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August 19, 1945 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-19

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House Naval Committee Reco mends U' S.
Retain Ownership of Some Pacific Islands
France, Australia, Great Britain Now ity of the western hemisphere and
Have Claims to Some of Named Territory the peace of the Pacific, the United
States should have at least dominat-
By The Associated Pressrh
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18--Outright retention by the United States rng conltiol over the former Japanese

U. S.Civil Service Promises
Veterans Job Opportunities

of a group of Pacific Islands, including some now claimed by France,
Australia and Great Britain, was recommended today by a House Naval
They must be kept as Naval and military bases if the United States
is to assume responsibility for keeping peace in the Pacific, the committee
-asserted in a report made public by

Reuther Asks
General Motors
To' Raise Wages
30 Per Cent Increase
Demanded by Union
By The Associated Pressk
DETROIT, Aug. 18 - Walter P.
Reuther, vice-president of the Unitedi
Automobile Workers (CIO) disclosed
today that he had forwarded to Gen-
eral Motors Corporation a demand
for a 30 percent wage increase for
300,000 unionized automobile workers
in the corporation's plants through-
out the country.
Reuther, who is director of the
UAW's General Motors Department,
indicated, that the demand upon
General Motors may be the forerun-
ner of similar action throughout the
Letter to Wilson
In a letter to C. E. Wilson, presi-
dent of General Motors, he proposed
that Wilson take the initiative in
bringing about a conference looking
to an industry-wide application of
the wage increase. In that case,
Reuther said, the demandtupon Gen-
eral Motors would be withdrawn in
favor of the industry-wide negotia-
The union leader pointed out in
his letter to Wilson that under a
new government policy, wage in-
creases are permissible provided they
do not necessitate increases in prices.
'"The profit and reserve position
of General Motors," he asserted,
"provides ample margin for absorp-
tion of the wage adjustment with-
out necessitating price increases.,,
GM Profits
Reuther asserted that General
Motors had made "tremendous" pro-
fits during the war period and said
that labor productivity had increased
The demand for a 30 per cent wage
increase, he said, is necessary to
maintain take-home pay of the work-
ers which has dropped 30 per cent
by a reduction of the work week
from 48 hours to 40 hours.
Witness Testifies
To Accepting Bets
Edward Howard, clerk for a local
cigar store, testified in municipal
court Friday that he had accepted
bets on horses from customers and
had placed the money from these
wagers on the desk of Wilson Haight,
proprietor of the store.
Howard was serving as a witness for
the State at the hearing of Haight,
who is charged with maintaining
and operating a gambling establish-
ment at 118 E. Huron St.

Chairman Vinson (Dem.-GA.).
Based on Inspection rp
The report, 300 pages long, was
based on a 21,000-mile inspection trip
made by a subcommittee composed of
Representatives Izac (Dem.-Calif.), I
Biemiller (Dem.-Wis.), Bishop (Rep.-
Ill.), and Delegate Farrington (Rep.-
It did not suggest how this nation
should go about obtaining title to
islands claimed by friendly nations.
but emphasized that it is essential
that the United States have free and
unrestrained access to them.
'For Own Security'
Specifically, the committee recom-
mended that:
1. For our own security, the secur-
M ern etroi
Transit System
Is Proposed
DETROIT, Aug. 18-(/P)--A mod-
ernization of Detroit's local trans-
portation system at an expenditure
in excess of $25,000,000 was proposed
today by Mayor Edward Jeffries and
the Street Railway Commission.
The plan calls for the establish-
ment of rapid transit bus service, re-
habilitation of the city-owned rail-
way system's rolling stock, construc-
tion of four downtown underground
passenger loading terminals and con-
struction of seven neighborhood off-
street passenger terminals.
The proposed four downtown un-
derground terminals would be linked
by a pedestrian concourse. The
Street Railway Commission estimat-
ed this phase of the program would
cost $15,000,000 including land costs.
The cost of new silent type street
cars and large capacity buses is
placed at $6,500,000 and the pedes-
trian concourse providing access to
the downtown terminals and major
buildings in the area was estimated
to cost $3,500,000.I
* * *
State To Build Three
Armorpies inDetroit
DETROIT, Aug. 18 ---(P)- Three
armories are expected to be built
in Detroit by the State Military
Department at a total cost of $4,000,-
000, Col. Harry E. Loomis, Quarter-
master General of Michigan, said at,
The old armory, which was de-
stroyed by fire last April, will not
be rebuilt, Loomis said. He esti-
mated that it would take $1,500,000
to rebuild it.

