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August 22, 1945 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-22

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Doolittle Airmen Lost in Tokyo Raid Rescued
By U. S. Parachutists in Jap-Occupied Peiping

Veterans Continue Studies
By Correspondence Courses

Japs Charge Rescue
Team With Murder
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, Aug. 21-Four of
the lost airmen who bombed Tokyo
in the historic raid led by Lt. Gen.
James H. Doolittle in April, 1942,
have been rescued by a daring Amer-
ican team which dropped from the
Lyrnes -O)Ks
Job Legislation
b rinciple
Vets Administrator
Bradley Says Nothing
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21-Legisla-
tion through which the government
would seek to guarantee jobs for all
was endorsed in principle today by
Secretary of State Byrnes but Gen-
eral Omar Bradley, the new veterans
administrator, declined to commit
"While I have not had the time
carefully to study the detailed pro-
visions of the bill, I am in hearty
accord with its general principles,"
Byrnes declared in a statement read
for him by Dr. Willard C. Thorp to
a Senate banking subcommittee.
"It would provide mechanism
through which the nation's plans for
the maintenance of employment
would be developed. Its enactment
would demonstrate to the other na-
tions of the world, in a dramatic
way, that this country is determined
to prevent depression and to elim-
inate mass unemployment."
Declines to Comment
Earlier,General Bradley, still wear-
ing his four star uniform, had de-
cline to express either approval or
disapproval of- the bill, designated
as "The Full Employment Act of
"Even if it were appropriate to do
so, I would not feel qualified to state
whether the bill would accomplish
the purpose for which it is intended
or whether, from the political and
economic aspect, it would be desir-
able," he told a Senate banking sub-
"Nor am I advised as to whether
it accords with the financial program
of the President."
Truman Endorses Principle
President Truman himself has en-
dorsed the principle of the bill and
has put the subject on the White
House "must list" for action after
Congress reconvenes in the fall.
Setting a quick pace at the start
of hearings slated to continue
August 31, the committee heard three
other witnesses before lunch-Omar
Ketchum, legislative representative
of the Veterans of Foreign Wars;
Millard W. Rice, national service
director of the Disabled American
Veterans, and Charles G. Bolte,
chairman of the American Veterans
Committee which is made up of men
who served in World War II.
One Unqualified Endorsement
All of them, of course, were in
favor of jobs for everybody who
wants to work, but only Bolte gave
an unqualified endorsement of the
measure at hand.
It proposes that each year the
President shall make out what
amounts to a national job budget,
estimating the amount of money that
government in the ensuing year, the
will be spent by private business and
number of jobs that spending should
provide, and any deficit of employ-
ment in prospect. If the figures in-
dicated there would not be enough
work for everybody who wanted it,
the government would step in with
various aids, including a program of
useful public works.
All such spending would be sub-
ject to Congressional appropriations.

,* *
D etroit Unemployed
Number 200,000
DETROIT, Aug. 21-(AP)-Cancel-
lation of war contracts sent thous-
ands of additional idle workers in
search of new jobs or unemplowment
compensation today while many oth-
ers were reported leaving for their
homes in other states.
A spokesman for the Michigan Un-
employment Compensation Commis-
sion estimated that 50,000 men and
women had joined the ranks of De-
troit's unemployed in - the last 24
hours, bringing the total since the
beginning of. cutbacks to about 200,-
Lineups began appearing at MUCC
and United States Employment Ser-
vice offices early this morning, many
of the idle bringing stools, reading
matter or knitting with them to re-
lieme their period of waiting. Some
of the lines extended seven blocks
by the time the offices opened.

