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August 05, 1945 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1945-08-05

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Da j

See Story, Page 6



MacArthur Gains,
Extended Control
Ryukyu Isles To Be Bases of Invasion
Forces During Final Battle for Japan
MANILA, Sunday, Aug. 5-(P)-General MacArthur announced exten-
sion of his Pacific army command to the Ryukyu Islands Saturday, thus
for the first time assuming control of conquered Japanese soil in his drive
"on to Tokyo."
The announcement declared that the Ryukyus, with the Philippines,
"form a great semicircular base from which a mighty invasion force is
being forged under the primary responsibility of General MacArthur for
the final conquest of Japan."
General Doolittle's Eighth Air Force, to be based on Okinawa, will be
under General Spaatz' U. S. Army Strategic Air Forces, which remain sepa-

Attlee Appoints
New Civil Lord
Of Admiralty

Three Considered Possibilities as
U.S. Deputy on Security Council;

Former Navy
Edwards Gets


Jap Hosptal
Ship' Carries
War Materials
By The Associated Press
MANILA, Aug. 5, (Sunday)-A Jap-
anese hospital ship which used its
"free conduct" under Red Cross in-
signia to move contraband war sup-
plies through the Allied blockade of
the East Indies is being taken into
port by a U. S. Seventh Fleet patrol
General MacArthur's headquarters
yesterday announced interception of
the hospital ship, which also- carried
apparently faked soldier patients.
The U. S. Sixth Army reported an
additional 882 Japanese had been
killed in the last three days on Luzon,
the principal Philippine island.
London received a report that Lt.
Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita, Japanese
supreme commander during the Phil-
ippines campaign, had been killed on
Luzon in a bombing attack.
MacArthur's report of the board-
ing of the hospital ship, in the Banda
Sea north of Timor and roughly 400
miles north of ,Australia, said ap-
proximately 1,500 Japanese aboard
were listed as patients. When the
boarding party removed bandages
from some of the patients, no wounds
were found. 4
Machine guns, ,'iv llimeters.shells
and other ammunition were found
packed in cases marked "medical sup-
plies," headquarters said.
In the announcement, neither the
course of the vessel nor the port to
which it is being taken was disclosed.
The Japanese still occupy most of
the islands between New Guinea and
Borneo, although the Allied block-
ade has cut off all possible escape, ex-
cept for possible small scattered
groups. The hospital ship's crew
was listed as 13 officers and 63 men.
Chinese Block
Japs at Tungan
CHUNGKING, Aug. 4-()-Chi-
nese forces battered toward the stra-
tegic rail town of Tungan, only 24
miles from the former American air
base city of Lingling, today and
threatened to block the Japanese
withdrawal from Kwangsi province
in South China, the Chinese com-
mand reported.
Striking from the fallen Japanese
bastion of Sinning, 55 miles northwest
of Lingling, Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek's troops made "much pro-
gress" toward Tungan in a sweep
through the Japanese defense ring, a
communique said.
The Chinese drive toward Tungan
threatened to cut the Hunan-Kwang-
si railroad in Hunan province, block
the main avenue of the Japanese es-
cape from Kwangsi and halt a with-
drawal toward the great communi-
cations hub of Hengyang-keypoint
of Japanese resistance south of the
Yangtze river.
Inexpensive Shoes
To Be Non-rationed
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4 -(P)- A
large selection of inexpensive shoes
for adults will be removed from ra-
tioning for the period Aug. 27 through
Oct. 13, the OPA announced today.
Shoes covered by the order are
those made before March 1, 1944,
and retaiing at $3.50 or less a pair.
This action was believed to have
been taken in preparation for termi-
nation of all shoe rationing early
next year.
Today The Graduate Outing
Club will meet for a hike

-rate from the MacArthur command.
Units under MacArthur already in
the area or moving up from the Phil-
ippines include General Stilwell's
Tenth Army and Gen. George C. Ken-
ney's Far East Air Forces, which in-
clude the Fifth, Seventh and 13th Air
The extension of command, which
became effective Tuesday midnight,
was not a sudden shift. MacArthur
previously had announced the ap-
pointment of General Stilwell to suc-
ceed the late Lt. Gen. Simon.Bolivar
f Buckner, Jr., as commander of the
Okinawa-conquering Tenth Army.
Admiral Nimitz, under whose over-
all command Okinawa and a dozen
smaller islands were occupied, pres-
umably remained in command of
naval forces in the Ryukyus.
(As the command extension was
announced, Senators Johnson (D.-
i Colo.) and Stewart (D.-Tenn.) de-
clared in Washington that they fa-
vored promoting MacArthur to over-
all command in the Pacific).
The Ryukyus, extending from For-
mosa to the Japanese mainland, form
the natural invasioh bridge which
MacArthur would follow in the "on
to Tokyo" declaration he issued Feb.
6 in proclaiming the fall of Manila.
Japan still holds the by-passed
Sakishima group, between the Oki-
nawas and Formosa, and the north-
ern Amami, Tokara and Osumi
Okinawa is about 600 miles from
the Philippines and only 325 miles
from Japan's- mainland......
1 The Ryukyus change apparently
was made under the U. S. joint chiefs
of staff assignments of April 5, divid-
ing Pacific commands.
Railroads in
Japan Mauled
Vital Network Being
Ruined as in Germany
By The Associated Press
GUAM, Sunday, Aug. 5-Japan's
vital network of railroads are receiv-
ing the same aerial mauling meted
out to Germany's system, but the
Nipponese are taking it with little
opAs the psychological warfare of
pamphlets was renewed by the big
Superforts and Japan's shipping was
stymied behind B-29 dropped mines,
Nippon's inner transportation prob-
lems increased.
Raided Tokyo
U. S. Army Strategic Air Forces
announced yesterday that 97 Mus-
tangs raided the Tokyo area Friday
and destroyed 14 locomotives, dam-
aged six more and 50 railroad cars.
Only ten enemy interceptors met
the challenge. Two of them were
shot down.
Gen. George C. Kenney's Far East
Air Forces, which alone have counted
fcr 2,846,932 tons of enemy shipping
sunk or damaged in the first seven
months of this year, similarly have
paid special attention to inland
transportation systems.
No Opposition
Continued absence of Japanese in-
terceptor opposition is based on a
Nippon policy of hoarding air
strength for the Allied invasion, Tok-
yo radio said.
Leaflets bearing the Allied demand
for immediate surrender have been
dropped on Japan in a renewed cam-
paign by the Superfortress command
aimed directly at the Japanese peo-
ple. They told the Japanese they
would be treated justly, but prom-
ised "prompt and utter destruction
if the ultimatum was not accepted.
To Continue Plans

