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Coeds'War Rctivities Broadcast in Summer Series Daughter of 'U'
Suomynoncf To Air * * * Professor Is
Eleventh Program
War activities of University wome
have been dramatized over local st
tion WPAG during this last stlmm
of the war in a series of eleven radi
progratms, the last of which will t
heard Thursday.
Suomynona, an organization ne
last year, which automatically in
eludes all undergraduate indeper
dent women not living in a dormi
tory, league house, cooperative hous
of the Michigan League, has spon
scred the series which has bee
broadcast weekly at 2:15 p. m. EW'
Marjorie Baker, president of Suc
mynona, has written the scripts fc
"Michigan Women at War," pre
sented partly in dialogue form, tra
cing the part played by coeds i:
Michigan's transformation fror
peacetime to war.
Included in the programs were th
facts of how the peacetime Leagu
Council was replaced by the presen
Women's War Council, why the sys
tem of War Activities Work Sheet
was initiated and how the systen
The purpose of Suomynona wa
expressed by Mary Chernus, vice
president, who said, "Suomynona i
an organization whose purpose is t
enable all independent coeds livin
in private city residences to assembl
together and to coordinate their in.
terests and activities."
For Graduate
Work Offered
Scholarships providing tuition and
$100 a month for one year are now
being offered to qualified women by
the American Red Cross.
These scholarships provide for
either the first or second year of
graduate work in accredited schools
of social work, in preparation for em-
ployment with the Red Cross in
Home Service or Hospital Service.
College graduates who have had no
training in social work will take the
prescribed first year of graduate
training offered by schools of social
Students having already complet-
ed one year of graduate work in an
approved school of social work may
apply for scholarship to include the
second year of specialized training.
In either case, the applicant must
agree to a minimum of one year's
employment with the American Red
Crdss in the field of her choice after
she has completed the period of
The applicant must be from 21 to
40 years of age at the time she be-
gins her work under the scholarship
plan, a graduate of an accredited
college, and a citizen of the United
States. She must be eligible for ac-
ceptance by one of the accredited
schools of social work, the choice of
the school depending on her prefer-
erence and the ability of a given
school to accept scholarship stu-
At the end of a year of training,
women who received their scholar-
ships through Hospital Service will
be assigned to an Army or Navy hos-
pital as a hospital social worker.
Those who hove completed Home
Service scholarship training will be
assigned to the Home Service staff
of an American Red Cross chapter,
the location depending insofar as
possible on the geographical prefer-
ence expressed.
Further information may be re-
ceived from the Scholarship Office,
Midwestern Area, American Red
Cross, 1709 Washington Ave., St.
Louis, 3, Missouri.
Married in East
McKeever, Ensign Oeming
Engagement Is Announced
Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Dunham
r'". 7dilri
BROADCASTING THEIR WEEKLY PROGRAM on women's war activities, members of Suomynona and of
a broadcasting class are pictured above. They are: Roberta. Webb; Marjorie Baker, president of the organ-
ization of independent women; Marge Faraday, treasurer; Mary Chernus, vice-president; and Mary Ellen
Wood. Daily photograph by Marge Elmer.
( I
Ann Arbor announce the marriage
of their daughter, Ruth Patricia, to
Lt. Charles Miller II, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alphonse B. Miller of Philadel-
:hia. Pa.. at 2:30 p. m. Thursday,
Aug. £, at the Chestnut Hill Meet-
ing House, Philadelphia. After the
reception Mr. and Mrs. Miller en-
tea taihed the members of the two
families at a buffet supper.
The bride is a graduate of Uni-
versity High School, and has been
employed ot the American Friends
Service Committee offices in Phila-
delphia. Her father is professor of
ecrnunity organization, Institute of
Public and Social Administration.
