N,' I
4f[tr A6F
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Partly Cloudy
and Cooler.
Ann Arbor ManLteads Fight o ave
Sec. }llorgenthau
Leaves Cabinet
Justice Owen J. Robert's Resignation
Accepted; Successors Not Yet Named
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 5-Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the
Treasury, and Justice Owen J. Roberts of the Supreme Court resigned today.
They told President Truman that they wanted to quit public life and
go home. The president accepted the resignations with regret.
Morgenthau, in his letter, said: "When Franklin D. Roosevelt came to
Washington, he asked me to come with him, stating that when he was
through, we would go back to Dutchess county (N.Y.) together."
To Attend Meeting
Morgenthau said he would leave after Mr. Truman returns from his
forthcoming Big Three meeting with Marshal Stalin and Prime Minister
Navy Commends
Capps or Action
'Superhuman Firefighting' Credited
With Rescue of Distressed Destroyer
The Navy told last night how executive officer Lt. Arlie George Capps
of - Ann Arbor stood by his post fighting to keep the destroyer Newcomb
afloat while the vessel survived hits by four Japanese suicide planes which
"literally disemboweled" her and caused 91 casualties.
"Superhuman firefighting" was credited with saving the ship, accord-
ing to an Associated Press report. High tribute was paid to the Newcomb
gunners who shot down three Kamikazes.
The 2,100-ton Newcomb, veteran of Pacific campaigning, fought the
Kamikazi pilots for two terrific hours April 6 near Ie Shima. She is afloat
today only because her heroic crew, many with their hair aflame and their
clothes burned off, refused to give?
Jap Railroads
InKorea Hit
By Airer
Iwo-Based Fighters
Blast Tokyo Airfields
By The Associated Press
American planes that helped liber-
ate the Philippines have joined the
attacks on the Japanese homeland
and naval aircraft have struck hard
at enemy railroads in southwestern
Korea for the first time while Iwo-
based fighters continued beating up
airfields near Tokyo against scanty
opposition, a series of U. S. announce-
ments disclosed today.
Gen. Douglas MacArtnur announc-
ed that aircraft of his command,
newly moved to Okinawa, promptly
raided the Japanese island of Kyu-
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz an-
nounced that fleet privateer planes
blocked several rail tunnels, destroy-
ed two bridges and two locomotives
and inflicted other damage on Korea's
main lines to Manchuria in Fourtl
of July sweeps.
The Seventh Fighter Command
from Iwo announced that its long-
range Mustangs from Iwo_ for the
second consecutiverday yesterday
hit two Honshu Island airfields. They
destroyed five enemy planes and
damaged 10, bringing their two-day
score to 48 destroyed or damaged or
the ground.
Rufus Memorial
Services Will Be
Held Sunday
Memorial services for Mrs. Maude
Squire Rufus, wife of Prof. W. Car
Rufus of the astronomy department
will be held at 4 p.m. EWT (3 p.m.
CWT) Sunday, in the First Metho-
dist Church.
Dr. J. Brett Kenna will conduci
the service and will be assisted by
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor
in religious education.
A Detroit Civil Air Patrol official
will represent that organizatior
which Mrs. Rufus served on impor-
tant missions and by enrolling 23(
Army Air cadets. Her last missior
for the CAP was in March when she
flew to Texas.
Prof. and Mrs. Rufus lived for a
number of years in the Orient. A
present he is Secretary of the Bar-
bour Scholarship Committee and a
Barbour scholar will speak at the
service for the oriental students or
Mrs. Rufus, known as the "flying
Grandmother," was killed June 11
while piloting a plane near Washing-
ton, Pa.
-*Churchill in Berlin.
The President told of the resigna-
tions at his news conference, said he
had a successor in mind for the treas-
ury post but wasn't saying anything
about it now.
Possible Successors
Names mentioned in speculation in-
cluded Fred M. Vinson, War Mobi-
lization Director; John W. Snyder,
Federal Loan Administrator; Senat-
or George (D.-Ga.), Chairman of the
Senate Finance Committee; and
Walter J. Cummings of Chicago,
Chairman of the Board of the Con-
tinental-Illinois National Bank and
Trust Company..
The "President said he hadn't
thought of a successor to Justice Rob-
erts, a court "dissenter" and a Re-
publican, who showed his love for
his farm land of eastern Pennsylva-
nia by date-lining his resignation
7 from that place-Chester Farms.
