See Page 6
Rent Control, Meat
oIHsQay Lower
WPB Says Nylon Stockings Will Be
Back by Thanksgiving, Radios by Xmas
Reds Seize
Five Cities
In Sakhalin
of Military
$y The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21-The Gov-
ernment unwrapped a big bundle of
news for American homes and busi-
ness today.
1. Your rent ceilings-if you live
in certain places-may come off very
soon. They'll go where wartime
swollen population dwindle. Not else-
where for months.
2. OPA indicated meat points
would be reduced, beginning next
month. Agriculture Secretary And-
Lend-Lease Aid
To Be Replaced
By Allied Loans
U. S. Plans 'i' Lend
Money for Purchases
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 - The
United States today formally turned
off the great Lend-Lease spigot, which
has poured a $40,000,000,000 torrent
of weapons and supplies into the anti-
Axis world.
In its place, the United States Gov-
ernment immediately, planned for
loans to war-stricken Allied countries
for purchases of American supplies.
Purpose Accomplished
The White House form,%4y called
off further operations pf Lend-Lease,
its purpose accomplised last week
by the surrender of Japan, last of the
Axis aggressors to fall.
President Truman directd cancel-
lation of all outstanding Lend-Lease
contracts, except where Allied gov-
ernments are willing to take themI
over or it is in this country's interest
to complete them.
Loans To Foreign Governments
Shortly afterward, Leo J. Crowley,
heid of the Foreign Economic Ad-
rnistration, .which -has -been .in
charge of Lend-Lease, set forth in a
news conference the arrangements
Under which loans may be made tot
foreign governments for purchases ofa
equipment and supplies in this coun-
In the four years and four monthsI
since Lend-Lease was set up at the
call of the late President Roosevelt
as a "total effort" to assure the
"total defeat" of the Axis, the Allied
world has been blanketed with more
than $40,000,000,000 of AmericanI
munitions, food and supplies of every
conceivable sort.t
ritatn VoicesI
Fear for Future
Standard of Life Bound
to Fall, Lyttelton Says
LONDON, Aug. 21-(A)-The ab-
rupt termination of Lend-Lease and4
a Parliamentary warning that with-<
out American aid the Empire's<
"standard of life is bound to fall,"c
tonight heightened Britain's concernI
over her economic future.
The admonition in the House of
Commons came from the former Con-
servative President of the Board of
Trade, Oliver Lyttelton, who said "If
you wish to obtain assistance from
the United States you must be careful
about the nasty things you say about,
private enterprise that will affront
American opinion."
This portion of his statement
brought loud laughter from the Labor,
side of the house.
But as the problems of peace con-
tinued to expose patches in Britain's
economic garments, a group of Unit-
ed States legislators and financial ex-
perts visiting in London en route to
the continent struck an optimistic
note. They appeared to agree that
American dollars must be employed
to bulwark the European economy in
order that full American employment
be maintained.
erson already had said meat rationing
would end soon.
Nylons By Thanksgiving
3. Nylon stockings will be back by
Thanksgiving, or at the latest by
Christmas. So says WPB. It re-
voked the order controlling produc-
tion of nylon and rayon.
4. Three and a half million radios
by Christmas-maybe. WPB says the
only limiting factor in making radios
from now on will be the supply of
5. The Government is considering
modifying credit controls, but not
wiping them out. This wold make
credit buying easier, but not as easy
as it was.
No Control on Building
6. Businessmen were told to build
all the new factories, plants and ad-
ditions they could. The Government
killed controls on the act of building
but kept controls on some materials,
like lumber.
7. In Detroit 280,000 CIO Auto
Workers were demanding a 30 per
cent wage increase, without waiting
for industry to get fully converted to
For Full Employment
8. Secretary of State Byrnes threw
his weight behind the "full employ-
nent" bill, which President Truman
wvants passed.
10. The salary stabilization unit-
which controlled white collar work-
ers' pay--faced early death. This
was good news for white collar work-
ers because it meant the raise limit
was practically off for them.
Bottleneeks May
Give Trouble
To IndiIstria lists
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Aug.21-There still
are bottlenecks in the way of deliv-
ery of that new refrigerator or range
or automobile despite the "green
light" given civilian manufacture.
Industrial observers agreed today
the War Production Board's relaxa-
tion of 210 restrictions on output has
loosed a competitive rush to produce.
This very competition may bring
an immediate problem.
The Research Institute of America,
Inc., private-fact-finding organiza-
tion, predicted such a flood of exag-
gerated and duplicate buying by
'manufacturers trying to assure them-
selves an adequate supply of material
that WPB will be forced "within the
next few days" to take action.