Lt. Miller is a graduate of German-
town Friends School, Philadelphia,
and was a student at Princeton at
the time of his induction. After a
brief honeymoon, the young couple
will live at Fort Monmouth, N. J.,
where Lt. Miller will continue his
studies in the Army Signal Corps.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McKeever, of
Evanston, Ill., have announced the
engagament of their daughter, Mari-
lyn, to Ensign Joseph A. Oeming,
USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Oeming of Saginaw, Mich.
Miss McKeever is planning to
graduate from the University in
June, 1946, with a B. A. in speech.
She is a member of Alpha Phi soror-
ity, and a pledge of Zeta Phi' Eta,
national professional speech arts
fraternity for women.
Ensign Oeming attended Gen-
eral Motors Institute of Technology
and is a 1944 graduate of the Uni-
versi!y of Michigan Engineering Col-
lege. He is a member of Phi Gamma
Delta. Ensign Oeming received his
commission at the Columbia Mid-
shipmen's School. He is'now on ac-
tive duty in the Pacific.
Fabric Order Is
Revoked by WPB
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18-(/P)-The
War Production Board today an-
nounced revocation of its far-reach-
ing order earmarking most civilian
fabric for inexpensive clothing, effect-
ive October 1.
The chin-chin roller sailor
that's every girl s dream.
DOBBS-sized to your head.
(Continued from Page 4)
Bowen, Guest Conductor, will presen
concert Sunday afternoon, August
19, 1945, 3:15 p. m. CWT, in the
-Trand Rapids Room of the Michigan
League. Miss Helen Briggs will be
guest pianist on the program. The
Choir will be heard in compositions
by Bach, Gretchaninoff, Robertson
Palestrina and Steffe-Ringwald.
The general public is invited.
Student Recital Series: A string
quartet class will be presented Tues-
day, August 21, 1945, 7:30 p. m.
CWT, in the Rackham Assembly.
The class will be under the direction
: f Louise Rood, violist, and Robert
Swenson, cellist. Heard on the pro-
gram will be compositions by Haydn,
Brahms and Beethoven.
The public is cordially invited.
Choral Union Concerts: Concerts
will be given in the Sixty-seventh an-
nual Choral Union Series next season
as follows:
PAUL ROBESON, Baritone. Sat-
urday, Nov. 3.
Leinsdorf, Conductor. Sunday, Nov.
Monday, Nov. 19.,
JENNIE TOUREL, Contralto. Tues-
day, Nov. 27.
Jaroff, Conductor. Monday, Dec. 3.
TRA, Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor.
Monday, Dec. 10.
JASCHA HEIFETZ, Violinist. Fri-
day, Jan. 18.
TRA, Desire Defauw, Conductor.
Thursday, Jan. 31.
nesday, Feb. 13.
TRA, Karl Krueger, Conductor. Mon-
day, March 11.
Orders for season tickets, accom-
panied by remittance to cover, will
be accepted, and filed in sequences;
and selections made accordingly.
Ticket prices are as follows:
$15.60 (Block A, Patron Tickets).
Three center sections on main floor
and in first balcony.
$13.20 (Block B). Side sections on
both main floor and in first balcony.
$10.80 (Block C). First sixteen
rows in the top balcony
$8.40 (Block C). Last six rows in
the top balcony.
Remittances should be made pay-
able to University Musical Society,
and mailed to Charles A. Sink, Presi-
dent, Burton Memorial Tower, Ann
Student Recital: Hubert Fitch, pia-
nist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements of the
degree of Master of Music, Sunday,
August 19, 1945, 7:30 p. m. (CWT),
in Pattengill Auditorium of the Ann
Arbor High School. Mr. Fitch's pro-
gram will include compositions by
Schubert, Bach, Sowerby and Al-
mand. He is a pupil of JosephBrink-
The public is cordially invited.
String Quartet Class, under the di-
rection of Louise Rood, violinist, and
Robert Swenson, cellist, Tuesday,
The "New Look" in college fash-
ions is making headlines this fall,
and why shouldn't it? After treat-
ing the college woman for years as
a gadding clothes-horse, designers
have finally recognized her as an
s adult woman to whom clothes are
important but of secondary interest.
