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August 10, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-10

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Only Nip Surrender

To Stop IJ s--Truman

Reds Knife into Manchurian Defense Zone

Russians Surge 14 Miles'
Into Province from East
Western Prong, Meeting Little Resistance,
Takes Town 33 Miles Insdie Manchuria
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 9-Mighty Russian invasion columns knifed into
Manchuria in a great pincers and surged as deep as 14 miles into the stolen
'province from the East today, seizing Japanese outpost bastions and
bursting through a concrete defense zone, the Soviets announced tonight.
The western prong, meeting little resistance, captured Jin-Jin Sume.
Maps show this to be an airport town 33 miles inside Manchuria from the

Allied Planes
Spread Ruin
Across Honshu

Urges Evacuation
Of Industrial Cities
President Declares Hiroshima Attack
Is Merely Wareing of Things To Come
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-President Truman urged Japanese civilians
tonight "to leave industrial cities immediately and save themselves from
Inta nationwide radio report on the Potsdam big three conference
and the war in the Pacific, Mr. Truman said the Hiroshima attack was
"only a warning of things to come," and added that unless the Japanese
surrender, widespread atomic bombing of war industries is certain.
Saying this country and Great Britain realized the "tragic significance
of the atomic bomb," the President in his prepared address went on:
"The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiro-
shima, a military base. That was because we wished in the first attack
to avoid, insofar as posisble, the kill-


Damages Steel
Nimitz States

By The Associated Press
GUAM, Friday, Aug. 10-American
and British carrier planes 1,500
strong spread fiery ruin across the
northern half of Honshu today for
the second consecutive day, and Ad-
miral Nimitz announced that battle-

Atomic Bomb
Hits Nagasaki,
Jap Seaport
Smoke Rises 20,000
Feet After 31/2 Hours
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Friday, Aug. 10-Smoke
and dust completely covered Naga-
saki and rose to 20,000 feet three
and one-half hours after Thursday's
atomic bombing of that Japanese
General Spaatz, chief of the U. S.
Strategic Air Forces, made this brief
announcement after viewing recon-
naissance photographs from the sec-

Jap Threatens Use of
Weapon Like A-Bomb
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Friday, Aug. 10-The
Japanese radio in Singapore in a
broadcast monitored by BBC said
today that Japan has a weapon
"similar to the atomic bomb" and
will use it "to the utmost against
United States military personnel."
The broadcast was not clear as
to the exact nature of the purport-
ed weapon but said "Japan is fully
aware of the true aspects of atomic
energy" and "the Anglo-United
States nations must have drawn
on the result of Japanese reser-
ond use of the fantastic atomic bomb
against the enemy. He said scattered
fires were visible outside the smoke-
obscured area.
Fate of Kyushu
There was no further word on the
undoubtedly awesome fate that struck
the western Kyushu city of 253,000
The Japanese themselves were ab-
solutely silent about results of the
noon bombing, in which it was possi-
ble that more than one of the lethal
packages was dropped.
Earlier General Spaatz' headquart-
ers had announced that results were
Initial atomic bombing Monday of
Hiroshima had destroyed "practically
every living thing," let hour after
hour pass without comment about
The Japanese people were told,
however, in millions of B-29 scattered
pamphlets that "the awful fact (of
the atom bomb) is one for you to pon-
der and we solemnly assure you it is
grimly accurate."
Ligon To Talk
On. Character
A special lecture on building char-
acter in the individual will be given
by Dr. Ernest Ligon, director of the
Religious Education Workshop, at
7:30 p. m. EWT today in the Kellogg
Auditorium located in the Kellogg
Dental Building.
This- lecture, which is being spon-
sored by the University and the com-
bined churches of Ann Arbor, is free
and open to the public.
Dr. Ligon will discuss the special
methods of character analysis and
building which he had developed.r