Arnold Resigns
Before the news conference, the
President announced another major
resignation, that of Judge. Thurman
Arnold from the United States -Court
of Appeals, District of Columbia. Ar-
nold, former justice department
"trust-buster," said he wanted to
enter private law practive and work
for a "truly competitive" economy
after the war.
Mr. Truman, in white and black
the destroyer, U. S. S. Newcomb, during a two-hour raid in which four of seven attacking Japanese
suicide planes scored hits, is readily discernible, wit h the aft of the ship in background. Hole in deck'
was caused by the crash of one of the planes into th e aft fireroom. The Newcomb, now being repaired,
sustained 91 casualties in the April 6 raid. (AP wirephoto from U. S. Navy)
Sixty-One Undergrads Make
All-A Records in Spring Term
Sixty-one University undergradu-
ates in six schools received all-A rec-
ords during the spring term, it was
announced yesterday.
In the College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, the following stu-
dents earned perfect records:
Lois E. Allison, Helen Anderson,
Lucille Barnes, Marjorie A. Beth-
une, Sally A.. Boim, Morris Born-
stein, William G. Calkins, Ruth
Collins, Janet L. Cork, Robert M.
Epstein, Dorothy Eyke, Thomas J.
Ferraro, Alice A. Fleming, Mar'y 0.
Gilbertson, Jane A. Grothaus, Bet-
ty and June Harris.
Mary H. Hovey, Harriet Jameson,
Miriam Levy, Norma S. Levy, Ger-
aldine H. London, William R. Mc-
Donnell, Robert McWilliams, Bev-
erly Moultonr William J. Mullen-
dore, Elinor L. Moxness, Margaret
Myers, Robert M. Page, Deborah Par-
ry, Helen J. Perry, Mary M. Quiatt,
Janice Richardson, and Elizabeth
Lucy G. Ruddell, Lenamyra
Saulson, Gretel Schinnerer, Mar-
ian Schnee, Shirley M. Schwartz,
Kenneth W. Scott, Helen Simp-
son, Sarah Smythe, Katherine E.
Stasewich, Eleanor A. Stewart,
Florence Tucker, Edith M. VanAn-
'Ensian Editors
Are Announced
Florence Kingsbury, managing edi-
tor of the Michiganensian, has an-
nounced the following appointments
for the 1946 Michiganensian.
The art editor will be Ruth Eber-
hardt, '46, who has been on the
'Ensian staff for two semesters. She
is majoring in advertising art in the
College of Architecture and Design.
Marjorie Elmer, '46, with two se-
mesters experience on the 'Ensian,
was chosen photography editor. Pre-
vious work with the Ford Motor
Company and the yearbook of Bowl-
ing Green State University are also
in her experience.
The senior editors are Joan Roth-
man, '47, and Lolelei Nierman, '47,
both members of Sigma Delta Tau
sorority and both with two semesters
as 'Ensian Junior Editors.
The junior editors are Estelle
Klein, Jean Griese, William Gillman
and Ruth Elconin.
del, Marjorie L. VanEenam, Mar-
tha E. Weig, David Wend, Har-
riet B. Wilson, Leston Wolfson,
and Jane A. Zabel.
Charles W. Moore, enrolled in the
College of Architecture and Design,
received a perfect record as did Mary
E. Alexander in the School of Educa-
In the School of Forestry and Con-
versation two students earned rall-
A's-Eduardo Torricelli, and Robert
Jeanette M. Hainen and Vir-
ginia M. Smith, received perfect
grades in the School of Music. Miss
Haien has received two Hopwood
literary awards and is an accom-
plished pianist.
In the School of Public Health,
Robert M. English, Eli nH. Silsby,
and Charles Williams, received simi-
lar grades.
Alfred B. Ueker
Appointed, U'
Personnel Man
rT'o Head Reorganized
Business Department
Appointment of Alfred B. Ueker,
former member of the War Manpow-
er Commission advisory committee,
as University non-academic person-
nel officer, was announced yesterday.
Ueker, a graduate of the University
of Wisconsin and Marquette Univer-
sity, will head a reorganized and ex-
panded department under the Bui-
ness Office.
He will combine duties of the dis-
banded University Personnel Com-
mittee, the Building and Grounds
Department, and other- departments.
Eventually, personnel work for the
entire University non-acadeniic staff
will be under Ueker's direction.
From 1937-40, Ueker served as as-
sistant chief inspector for a gasoline
engine manufacturer, serving as in-
structor in electrical engineering in
its evening technical school division.