mandated islands of the Marshalls,
the Carolines and the Marianas-
commonly known as "Micronesia"'-
and over the outlying Japanese
islands of the Izus, Bonins and Ryu-
2. The United States should be
given specific and substantial right~s
Wo the sites where American bases
have been constructed on island ter-
ritories of Alied nations.
Chain of Security
3. With respect to Manus, Noumea,
Espiritu Santo, Guadalcanal and oth-
er sites of American bases on islands
tandated to, or claimed by, other
nations, full title to those bases
should be given to the United State
because "these other nations are not
capable of defending such islands ...
and "as these bases are links in our
chain of security . . . we cannot per-
mit any link to be in the hands of
those who will not or cannot defend
4. The United States must not per-
mit its Pacific bases to lapse back
into a state of unpreparedness, as in
the instances of Guam and Wake,
prior to the present war.

Murphy of Plainville, Conn. places a rose on a headstone in Northwoods
cemetery, Windsor, Conn., as she selects the stone for the grave of
"Little Miss Number 1565" from among six unidentified victims of Hart-
ford, Conn. circus fire in 1944. Patricia herself was a victim of the
fire, being released from the hospital a few months ago. Her parents
and brother perished in the holocaust.

Stude(ntTells ofA torm Bomb Research

EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss Vieweg is a grad-
uate of Washington University, St. Louis;
student of atomic physics at Harvard
University; former research assistant in
the department of physics and student
of electronics training at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
NEW YORK, Aug. 18-(/P)--The
tremendous destructive violence back
of the atomic bomb-or at least the
theory back of it-has been known
for 40 years.
The mechanical perfection of the
weapon is another story of combined
American skill, but to scientists and
students of physics there is nothing
spectacular about the theory.
Machinery Covered Nightly
I worked as a research assistant in
the department of physics at Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology,
where much of the experimentation
in energy transformation in this
country took place.
There, certain complicated experi-I
mental machinery are "put to bed"
each night under a shroud of sheets.
Not even the janitor could enter the
room unless the equipment was con-
cealed properly. Keys to the room
were turned in each night.
The great secret of the atomic
bomb is how the tremendous volt-
18 Airmen Killed
In -29 ('olision

ages necessary to disintegrate an atom j
are generated in the relatively small
space inside the atomic bomb. In
the laboratory, equipment at least
50 times the size of the bomb is re-
Like Giant Mound
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology has one of the largest and
most active atom bombarding ma-
chines in the world. It looks like a
giant concrete mound similar to a
turret on the Maginot line.
The work there was until recently
under the direction of Dr. M. Stanley
Livingston, pupil of America's pioneer
atomic researcher, Dr. Ernest Orlando
Under Dr. Lawrence's direction,
principles were worked out which are
now used on all modern atom-smash-
ing machines throughout the country.
These machines are known as cyclo-
The cyclotron has had its great-
est development in America. There
are about 37 cyclotrons in the world,
more than 20 of which are in this
50,000 to 200,000 Watts
Cyclotrons require power of 50,000
to 200,000 watts, comparable to that
of a major broadcasting station. They
combine magnetic and electrical fields
in a circular vacuum chamber.
Enormous magnets, weighing 70
tons and more, guide the particles of
matter which are to be used in bom-
barding the atom. Alternating elec-
trical current is timed to the motion
of the particles so that they jump a
series of gaps between electrodes, ac-
cumulating pushes of higher and'
higher energy.
Danger of Burning
They leave the machine with volt-
ages terrific enough to enable them
to penetrate the strong electrical
fortress of the atom and release its
mighty energy. If energy is taken
from the line at 150,000 volts, the
atomic stream makes its 100th jump
with 15,000,000 volts.
At this voltage the particles issue
Library Books Due,
Summer session students are re-
minded that all books they have
withdrawn from the General Library
will be due Tuesday.
Names of students who have not
cleared up their records by Friday
will be sent to the Recorder's Office,
and .their credits will be held up un-
til such records are clear.