bborder of outer Mongolia.
(A BBC broadcast monitored by
NBC in New York said the Tokyo
radio had announced the Japanese
were counterattacking in Manchuria.
The enemy statement did not say
exactly where in Manchuria the re-
ported counterattack was under way.)
The crack Siberian Army, given the
battle cry to "settle an old score,"
smashed ahead on a wide front from
the maritime provinces on the East
to wild outer Mongolia on the West,
Moscow's first communique of this
24-hour-old Far Eastern war declar-
Aid From U. S. Planes
The east-west prongs of the multi-
ple pincers clamping upon Japan's
Kwantung army were about 750 miles
apart. The assault had already been
assisted by blows by U. S. planes and
Chinese parachute troops aimed at
choking off Japanese troop move-
ments from China to the new battle
Red bomber fleets ranged ahead,
pounding enemy rail centers.
Blow From West
In a heavy blow from the west, the
Soviets said they beat down "fierce
enemy resistance" and captured the
towns and railway stations of Lupin
(Manchouli) and Chalainoerh, 16
miles farther southeast on the for-
mer Chinese eastern railwvay.
The heaviest fighting apparently
raged in this area in the northern tip
of a western bulge of Manchuria,
where the Soviets declared they
stormed and captured the Lupin-Hul-
un lake fortified area. Both Lupin
and Chalainoerh are just inside Man-
Some 120 miles farther south, oth-
er Russian forces springing from out-
er Mongolia punched into the Lake
Bor area and captured Jin-Jin Sume
and Hoshoin Sume "without meeting
any particular enemy resistance."
Military maps place Jin-Jin Sume
33 miles inside Manchuria. This would
represent the deepest Soviet plunge. I


By The Associated Press
GUAM, Friday, Aug. 10-Seventy
Superfortresses dropped heavy demo-
lition bombs on the Tokyo arsenal
this morning, General Spaatz an-
nounced today.
ships, cruisers and destroyers of the
Allied force inflicted "considerable
damage' 'on the steel city of Kamai-
shi yesterday afternoon.
Nimitz gave no details of today's
air strikes, saying only that they were
renewed at dawn against military
The shelling of Kamaishi by Ad-
miral Halsey's heavy third fleet ships
and light forces of the British Pacific
fleet was described officially by Nimitz
as "a heavy naval bombardment."

Red Position In
China Censured
By Shepherd
Until Soviet Russia discontinues
her unwarranted interference in the
internal affairs of China, there will
be no peace in Aisa, the Rev. George
W. Shepherd, former advisor to Gen-
eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, declared
yesterday in an address in the Reli-
gious Workshop series.
Warning against allowing Russia
to set up a propaganda base in Man-
churia, Dr. Shepherd saw no possi-
bility of reconciliation between Chi-
na's ancient ways and the Russian
culture of today.
Civil War
"Civil war is almost certain to,
break out in China," he said, "be-
cause the western ideas of the Chi-
nese Communists are incompatible
with the culture inherent in Chinese
The necessity of restoring China's
confidence in herself and her ancient
cultrue was emphasized by Dr. Shep-
herd. "China has been under pres-
sure from three sides, from Russia,
from Japan and from the western
powers to change her ancient ideals
and manner of living," he said.
Changing Attitude
In an address entitled "Changing
Attitudes in China," Dr. Shepherd
pointed out that although China was
at first anxious to adopt western
ways, she is gradually learning that
only basically Chinese ways'will work
in China. Admitting that China
could enrich her culture by adopt-
ing certain western ideals and cus-
toms, he insisted that the Chinese
culture that has been built through
the ages should be the foundation
for her way of life.

declared that Russia had agreed to enter the Pacific war even before
she was informed of the atomic bomb. "We gladly welcome into the
struggle against the last of the Axis aggressors," he said, "our gallant
and victorious ally against the Nazis."
Ultimatum,' with von Stroheim
Playing at RackhamToday

Dance TO Be
Held Tonight
'Starlite Roof' To Be
On Rackham Terrace
The first all-campus dance on the
summer terrace of the Rackham
building "Starlite Roof," will be held
from 9-12 p. m. EWT tonight.
Sponsored by the graduate council,
the dance will be semi-formal. Jerry
Edwards and his eleven piece band
will furnish the music.
Entertainment will be furnished
and refreshments will be served on
the terrace. A limited number of
tickets priced at $1.50 per couple are
on sale at the Union and the League.
Members of the Army and Navy have
been granted 1 p. m. EWT permission
for the dance.
William Akers, president of the
graduate council, is general chair-
man of the dance. Committee heads
include Rostislav Galuzevsky, decora-
tions; Edward B. Cockran, music;
Kenneth Beatty and Ruth Hartman,
ticket sales; Marguerite Zeilisch, pub-
licity and Ruth Silva and Mary Mari-
nelli, patrons.
Patrons for the dance will be Dean
and Mis. Clarence Yoakum, Dean and
Mrs. Peter Okkelberg, Prof. and Mrs.
Howard McKlusky and Prof. and
Mrs. Donald Ketz.
SRA Will Entertain
Yugoslav War Vet
A Yugoslav war veteran of two
years at sea, who visited Ann Arbor