skies on Japanese-occupied Peiping,t
it was announced today.a
Even as the news of their rescue
was radioed to Chungking, it appear-c
ed that arrival here of another Amer-r
ican soldier-hero, Lt. Gen. Jonathans
M. Wainright, was being delayed byt
Japanese in the Mukden area whor
were possibly fearful of doing any-i
thing that might get them into diffi-r
culties with the Russians.,
Miuder iarge
A parachute team sent by the Of-I
fice of Strategic Services liberatede
the four fliers, who had been charged
by the Japanese with murder. Theirc
names were withheld pending noti-t
fication Qf their next of kin.
The message radioed here said ther
fliers now were in the Grand Hotell
De Peking, and were receiving theI
best care possible. One is in such
serious condition from beri beri, ant
oriental disease causing swelling, par-1
alysis and general dropsy, that he
will be unable to travel by air. He1
is receiving "supportive" medical care,1
the message added.<
Possibly Sole Survivorst
It was possible that the four were<
the sole survivors of eight Tokyo
raiders whose capture was disclosed
Quisling Loses
Denies Guit
By The Associated Press
OSLO, Norway, Aug. 21-Vidkun
Quisling, stuttering and nervous,
whispered a hoarse "no" today to a
question from presiding Judge Eik
Solem whether German Admiral Er-
ich Raeder had asked him to "betray
your country."
At first the pale defendant, on trial
for his life on charges of treason,
muttered "I cannot remember."
The judge reprimanded him sharp-
ly, then demanded: "Answer yes or
Negative Reply
Quisling finally dragged out his
negative reply, but he never again
regained the composure he had ex-
hibited earlier in the day.
Both the judge and prosecutor An-
naeus Schjoedt flayed him mercilessly
about his alleged relations with Ger-
man officials before the invasion of*
The prosecutor presented new doc-
uments he said were taken from Ger-
man archieves, and which he asserted
proved that Quisling had participated
in planning the Nazi invasion of Nor-
way. One document showed that
Quisling gave specific military infor-
mation about Oslo fjord fortifications
and warned against Norway's torpedo
batteries, the prosecutor added.
Could Raeder Misunderstand?
The judge inquired, "could Raeder
misunderstand you to such an extent
as to count on your cooperation when
Norway was to be attacked?"
Quisling did not answer.
Schjoedt asserted that a letter
found in Quisling's home written to
Hitler expressed regret that "blood
was spilled during the invasion of
Norway. I would rather have seen a
realization of my plan for action in
Then the prosecutor asked Quisling,
"what plan?"
Norse-German Settlement
"That was a peace action arranging
a peaceful settlement between Nor-
way and Germany," said Quisling.
"This was destroyed by Norwegian
Quisling admitted sending a tele-
gram to Hitler during the exciting
days of April, 1940.
"Hitler was enraged by Norwegian
opposition and I hoped to soothe
him," said Quisling.
"Do you think the German rage
was justified or called for?" the judge
"Well, yes," Quisling answered, "I

thought the attitude of Norwegians
was wrong and dangerous."
Nine Killed In
'Salute' Sinking
Nine crew members were killed and
two officers and eight enlisted men
were injured in the sinking of the
minesweeper Salute, June 8, the
Navy reported today.
Loss of the vessel was announced
June 26.
The Salute had swept 143 Japanese
mines from enemy harbor entrances
during extensive pre-invasion op-
erationl before the 144th sent her
to the bottom of Brunei Bay.
The vessel collided with a shallow
contact mine three miles off the
Japanese-held coast of Borneo. The
explosion lifted the vessel out of the
water and tossed survivors six feet
in the air above the main deck. A
hole was blasted through the center
of the ship.

by the War Department more than
a year after the raid.
President Roosevelt announced that
on March 12, 1943, the U. S. Govern-
ment had learned through neutral
sources that the death penalty had
been pronounced on the captured air-
men after their trial and severe pun-
ishment. The sentence was com-
muted for some and carried out for
others, the President said.
The raid, led by Lt. Gen. (then
Lt. Col.) James H. Doolittle, was stag-
ed on April 18, 1942.
Another rescue team, similar to the
one which found the Tokyo airmen,
dropped into Mukden where Wain-
wright was held prisoner, on Aug. 16.
The Russians announced capture of
Mukden yesterday.
Russian Arrival Assures Safety
Officials here believed arrival of
the Russians assured final safety of
Allied prisoners.
Word was received also that seven
American prisoners of war who were
held in prison at Peiping on a charge
of attempted escape were transferred
to the Wagons Lits Hotel, along with
another American prisoner from
Tsinan in Shantung province. An
additional four American prisoners
were found at Fengtai, near Peiping.
Headquarters of Lt. Gen. Albert C.
Wedemeyer said 317 civilian internees
were located in Peiping, and that all
were comfortably quartered and "ex-
cept for minor inconveniences, are
in good conditions."
Enlisted Men
With 75 Points
ill Stay Here
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21-As pro-
tests over dispatch of combat veter-
ans to the Pacific reached the White
House, it was learned today that the
War Department has ordered that no
enlisted man with 75 or more dis-
charge points be sent overseas, un-
less he volunteers.
In addition, the ground forces has
ruled that no enlisted man - except
a volunteer - shall be sent abroad
if he is 37 or older. The ground for-
ces include all troops except those
in the service and air forces.
Charles G. Ross, Presidential sec-
retary, said the Wite House had
referred to the War Department a
telegraphic protest from 580 mem-
bers of the 95th Division, which saw
combat in Europe, against being sent
to the Pacific for occupational duty.
Beyond that, Ross would not com-
ment. The 95th now is at Camp
Shelby, Miss.
While the War Department's ban
against sending 37-year-olds and
older men abroad applies only to
the ground forces, it was learned the
Department is considering applying
it to all branches of the Army.
The point score for discharge from
the Army is now 85 and a new, low-
er score is yet to be determined.
/, * * *
Coast Guard Begins
Discharge Pro grai
Coast Guard announced today it has
begun a discharge program which is
expected to return the service to a
peacetime basis within ten months.
This will reduce the number of
officers and enlisted personnel from
the present 172,384 to 34,900.
Based on the Navy's point system,
the Coast Guard's de-mobilization
plans call for a return of Coast
Guardsmen and SPARS to civilian
life at the rate of 13,800 a month,
and retention within the United
States of all officers and men lack-
ing three or fewer points for dis-
Retain Controls,

