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August 18, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-18

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* *

To Grant Loan







'U' Building

$25,000 Given for Construction of
Business Administration School
To Be First on Priority Plans Following
Completion of Service Building, Dormitories

The Federal Works Agency has
authorized a $25,000 loan for the
University to help finance the plan-
ning of the proposed School of Busi-
ness Administration building, it was
learned last night.
FWA Loan Announcement
Announcement of the FWA loan
came just two weeks after the Uni-
versity was granted a total of $29,663
for planning construction of the Fre-
a ke
For 'U' Officials
To Be Erected
Briggs Reports Early
Completion of Plans
Plans for University General Ser-
vice Building will be completed by
Jan. 1, 1946 and "construction on the
project will begin as soon after that
date as building materials are avail-
able," Robert P. Briggs, University
vice-president in charge of finances,
disclosed last night.
Service Building
The state legislature has approp-
riated $1,500,000 for construction of
the Service Building which will be
used for University administrators'
and the Board' of Regents' offices.
The Service Building will extend
from the Union to Newberry Hall.
Under the plan Jefferson St. will be
blocked off.
Officials Listed
Included among the officials to be
housed in the Service Building will
be: the President, Provost Registrar,
Vice-Presidents; Secretary and the
Literary College Deans.
The University News Service, the
Extension Service, the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, the Bureau of Coopera-
tion, the Office of the Summer Ses-
sion and the Business Offices will also
be housed in the Service Building.
Offices now in Angell Hall and
University Hall which are scheduled
to be moved into the Service Build-
ing will be converted into classrooms
or abandoned altogether, Briggs
pointed out.
'U' Hall To Be Razed
Along with the construction of the
Service Building is the expected raz-
ing of University Hall.
Briggs indicated that construction
plans on four other University post-
war projects are going ahead with
one of the major bottlenecks "prior-
ities on building material" still a for-
midable problem.
War Crimes
Trial Hastened
LONDON, Aug. 17-(P)-The Unit-
ed States, Britain, Russia and France
today sent legalsrepresentatives to
Nuernberg to hasten preparations to
bring Germany's top war criminals
to justice in the first mass trial.
The Nuernberg jail already houses
about 15 of the major defendants,
among them Herman Goering, and
others will be transferred to the one-
time Nazi shrine city from other pris-
oner of war camps, said Navy Lt.
Arnold Dean, spokesman for Supreme
Court Justice Robert H. Jackson.
Argentine Abolishes
Censorship of News
BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 17-(P)-The
Argentine government abolished the
censorship of incoming and outgoing
news effective today.
Today "Naughty Marietta" will
be presented by the Mich-

igan Repertory Players at
2:30 p. m. EWT and 8:30
p. m. EWT in the Lydia

quency Modulation radio broadcast-
ing station and the married students
housing project.
Exact site of the Business Admini-
stration building has not yet been
determined by the Board of Regents,
but Dean Russell A. Stevenson, Dean
of the School said that "it probably
would not be constructed on the
present school site.
First Building
The new Business Administration
building, first on the University's pri-
ority list following the construction
of the Service Building, and apart
from the dormitory projects, was de-
scribed by Dean Stevenson as "a de-
parture from classical architectural
The proposed project will be di-
vided into two units, Dean Stevenson
said. A three story building will house
classes and laboratories while a nine-
story addition will be used for faculty
offices, the Bureau of Business Re-
search, and the Bureau of Industrial
Estimated Cost
Estimated cost of building equip-
ment and the site has been set at
$1,500,000, Dean Stevenson disclosed.
Present construction plans for the
married students housing project call
for eight buildings, each to contain
22 apartments. The buildings will
accommodate approximately 350 res-
More than $23,000 of the first FWA
allocation was made for planning the
apartments which are expected to
cost $832,900.
With the site for the apartments
already selected, construction is
scheduled to start as soon as "quality
materials are available."
New F-M Station
The new F-M station is to be part
of the proposed Michigan Educational
Radio Network now being developed
by the State Department of Public
Instruction. It will consist of four
basic stations to be located in Ann
Arbor, Cadillac, Houghton, and Mani-
Ann Arbor is expected to be the key
station and therefore a large propor-
tion of sustaining programs for the
entire network will originate at the
Pearl Harbor
Files Requested
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-Chair-
man Walsh (D.-Mass.) of the Senate
Naval Affairs Committee asked the
Navy today to give Congress a look
at results of its investigation of
Japan's sneak punch on Pearl Har-
bor. The Navy held up its answer.
Walsh wrote Secretary of the Navy
"With the war in Japan ended, the
explanation of military expediency,
which Congress agreed to be desir-
able while the war was in progress,
cannot be seriously urged as reason
for now keeping the matter secret."
In addition to copies of the files,
Walsh asked Forrestal for his ideas
about making the Pearl Harbor re-
ports public.
The Navy department said the Sec-
retary had not yet replied and that
it had nothing td say until he did.
Veterans Will
Meet for Picnic
Veterans and their guests who plan
to go on the Veterans Organization
picnic are requested to meet at 2
p. m. EWT today in front of Lane
The picnic will be held at Island
Park. In case of rain, the picnic will
be held at the same time tomorrow.
Petain Sentenced to
Life Imprisonnient

