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August 05, 1945 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-05

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SUNDAY---- AUGUST -5- -, -,

Laval Says He Was nwilling Tool

Student Describes Life with

Aid Needed

Asserts That He Saved
Two Former Premiers
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Aug. 4-Pierre Laval, picturing himself as an unwilling tool of
the Nazis, claimed at the treason trial of his Vichy chieftain, Marshal
Henri Philippi Petain, today that he had prevented the Gestapo murder
of two former French Premiers.
The arch-collaborator, who has been sentenced to death by a Mar-
seille court, asserted he saved Leon Blum and Paul Reynaud from Nazi
firing squads and professed ignor-

Lg uit
Ling titcs0

0 0

(Continued from Page 1)
quire the division of classes
small sections.


Contrary to popular opinion, the
oral approach does not mean neg-
lect of the written language. It sim-
ply means the use of oral methods
as a first step toward the attainment
of an efficient knowledge of both the
spoken and writen language.
'Intensive' Method
The oral approach should not be
confused with the "intensive meth-
od" or "army method," says Dr.
Fries. Under the intensive or army
method, rapid mastery of a language
was sought by spending much longer
hours per week at studying it, but
not all army classes had the facili-
ties for use of the oral approach.
The army method, far from be-
ing something set up in opposition
to civilian language scholars' meth-
ods, was actually established with
their aid. In 1941, before Pearl Har-
bor, the American Council of Learned
Societies called a conference to dis-
cuss the language needs of govern-
ment agencies. Impetus was given
to the new approach when the Rocke-
feller Foundation in 1942 granted
$100,000 to the Council to set up
an intensive language program at
various universities, under the direc-
torship of Dr. J. Milton Cowan, sec-
retary of the Linguistic Society of
America. It was the methods tested
under this program that were adopt-
ed by the army.
Fifty Will Work in
State's Land Army
ALLEGAN, Mich.; Aug. 4 -(P)-
Fifty women and girls will begin the
official women's land army activities
in, Michigan here Thursday when the.
Allegan camp for snap bean pickers
is opened.

ance of the murder of Georges Man-
del, celebrated martyr of anti-Ger-
man resistance.
'Most ]Eated Man'
'Thougheacknowledging in effect
that he was the "most hated man in
France," the swarthy, white-tied ex-
fugitive contended he and Petain sav-
ed France from "asphyziation" and
asserted he twice refused to enter a
military alliance with Germany, once
at the time of the Anglo-American
landings in North Africa.
Digging into the secrets of the
Vichy regime, Laval maintained that
French Forces in Africa resisted the
Allies "to. prevent a German attack"
and revealed that two American dip-
lomats-one of them former ambas-
sador to Vichy, Adm. William D.
Leahy-had demanded an explana-
tion for Laval's notorious "I desire a
German victory" speech.
Twelfth Day
Laval, who wound up his two days
of testimony only a few minutes be-
fore the twelfth day of Petain's trial
ended, declared he saved Blum and
Reynaud from German firing squads
by protesting to the Germans.
He said that, as chief of the Vichy
government, he learned the two for-
mer premiers of the third republic
"were going to be shot by the Ger-
mans.in reprisal for the condemna-
tion in Algiers of Pierre Pucheu (Vi-
chy Minister of the Interior) ".
German Orders
Lava 1 asserted he also - protested
to the Germans and demanded an in-
vestigation when he learned that
Mandel had been murdered.
Laval, asserting that the Vichy
government made the best of a bad
situation after the Franco-German
armistice, declared the worst actions
of Vichy resulted from direct orders
of the Germans. Since France was
prostrate, the Germans could have
"asphixiated" her.
Grad Outing Club Hike
Members of the Graduate Outing
club- are asked to meet at 2 p. m.
EWT (1 p. m. CWT) today in front
of the Rackham building for a hike.

Books Printed
In Germany To
Be in Library
Thousands of bocks, pamphlets
and periodicals published in Ger-
many and Occupied Europe during
the war are being cataloged for use
in the General Library, Dr. F. Clever
Bald, War fistorian, announced.
Sent to the University by alumni,
fcrmer students and others in the
armed forces, the material is valu-
able not only for souvenirs but also
for reasearch.
Faculty members of the German,
history, political science and sociol-
ogy departments, the law school and
the College of Engineering have in-
spected the books and found many
which will be of uses in their courses.
Published during the war, the
books probably could not be pur-
chased anywhere in America, ac-
cording to Dr. Bald. The cataloging
of the material will not be completed
for some time, but books may be
borrowed from the Office of the
War Historian until they are ready
for removal to the General Library.
Arctic Area T
ue Discussed
Dr. George Kiss of the geography
department will give a talk on the
"Russian Arctic" before a meeting
of Russky Kruzhok, Russian Circle,
at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) to-
morrow in the International Center.
Agriculture north of the Arctic
circle, Russian polar stations, and
the general problem of navigation on
the sea lane across the Arctic from
Europe to the Far East will be dis-
cussed by Dr. Kiss. In addition, he
will present the importance of north-
ern Siberia in air travel.
A social hour will follow the talk
and tea will be served from the samo-
All interested are cordially invited
to attend.