"Ultimatum," the French film star-
ring Eric von Stroheim and sponsored
by the Summer Session Office is be-
ing shown at 8:30 p. m. EWT today
and tomorrow in the Rackham Aud-
The story of Ultimatum concerns
Stanko Salic, officer in the Serbian
army who is on a miiltary mission in
neighboring Austria. He has married
an Austrian girl, Anna Muller and in
Russia's Plungye
Known by Chia
CHUNKING, Aug. 9 -(P)- U. S.
planes and Chinese paratroops -
striking as long as a month ago in
foreknowledge of Russia's plunge
against the( Japanese - already have
"seriously interfered" with the move-
ment of enmey forces northward in
China toward the now-flaming Man-
churian front, Lt.-Gen. Albert C.
Wedenleyer asserted today.
The U. S. 14th Air Force for a
month has been hammering at Jap-
anese withdrawal routes from south-
central China, the general command-
ing American forces in China de-
American-trained Chinese para-
chute troops and commandos also
have done "splendid work" in block-
ing the Japanese movement

June 1914 the young couple is living
in Belgrade, happily enjoying the
pleasures of marital bliss.
On June 28, the Archduke Francis
Ferdinand is shot in Sarajevo. Stan-
ko is ordered from the arms of his
doting bride to perform a secret mis-
sion on the Austrian frontier. Anna
left alone, finds suspicion and enmity
growing about her. Lt. Burgstaller,
Austrian journalist and member of
the Intelligence Service, visits Anna,
whom he loved before her marriage.
He entreats her to return to Austria
with him. Anna refuses but gives him
a letter to her mother.
In the course of nis mission, Salic
is wounded and captured by the Au-
strians. Anna's letter has been pur-
loined from Burgstaller and brought
to Simovic who suspects Anna of
having betrayed her husband and has
her arrested. Burgstaller escapes to
Austria and vainly pleads with Salic
to let Anna return.
15 Killed in Crash
MICHIGAN, N. D., Aug. 9-(P)-
More than 15 persons were re-
ported killed and scores injured to-
night when the second section of
the Great Northern railway pas-
senger train, the "Empire Build-
er," crashed into the r ear of the
first section here.

ing of civilians.
Only a Warning
"But that attack is only a warning
of things to come. If Japan does not
surrender, bombs will have to be drop-
ped on war industries and, unfortu-
nately, thousands of civilian lives will
Vets Treated
For Aphas'it by
Speech Chnic
EDITOR'S NOTE: This article on the
Speech Clinic is the second in a series
entitled "what the University Is Doing
for the Veteran."
Aphasia, which has plagued many
World War II veterans who have sus-
tained head injuries, deprived them of
speech, ability to read or write and
memory, is being conquered at the
University Speech Clinic.
It is a tedious and slow process
which involves "learning the easy
things all over again," and is not
guaranteed as a complete cure, but
the Speech Clinic can, nevertheless,
show good results. "-,.
Former Aphasic Released
One aphasic, Nick Zerilli, has been
released from the clinic and is back
at his old job in a Detroit factory.
Zerilli underwent the extensive treat-
ment of the Clinic which is operated
in cooperation with Percy Jones Hos-
pital at Battle Creek.
Dr. Ollie L. Backus, professor of
speech and acting manager -of the
Clinic pointed out that aphasia arises
from destruction of brain tissue and
affects patients differently. Methods
of treatment get down to basic fun-
damentals, she explained.
Writing Difficulty
Take the case of war veteran Dan
Cooper, 30, who, when he started
speech training, had difficulty under-
standing and participating in conver-
sation and had lost much of his
reading and writing ability.
Today, he is making steady gains
in all these areas of language ability.
A plant nurseryman before the war.
Cooper practiced his reading using
seed catalogues while improving his
math working on simple multiplica-
tion and division tables.
Everett Perry, former United Press
reporter, when he started his training.
like Cooper, had difficulty in all areas
of language. After several months
of guidance, his speech patterns are
very close to normal. He plans to
return to the newspaper business, and
is now writing accounts of his experi-
ences which are used in the Clinic's
training program.
In the process Dr. Backus termed,
"re-education," clinicians placed him
in real life situations, drilled the pa-
tient in speech, put him into club ac-
tivities and exploited the human ten-
dency to imitate.
Reeducation Treatment
"Capitalizing on this tendency is
an integral part of our methods of
treatment," Dr. Backus said.
Another veteran, Nick DeSanto,
having regained partial speech, dis-
played interest in horse races. His
(See SPEECH, Page 4)
Stimson Cites
15 Local Girls
Fifteen girls, employees of the
JAG School will review the school
battalion at special ceremonies to be
held at 1 p. m. EWT in the Law
Quad, Saturday, to honor their en-
thusiastic cooperation in purchasing
war bonds through the Army pay res-