A drastic prohibition against place-
ment of two or more orders for the
same materials or components is ex-
pected, the Institute said, with fine or
jail sentences the penalty for con-
scious violation.
Another factor affecting the rush
to peacetime production is govern-
ment pricing policies. Some observ-
ers fear a reluctance to raise price
ceiling to coincide with wage and
other cost increases may cause aban-
donment of certain lines of manu-
Calling All Students
Interestod in 'Garg'
A call for students interested in
reviving Gargoyle, the campus mag-
azine which ceased publication soon
after the war started, was issued by
Robert Miller yesterday.
Those who might be interested in
working on the Gargoyle during the
fall term are asked to call Miller
at 2-6313.
Take Four Japanese
Cenerals in Manchuria
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 21 - Russia's Far
Eastern armies occupied five cities
on Japanese-owned southern Sak-
halin Island, lying 26 miles north of
the Japanese homeland, today and
seized four top-flight Japanese gen-
erals in their mop-up of Tokyo's
crack Kwantung army in Manchuria,
Moscow announced.
Marshal Alexander M. Vasilevsky's
Siberian soldiers continued their ad-
vance into Manchuria apparently
without opposition and were swarm-
ing over areas of the vast 503,013
square mile country where the Jap-
anese still were in control.
But over the entire Manchurian
and Sakhalin Island fronts, the last
Japanese hold-outs were giving up
and were surrendering en masse.
Moscow's brief communique an-
nounced that 52,000 Japanese officers
and men were rounded up yesterday
for a three-day total of more than
175,000 and, Moscow added, "the re-
ception of surrendeing units and
formations of the Kwantung army
President Will
Meet, Dc.Gaull e
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21-(P)-Gen.
Charles DeGaulle, provisional Presi-
dent of France, will arrive by plane
tomorrow to hold a get-acquainted
meeting with President Truman and
to bid for recognition of France as
a big power.
Extensive plans have been made by
American and French officials for
the visit of the tall general, who has
expressed a desire to "see more of
the United States" this time than he
did during his brief trip to see Presi-
dent Roosevelt in July, 1944.
Navy To Delay
Report onDec. 7
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 -()-
The Navy said today nothing would
be done about its report on Pearl
Harbor until the final surrender of
In response to inquiries as to
whether Secretary Forrestal had
acknowledged a request from Chair-
man Walsh (D-Mass.) of the Senate
Naval Affairs Committee, for its files
on its Pearl Harbor investigations,
the Navy said:
"Action with respect to the Pearl
Harbor report will be delayed until
negotations with Japan are an ac-
complished fact."
Local Attorney
Gets New Post
George R. Sidwell, local attorney
and staff attorney for the Michigan
Municipal League, will begin his ac-
tivities Sept. 1 as executive secretary
of the State Bar, it was announced
Sidwell, a 1935 graduate of the
University law school, will succeed
Albert E. Blashfield, who has resigned
to resume his law practice in Ann
Labor Mediation Board
Says Strikes Decreased
LANSING, Aug. 21 -()- The
State Labor Mediation Board said
that time lost in Michigan industry
due to strikes decreased during July
when 54 strikes, involving 33,075
workers occurred as compared with
65 strikes, affecting 93,064 employes
during June.
To Accompany Landing of First
Airborne Yanks in Japan, Sunday
Gen. MacArthur Silent
On cc pation .Set4IUp
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Wednesday, Aug. 22 -- Allied airborne troops will start the
occupation of Japan Sunday, the Nipponese government announced yes-
terday, and American sources said the Japanese would see the greatest
display of military power ever assembled off a foreign country.
The Japanese Imperial headquarters and Imperial government in a joint
communique said the airborne troops would land at Atsugi airfield 20 miles
southwest of Tokyo, with further landings Tuesday from warships and
transports on the Yokosuka area at the mouth of Tokyo Bay,
Domei, the Japanese
BOUQUET OF PEACE, FRIENDSHIP-One of the crewmen of the Jap
plane which brought emissaries to Ie Shima enroute to Manila (left)
stands beside the plane with a bouquet of flowers which he brought
from Japan as a token of "Peace and Friendship." Two emissaries
(right) hold their Samauri swords. American MWPs in background.
University Is One of Leading
Centers for Linguistic Study
The University pf Michigan is one
of the country's leading centers for
linguistic study and research.