Hockett To Talk

Beaver Damsc
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second a
series of articles about the University
geology camp at Jackson, Wyoming. by
Hal Kaufman, a student doing field


LOST: Woman's Elgin wrist wat
between Nickels Arcade and Fore
Ave., Sat., the 28th. Rewan
Phone 22539.
LOST: Shaeffer's pen. Somewhereo
State St. Name engraved, Chi
Lein Isin. Ph. 2-4648. 1109 S. Stat
WANTED: Student kitchen hel
dinner hour; meals or cash. Ra
.70 per hour. Call 6737, 11091
FOR RENT: Single room at Woo
League House, one-half block fro
Campus, 725 Haven.

i Camp Davis For Moving
n tnd the
women, I calculated that our detourSsCro
need nct be as wide as it was

SUN., AUG. 5, 1945
Eastern War Time
8 :00-News.
8:05-Organ Music.
8:15-Jimmy Wakely.
8:30-Frankie Masters.
9:05--Ralph Ginsburg.
9:30-Ava Maria Hour.
10:15-Edmond Pierson.
10:30-Charlie Barnett.
10:45-Jesse Crawford.

11:05-Trinity Evangelical
Lutheran Church.
12:05-Mario Morelli.
12:30-Music & Verse.
12:45-Paul Baron.
1 :00-News.
1:15-Lawrence Quintet.
1:30-Jerry Sears.
2:05-Les Brown.
2:15-Baseball Brevities.
2:25-Baseball (Det. at

6:05-Wilson Ames.
6:15--Grace Bible Fellow-
6:30-Concert Hail.
6:45-Eleanor Meston.
7:05-Wake Up America.
7:25-Popular Music.
7:35--U.S.O. Show.
8:05-Dance Time.
8:15-Howard Farrar.
8:30-Daniel Leiberfeld.
9:05-Milt Herth Trio.