PARIS, Aug. 17-( )-Gen. De
Gaulle commuted to life imprison-

New Bomber
Eclipses -29,
Arno Reveals
Pictures Weapons of
Science in Future War
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-Gen. H.
H. Arnold revealed today that the
United States has a new Super-Bomb-
er far eclipsing the B-29. He also
predicted that any future war would
bring out in full maturity terrible
weapons of science now developing.
With its striking range of 5,000
miles or more from base-perhaps
two to two and a half times that of
the Superfortress-the Air Forces
chief said theanew air giant leaves
no place in East Asia out of reach
from existing U. S. bases in the West-
ern Pacific.
Atlantic Area
As to the Atlantic area, he said at
a news conference "use your own im-
At the same time, Arnold disclosed
that the Air Forces already have in
experimental stages rocket bombs
which will "home" on their targets
in reaction to heat, light or metal.
And a year ago, he said, "we were
guiding bombs by television from a
plane 15 miles away." He asserted
that the new atomic bomb already
"changes the strategy for making
the world safe for America."
Buck Rogers Conception
Couple these developments, he said,
"and you have a Buck Rogers con-
ception of war."
He predicted the next war, if there
is one, will see these weapons in use:
1-Manned or pilotless aircraft tra-
veling at speeds faster than sound.
"Aerial combat as we know it-fight-
ers seeking out other fighters or
bombers and exchanging gunfire in
attempt tonshoot each other down-
will disappear," he said.
Guided Missiles
2-Guided missiles capable of mak-
ing exact hits on targets a mile square
or less in any part of the world.
3-More powerful atomic bombs,
"destructive beyond the wildest night-
mares of the imagination."
4-New defense weapons, such as
a target-seeking rocket which will
automatically strike and destroy the
super-sonic planes or guided missiles.
5-Better techniques of launching,
landing and supplying airborne forces
who' can be dropped anywhere in the
world "within a matter of hours."
Dean Speaks at
Linguistic Meet
Farewell Banquet Held
For South Americans
The English Language Institute
serves a useful purpose not only by
teaching English and promoting an
understanding of the life of the Unit-
ed States among students from Latin
America, but also by enabling people
gathered together from many Latin
American nations to learn more about
one another's countries, declared
Dean Hayward Keniston at the fare-
well banquet of the Institute last
night at Victor Vaughan House.
Cultural Attache
The Dean, who was cultural attache
at the United States embassy at
Buenos Aires from 1942 to 1944, said
that he hoped the graduates of the
two months intensive course would
feel the same nostalgia for Ann Ar-
bor that he felt for Buenos Aires, but
warned them that they should dis-
criminate between the good and the
bad features of the customs of the
United States.
Dr. Egidio Orellana, of the Insti-
tuto Pedagogicoin Chile, who has
been observing the work of the In-

stitute, Prof. C. C. Fries, the director,
and Miss Margaret Moye, of the In-
stitute staff, also spoke.
Sixty Graduates
Dr. Victor Grossi, of Chile, and Dr.
Alberto Carneiro, of Brazil, spoke on
behalf of the sixty graduates, most
of whom are doctors of medicine or
doctors of public health who will now
take post-graduate medical work in
various universities and hospitals of
the United States.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-Archi-
bald MacLeish, poet-librarian, and
Julius C. Holmes, soldier-diplomat,
resigned today as assistant secretaries
of the State Department.
Their resignations, accepted by
President Truman with words of
thanks for their service, followed
swiftly on another important State
Department change.
Only yesterday Mr. Truman ac-
Gen. Lerch Will
Speak at CATS
Speculation Concerns
Stay of Fourth Class
Maj.-Gen. Archer L. Lerch, Army
provost marshal general, will address
the hundred Army and Navy officers
of the third class, Civil Affairs Train-
ing School, Far Eastern Area, at
commencement exercises to be held
at 10:30 a. m. EWT today at the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
With the alerting yesterday of al-
most the ehtire officer complement
of the School, there is some specula-
tion as to whether the Fourth Class,
scheduled to complete the 26-week
course in military government in Oc-
tober, will finish their program.
A Comprehensive Program
Opened here last year to train
Allied officers for the occupation of
the Japanese home islands, the CATS
have offered a comprehensive pro-
gram which includes, besides an in-
tensive study of written and spoken
Japanese and a study of that na-
tion's institutions, training in com-
munications, public health, educa-
tion, finance, transportation, public
safety and sanitation.
Thirty-six of today's graduates
have been trained in civil censorship
and, according to the School's direc-
tor, Dr.. Willett F. Ramsdell, these
officers will censor cable, telephone
and telegraph messages in Japan.
Are To Help Govern Japan
The remaining 64 officers have
been trained to govern Japan under
her new boss, Supreme Allied Com-
mander Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
Col. Stephen A. Park, associate di-
rector of the School, will introduce
Gen. Lerch, who will speak to the
graduates of their new overseas
duties. Dr. Hayward Keniston and
Dr. Ramsdell will be guests of the
Third Class at today's exercises.

