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August 08, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-08

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'4 '











Administration with Inefficiency

VO President To Recommend
Letter Be Sent to Congressmen

Charging inefficiency, buck-pass-
ing and general maladministration, a
representative group of University
World War II veterans indicated
through a Daily poll that the pres-
ent State Veterans Administration
machinery is defective "all along the
Special emphasis was placed on the
inadequacy of the Dearborn Veter-
ans' Hospital to handle the task as-
signed it.
Robert Andrews, president of the
Dean Ken ston
Gives Romance
Language Talk
Members of the Linguistic Insti-
tute, who several times this summer
have heard talks on Middle Indic,
Ibo, American Indian tongues, and
other relatively unfamiliar languages
were reminded last evening that even
the languages they have most studied
will present many unsolved problems,
when Dean Hayward Keniston ad-
dressed them on "The Romance Lan-
guage Group as Material for Linguis-
tic Study."
The Romance languages, Dean
Keniston observed, are all derived
from Latin, a language of which ex-
tensive records still survive, so that
in the Romance group there exists
actual documentary evidence of the
manner in which one language may
,split up into several different tongues.
Dr. Haugen To
Speak Today
"Language and Immigration" will
be discussed by Dr. Einar Haugen,
Professor of Scandinavian Languages
at the University of Wisconsin, when
he speaks at 7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30
p. m. CWT) today in the Rackham
He is expected to illustrate his
topic especially with materials drawn
from his studies of the development
of Norwegian in American commun-
ities that were settled by immigrants
from Norway.
Dr. Haugen has taught at Wiscon-
sin since 1931. He was guest lecturer
at Oslo University, Norway, in 1938-
39, and held a Guggenheim fellow-
ship in 1942-43. His book, "Voyages
to Vinland," published in 1941, made
available for modern American read-
ers translations of the medieval
Norse documents on which our know-
ledge of the first voyages of the
Norsemen to America is based.
Dr. Haugen's is one of the series
of weekly public lectures sponsored
by the Linguistic Institute.
Nazis To Move
To Nnernberg
LONDON, Aug. 7-(P)-Top rank-
ing Nazis held as prisoners of war
will be moved shortly from Mondorf,
Luxembourg, to the Nuernberg jail,
where they will be held for the ap-
proaching major war crimes trial,
it was 'disclosed today.
They will lose their status as Noar
prisoners and be held without bail
as civil criminals.
Today through Saturday "Over 21
will be presented by the
Michigan Repertory Play-
er at 8:30 p. m. EWT
(7:30 p: im. CWT) in the

University Veterans Organization,
only organized campus veterans'
group, said he would recommend to
his group that a letter be signed
by the VO executive committee be
sent to Congressmen requesting a
federal investigation of the Michi-
gan Veterans administration.
Objection to the Dearborn VA of-
fice set-up centered arond both medi-
cal arid educational facilities.
Fundamental objection to the Ad-
ministration arises out of laxity in
providing prompt action in the matter
of allotments.
Two veterans said, "We have been
here since March, 1945. In this per-
iod we have received no allotments.
We can't go to the University much
longer under this setup."
See the Daily tomorrow for the
first article in a series entitled,
"What the University Is Doing for
the World War II Veteran."
On the University level, Andrews
indicated that the "University on the
whole has done an admirable job."
The poll revealed the following sug-
gestions from veterans to the Univer-
sity administration:
(1) Provide adequate housing facil-
ities within Ann Arbor. Veterans urg-
ed that the proposed married couple
apartments be erected as soon as pos-
Married veterans with children re-
ported "it is extremely difficult to find
apartment owners who will rent to
(2). Provide more recreational fa-
(3) Provide more and intensified
refresher courses. Refresher courses
already initiated by the University
were termed "very good";
(4) Integration of facilities now
available to veterans;
This integration would include defi-
nite listings of counseling services of-
fered, and bureaus and clinics which
serve veterans. Among these are:
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, the Speech
Clinic, the Psychological Clinic in ad-
dition to special services such as
refresher course schedules.
Finally, the consensus of the 50 vet-
erans polled, represting 15 per cent
of vets on campus in and out of the
VO, maintained that "there is room
for improvement in the Veterans
ServicekBureau machinery."
Clark Tibbitts, director of the Bu-
reau said, "I hope that we can achieve
a full integration of academic and
special services within the University
on behalf of the veteran."
He suggested: (1) "Expanded fa-
cilities for personal guidance and
academic counseling; (2) Adequate
housing within range of the ability
of the veteran to pay; (3) Ample
opportunity for review of fundamen-
tal subject matter and for redevelop-
ing sound study habits after a period
df absence from aca.demic work."
Meanwhile, Marvin Niehuss, Uni-
versity vice-president in charge of
public relations said, "Our object is
to serve the veterans. If there are
shortcomings in the University pro-
gram, the University is glad to hear
suggestions for improving its ser-