from the circular vacuum chamber
in a bluish-purple stream and are
fired directly at the atomic material
to be bombarded. So penetrating is
this beam that a hand in its path
would instantly be crisped. The op-
erator works at a remote. control
panel, well shielded from every stray
Shielded by Water Tanks
The M.I.T. cyclotron has an output
of 14 to 15 million electron volts.
Lawrence's early group of pioneers
was overjoyed to obtain one million.
M.I.T. workers are shielded from
the radiations by tanks of water
six feet thick and ceiling-high. These
surround the cyclotron like a wall.
Even so, with some cyclotrons the
operators work from another build-
ing, about 50 feet away and protect-
ed by 25 feet of earth. The two
buildings are connected by a winding
Many War Plants
Closed inMichigan
DETROIT, Aug. 18-(P)--The full
impact of the war's end will hit
thousands of Michigan wage earners
next week.
War contracts aggregating in ex-
cess of $1,500,000,000 have been can-
celled since the factories closed Wed-
nesday morning. Monday most of
the men and women who halted
work to celebrate the Japanese sur-
render will report at employment
offices to learn whether there is
further work for them at this time.
Management and labor in Michi-
gan plants, usually differing on most
matters affecting the worker, have
agreed that the sudden termination
of war production will throw at least
300,000 workers into idleness. Neither
side ventured to predict how long
the period of idleness will continue.
The number of workers to be laid
off by each of the scores of Michigan
plants remains to be determined, but
no plant engaged in war work es-
caped contract cancellations.
The Ford Motor Company was one
of the first to announce that vir-
tually all its contracts had been ter-
minated. Today Chrysler Corpora-
tion reported the cancellation in
whole or in part of practically all its
war work. It added that "eventually
all people employed on these jobs
(war contract work) will have to be
sent home if they cannot be immed-
iately placed on reconversion work."

The United States Civil Service
Commission announced by special re-
lease from Chicago yesterday that it
has distributed the details of a com-
prehensive program designed to pro-
vide returning war veterans and dis-
placed Federal workers with the max-
imum possible opportunity for fu-
ture employment in the Federal ser-
The principal points in the Com-
mission's program are as follows-
1. Applications for employment
from disabled veterans of World War
I and World War II, and from non-
disabled veterans of World War II
who file within one year of their dis-
charge from active service or from
hospitalization, will be received at
any time. These veterans will be
examined and will be assigned nu-
merical ratings. Their names will
then be entered on the Commission's
lists of eligibles in such a manner that
they will be given the preference to
which they are entitled under the
Veterans Preference Act of 1944.
No Further Applications
2. Except where the needs of the
service absolutely require it, no fur-
ther applications will be received
from other persons who are -not now
a part of the Federal service.
3. Where Federal employees are
scheduled for discharge, arrange-
ments will be made immediately for
representatives of other agencies that
are hiring new personnel to interview
those who are about to be discharged.
Where the appointing officers decide
that the persons interviewed meet
the qualification standards establish-
ed by the Civil Service Commission,
they will be authorized to hire such
employees on the spot without the
prior approval of the Commission.
Apply for Reemployment
4. When present Federal employ-
ees are not hired by another agency
prior to their discharge, they may file,
within a period of 60 days, an appli-
Harris Will Talk
At aekham
Prof. Zeling S.fHarris, of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, will speak
on the subject, "From Morpheme to
Utterance" before members of the
Linguistic Institute at 7:30 p. m
EWT Wednesday in the Rackham
Prof. Harris has taught Semitic
languages at Pennsylvania since1931.
He is also interested in American
Indian languages, having been co-
editor of. a volume of "Hidatsa
'Texts." He is now doing researchl
work on Cherokee. He has also pub-
lished various articles on linguistic
Ir 1939-40 he held a Guggenheim
Founuation fellowship.
Beginning linguists who wonde
what the word "morpheme" in the
title of Prof. Harris's talk may mear
will have the opportunity of finding
out when the Institute holds its
question-and-answer period at .7 p
m. EWT Tuesday in Rackham Am-
phitheatre. All members of the In-
stitute who have questions aout
terminology, theory, or practice ir
the linguistic field are urged to sub-
mit questions to be discussed by a
panel of Institute faculty members
at this session.
Speed Limit Lifted
WASHINGTON, Aug. 18-(/P)-The
government tomorrow lifts its war
time request for a nationwide 35-mil
an hour motoring speed limit. State:
which made that the legal top spee
are expected to boost it quickly.