cepted the resignation of Under-Sec-
retary of State Joseph C. Grew and
the choice of Assistant Secretary
Dean G. Acheson to succeed him.
Secretaryships to Fill
Thus Mr. Truman and his new
Secretary of State, James F. Byrnes,
have three assistant secretaryships
to fill with new appointments.
Holmes and MacLeish were both
members of the "team" which took
office last December when Edward
R. Stettinius, then a new secretary
of state, reorganized the department.
MacLeish, 53 - year - old Pulitzer
Prize-winning poet, resigned as Li-
brarian of Congress to become the
State Department's assistant secre -
tary in charge of cultural and public
relations. He was the first to have
such a title.
MacLeish's Career
In 1941, MacLeish became director
of the Office of Facts and Figures,
forerunner of the Office of War In-
In his State Department post, Mac-
Leish concentrated on acquainting
the American public with the pro-
grams for world economic and politi-
cal cooperation.
MacLeish has told friends he was
eager to retire from public service at
the close of the war to devote his full
time to writing.
The 47-year-old Holmes left the
Civil Affairs Staff at Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower's headquarters in France
and put aside his brigadier general's
uniform to become assistant secre-
tary in charge of administration in
Def y Chunking.
Chinese Reds Continue
To Collect Jap Arms
By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, Aug. 17-Commu-
nist defiance of Gen. Chiang Kai-
Shek reached new heights today, but
indications were that Chiang's troops
soon would regain control of Nan-
king and Shanghai.
Communist Gen. Chu Teh issued
orders to Lt. Gen. Yasuji Okamura,
Commander in Chief of the Japanese
Expeditionary Forces in China, re-
questing the surrender to the Com-
munists of all Japanese forces "ex-
cept those troops' of your command
surrounded by the Kuomintang (cen-
tral government) armies."
This was in conflict with the in-
structions issued by Chiang's war zone
commanders to Japanese troops to
cease military activities immediately
and to await further instructions.
(A Tokyo broadcast recorded by
the Associated Press quoted Okamura
as saying his forces were "already in
a state' of cessation of hostilities,"
but that part of the Chungking army
was continuing its attacks on the
Chu Teh asked also that the Japa-
nese surrender their planes and war-
ships to the Communists.
5 More Dailies
The Daily will be published
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday of next week. Publi-
cation will then be discontinued
until the beginning of the fall
semester, Thursday, Nov 1.

MacLeish, J. C. Holmes Resign
As Assistant Secretaries of State

MacArthur Hastens
Dispatch of Delegates
Negotiations at Manila Will Be Preliminary
To Formal Signing of Peace Agreement
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Saturday, Aug. 18-Japan advised General MacArthur early
today that its surrender delegation had been selected and would leave for
Manila tomorrow.
Prodded by a brusque note from MacArthur to quit its stalling tactics,
which had carried over two days, and get on with the peace negotiations,
Tokyo acted without further delay.
MacArthur's headquarters announced at 2:45 a. in. (2:45 p. m. EWT
Friday) that the desired information had been received from the enemy
Delay Necessary, Japs Say
The Tokyo message was brief. It said the delegation could not leave
until Sunday "due to necessary internal procedure" and promised further
details would follow.

