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August 09, 1945 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-09

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Fifty-Fifth Year

Blueprint for Germany Ignored


Faculty Notes

Yank' Editor Says Soldiers
Want MoreDemocratic U. S.



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control
of Student Publications. The Summer Daily is pub-
lished every day during the week except Monday and

1kay Dixon
Margaret Farmer
petty Roth
eil Mullendore
Dick Strickland

Editorial Staff
. . . . Managing Editor
. .Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
Business Staff
. , . Business Manager

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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier$4.50, by mail, $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc-
College Pblisers Representative'
CpucA*o - aosToN Los ANELES - SAN FRACISCo
Member,, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.'
Jhpan Doomed
W ITH THE STEPPING UP of aerial destruc-
tion of the Japanese home islands, the mass-
ing of several million American and Allied troops
'for an imminent invasion of Japan and the soft-
ening up of enemy coastal positions by Ameri-
can fleet, and now with the entrance of Russia
into the Pacific war, it seems quite apparent that
the Allied military leaders are determined to
bring Japan to her knees sooner than many had
After boasting for several months of an air
force that never proved an effectual weapon
against our prowling task forces, Japanese com-
mentators have turned up their last card in an
effort to control a disquieted people. The Jap-
anese Army of five million men, mostly stationed
in the home islands, they say, will repulse any
contemplated American invasion. The entrance
of Russia in the Pacific war will show up that
card as a joker.
Throughout its four year war with Germany,
Russia had kept a trained army of about one
million stationed on the Manchurian border.
The very presence of those troops had forced
Japan to tie up close to two million crack
troops in Manchuria. If the Jap warlords had
ever hoped to withdraw those troops to the
home islands, that hope is now shattered.
When we invade Japan, she will have a three-
front war on her hands. Her shipping already
crippled, Japan will have no alternative, when
we invade, but to let her Manchurian forces
facing Russia and her armies facing: a stepped-
up Chinese drive, perish or surrender from lack
of supplies and reinforcements.
Aerial bombardment of Japan, from the Rus-
sian base at Vladivostok, coupled with the con-
tinuation of American bombardmeht of greater
ad greater intensity, will leave Japan in a
We may expect, very soon, another ultima-
tum to Japan, this time from the "Big Three."
And this time there will not be a man or wo-
man in Japan who will fail to realize that
their nation's only course will be surrender.
The alternative will be total destruction and
terrible annihilation.
-Arthur J. Kraft
World Challenge
perhaps toward the greater good and per-
haps toward its own destruction - with the per-
fection of the atomic bomb.
The relatively small bomb dropped on Hiro-
shima had 2,000 times the blasting force of the
largest bomb heretofore employed.
In view of the present state of international
polities, one could present a forceful argument
that such a bomb will some day be used for
the destruction of all civilization.
President Truman said that he would recom-
mend that Congress consider the establishment
of the appropriate commission to control the
production and use of atomic power in the
United States.
This is certainly a necessary step, but some-

thing more fundamental than a single commis-
sion is necessary to protect the peoples of the
world from extinction through the unscrupulous
use of ingenious scientific devices. The Nazis
were on the verge of perfection of a similar
bomb when we conquered Germany and it is
a. well-known fact that scientific discoveries are
ofen made contemnoraneously in various parts