be lost. I urge Japanese civilians to
leave industrial cities immediately,
and save themselves from destruc-
Mr. Truman gave no indication
that the enemy had made any ges-
tures, either since the advent of the
terrible new weapon or the entry of
Russia into the war, to end by capitu-
lation the destruction of which he
warned them.
Only Stirrender
Only surrender, he said, will stop
the use of the new agency of demoli-
tion and the Japanese alternative is
In his first lengthy radio talk, Mr.
Truman gave no indication when he
expected the Japanese to quit, either
through surrender or through force.
But he said the Soviet decision to
declare war on Japan was only one of
the secret military arrangements
made at Potsdam.
"The Japs will soon learn some of
the other military secrets agreed upon
at Berlin," he asserted, "they will
learn them first hand-and they will
not like them."
Analysis of Potsdam
The chief executive devoted a large
share of his address to an analysis
of what was accomplished in his
Potsdam Conference with Premier
Stalin and British Prime Ministers
Churchill and Attlee.
But he also touched at some length
on the Pacific war and asserted that
this government did not lightly un-
dertake the production and use of
the terrible atomic bomb.
"We have used it," he said, "in
order to shorten the agony of war, in
order to save the lives of thousands
and thousands of young Americans.
"We shall continue to use it until
we completely destroy Japan's power
to make war. Only a Japanese sur-
render will stop us,
Britain and the United States he
said, do not intend to release the
secret of history's most terrible weap-
on until means have been found to
control it so as "to protect o selves
and the rest of the world frdm the
danger of total destruction."
Lawless World
"The atomic bomb," Mr. Truman
declared, "is too dangerous to be loose
in a lawless world."
Hiroshima, a military base, was
picked as the target for the first
atomic bomb, the Chief Executive
said, to avoid killing civilians so far
as possible.
"But that attack is only a warning
of things to come. If Japan does not
surrender, bombs will have to be
dropped on war industries, and un-
fortunately, thousands of civilian lives
will be lost. I urge Japanese civil-
ians to leave industrial cities imme-
diately and save themselves from de-
Military Bases
The President, renouncing for the
United States any territorial gains
or profits or selfish advantage from
this war, made it plain, nevertheless,
that this country intends to have the
military bases "experts deem to be es-.
sential for our protection."
Those not now in our possession, he
said, we will acquire under arrange-
ments consistent with the United Na-
tions Charter.
Mr. Truman did not disclose what
strategic areas he has in mind which
this country does not already hold.
The United Nations, he asserted,
are determined there shall be no
next war because what is being done
to Japan now "is only a small frac-
tion of what would happen to the
world in a third world war."
Lee, Howell Named


Hold On to Bonds, Paton Advises

If we are to avoid ruinous inflation,
millions of Americans who own war
bonds should plan to hold them in-
definitely, Dr. William A. Paton of
the school of business administration
said yesterday.
Bondholders as a group must be
content to collect and spend the
interest on their bonds and must
repurchase bond for bond as they
mature, Dr. Paton pointed out.
National Debt
Dr. Paton, who is critical of the
amount of borrowing the govern-
ment has resorted to instead of rais-
ing funds through heavier taxation,
believes that the national debt can-

at the situation: The national debt
already amounts to more than $250
billions; it will approximate $300
billions by the end of the current
fiscal year.
$10,000 per Family
There are 25 to 30 million families
in the United States. This means
that by next June, the debt will ex-
ceed $10,000 per family. If, on the
average, each family attempts to re-
deem bonds amounting to $1,000 in
the first year after V-J Day, this
will place a total demand for $25
billions on the Treasury. The im-
mediate postwar budget is estimated
at from $20 to $25 billions, includ-

the same aggregate amount that
bonds are presented for redemption
by the American public.
The debt might be repudiated di-
rectly or indirectly, Dr. Paton ex-
plained. The government might
start the printing presses rolling
out $25 billions a year in paper mon-
ey instead of issuing new bonds, but
this would be financial suicide.
Capital Tax
Or the government might formal-
ly repudiate the bonds by levying a
100 per cent capital tax on bond
holdings. But Dr. Paton maintains
that every effort should be made and
will be made to avoid such ruinous



Today Veterans who require as-
sistance in mathematics
are requested to meet at
5 p. m. EWT in Room
3010, Angell Hall.
Today All Campus Dance from

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