The English Language Institute,
in a series of two-months intensive
courses, teaches English to students
whose native speech is some other
Goldman, K raft
Added to Daily
Senior Staff
Bob Goldman and Arthur Kraft
were appointed to positions on the
senior staff of The Daily for the fall
term by the Board in Control of
Student Publications, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
Goldman, who will be city editor,
is a junior, majoring in political
science. His home is in Detroit,
Mich., he is a member of Sigma Del-
ta Chi, national journalism fratern-
ity, and is Ann Arbor staff corres-
pondent for the Chicago Sun.
Kraft received his appointment as
associate editor. He is from New
York City, and is a senior majoring
in political science. He is also a
member of the Hillel Council.
Other members of The Daily senior
staff this fall will be Ray Dixon,
managing editor, Betty Roth, edi-
torial director and Margaret Farm-
er, associate editor.
Those who wish to try out for
the position of Daily columnist,
drama or music critic should sub-
mit samples of their writing to
Betty Roth, The Michigan Daily,
by Sept. 1.
language. At present special smpha-
sis is being given to the needs of
those whose native tongue is Spanish
or Portuguese. At the end of the
course the students, many of whom
knew no English whatsoever upon
coming to this country, are ready to
attend American university courses
conducted in English.
The Institute also engages in the
preparation of materials for teach-
ing English by the oral approach,
which is its own method of instruc-
tion. Opportunity is given to Eng-
lish-speaking ,tudents and to teach-
ers of English from other countries
to observe the methods of instruction
used. The director of the Institute
is Prof. Charles C. Fries, and head-
quarters are in the Rackham Build-
In cooperation with the Linguistic
Society of America, the University
has held during this past summer
session a Linguistic Institute, in
which leading scholars have offered
courses in phonetics and phonemics,
methods of language teaching, and
dialect geography, as well as courses
in various languages which are not
ordinarily obtainable in university
programs. It has also given several
elementary language courses to dem-
onstrate modern methods of language
The University is also engaged in
preparing two dictionaries. One of
them, the Middle English Diction-
ary, will give a more detailed pre-
sentation of the vocabulary of the
English language in the period from
1100 to 1475 than any dictionary
now available.
State Speeds
Aid to Jobless
LANSING, Aug. 21 --)- Thous-
ands of persons waiting in line to
apply for unemployment compensa-
tion as war factories shut down pro-
duction were assured by Governor
Kelly and the State Civil Service
commission today that everything
possible was being done to shorten
the lines.
In a statement released by the
Executive Office, Kelly asserted that
the Michigan Unemployment Com-
pensation Commission was opening
additional offices to receive the
claims of unemployed for idleness
benefits and that all offices would re-
main open until midnight if neces-
sary to process the claims.
Kelly said it was probable that the
broadcast the communique within 24
hours after Emperor Hiirohito's sur-
render envoys returned to Tokyo
from their conference at General
MacArthur's headquarters at Man-
ila. MacArthur remained silent on
occupation plans.
Air Operations Saturday
The communique said that air op-
erations would be started over Japan
Saturday, with the airborne land-
ings Saturday, and the entry early
Monday of "two Allied fleets" on
Sagami Bay, outside Tokyo Bay, with
"one unit entering Tokyo Bay if con-
ditions are favorable."
MacArthur already has announced
that the formal signing of surrender
terms will take place in the Tokyo
area by Aug. 30.
The Japanese communique said
that "in order to avoid any strife
arising from this landing" Nipponese
armed troops would be withdrawn
"as promptly as possible" from the
landing area south of Tokyo.
Limits of Withdrawal Area
Limits of the area for the with-
drawal of the Japanese troops were
described as follows:
"Within a line linking the east
bank of the Kamo-Gawa River,
Chiba City, the estuary of the Tam-
agawa River, Fuchu, Hachioji, Ot-
suki, and the southern end of Izu
Meanwhile, fighting in Manchuria
has virtually ended, with Russian
forces in possession of nearly all cit-
ies and strategic points. Nippon-
ese troops were surrendering to So-
viet units in Karafuto, southern half
of Sakhalin Island, only 26 miles
above the main northern Japanese
Island of Kokkaido.
But the Nipponese continued spor-
adic operations along the 300-mile
southeastern Burma front, and in
one instance British planes were
forced to break up a Nipponese force
which had surrounded guerilla units.
Japan's Envoys
In Chihkiang
To Surrender
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, Aug. 21-Japanese
surrender envoys arrived at Chih-
kiang today to arrange the capitula-
tion of all enemy forces in China,
while fears of civil war between Chi-
nese government and Communist for-
ces still oppressed this temporary cap-
The emissaries of Japanese Com-
mander-in-Chief Gen. Yasuji Oka-
mura landed at Chihkiang airstrip,
230 miles southwest of Chungking,
at 11:20 a. m. The party was headed
by Okamura's deputy chief of staff,
Gen. Kiyshi, and included two staff
officers, an interpreter and the pilot.