Through Wednesday

Shows Continuous
e ectit n x nModernC GoozngT





tL lIt f MILS tIC work there.; the first two wagons.ByTeAsctdPrs
BY HAL KAUFMAN After half an hour of backing up SAGINAW. Mich., Aug. 4-Ship-
1' b-A YHL AFA and starting forward. a bunch of
Mv et Tuesday CAMP DAVIS, Jackson, Wyoming the fellows Caine running to se pers looked to eastern railroads to-
-It was a fine morning, after it had what had happened. At first they night for aid in the movement of
"English Syntax of Transforma- rained most of the night. This was didn't recognize us. Everyone had Michigan crops, now stalled because
tion" is the topic chosen by Lieut. last week when we were having quite their shoes off and was throwing of a freight car shortage described as
Charles F. Hockett for his talk at a dose of the semi-arid climate that stuff under the tires to get some g cgusescaicrdsis
a special luncheon conference of the this part of the country is famous traction. I had my shoes on and having caused a crisis.
Linguistic Institute at 1 p. m. EWT for. (It only rains half -of the time.) was the supervisor. The exhaust was The Office of Defense Transporta-
noon CWT) Tuesday at the Michi- We. the geologists. started out under water and we scunded amaz- tion and the American Railroad As-
gan League. three station wagons strong, to look ingly like a model 19A Cris-Craft. sociation were called upon for help
The conference will be preceded by for a thrust of something. Professor Professors Enter Scene in the face of closings of numerous
luncheon at noon EWT (11 a. m. Belknap led the. way -- he likes to I Jerry Cooley threw himself under
CWT) in the League Ballroom, lead because he gets none of the dust the rear wheels and Bill Dady, Ran-i clogged grain elevators and reports
Lieut. Hockett studied at Ohio that his wagon stirs up; Professor ger Chavez, Bob Christman, Cas Ber-I that the situation was getting worse
State and Yale, where he took his Sharp drove the second wagon - nard all lent their weight and the Albert S. Riedel, president of the
doctorate, and did post-doctoral work minus horn and spare tire, and I wagon chugged out over Jerry just Michigan Bean Shippers Association,
at Chicago and Michigan. He has drove the last wagon. as the professors, grim faced, came expressed alarm over conditions
investigated the languages of the Detour Through Sage Brush trodding to the scene. The girls which he said threatened "one of the
Kickapoo and Potawatomi Indians, Went along fine. Dicn't mind the cheered wildly. I received the Royal greatest farm tragedies in Michigan
and has worked on a variety of prob- dust or crevassed road at all. Sud- Order of the Blivot, with cluster, forl history." He appealed to the ODI'
lems of linguistic analysis. Before denly noticed the first wagon pull holding up operations for the day. and the eastern railroads.
entering military service he was a to the left and take a detour through It was presented to me by our one Five thousand cars will be needed
research assistant in the English the sage brush. Second wagon ditto. and only Commissioner Slons's- Lin- to handle the bumper bean and grain
Language Institute and taught Eng- I coudn't understand why until I ament Yahn. John M. (for Martini crops which are twice as large as in
lish at the University of Michigan. saw it. "It" was a puddle, more like Horeth, who .is usually my first mate, a normal year, Riedel said.
Information, Education Division a lake. Since there were just six of missed the whole thing. In Detroit spokesmen for the Rail-
Since entering the Army, Lieut. Beavers Damn Stream I read Association said they believed
Hockett has been attached to the Oh yes. How come all this. The adequate transportation could be
Language Section, Information and String Con t beavers, eager little fellows, had provided with the eastern road ssend-
Education Division, Army Service - . dammed a stream and turned the ing enpty box cars to Michigan.
Forces. W i l Be Held Ircad into a lake. Then we climbed.
On the Linguistic Institute's even- Things here at camp are pretty BOOKINDING BY HAND
ing series of introductory lectures on ' much the same. Professor Bouchard adds a pleasing touch of individuality
linguistic science, Dr. Hayward Keni- esda gmanages to get us some pretty darned to your library. Thesis bound over
ston, dean of the College of Litera- gocd food, and the Thomps-ons cook night. Free estimates, pick-up and de-
ture, Science and the Arts, will speak The University String Orchestra, it real home-like. The engineers are livery
at 7 u. m. EWT (6 p. m. CWT) Tues- conducted by Gilbert Ros.. will give doing great, they beat us to the mess uIARACl OLSEN, Bookbinder
day in the Rackham East Lecture a concert at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30 hall every time. _ _BrooRwood_ - - Phone 2-2915
Room on "The Romance Language p m. CWT) Tuesday in Pattengill - - -- ---- --- -- -------
Croup as Material for Linguistic Auditorium of Ann Arbor High A
Study. ho.
Romance Languages Dept. Head . The orchestra i§ composed of 29 TE DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH PRESENTS V
Before becoming dean early this players, mainly students in the Uni- THE MICHIGAN REPERTORY PLAYERS
year, Dr. Keniston was for many versity, but including one or two ,
years a teacher of Romance langua- guest players.
ges and was chairman of the Ro-
mance languages department at Scloist of the evening will be , -_
Michigan since 1940. Louise Rood of Smith College, who\r"A I) :7
Other Linguistic Institute events will play the solo part forcello iS\Vt1CocetiDmao" for
scheduled for later in the week are viola and small orchestra o
a public lecture at 7:30 p. m. EWT Oaean s on-chetra miIRUT H GORDON'S RECENT COMEDY HIT
(6:30 p. m. CWT) Wednesday, by Other numbers on the program in- 6
Dr. Einar Haugen, professor of Scan- eludeB seections by Purcell, Mozart W ednesday throngh Saturday - 3:30 P.M.
dinavian languages at the University and Bach.
of Wisconsin, on "Language and Im- Miss Rcod is a visiting professor Saturday Matinee - 2.'0 P.M.
migration," and a lecture at 7 p. m. in the School of Music for the sum-
EWT (6 p. m. CWT) Thursday by mer session and she is teaching viola TICKTr: $1.02 - 78c - 54c (/ax incl ided)
Dr. C. F. Voegelin, editor of the In- and string quartet classes and also
ternational Journal of American Lin- participates in the faculty chamber,
guistics and a member of the Insti- music concert series.
tute faculty, on "American Indian The concert is open to the publicjv
Languages." without charge.c


The laugh-filled lowdown on



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"He's got Bing's voice and that other
guy's bow tie" but the face belongs to
Aw AUi


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