In Manila the Japanese delegation
will hear what it must do before sur-
render articles are signed and the Al-
lied occupation forces march into
Site Undetermined
Where that surrender might be
signed still was conjectural. Details
were being worked out.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Guam, saying that Admiral Nimitz
had been appointed by President Tru-
man as a United States represent-
ative, suggested a battleship in Tokyo
Bay was the "logical scene."
Note Is Effective
The Supreme Commander's curt
message also may have sped the de-
parture from Tokyo of three imperial
parties carrying cease fire orders to
field commanders, who were expected
to be told some time today that they
must lay down arms.
They left for Manchuria, China and
French Indo-China by plane yester-
day under safe conduct. Only a few
hours later 10 Japanese fighters and
fierce antiaircraft fire greeted four
unescorted U. S. heavy bombers on
a photo mission over the same gen-
eral area from which the enemy
planes took off.
Two Japanese planes were believed
destroyed, and one bomber was shot
up although none of its crew was in-
Planes Fired On
Two Lightning fighters on sepa-
rate reconnaissance flights over the
southern island of Kyushu also were
fired upon by ground batteries the
same day.
This sort of thing was trying to
Allied patience, coming as it did close
on Tokyo's report without apology to
MacArthur that Japanese planes had
attacked 12 Allied transport ships,
probably inflicting some damage,
when they approached "extremely
near" the coast of the home island of
Shikoku Thursday a few hours before
the Emperor issued the cease fire or-
Nips Surrender
In Manchuria
LONDON, Aug. 17-(P)-Japanese
troops began to surrender in Manchu-
ria today, with 20,000 laying down
their arms, but there was no letup
in the Red Army's relentless drive
closing in on the great city of Har-
bin from three sides, Moscow said to-
The Japanese armies were appar-
ently continuing their resistance, de-
spite the ultimatum from Marshal
Alexander M. Vasilevsky to surrender
by noon Monday.
Enemy strongpoints fell rapidly to
the Russians, whose armed columns
were stabbing through whatever re-
sistance the Japanese could build up.
Driving down the main railway line
leading southeast to .Harbin through
the Khingan foothills, one Red Army
column advanced more than 100 miles
from previously reported positions
and captured Pokotu and Chalantun,
the latter 240 miles northwest of Har-

Japs Are Told
Homeland Will
Be Occupied
Domei News Agency
Gives Nips Foretaste
By The Associated Press
Agency told the Japanese people to-
day their sacred homeland would be
occupied by the Allied powers after
the final "cease fire" order was given,
and that they must "extend all ac-
commodations" to the conquerors.
A Japanese language broadcast
beamed throughout the Orient and
recorded by the Federal Communica-
tions Commission for the first time
gave the people a foretaste of what
occupation would mean, including the
loss of sovereignty.
"By this cease-fire agreement," Do-
mei said, "the four powers of the
United States, Great Britain, Soviet
Russia and China will land on our
homeland, and we must, extend all
accommodations to the occupying
forces, such facilities s transporta-
tion, living quarters and food sup-
But, Domei added, since the Allies
would not land as "combat units" the
"United States forces will not directly
commandeer our food supplies, liv-
ing quarters and such peoples' neces-
sities, or seize funds in the banks. It
is needless to hold any misgivings on
these points."
Jap Premier
Assumes Duties
Hints of Nip Ambitions
In Far East Linger
Japan's new premier assumed his
peace government duties today with
orders for strict military observance
of the Imperial order to ground arms
but there were official and press hints
of lingering Nipponese ambitions in
East Asia.
Gen. Prince Naruhiko Higashi-Ku-
ni, first Imperial prince to lead the
nation's civilian government, an-
nounced a three-point basic policy of
reconstruction, control of the mili-
tary and enforcement of order, at his
cabinet's first meeting, said Domei,
the Japanese agency, in a Tokyo
First official act of Higashi-Kuni
who holds the War Minister portfolio
as well as being Premier, was to order
the army to "strictly observe" Em-
peror Hirohito's rescript to quit fight-
ing, Domei said in the broadcast mon-
itored by the Federal Communica-
tions Commission.
Co-&Hop To Be
Held Tonight
Co-Hop, an, outdoor street dance,
sponsored by the Inter-Cooperative
Council, will be held from 9 p. m. to
midnight EWT today in the drive-
way behind University Hall.
Kaeti Boenheim, chairman of the
dance, said, "Couples, stags and un-
escorted girls are invited. It is an
opportunity to get acquainted."
Tickets for the dance are 25 cents
per person. Booths will be placed
around the driveway where refresh-
ments wil be served.
'The mninirf Tarv Ja lax ~C, (l~1




Called Unlikely

A future war

between the United

States and Russia is highly improb-
able since Russia today is no longer
a missionary of revolution and since
her foreign policy aims have either
been attained recently or are within
her grasp by peaceful means, Prof.
Andrew Lobanov-Rostovsky declared
yesterday in a talk at the Hillel Foun-
Because of this, Prof. Lobanov con-
siders the anticipations by some
Americans of such a war to be un-
founded. He believes, rather, that
Russian need for aid from the United
States in order to develop herself in-
ternally should help bring about
peaceful cooperation between the
world's two most powerful nations.

Early End to Meat Rationing Seen.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-(P)-An early end to meat rationing, per-
haps next month, was foreseen as possible today by the nation's food chief.
Secretary of Agriculture Anderson, said in an interview that he believes
supply and demand warrant a quick end.
He has authority to order that action.
After checking prospective non-civilian requirements for the remainder
of the year, Anderson said it appears that the civilian supply of cattle, hog

sending any considerable quantities
of meats to war-liberated areas.
3. Prospects of a decline in civilian
demand due to unemployment of dis-
placed war workers.
4. A desire by farmers to reduce
livestock numbers before demands

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