Detroit Primary
Picks Jef fries,
Two Top Contenders
Assured of Nomination
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Aug. 7 - With votes
from more than half of the city's pre-
cincts tabulated in the municipal
non-partsan primary, the two top
contenders in the mayoralty race,
Richard T. Frankensteen, Labor can-
didate, and Mayor Edward J. Jeff-
ries, were assured tonight of nomi-
They will oppose each other for
the office in the run-off election
Nov. 6.
Unofficial returns from 600 of the
city's 1,136 precincts '*gave 43,286
votes to Frankensteen, 33,738 to Jeff-
ries and 18,768 to James D. Friel,
chairman of Wayne County auditors.
The sharp contest between Jeff-
ries, who is seeking his fourth term,
and Frankensteen, international vice
president of the United Automobile
Workers (CIO), brought out an es-
tmated 200,000 voters, nearly double
advance expectations.
Doctor Foresees
of New Drugs
"In the future there will undoubt-
edly be new drugs similar to peni-
cillin which will not compete with it,
but which will be useful where peni-
cillin is of little value," Dr. John D.
Adcock, Professor of Internal Medi-
cine at the University Hospital, said
today in a lecture sponsored by the
Graduate Council, at the Rackham
Penicillin is superior to any of the
known chemical drugs, Dr. Adcock
said. It cures pneumonia in a few
hours, he continued. Within a short
time venereal diseases are made non-
communicable when treated vWith
penicillin, he stated. In some infec-
tuous diseases, like typhoid fever,
and in virus diseases, like measles,
penicillin is of little value, Dr. Ad-
cock declared.
Dr. Adcock received his degree at
the University of Pennsylvania and
is now doing research and teaching
in the University Hospital.
Edwards lWill
Play at Dance
Jerry Edwards and his ten piece
band will play at the all-campus
semi-formal dance, "Starlite Roof,"
to be sponsored by the Graduate
Council from 9 p. m. to midnight
EWT (3 to 11 p. in. CWT) Friday
on the summer terrace of the Rack-
ham Building.
Tickets will be on sale every day
this week at the Union and League.
Entertainment will be furnished and
refreshments are to be served.
William Akers, president of the
Graduate Council, is general chair-
man of the dance.

Wright, Sheean,
Perkins, Stowe
To Speak Here
Others To Be Heard
In Oratorical Series
Ten distinguish~ed personalities,
among them Congresswoman Helen
Gahagan Douglas, Owen Lattimore,
Vincent Sheean, Richard Wright,
Frances Perkins and Leland Stowe,
will discuss a wide variety of topics
encompassing national and interna-
tional problems as University Ora-
torical Association speakers for the
1945-46 lecture course, it was an-
nounced today.
Opening the lecture course at Hill
Auditorium, November 6, Miss Doug-
las, member of the Huse Foreign
Affairs Committee and wife of actor
Melvin Douglas, will speak on "The
Price of World Peace."
She will be followed on Novem-
ber 28 by Mr. Lattimore, political
advisor to Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek, Director of Pacific Op-
erations for OWI and of the School
of International Relations at Johns
Hopkins University. He will speak
on "Solution to Asia," the title
of his most recent book on Far
Eastern problems.
"Personal Opinion" will be the
topic of Mr. Sheean, author of
"Personal History," "Not Peace
But a Sword," and war correspon-
dent just returned after five
months with the U. S. Third Army,
when he lectures December 5.
The fourth lecture will be given
December 11 by Mr. Wright, author
of "Native Son" and "Black Boy."
He will speak on "The American
Negro Discovers Himself."
"The Destiny of American Labor"
is the topic on whch Miss Perkins.
Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945,
when she speaks here January 16,
Active in the Indian Nationalist
movement, Madame Vijaya Lakshmi
Pandit, sister of Jawaharal Nehru,
Indian Nationalist leader, will speak
February 5 on "The Coming Indan
"The Theatre, Reminiscences
IRA Meeting
Diffusion Visualized
As Race Solution
"Negroes and minority group
shout be encouraged to scatte
among different residential areas an
into different occupations, if we are
seriously interested in getting at th
racial problem," Amos H. Hawley o
the sociology department said.
Speaking before the Monday night
meeting of the Inter-Racial Associa-
tion on the subject, "Employment
Housing and the Race Problem,'
Prof. Hawley claimed, "Negro resi-
dence in a residential area is a symp-
tom rather than the cause of low
property values. Because these mi-
nority groups are weak economically,
they are limited in the selection of
residential areas and have to choose
obsolete housing units."