From 1940-43, he was director of
education for a Detroit automotive
parts manufacturer and supervised
the training of executive, production,
and technical personnel in Detroit
Britons Vote
For Leaders
Returns Not Reported
Until Counted July 26
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 5 -Great Britain
chose a new government today to
finish the war with Japan and to lay
the foundations for the peace to
come, but the result will not be
known for three weeks.
The election was orderly and quiet,
in sharp contrast to the rancor of
one of the bitterest campaigns in
Voters decided whether their im-
mediate future would be shaped by
the free enterprise system advocated
by Prime MinisterChurchill andthe
Conservatives, or by the Labor Party
with its announced goal of a "social-
ist commonwealth of Great Britain."
The ballots will not be counted un-
til July 26, after the service vote is
returned from all the battlefronts.
The results are expected to be an-
nounced about noon that day.
The world watched the election for
an indication of whether Europe's
postwar political pendulum would
swing to the left or the right.
In one of the last speeches of the
stormy campaign, Churchill asserted
that defeat of his Conservative "care-
taker" government would cast many
European countries into Commun-
Churchill himself, like thousands
of others, was unable to vote because
his name was left off the register.
The mixup and confusion resulted
from enemy bombing and the shift-
ing of wartime populations.
Mrs. Churchill, however, cast her
ballot, and the waiting crowd outside
shouted "Good Luck, Winnie" when
she appeared.
American Army
Has Control of
HOESCHT, Germany, July 5-(P)--
In a sudden move today the Ameri-
can Army seized complete control of
the management, assets and plants
of the vast I. G. Farbenindustrie in
the United States zone of Occupied
Germany and set in motion machin-
ery intended to wipe out for all time
the German ability to wage war.
Acting under General Order No. 2,
issued by Lt. Gen. Lucius Clay as
Deputy Military Governor, armed
American troops marched simultane-
ously into 24 Farben plants at 6 p. m.
and assumed control of properties
which had played a great part in
building up and maintaining the Ger-
man war machine.
The action was taken to smash
I. G. Farbenindustrie's worldwide
cartel system and practices and break
up the industry's war making power,
which the United States Group Con-
trol Council considers a "major
threat to the peace and security of
.1 _ - .1.1,. .: 17o n - n - ~ no - -
her up even when all power and com-
munication were lost."
Remains at Battle Station
Lt. Capps remained at his battle
station in the combat information
center until lights and power failed.
He then proceeded to the forward
guns and helped direct manual con-
trol fire. En route to the guns, one
of the suicide planes crashed near
him, knocking him down. Other per-
sonnel pulled him out from under the
plane's tail.
Despite injuries, he later took con-
trol of the fire fighting parties and
has been named "directly responsi-
ble for cool effective results by top-
side personnel in extinguishing firesc
throughout amidships."
Married to Ann Arbor Girla
Lt. Capps is married to the formerr
Barbara Smith of Ann Arbor in 1943.a
They both attended the University of
Missouri, Lt. Capps going on tot
Annapolis with Mrs. Capps takingt
post-graduate work at Yale Univer-
The 26-year-old naval officer, ex-
pected here Tuesday, has been on ac-
tive sea duty for four years and wast
attached to the destroyer Cushing
on Dec. 7, 1941. The Cushing hast
since been sunk, but Lt. Capps wasI
not aboard when she went down.
He is the son .of Prof. and Mrs.t
A. G. Capps of Columbia, Mo. Prof.z
Capps is on the University of Mis-..
souri history faculty.
Spaatz To Head;
Strategic Air
Force in Pacific
To Serve in Same
Role as in Europe
WASHINGTON, July 5-(A)-The
man who directed the smashing of
Germany from the air today was as-
signed to do the same thing to Japan.
The War Department announced
an expansion of the Air Command
set-up in the Pacific, placing Gen.
Carl A. Spaatz in charge of the B-29s
now levelling Nippon's cities and
softening the enemy home islands
for invasion.
The red-haired, poker-playing
Spaatz, now in Washington for con-
ferences, will be commander of the
U. S. Army strategic air force in the
Pacific. ,
It is the same type of job he had in
the Mediterranean Theatre, in Great
Britain and in Europe, an assignment
that gravitated naturally to this most
ardent disciple of strategic bombing
in the Air Corps.
Spaatz' headquarters for the step-
ped-up bombing of Papan was not
100th Birthday
Mrs. Henry Otto, born in Hesse,
Germany, in 1845 and a resident
of Ann Arbor since 1872, will cele-
brate her 100th birthday tomorrow
at her home, 558 S. Fifth Ave.