WASHINGTON-Those who sat in on the
drafting of JCS 1067, the blueprint for gov-
erning Germany, say that it was one of the most
carefully conceived plans ever prepared by gov-
ernment agencies. The Army, Navy, State De-
partment, Treasury and Foreign Economic Ad-
ministration all participated.
Their aim was to draft a set of rules which
would stamp out Nazism and make sure that
never again would Germany plunge the world
into war.
What now concerns some of these officials
is that several cardinal points in the blueprint
for occupied Germany are being ignored by mili-
tary men. This may be due to military expedi-
ency, or to the soft peace crowd in the War De-
partment, or to plain ignorance of the rules.
For instance, the order for occupied Ger-
many specifies that the foreign assets of Ger-
man cartels shall be seized by the U. S. Army.
But when Gen. Lucius Clay wired the War
Department proposing the seizure of 1. G.
Farben assets in Argentina and Switzerland,
the War Department, ignoring the blueprint,
said no.
Again the blueprint for occupied Germany
provides that no munitions plant shall operate.
But the U. S. Army has given permission for a
German hydrogen peroxide plant to make fluid
for U. S. buzz-bombs, while the Ford plant at
Cologne is making trucks for the U. S. Army.
While these are for the United States, officials
here point out that the army has a tremendous
surplus of trucks.
It was the building up of German industry
after the last war, they emphasize, partly to
pay reparations, partly through the conniv-
ance of American-British industrialists, which
paved the way for Hitler's amazing war ca-
pacty in this war.
These are some of the reasons why this col-
umnist believes that the American people, who
contributed so much to the defeat of Germany,
have a right to know the rules by which Ger-
many is to be kept defeated. Here are some
pertinent portions of the blueprint:
"A. ALL EDUCATIONAL institutions within
your zone except those previously re-estab-
lished by Allied authority will be closed. The
closure of Nazi educational institutions such as
Adolf Hitler schulen, Napolas and Ordensburgen
and of Nazi organizations within other educa-
tional institutions will be permanent.
"B. A coordinated system of control over
German education and an affirmative program
of reorientation will be established, designed
completely to eliminate Nazi and militaristic
doctrines and to encourage the development
of democratic ideas.
"C. You will permit the reopening of elemen-
tary (volksschulen), middle (mittelsehulen), and
vocational (berufsschulen) schools at the earli-
est possible date after Nazi personnel has been
eliminated. Textbooks and curricula which are
not free of Nazi and militaristic doctrine shall
not be used. The control council should devise
programs looking toward the reopening of sec-
ondary schools, universities and other institu-
tions of higher learning.
Standard of Living . .
"You will estimate requirements of supplies
necessary to prevent starvation or widespread di-
sease or such civil unrest as would endanger the
occupying forces. Such estimates will be based
upon a program whereby the Germans are made
responsible for providing for themselves, out of
their own work and resources.
"You will take no action that would 'tend to
support basic living standards in Germany on
a higher level than that existing in any one of
the neighboring United Nations and you will
take appropriate measure to ensure that basic
living standards of the German people are not
higher than those existing in any one of the
neighboring United Nations when such meas-
urse will contribute to raising the standards of
any such nation." (The French and Belgians
already claim that occupied Germany is more
prosperous than they.)
Collective Bargaining ..

"YOU WILL PERMIT the self-organization of
employes along democratic lines, subject
to such safeguards as may be necessary to pre-
vent the perpetuation of Nazi or militarist in-
fluence under any guise, or the continuation of
any group hostile to the objectives and opera-
tions of the occupying forces.
"You will permit free collective bargaining
between employes and employers regarding
wage, hour and working conditions and the es-
tablishment of machinery for the settlement
of industrial disputes. Collective bargaining
shall be subject to such wage, hour and other
controls, if any, as may be instituted or re-
vived by your direction.
Agriculture, Industry . .
"YOU WILL REQUIRE the Germans to use all
means at their disposal to maximize agri-
cultural output and to establish as rapidly as
possible effective machinery for the collection
and distribution of agricultural output.
"You will direct the German authorities to
utilize large-landed estates and public lands
in amanner which will facilitate the accom-