Navy Planes
Bomb Wake,
China Coast
Shipping, Buildings
Are Targets of Raid
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Aug. 8, Wednesday-Car-
rier planes of the U. S. Pacific Fleet
raided Wake Island Monday and
struck shipping off the coast of China
Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Announced in a fleet communique
today, it was the first disclosure of
carrier action since Aug. 1. During
July, Admiral Halsey's Third Fleet
shelled and bombed Japan with un-
precedented fury, destroying or dam-
aging more than 1,300 vessels and
more than 1,000 planes.
Monday's carrier assault on the
former American base of Wake, in
which small shipping, buildings and
installations were the targets, was
the second this month. On Aug. 1
Wake was bombed by a battleship
and hit by carrier aircraft.
The three-day hunt, extending
through Monday, along the China
coast netted only small shipping vic-
tims. The raiders shot down four
enemy aircraft, destroyed a large
barge, damaged a small coastal car-
go vessel and military installations.
The -target area was not specified.
British Election
Is Subject of
Barnes' Talk
"The Conservative Party could not
have done a better job in the recent
British election than they did," stat-
ed Prof. E. H. Barnes of the history
department last night.
Speaking on the subject, "British
Politics," Prof. Barnes told the meet-
ing of the Post-War Council that the
Conservatives had timed the election
perfectly and had conducted their
campaign according to traditional
Conservative standards, but the sen-
timent was entirely for the Labor
Prof. Barnes said that the bad
handling of foreign policy by Con-
servative governments under Bald-
win and Chamberlain and to a cer-
tain extent by Churchill had brought
about the downfall of the party.
"Labor has been the leading party
since 1942, according to votes taken
by polls and just before the election
Labor polled a vote of 47 per cent
and the Conservatives polled only
41 per cent. The election followed
the poll very closely," Prof. Barnes
Prof Barnes is now teaching in the
history department and comes from
the history departmient .of Western
Reserve University.
Eighth Witness
Sentenced Here
William Mahaley, 50 years old, of
Ypsilanti, last night became the
eighth witness to be sentenced for
-ontempt by Judge James R. Breakey,
Washtenaw County's one-man grand
ury investigating gambling here for
he last two months.
Seven other witnesses, all of whom
vere sentenced to 60 days in the
ounty jail for contempt, have purged
;hemselves and all have been re-

5 Major Industrial
Targets Wiped Out
Additional Damage Shown Outside Completely
Devastated Area; Concussion Felt for 10 Miles
Guam, Wednesday, Aug. 8-AP-Four and one tenth
square miles "or 60 per cent" of Hiroshima were wiped out by
the devastating atomic bomb dropped Monday by a B-29, the
U. S. Army Strategic Air Force Headquarters reported today.
Five major industrial targets were wiped out in the city of six and
nine tenths square miles.
"Additional damage was shown outside the completely destroyed
area," said a communique based on reconnaissance photographs made
over the city of 343,000 on the morning of the day the bomb was
dropped by a Superfort which felt the concussion while 10 miles away.
The men who participated could give no estimate of the damage
other than that it "must have been extensive."
Photographs, taken a few minutes after the atomic bomb blasted
Hiroshima, showed a spectacular formation of white smoke rising
like a long-necked mushroom over the city. Only several dots were
(perceivable in the target city-the remainder was obscured by clouds
of smoke.
So, with a single bomb, a single Superfort accomplished as great
damage as normally is inflicted by a large force of B-29s. Actually,
the force of the atomic bomb is reported equivalent to 2,000 B-29s,
which themselves carry a tremendous wallop in an average of six tons of
bombs each.
Crewmen related that the lone bomb struck squarely in the center
of the industrial-military city of 343,000 on southern Honshu in the
Japanese mainland Aug. 6 (Pacific time) with a flash and concussion
that .brought an exclamation of "My God" from a battle-hardened
Superfortress crew, 10 miles away.
For following up on other enemy cities there are more B29s ready
to carry more of the same awesome bombs. This was announced here
by Gen. Carl S. Spaatz, commander of the U. S. Army Strategic Air
Japanese broadcasts warned they
people to beready for more super- render ultimatum, or a Japanese de-
bomb raids, and the Japanese cabi- cision to fight on or quit now, was
net was reported meeting in special highly conjectural.
session. But one able military authority
NBC in New York picked up a here said "inevitably" Japan will be
BBC broadcast which said Radio told-quickly-that she must quit or
Tokyo indicated the cabinet had been face the onslaught of the most ter-
summoned to discuss the new men- rible weapon ever devised. And an-
ace. other declared the Japanese may be