Mrs. Otto has 15 grandchildren,
22 great grandchildren, and sev-
en great-great grandchildren.
Musicians Ash
End To Fight
INTERLOCHEN, Mich., July 5-(AP)
~-A new note was struck at this Na-
tional MicC famn hv nearly 1.000
Aussies Take
Airfield Near
Steady Drive Closes
On Pandansari Fields
By The Associated Press
MANILA (Friday) July 6--Austral-
ian Seventh Division troops have
captured Manggar Airfield, 10 air-
line miles northeast of Balikpapan
and the second taken in the area
since Sunday's invasion of that Bor-
neo area, Gen. Douglas MacArthur
announced today.
Other Australian forces, advancing
inland in a steady drive, penetrated
the Japanese defenses in, the Pan-
dansari oil refinery area northeast of
Balikpapan, MacArthur disclosed.
Land and carrier-based American
and Australian planes maintained
their close support of ground opera-
tions, while the fleet offshore con-
tinued its shelling of Japanese inland
The main enemy force was in re-
treat up the coast, under tank and
artillery pressure, toward the tidal
marches and the last Japanese-held
Al field in Borneo.
A smaller enemy force apparently
was abandoned to its fate in the
northern refinery district of virtual-
ly liberated Balikpapan.
These Japanese troops were being
engulfed by three encircling Austral-
ian columns, which with similar en-
veloping tactics had seized the heart
.f the vital Borneo port and all its
dock area.
Mine sweepers plied the excellent
anchorage of Balikpapan Bay, clear-
ing the waters so Allied ships could
unload supplies and take off rubber
and other raw material.
French Film
To Be Shown
At Rackliam
The French film, "L'Orage," star-
ring Charles Boyer and Michele Mor-
man will be shown at 8:30 p.m. EWT
(7:30 p.m. CWT) tonight and tomor-
oow in the Rackham Auditorium.
This is the first on the program
,f foreign cinema productions to be
,rought to campus under the spon-
orship of the Summer Session office.
.1o admission will be charged and all
films will be supplemented with Eng-
lish titles.
Henri Bernstein's story concerns
he love affair of Andre Pascaud, a
,rilliant engineer living near Mar-
seille, played by Boyer, and Fran-
,oise, an irresistible Parisian played
by Miss Morgan. In the end Fran-
aoise sacrifices herself and leaves
Pascaud forever so that he will re-
turn to his altruistic but suffering
wife, Gisele. The audience is left
with a question similar to "Gone
With the Wind," will he return to
his wife?
Other characters concerned in the
plot are Gisele's brother. Gilbert,
who is the unwitting medium in the
union of Pascaud and Francoise, and
Mr. Mortimer, another lover of Fran-
coise who returns at an awkward
time from the Sudan where he had
gone to make a fortune for Fran-
Stevens To Speak
On Discrimination
. . . resigns from cabinet
seersucker suit and green necktie,
opened the news conference with a
wave of Reichsmarshal Goering's
ivory baton, encrusted with gold and
diamonds. It was presented to the
president by Lieut. Gen. Alexander
Patch, commander of the 7th Army,
who took Goering into custody.
He quickly jumped into a series of
announcements, starting with the ap-
pointments of Edward C. Moran Jr.,
of Maine, as assistant Secretary of
Labor, and Jesse M. Donaldson, a
long-term career man in the post-
moster general's department, as first
assistant to PMG Robert Hannegan.
Today: The Summer Session of-
fice will present the
French film "L'Orage" at
8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30
p.m. CWT) in Rackham
Auditorium. Admission is
Today The Newman Club will
give its first party of the
summer from 7:30 to 9:30
p. m. EWT (6:30 to 8:30
CWT) in the clubrooms
in St. Mary's Chapel.
SOIC Will Hold Rally Honoring Gorre
A mass rally to welcome back to
campus Jack Gore, who attended
the Washington Youth Conference
July 2 and 3, will be held at 7:30
p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT)
Thursday, the location to be desig-
( nr who iust returned to Ann
Student Service Fund for the adop-
tion of any other university in the
world. These organizations, he said,
have the shipping priorities necessary
for the despatching of the goods
needed for the rehabilitation of a
Memhrs of the nuncil. whn are
the entire student body, and a re-
port by Gore on the Washington
Youth Conference.
Persons who signed up for com-
mittee work last semester will be con-
tacted by the temporary chairmen to
begin work immediately toward real-
ization of one of the organizations