King Advises
Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King said
tonight "No matter how altruistic
we ,are as a nation, we can never af-
ford to let our national security de-
pend solely on the good will of other
In a talk prepared for the "Navy
Iour" broadcast by the National
Broadcasting Company, the Chief of
Naval Operations said, "We must re-
tain control of the sea and all areas
vital to our defense."


wright reads the newspaper story of the liberation of her husband, the
lieutenant general held prisoner by the Japanese since Corregidor's
fall. She resides at Skaneateles, N. Y.
Course Revised When Proven
TS t
To, B '041Stuff' to Chris

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a
series of articles entitled, "What the
University Is Doing for the World War
II Veteran."
World War II veterans throughout
the country are remaining "an act-
ive part of the University" through
one of the most extensive study pro-
grams in the nation, that of the Cor-
respondence Study Department.
Offering courses by mail ranging
from anatomy to zoology, the Corre-
spondence Study Department of the
Extension Service rendered an in-
valuable service to GI's during the
war. It will continue its comprehen-
sive program for World War II vet-
80 Courses Offered
Officially added to the Extension
Service in 1942, the Study Depart-
ment offers more than 80, courses,
and services well over 1,500 'students'
in Michigan alone-housewives, war
workers, hospital patients, profes-
sional men-anyone "who wants to
To the returning veteran this
means that whatever occuption he
follows, he "can go to college" with-
out actually coming to Ann Arbor and
formally enrolling here at the Uni-
Veterans confined to hospitals can
learn while they recover.
Polio Victim
If you're skeptical-take the case
of the 17-year-old infantile paraly-
sis victim, confined to bed in a
frame, without the use of his arms.
He studies through correspondence.
His work comes into the Ann Ar-
bor office typed. Investigation on
the part of staff members revealed
that he taps the typewriter keys with
a pencil held in his teeth.
" Patients at the Ingham County,
Howell, and Detroit Tuberculosis San-
itoria are taking correspondence
courses, and a blind girl elected cor-
respondence courses, having the work
read to her.
Age No Barrier
Age provides no barrier for the vet-
eran who wishes to elect correspond-
ence courses. The Study Depart-

ment has had students ranging from
16 to 71 years old.
For the hundreds of veterans who
took correspondence courses while in
fox holes on the fighting fronts, the
University, through its Correspond-
ence Study Department, proved its
These men and any other vets in-
terested in courses by mail, may ob-
tain information concerning the Cor-
respondence Department program by
writing or calling the Department in
Ann Arbor.
H~cHale Electred
Citiens ' Schoo
Committee Head
Prof. Cecil J. McHale of the de-
partment of library science was elec-
ted president of the Citizens' School
Committee at its annual meeting
Monday in the League.
Another professor, Wesley H.
Maurer of the journalism depart-
ment, was elected vice-president;
Harold M. Logan, secretary; and
Howard W. Beatty treasuer.