cation for reemployment in the Fed-
eral service. Such employees will be
examined and assigned numerical
ratings. As they pass the examina-
tions, their names will be entered in
the proper order on the Commission's
lists of eligibles.
5. All vacancies in positions sub-
ject to the Civil Service Act will be
filledhby persons whose names appear
on the Commission's lists of eligibles.
These lists, as a result of this new
program, will contain the names of
,)ualifled veterans for whom examina-
tions were reopened, the names of
Federal workers who have qualified
for reappointment in accordance with
the procedure as above outlined; and
the names of qualified persons whose
applications were received prior to
the decision to stop receiving appli-
Sharp Reductions
"Although there are bound to be
sharp reductions in the war agencies
of the Federal Government during
the next few months," the Commis-
mion stated in announcing its pro-
gram, "many openings will develop
as a result of expansion in some agen-
cies, and'as a result of persons leav-
ing their positions to return to pri-
vate industry."
"This program will result, in our
judgment, in filling speedily these
positions with returning veterans and
displaced Federal workers," the state-
ment:continued. "Whenever, in a
given occupational area, these two
groups can not furnish a sufficient
number of persons to meet the de-
mands of the service, applications
will be solicited from the general

from 1 P.M.


Starts Today


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ampus charm begins with a new
rnanent wave and a professional
wnicure. Visit Groomwell's for
ese and our skilled operators will
ylle your hair to suit you. Make
mr appointment now!

WEATHERFORD, Tex., Aug. 18-
(/P)-The bodies of 18 airmen, recov-
ered after the crash of two B-29
Superfortresses high above Weather-
ford, Tex., were brought to Fort
Worth Army.Air Field today.
Two injured survivors were in the
Camp Wolters, Tex., Hospital.
The planes, on flights from Ala-
mogordo and Clovis, N. M., Army
Air Fields, collided at 15,000 feet last
night with a terrific, flaming explo-
sion, which threw 'Weatherford into
wild excitement, and was seen from
as far away as 30 miles.


- Coming -
"On Stage






er action. , Modern CColin~


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____ = == -x-=


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LOST: Keys on chain. Tuesday on
State street. Call Audrey, 24547.
LOST: Brown wallet near library or
Angell Hall. Contains identifica-
tion card. Call Peggy Casto, 22755.
LOST: One Alpha Delt fraternity
pin Thursday afternoon, August 9
in vicinity of campus. Reward, call
LOST: Eversharp pen and pencil in
red leather case in rear of woman's
League. Reward. Call 8994 or 26064.
LOST: Black prayer book with Mas-
sachusetts license on fly leaf. Con-
tact Freedman, 319 E. Williams.
FOR SALE: A memento of V-J
night. A limited number of Daily

SUN., AUG. 19, 1945
Eastern War Time
8:05-Organ Music.
8:15-Jimmy wakely.
8:30-Frankie Masters.
9:05-Ralph Ginsburg.
9:30-Ava Maria Hour.
10:15-Edmond Pierson.
10:30-Charlie Barnett.
10:45-Jesse Crawford.

11:05-Pilgrim Holiness
12:05-Mario Morelli.
12:15-Christian Herald.
12:30-Music & Verse.
12:45-Paul Baron.
1:15-Baseball Brevities.
1:25-Baseball (Phila. at
5:15-Johnny Long.
5:30-Wake Up America.


6:05-Wilson Ames.
6:15-Grace Bible Fellow-
6:30-Concert Hall.
6:45-Concert Hall.
7:05-Music for Sunday.
7:25-Popular Music.
7:30-Jerry Sears.
7:45-Eleanor Meston.
8:05-Dance Time.
8:15-Howard Farrar.

Due to publishing difficulties, the Ensian will
not be available before the end of the summer
session. All those who are leaving after eight
weeks and will not be back in the fall, please

Yes, we have them - pure Irish linen huck towels in white
and gay pastels. You'll want them for yourself because
you'll be proud to give your guests such lovely linens and
M- I '-. F V - . ' er



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