modation and settlement of Germans and
others or increase agricultural output.
"You will protect from destruction by the
Germans, and maintain for such disposition as
is determined by this and other directives or by
the control council, all plants, equipment, pat-
ents and other property, and all books and rec-
ords of large German industrial companies and
trade and research associations that have been
essential to the German war effort or the Ger-
man economy. You will pay particular attention
to research and experimental establishments
of such concerns.
"In order to "disarm Germany, the control
council should:
"Prevent the production, acquisition by im-
portation or otherwise, and development of all
arms, ammunition and implements of war, as
. well as all types of aircraft, and all parts, com-
ponents and ingredients specially designed or
produced for incorporation therein;
"Prevent the production of merchant ships,
synthetic rubber and oil, aluminum and mag-
nesium and any other products and equipment
on which you will subsequently receive instruc-
"You will prohibit all cartels or other private
business arrangements and cartel-like organi-
zations, including those of a public or quasi-
public character, such as the Wirtschaftsgrup-
pen, providing for the regulation of marketing
conditions, including production, prices, exclu-
sive exchange of technical information and pro-
ce;ses, and allocation of sales territories. Such
necessary public functions as have been dis-
charged by these organizations shall be absorbed
as rapidly as possible by approved public agen-
"It is the policy 'of your government to effect
a dispersion of the ownership and control of
German industry. To assist in carrying out
this policy you will make a survey of combines
and pools, mergers, holding companies and
interlocking directorates and comunicate the
results, together with recommendations, to
your government through the joint chiefs of
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
OVER TWENTY-ONE" may have a plot, but
fortunately A did not obtrude upon the
main purpose of the play: an anthology of mod-
ern humor. Every possible technique is used,
from shiny new gags to emptying an ice-box
on the floor. The basis of all this is the now
classical theme of wartime displacements, geo-
graphical, economic, psychological and social.
No effort is spared to do a thorough job. One
of the characters is from Hollywood, and "boy
meets girl" is skimmed of the best of the movie
jokes. The setting is near an Army post and
the Army contributes Army jokes. There is a
telephone and the usual telephone jokes. The
boss comes to visit and there are the when-the-
boss-comes-to-visit-us jokes. The whiskey is
in the liniment bottle. There is a bedroom and
bedroom jokes.
Miss Ruth Gordon shows an encyclopaedic
knowledge ofhAmerican humor, good taste in
choosing what she needs and a real talent
for inventing variations. Result: the whole
thing is extremely funny.
In a situation like that, the main requirement
of a cast is good timing, and this the Michigan
Players have. If any objection can be made,
it is for trying to raise the thing above the level
of a minstrel show. Mr. Mullin, for example,
is supposed for some reason which slips my mind
to be sad in Act II. He did his best in a nasal
way, but it was just an impossible part. Miss
Gordon had betrayed him.
The same thing goes for Miss Petrikin: as
long as she was Mr. Bones, the end man, she
was a success. But when the playwright felt
the ghost of Ibsen hovering over her type-
writer and tried to make Paula Wharton into
a human being, Miss Petrikin suffered.
Mr. Mitchell was especially good.
INASMUCH AS NOTHING is more acceptable
to a writer than to have attention called to

his work, it may seem ungrateful to push a
lawnmower through the flowery language of
Mr. Klingbeil, speech student. As a monument
to my indebtedness, I will omit all questions of
superannuated cliches ("human foibles," "Al-
mighty Dollar"), all questions of grammar ("pre-
ference is for"), quotations from phonograph
ads ("pure intimacies of chamber music"), etc.,
My remarks will be about Quality Street.
Plat? Act IV consists of just this. He finds out,
she finds out he knows, he finds out that she
knows that he knows, she finds out . . . Is this,
Mr. Klingbeil, "kindness to humanity"?
Dialogue? Actually the reputation of Quality
Street seems to rest oil lines like "curse those
dear children." Is this "marvelous understand-
ing," or is it perhaps "subtle exquisiteness?"
Characterization? Two old maids moulder
for ten years between Act I and Act II and
come on the stage ready for a cat-and-mouse
with returning veterans. Is this, 0 speech stu-
dent, a "philosophy of life."
-Frank Haight

CHEVALIER de la Legion d'Hon-
neur and holder of a Croix de
Guerre, Prof. Rene Talamon, of the
Department of Romance Languages,
served the Allies of World War I in
both war and peace.
After being wounded in action Mayj
30, 1915, and working at American1
headquarters during the last year of
the war, Prof. Talamon acted as of-
ficial interpreter at the Paris, Peace
Conference in 1919, and again in
1922 was called from his office at the
University to interpret at the Confer-
ence on Limitation of Armaments in
At the latter conference, Prof.
Talamon met Lord Balfour, Pre-
mier Briand of France, Admiral
Acton of Italy, and Wellington
loo of China.
But Prof. Talamon's war experi-
ences can not be dismissed so briefly.
He had entered the French Army in-{
fantry as a sergeant in August, 1914,
was wounded, cited for service,
awarded the Croix de Guerre, and
was promoted to the rank of first
lieutenant in May. 1917. He served as
a machine gun officer and as an of-
ficer topographer for the 5th French
Prior to his army service, Prof.
Talamon went on a French govern-
ment mission in India and in 1907 he
came to the United States. After one
year of teaching at Williams College,
lie transferred to the University of
Michigan and became an assistant
professor in 1914 and associate in
Prof. Talamon was born in Paris
and was educated in the Lycee,
French equivalent of the high
school, and at the University of
Paris, where he received a Licen-
cie-es-Lettres in 1905.
-Patricia Cameron

