of the Romance Language Depart- tion of Polish assets claimed by both
ment said yesterday in an informal regimes.
talk on "The Future of France" pres- Polish troops, who have fought
ented before the French Club. under British command in Europe,
At, present, France finds herself and whose loyalty the London Poles
in a very queer position because this still claim, constitute another prob-
war has made out of the United lem.
In London the British Foreign Of-
States and Russia the colossus of the fice announced tonight the forma-
world, and England though still one tion of an "interim treasury commit-
fhe gt kpohers istrying erl tee for Polish questions" to supervise
with the colossus," he said. liquidation of the machinery of the
"France has kept her vast empire, London Polish government.
but her land and sea forces and also In Chungking, China, the Foreign
her man power have been greatly re- Office announced today China's rec-
duced. She emerges from the war ognition of the Polish government at
impoverished." Warsaw and said Dr. Fu Ping-She-
_mp___rs .ung,,Chinese Ambassador to Moscow,
had notified the Polish ambassador
One Fatality Reported there of China's action.
ar Agencies
Left Fundless
In FEPC Tilt
Committee Backers
Force a Showdown
WASHINGTON, July 5-(/UP)-Ten
home front war agencies were strip-
ped of their 1946 fiscal year funds-
including money to meet soon-due
payrolls-in a House fliht today over
the Fair Employment Practices Com-
Blocked by southerners in efforts
to obtain funds for FEPC, backers of
that agency decided to "force a show-
down" by eliminating the money for
the other ten agencies. They did
this under parliamentary rules which
permitted a single member to elimi-
nate any item for which there had
not been previous statutory author-
Appropriations Slashed $618,000,000
The result was that the war agen-
cies appropriation bill was slashed
from a total of $752,000,000 to $134,-
000,000. The House then passed the
measure by a voice vote and sent it
to the Senate.
There was brief but angry debate
as all funds for the following agen-
cies were removed:
War Labor Board, $13,100,000; Of-
fice of Defense Transportation,
$7,000,000; Office of Economic Sta-
bilization, $196,250; Office of Scienti-
fic Research and Development, $70,-
000,000; Office of Inter-American
Affairs, $14,000,000; Office of War
Information, $18,000,000; War Pro-
duction Board, $35,000,000; War
Shipping Administration, $437,000,-
000; Office of Strategic Services, $20,-
000,000; Petroleum Administration
for War,$3,968,200.
Supporters Sit in Gallery
Left in the bill as the house passed
it while delegations of FEPC sup-
porters sat in the galleries and but-
gonholed members in the lobbies were
these funds:
Office of Censorship, $13,000,000;
Office of War Bobilization and Re-
conversion, $44,000,000; Selective
Service System, $52,000,000; War
Relocation Authority, 25,000,000. In
addition it retained authority for the
smaller war plants corporation and
the office of Alien Property Custo-
dian to operate with finances already
Grad Student
Council Holds
First Forum
Sumner activities To
Include ,ormal Dance
Summer activities to be sponsored
by the Graduate Student Council will
start with a forum on the Far East
Tuesday, July 10, in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing, Marguerite Zielesch, council pub-
licity chairman, has announced.
The council, which represents all
departments of the graduate school
in proportion to the enrollment of
each, has planned a series of forums
and mixers to be held during the
summer session.
Other forums will be held on July
24 and Aug. 7. Popular science and
education will be discussed. Two
graduate mixers will be held, ,one on
July 10 and the other, July 27 as well
as a formal dance on-August 10.
Miss Zielesch has also announced
the study hours in the Rackham
Building for the summer term. The
study hall will be open to the Army
from 8 a. m. to 10:45 p. m. on week-
days. For graduate students the west
lounge will be open until 6 p. m. The
third floor and west conference rooms
will be open for studying at all times
BYRNES BECOMES NEW SECRETARY OF STA TE-James F. Byrnes is sworn in as Secretary of
State in the White House. From left are: Chie f Justice Richard S. Whaley of Court of Claims,
who administered oath; Rep. Edith Nourse Roge rs (B .-MassJ): Mrs. Ryrnes, Secretary of Treasury
Henry Morgenthau, former Secretary of State Edward Stettinius Jr., Byrnes (hand on Bible); Secre-
tary of War Henry Stimson, and President Harry S. Truman.
WA Wirephoto
§Iwcudeil Thwarts Hele-~rs on .Babyv Issue'
Lana rIuae Methods IDiseussed at Luncheon.
Prof. Davis Tells Men's Club
Of Experiences'in Pacific
Are whistles, groans, and the yells
of babies materials for the linguist
to deal with?
Members of Dr. W. Freeman Twad-
dell's audience at the Rackham
Building yesterday, who came to
hear him speak on "The Nature and
Function of Language," could not
agree among themselves as to wheth-
er such sounds were speech, and the
speaker sidestepped the issue by say-
ing that he saw no difficulty. in ad-
mitting the existence of borderline
One member of the audience re-
marked that the cry of one baby was
like the cry of any other baby, but he
was met with loud disagreement from
all parts of the room-presumably
from young fathers who have had to
walk the floor at 2 a. m.
The next two lectures of the- ser-
ies, which will be on "Methods of
Analysis of Living Language," will be
given by Dr. Twadell and Dr. C. F.