The Japanese had been picked up
over Changteh by three Allied escort
planes. The enemy plane flew red
The Japanese were scheduled to
hold immediate conferences with Gen.
Ho Ying-Chin, commander of China's
field forces, assigned by General-
issimo Chiang Kai-Shek to the task
of negotiating the total surrender of
Okamura's scattered armies.
Japs Hold Up
Order To Quit
LONDON, Wednesday, Aug. 22-
(0)-The Japanese Radio at Saigon,
Indo-China, said at 2:20 a. m. Brit-
ish time today (9:20 p. m. Tuesday
EWT) that headquarters of the Jap-
New Assistant
Secretary of
State Named
Frank McCarthy Will
Succeed J. C. Holmes
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 - Col.
Frank McCarthy of Richmond, Va.,
today was appointed an Assistant
Secretary of State.
He will succeed Julius C. Holmes,
who recently resigned as Assistant
Secretary in charge of Administrative
Col. McCarthy, whose nomination
by President Truman will be sent to
the Senate when it reconvenes, is a
reserve officer and has served as
Secretary of the Army General Staff
since Jan. 15, 1944.
He will revert to inactive reserve
status when he tapes over his new
jiob tomorrow in civilian clothes.
The new appointee graduated from
VMI in 1933 and was commissioned
a second lieutenant in the field ar-
tillery reserve.
He entered active military duty in
July, 1940, as first lieutenant in the
- office of the assistant army chief of
staff. He became assistant secretary
of the general staff in June, 1941, as
a liaison officer between the staff
and the White House. He became a
full colonel in Decenber, 1943.
R1ussia Sends
To Bulgaria
LONDON, Aug. 21---(P)--The Mos-
cow' Radio announced tonight an ex-
change of ministers between Russia
and the Communist-dominated Bul-
garian government which Britain
and the United States have refused
to recognize.
The radio said Stephen Pavlovich
Kirsanov, former Soviet advisor at
Sofia, was appointed Russian mini-
ster to Bulgaria and Professor Di-
mitri Mikhalchev, Bulgaria's former
political representative in Moscow,
was named Bulgarian minister to
Britain said she did not believe
that the elections in the Soviet-oc-
cupied country would be free under
present electoral law and conditions
and cited reports of the intimidation
of voters.
Lincoln Service
Will Be Held
Memorial services for the late
Prof. Joseph N. Lincoln, chairman
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages, will be held at 3:30 p. m.
EWT, Friday, at St. Andrews Epis-
copal Curch.
Prof. Lincoln died suddenly of -a
heart attack Aug. 8, at his home at
1005 Berlshire Rd.
The Rev. Henry Lewis will of-
ficiate at the services.
Bald To Speak
On War Records
"The University Collection of War
Records" will be the topic of a talk
by Dr. F. Clever Bald, University
War Historian, at a meeting of the
Japanese Are Told Facts of Surrender
Today University War Historian
Clever H. Bald will speak
on the "University'seolo-
lection of WarsRecords"
before a meeting of the
Veteran's Organization at
7:30 p. m. EWT in Lane
Today Prof. Zellig S. Harris of
By The Associated Press
Japanese down to the little man in
the street learned the cold facts of
surrender Tuesday, were warned
against wishful thinking and given
the sugar-coated pill that Allied terms
may be "somewhat lenient."
An Imperial announcement, broad-
cast by Tokyo, told the people for
the first time that their emperor had
sent surrender envoys to Manila to
learn the condidtions of capitula-
'Face Cold Facts'
warned against "wishful thinking"
and said the people should never for-
get "that we have been completely de-
Terms 'Somewhat Lenient'
That Allied surrender terms will be
"somewhat lenient" was the conclu-
sion reached by the semi-official Do-
mei News Agency in its analysis of
the Potsdam declaration, basis for
Japan's surrender.
As an indication of what it inter-
preted as leniency, Domei pointed
tain peaceful industries, have access
to raw materials and participate in
world trade.
Indications that the area of occu-
pation would be limited-"entirely
different from the total occupation as
carried out in Germany."
The Nippon Times and the Tokyo
Mainichi analyzed Japan's political
course, indicating a revival of poli-
tical activity following last Saturday's
decision of the country's wartime
totalitarian party-the political as-