ing Editor of "Yank," the Army
weekly, in Sunday's New York Times
Magazine writes that a soldier is
more interested in a country without
discrimination, in a country with high
standards of living, than he is in
the vaunted blueberry pie his "mom"
makes and the right to boo the um-
McCarthy has thrown a bomb
shell at our cute advertisers who
depict the GI dream as something
wholesome and nure like a coke at
the corner drugstore. What Mc-
Carthy has done is to say that our
GIs are a group of thinking men
who do have at least a glimmer of
a notion of what they are fighting
McCarthy points out that a man
thrown together with other men from
all over the land gets to compare
prejudices and tastes and all around
knowledge. And he gets to think, to
realize that there is a world beyond
-the confines of his own. The con-
fines extend farther than Ebbets
Field, too.
Our soldiers, when they return,
will have a far greater understand-
ing of America and the world than
they had before they left. They
will know the meaning of fascism
and slaughter, of destitution and
destruction. They will want to
believe that their part of this war
was important in the making of a
better world. They will be ready
to see progress in America, for they
will not be satisfied with the status
When "Yank" took a poll on what
changes the GI wanted to see in
post war America, one of the most
frequent answers concerned racial
discrimination and the desire to see

it eliminated. One wanted it to be
made a federal offense. Another
answer concerned economic condi-
tions. The GIs seem to be tired of
the terrific inequality in the distri-
bution of economic wealth in their
country, the richest one on earth.
They want an end to the needless
poverty that exists here.
What it all amounts to is that
the GI has been doing some think-
ing. And that thinking has led
him to realize that certain elements
in America are not what they
should be, that change must and
can be effected. All our advertis-
ers to the contrary, the GI wants
and expects more than home made
pie when he comes back.
-Eunice Mintz
"For gosh sakes! Tell him you
were just kidding about cashing
in your War Bonds for a fur


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-'
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be, sent in typewritten
formi to the Summer Session office,
Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. . of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m.* Sat-
VOL. LV, No. 26.
The American Red Cross has ur-
gent need for Social Workers, Rec-
reation workers and Staff Aides to
help in Hospitals in this country as
well as for overseas positions. Age
23 to 50 and college men and women
preferred. Personnel secretaries from
Headquarters will be in Ann Ar-
bor on August 13 and 14 to inter-
view interested persons.
Appointments for interviews may
be made at Red Cross Headquarters,
French Club: The sixth meeting of
the club will take place Thursday,
Aug. 9 at 8 p.m. EWT (7 p.m. CWT)
at the Michigan League. Mrs. Eugenia
Le Mat, grad., will speak on "Souven-
irs de France." Group singing, social
hour. All students, servicemen, facul-
ty people interested are cordially in-
The Fourth Clinic of the season
at the University of Michigan Fresh
Air Camp will be held Friday, Aug.
13th, 8:00 p. m. (EWT) at the Main
Lodge. Dr. Marie Skodak, Director
of the Flint Guidance Center, will be
the consultant. The camp is on Pat-
terson Lake, near Pickney. Students
interested in mental hygiene and
the problems of adjustment are wel-
come to attend.
The Graduate Outing Club is spon-
soring a supper picnic, Saturday,
August 11 at the island. We will
meet at the back entrance to the
Rackham building at 5 p. m. EWT
and proceed from there. Those in-
terested are asked to make their res-
ervations at the Rackham Building
check desk before Friday noon. The
charges will be fiftycents per person
and food will be provided. In the
event of rain the party will be held
in the Outing Club Room.
State of Michigan Civil Service
announcement for Hospital Super-
intendent V, salary $460 to $575 per
month, has been received in our of-
fice. Further information may be
obtained at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau
of Appointments.
Russian Tea will be served Thurs-
day at 4:00 to 5:30 p. m. (EWT) at
the International Center.
Outing Class-Physical Education