How soon the use of atomic bomb-
ing may be followed by a new sur-


'Over 21' Will
Be Presented
Comedy Just Released
To Non-Professionals
"Over 21" will be presented by the
Michigan Repertory Players at 8:30
p. m. EWT (7:30 p. m. CWT) today
through Saturday and in a matinee
performance at 2:30 p. m. EWT (1:30,
p. m. CWT) Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Ruth Gordon's comedy, in which
she also starred on Broadway, has
just been released for non-profes-
sional production. Phillis Petrikin
will portray Paula Wharton, the spir-
ited novelist who helps her husband
through the Army Air Force officer
candidate school.
Petrikin, Mullin Leads
Playing opposite Miss Petrikin is
Dan Mullin as her husband, a for-
mer newspaper editor. Mr. Mullin
will be remembered by Ann Arbor
audiences for his portrayal of Prof.
Turner in "The Male Animal."
Ethel Isenberg and Byron Mitchell
are cast in the roles of the young
people who precede the Whartons in
their "convenient" tourist camp cot-
The rest of the cast includes Mar-
tin Crowe, Mary Ellen Wood, Robert
Webber, Janine Robinson, Arthur
Shef, and Miriam McLaughlin.
Lippman Director
Monroe Lippman, head of the de-
partment of speech and dramatic
art at Tulane University, is directing
the play. Dr. Lippman also directed
"The Male Animal."
The setting was designed by Her-
bert Philippi of the speech depart-
ment; costumes are under the super-
vision of Lucy Barton; and Ernest
Asmus and Ivard Strauss are the
technical supervisors.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office.

expected to make up their minds
within six weeks whether to 'get out
of the war or see their home islands
devastated from the air.
There was a possibility however
that for the moment the Allies of the
Pacific war would be content to cap-
italize on the tremendous propaganda
value of the first atomic bomb strike
Sunday on the army city of Hiro-
shima, and on the threat of repeat

'UiP an~d Atom'
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 7-(P)-
The Herald-Express today pub-
lished an open letter to Lt. Gen.
James H. Doolittle, conveying a
new slogan suggested by its tele-
graph editor for use in pep talks
to Jap-bombing pilots:
"Up and atom."
Atomic Bomb
May Become
Peace Weapon
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 7-The revolution-
ary atomic bomb might become the
peace-enforcing weapon of the Unit-
ed Nations through a special air
police force equipped with the secret,
terrible missile by the United States
and Britain, some diplomats suggest-
ed tonight.
They also speculated that the bomb
would raise the question of putting
all militarily-important scientific in-
ventions under control of the United
Nations Security Council when the
new world organization is born.
One prime question was whether
the secret of the atomic bomb would
be-or should be-shared with other
Allied nations, and whether Russia
already had been informed of the
There was general agreement that
the weapon could become the "big
stock" of peace and security, provided
it did not fall into the wrong hands,
and that it promised to change rad-
ically the modern concepts of secur-
i I. n n rl cd'~P~vO+(

'U' Research Bureau Reports Critical Housing Situation

In a survey made public last night, the University Bureau of Business
Research reported that a "critical" student housing situation exists and
that "drastic steps" must be taken by the University if the student body
is not to be frozen at an abnormally low level this fall and throughout the
postwar period through lack of housing facilities.
Although it was not a specific recommendation, the Bureau report
concluded that "any solution to the problem must come through a radical

business management-off the campus, perhaps at Willow Run Village,
jand send the instructors to the students.
One University official who aided in the survey, said that a student
body of approxicately 9,500 now appears to represent the physical limit of
the University unless additional housing facilities are found. Total en-
rollment in the spring term of this year amounted to 9,029.
After War 4,000 Vets May Enroll
University enrollment in 1940-41, the last peace-time academic year,

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