The entire attitude can be summed
up in one word, utility. Stylists have
watched and learned from the Amer-
ican college girl. They have noticed
that comfort is the primary requis-
ite in dress, and that durability runs
a close second. They have seen her
prefer the classic tailored dresses,
suits and coats, good wool sweaters,
and practical fiatering skirts for
more than a generation.
' Designers, this year, have con-
sidered all these facts, and have
decided that maybe the college girl
=s right after all in her choice of
attire. Consequently, the "New
Look" has emerged. Instead of
pushing a new style of dress, fash-
ion makers have merely revamped
the old, making it even more wear-
able and attractive.
Instead of size forty plus sweaters.
the know-how gal will wear smooth
neat sweaters. If she really wants
to be up to date, she'll tuck 'em in
and finish it all off with a wide
leather belt. Chances are that the
change will be most noticeable on
eastern campuses, since mid-west
fashion is reputedly a year or two
behind. But nevertheless, it will
The sweater blouse of wool jer-
sey which made its bow last year
is an even more potent force in the
present picture. This style sold it-
self because it was a change from
sweaters, and better as an under-
suit blouse. Shirtband collars and
rolled necklines mark the new edi-
tion, and gold and silver snake chain
chokers are the perfect finish.
Kilts and wrap-around skirts
August 21, 1945, 7:30 p. m. CWT,
Rackham Assembly.
Clements Library. Japan in Maps
from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854).
Architecture Building. Student
Michigan Historical Collections,
160 Rackham Building. The Uni-
versity of Michigan in the war.
Museums Building, rotunda. Some
foods of the American Indian.
(Continued on Page 3)
General Library, main corridor
cases: History of the efforts toward
world peace.
Coming Events
Operetta. "Naughty Marietta" by
victor Herbert and Rita Johnsn
Young. School of Music and Michi-
gan Repertory Players, Department
of Speech. Monday, 7:30 p. m. CWT
or 8:30 p. m. EWT. Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
Lecture. "Interpreting the News,"
Professor Preston W. Slosson. Tues-
day, 3:10 p. m. CWT or 4:10 p. m.
EWT. Rackham Amphitheatre. Aus-
pices of the Summer Session.
proved a boon to dawn patrollers
struggling valiantly to make their
eight o'clock three days a week be-
cause donning them was so easy.
As a result, you can choose any
style wrap-around that suits your
figger, pleated, plain, or dirndl,
plaid, checked, or solid color.
Kleig light make-up, made pop-
ular by seductive pancake ads, is
out completely. Rely on your own
complexion to pull you through, and
keep lipstick and powder clear and
fresh if you want to look naturals
(which IS the way you want to look).
No college girl can help but con-
cede to the new look. It is the way
she has wanted to look since she
was first herded through orienta-
tion. She looks, and is, comfortable,
her clothes are practical and versa-
tile. And she wears them with the
air of a woman who knows she has
special responsibilities that she is
capable of meeting,
?"°; =.
,_;: r:>
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ci ~
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t " j,; '; , .;
For The
Plunging Neckline
Alphabet Bra
For the new brief clothes, a
bra that is designed to support
Exchtsive with us
r a
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on the
You've been dreaming about sweaters
like these! Soft as clouds . . . they're in
pure Scotch wool. Hand-fashioned ... the
colors, out of this world shades of coral,
aqua, blue, yellow and grey, as well as
take cover aQfter cover
For August, Jaunty Junior coups the front cover
of Charm. It's part and parcel of the repeated
ovations these young, vivacious styles
merit from the leading fashion authorities of the
country. Be sure to see this beautiful, brilliantly
tailored suit in full color on Charm's August
cover. We have it for you in a fine all-wool
Sizes 9-15. 29.95
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