What does a professor do when he
finds that the students who enrolled
for his course already know what hea
planned to teach them?
This problem -was faced at the be-
ginning of the summer session by
Prof. G. F. Voegelin, who expected
that in Anthropology 181 (Field
Methods in Linguistics) he would
teach the fundamentals of recording
and analyzing a living tongue from
the speech' of native speakers.
No Knowledge of Turkish
The students who enrolled for the
class, it was true, did not know Turk-
ish, the language selected for study
this summer; however, it turned out
that they did know from previous
study most of the principles of field
linguistics the teaching of which was
the chief object of the course. Tak-
ing advantage of the knowledge his
students already possessed, Prof.
Voegelin passed quickly over the dis-
covering of the sounds of Turkish
and its ways of word-formation.
Mangle, Too,
Has To Be Fed
If you have never been in a laun-
dry, you wouldn't know that a man-
gle needs to be fed; only instead of
counting its calories and eating fudge
sundaes on the side, it subsists on a
diet of steam dried clothes.
The mangle, in case you haven't
already guessed, is a large pressing
machine which receives clothes on
the end of their journey through the
University laundry.
First the clothes, which comprise
dormitory linen, hospital wash and
towels from other parts of the Uni-
versity, ar received at the unloading
dock. Then they are placed in huge
washing machines in back of the
After the clothes have been thor-
oughly sterilized, they are steam
dried in large round cage-lige ma-
chines and then carried on a pulley
to tables.
The next operation, which has
been performed by coeds and high
school students in recent years, is
to shake the cfothes out and hang
them on poles. Lastly, they are fed
to the hungry mangle, folded and
sent out.
Jimmy Stewart
Expected Home
INDIANA, Pa., Aug. 21-(P)-Col.
James Stewart, hero both of the
niotion pictures and World War II,
is expected to leave England Mon-
day for his return home, his mother,
Mrs. A. M. Stewart, disclosed to-
' "It's been a long wait for me-
two years," said Mrs. Stewart. "I
don't know whether he's going to
fly or come by ship."
The shy, .gangling celebrity who
entered the Army as a buck private
March 22, 1941, become operations
officer of a Liberator combat wing
which pounded key cities in Ger-
many. He has been awarded the
Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster,
the Distinguised Flying Cross, and
the Croix de Guerre with Palm.

which would ordinarily have taken
most of the time of the course, and
went on to a more difficult prob-
lem, the study of the syntax of the
While the main purpose of this
type of course is teaching the tech-
niques for approaching any language
under conditions which a field lin-
guist must face, rather than the as-
sembling of the new facts about the
particular language studied, it is the
opinion of several of Prof. Voegelin's
colleagues in the Linguistic Insti-
tute that he and his students have
succeeded in stating some of the
facts about the structure of Turk-
ish more concisely and systematic-
ally than in any treatise now avail-

Prof. Merwin H. Waterman, ecre-
tary of the School of Business Ad-
ministration, a member of the Board
in Control of Student Publications
and president +of the local Board of
Education, .spoke at the meeting, ex-
plaining, the three sections of the
general school law which is to be
adopted or rejected in the Sept. 10
school election.
Prof. Waterman said that he had
not discovered any loss the district
might suffer if the sections weib
adopted, since two of them would
clarify khe powers and duties of the
board of education and the responsi-
bilities of the school district. The
third section, he explained, would
change the annual school election
from the second Monday in Septem-
ber to thesecond Monday in June.
r ect nitod
Ending Today'

Dinner Call With a 22-Ton Tinkle
Do you realize that every day you are being called to dinner by a
22,600 pound dinner bell?
This bell is the largest in the Carillon tower collection and would be
a handy shelter to have in the rain because 12 people can stand under it
comfortably. Even the smallest bell, which measures about six inches
in diameter, would be enough to shield some of this season's hats.
Prof. Percival Price, the University carilloneur, showed a group of
students around the tower yesterday and also plucked out a few tunes on his
piano-like instrument. The keys are like wooden sticks, and Prof. Price lit-
erally bangs out his compositions with his fist, often using a great deal of
physical strength.
The visit came to an end when the hour struck, because most of the
students had forgotten to bring their earmuffs to the tower.

LOST: Keys on chain. Tuesday on
State street. Call Audrey, 24547.
LOST: Phi Kappa Phi key. Initials
M. J. K. on reverse. Please return
to Dental School or call 8260.
LOST: Eversharp pen and pencil in
red leather case in rear of woman's
League. Reward. Call 8994 or 26064.
LOST: Black prayer book with Mas-
sachusetts license on fly leaf. Con-
tact Freedman, 319 E. Williams.
ROOMS FOR RENT: 420 S. Division,
front suite for 2 men students.
Also single.

FOR RENT: Singles and suites for
ten girls for last eight weeks sum-
mer session. Half block from cam-
pus. Mrs. Wood, 725 Haven. Phone
weeks. Good food, reasonable
prices. Call Fritz Bade, Phi Delta
Theta, 2-4551.

Peggy Ann GARTER.

from 1lP.M.


Starts Today




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