Voegelin at 7 p. m. EWT (6 p. mi.
CWT) next Tuesday and Thursday
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Any-
one interested is welcome to attend.
ROOMS FOR RENT - For 8 weeks
session, for graduates or under-
graduates. Call Kappa. Kappa
Gamma, 2-5618.
REWARD: For return of wrist watch
removed from the Men's Room at
Michigan Union on June 21. Watch
is Graduation gift of great senti-
mental value. Leave at Union Desk
or mail to Dave Mulholland, 610 S.
Lansing St., Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.
No questions will be asked.
LOST-Black billfold at Women's
League or Michigan Theatre. Con-
tained money. Liberal reward. Call
Jennie Kulberg, Martha Cook.
LOST: Ladies' wrist watch, platinum.
Initials K. C. on back. Waltham,
at Whitmore Lake July 4. Reward.
Call P. M. Tseng, 6738.
LOST: Zippered case with import-
ant records in Union. Very neces-
sary that it is returned. Call P. M.
Tseng, 6738.
TUTOR WANTED for Spanish I by
junior in Engineering School.
Michigan Daily Box No. 6.
"An Investigation of Learning a
Second Language" was the topic dis-
cussed by Dr. Harold Dunkel and Dr.
Frederick Agard, of the University of
Chicago, at the first of the Linguistic
Institute's weekly luncheon confer-
ences at the League yesterday.
"We are concerned," Dr. Dunkel
said, "not simply with whether a par-
ticular director of language teach-
ing gets good or poor results, but, if
he gets good results, how he gets
Financed by Rockefeller Foundation
The project with whicn Drs. Dun-
kel and Agard are associated is be-
ing conducted at the University of
Chicago with the financial assist-
ance of the Rockefeller Foundation.
It does not teach language courses or
initiate new methods itself, but serves
as a central agency for investigating
methods used in language instruc-
tion at various institutions through-
out the country. It evaluates re-
sults obtained not only in teaching
foreign languages to speakers of Eng-
lish, but also in teaching English to
those whose native tongue is some
other language.
An important part of its work is
the development of procedures for
testing students' attainments in var-
ious distinct language skills. Tests
for oral comprehension and ability
in speaking have already been devis-
ed, but satisfactory testing proced-
ures for accomplishment in reading
-and writing are still to be developed.
Further Informationx
Further information on the topic
introduced this weekby Drs. Dunkel
and Agard is expected at next week's
luncheon conference, when Prof. Rob-
ert T. Ittner, chairman of the De-
partment of German at Indiana Uni-
versity, will discuss his investigation
of the results obtained by several dif-
ferent methods of language training.
All the conferences will be held at
1 p. m. EWT (12 noon CWT) on
Thursdays in the ABC Room of the
League. They will be preceded by
luncheon at 12 noon EWT (11 a. m.
CWT), in the League dining room
but anyone who cannot be present
at the luncheons is welcome to attend
the conferences.
New Bottle for Baby
RICHMOND, Va., July 5-(O)--The
U. S. Patent Office here has granted
a patent on a nursing bottle. designed
to eliminate the necessity of "burp-
ing" the baby after feeding.
It's part of a Modern Education
ridley Flying Service
Phone 25-8825 4320 S. State St.
2.95 to 4.95
Walk. a few steps and save
122 E. Liberty St.
Predicting that the war in the Paci-
fic will end sooner than most people
believe, Prof. Charles Davis of the
geography department told a meet-
ing of the Men's Education Club last
night that if the Japs don't quit in a
few months, "we'll have to make an
Okinawa out of Japan."
Prof. Davis, who recently return-
ed to the faculty after over two
and a half years in the Navy where
he served as a commander with
the Special Air task Force, said
he doesn't believe the Nipponese
are stupid or hopelessly fanatical.
American industry has won the
war, he asserted, and our forces
know no shortage of material any-
where in the Pacific.
Having worked with the now dis-
banded Special Air Task Force based
in the Solomon Islands, Prof. Davis
described their home base as "ex-
cellent." In addition to all the neces-
sary equipment the base had most
of the comforts of home, good food,
laundry service, beer, and worn out
Dauntless Dive bombers for joy rid-
ing. The officers had waiters and
white table cloths to accompany their
dinner along with a double allowance
of liquor which they had brought
with them.
But life was far more "grim" in
the staging areas, the areas from
which direct strikes at the enemy
were made, Prof. Davis said. There,
officers and men alike ate canned
rations which Prof. Davis described
as "monotonous," and water was
rationed to a quart a day per man.
To take a bath one first ha'd to rig
up some sort of apparatus in. which
to collect rain water, he said.
Medical advances were perceptible
in the bases, Prof. Davis asserted,
and not one of the 1,000 men in the
Special Air Task Force had malaria
or dysentery. The malaria control
officer at one of the bases where
Prof. Davis was stationed had every
man who violated any of the rules
pertaining to the control of malaria
Pointing out the differences be-
tween the life of the supply officers,
personnel officers, and other land
based officers as compared to the
men who actually go in and fight-
the men in the Marine divisions and
the infantry-Prof. Davis said that
the land based Naval officers live
pretty well. On the other hand, al-
most every man in the First Marine
Division has malaria, he said, and
only various medicines keep them go-
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BAff o Ks
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from i P.M.
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