for Women: The Outing Class will go
canoeing on Friday, August 10. Stu-
dents going on this trip must take a
swimming test which will be given on
Thursday evening, August 9, at 8:30
in the Union swimming pool. There
is a fee of 25c for the use of the
The group will meet at the Women's
Athletic Building on Friday at 3:30
EWT. Each student going on the
trip is to bring one dollar to cover
the cost of the canoes.
The All Nations Club is holding a
meeting on Thursday, August 9, at
7:30 EWT, at the International
Center. After a short business meet-
ing, the club will proceed with its
first "Hour o' Fun." All kinds of
games will be played and refresh-
ments will be served in the friendliest
and gayest of comradeship. Every-
body come and have the time of this
French Tea today at 4 p. m. EWT
(3 p. m. CWT) at the International
Pi Lambda Theta will haveta pie-
nic tonight (Thursday, August 9) at
the Women's Athletic Building, 5:30
to 7:00 p. m. EWT. This is the last
meeting of the summer and all mem-
bers are cordially invited to come.
Lecture. "The Parochial Contro-
versy in Nineteenth Century Eng-
land." Fred G. Walcott, Instructor
in Education and Teacher of English
at the University High School. 2:05
p. m. CWT or 3:05 p. m. EWT. Uni-
versity High School Auditorium,
The Rev. George W. Shepherd,
formerly an advisor to Generalis-
imo Chiang Hai-Shek in the New
Life Movement, will speak at Kellogg
Auditorium, Thursday at 7 p. m.
Academic Notices
Students, Summer Term, College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Courses dropped after Saturday, Aug.
11, by students other than freshmen
will be recorded with the grade of E.
Freshmen students with less than 24
hours of credit) may drop courses
without penalty through the eighth
week, upon the recommendation of
their academic counselors.
Exceptions to these regulations may
be made only because of extraordi-
nary circumstances, such as serious
Preliminary Examinations for the
Doctorate in School of Education.
These examinations will be held dur-
ing the summer on August 27-28-29
from 8 till 11 o'clock (CWT). Any-
one desiring to take the examinations
should notify Dr. Woody's Office,
4,000 University High School, before
August 10.
Seniors: College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts, Schools of Educa-

p. m. CWT.(7 p. in. EWT), Thursday,
August 9, Rackham Amphitheatre.
L. S. & A. Civilian Freshman Five-
Week Reports will be given ,out in the
Academic Counselors' Office, 198 Ma-
son Hall, in the following order:
Wednesday, August 8th, A through
Thursday, August 9th, L through Z.
Assistance for Veterans in Mathe-
matics: All veterans who require ad-
ditional assistance in Mathematics
are requested to meet in Room 3010
Angell Hall, Friday, August 10, at 5:00
p. m. (EWT) to make arrangements
for hours, type of assistance required,
Chamber Music Concert: The
fourth in a series of Chamber Music
Concerts will be presented Thursday
evening, August 9, at 7:30 p. m,
(CWT),sin Pattengill Auditorium of
the Ann Arbor High School. The
program will consist of compositions
by Mozart and Brahms played by
Gilbert Ross and Marian Struble
Freeman, violinists, Louise Rood and
Elizabeth Green, violinists, and Rob-
ert Swenson, cellist.
The last concert of the series will
be presented Thursday evening, Aug-
ust 6, at 7:30 p. m. (CWT) in Pat-
tengill Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
Carillon Recital. Percival Price,
University Carillonneur. 6:15 p. m.
CWT or 7:15 p. m. EWT Thursday.
Clements Library. Japan in Maps
from Columbus to Perry (1492-1854).
Architecture Building. Student
Michigan Historical Collections,
160 Rackham Building. The Uni-
versity of Michigan in the war.
Museums Building, rotunda. Some
foods of the American Indian.
General Library, main corridor
cases. Early military science. Selec-
tion from the Stephen Spaulding, '27,
memorial collection, presented by Col.
T. M. Spaulding, '02.
Events Toda
Play. "Over 21" by Ruth Gordon.
Michigan Repertory Players, Depart-
ment of Speech. 7:30 p. in. CWT or
8:30 p. m. EWT Lydia Mendelssohn
La Sociedad Hispanica will have
tea Thursday at 4 o'clock in the In-
ternational Center. Everybody is in-
vited. Do not miss this opportunity
of practicing Spanish.
The regular Thursday afternoon
tea will be held at the International
Center from 4 to 5:30 EWT. Honor-
ed guests will be Mr. Robert Swen-
son, visiting cellist from the Cleve-
land Symphony Orchestra and Mrs.
Swenson, and Professor Julio Payro

By Crockett Johnson

I -f - t!% -

. .



How absent-minded of me.
I must have set eight

JOHNSo There's an eighth place card, too.

Copyright, 1945, The Newspopef PM, Inc,
"His Excellency,
J. J., O'Malley,"

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