-(A')-Undaunted by the loss of parts
of all four of his limbs, a Starke, Fla.

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 4-Prime Minister
Attlee appointed a former RoyalNavy
stoker, Walter James Edwards, as
Civil Lord of the Admiralty tonight,
putting the 44-year-old veteran of
two wars on the admiralty board be-
side Britain's senior admirals.
Edwards, often described as the
"member of Parliament for the lower
deck," was one of 33 junior mini-
sters named by Attlee. The Prime
Minister also selected nine Ministers,
virtually completing the administra-
tion which will direct theaLabor par-
ty's far reaching program of econ-
omic change for Britain.
Known affectionately as "Wally"
to his fellow East Enders in London,
Edwards was elected to Parliament
Prof. Barnes To Speak
The British elections will be dis-
cussed by Prof. E. H. Barnes of the
history department at the meeting
of the Post-War Couicil at 7:30
p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT)
Tuesday in the Union.
A discussion and question period
will follow.
in 1942. He is believed to be the first
civil Lord with wartime fleet service.
Thepost usually is filled by a civilian.
The newly named ministers are:
George Tomlinson, 55, works; Lew-
is Silkin, 56, town and country plan-
ning; James Griffiths, 55, national
insurance; Lord 'Winster 60, civil
aviation; Edward John (Ted) Wil-
liams, 55, information; The Earl of
Listowel, 39, postmaster general;
John Burns Kynd, 43, Chancellor of
the Duchy of Lancaster; Hartley
William Shawcross, 43, attorney gen-
eral; and Maj. Frank Soskice, solici-
tor general.
IRA Will Hear
Talk by Hawley
Professor's Lecture
To Be Fifth in Series
"We have a tremendous accumula-
tion of facts on the subject of race
but not enough money is spent on
the alleviation of racial discrimina-
tion," Prof. Amos H. Hawley of the
sociology department said in a re-
cent interview.
Prof. Hawley will address the in-
ter-Racial Association on the subject
"Real Estate, and Employment" at
7:30 p. m. EWT (6:30 p. m. CWT)
Monday at the Union.
Prof. Hawley has emphasized that
discrimination can be alleviated'when
the segregation of racial groups is
solved. He said, "The more the Ne-
groes can scatter, the less will they
become a distinguishable group. Non-
segregation is equivalent to assimila-
He claimed that all minority groups
have lived in segregated areas and
this may explain their peculiar posi-
tion of social and economic inferior-
Prof. Hawley then stated that em-
ployers were using minoritie for
strike breaking purposes in order to
divide and weaken labor. "Discrim-
ination comes mostly from within
labor itself," he said.
Prof. Hawley's lecture will be the
fifth in the current IRA series, "Tech-
niques For Eliminating Racial Dis-
crimination in Your Comnunity"
Debate To Be
Held on WPAG
The "Wake Up, America" Quiz De-
bate at 5:30 p. m. EWT (4:30 p. m.
CWT) today over station WPAG will
present Dr. Alfred P. Laidler, Execu-
tive Director of the League for Indu-
strial Democracy, who will discuss

"Does Economic Security Endanger
Personal Liberty?"
The discussion will have its foun-
dations in the degree of government
responsibility which should accom-
pany the economic security called full

Helps World
Solve Troubles
Of Finances
Funds To Be Set-up
For International Use
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4-Through
President Truman's signature on
three big bills, the United States
committed itself today to help the
world solve its financial, economic
and food problems.
The White House announced that
the Chief Executive, cruising home-
ward from a Big Three Conference
at Potsdam, had penned his name
on measures under which this coun-
try will:
International :Fund
Ante up nearly $6,000,000,000 for
a world bank and an international
fund designed to promote postwar
trade and stabilize exchange rates,
in accordance with an agreement
worked out by 44 nations at Bretton
Woods, N. H., last summer.
Lend Capacity
Increase from $700,000,000 to $3,-
500,000,000 the lending capacity of
the Export-Import Bank to help
with reconstruction when the fight-
ing stops.
Joins Organization
Join a United Nations food and ag-
riculture organization, with annual
dues expected to run up to $1,125,000
which will try to put the world on
a betert diet.
The administration backed all
three measures as essential to put-
ting strong economic and social
props under a Un ited Nations League
intended to maintain lasting peace.
First to Ratify
The United States was the first
country to ratify the Bretton Woods
Plan for a $9,100,000,000 bank for
reconstruction and development, and
an $8,800,000,000 stabilization fund.
They will begin operating when
countries contributing 65 per cent
of the total fund have ratified, and
that may take a year or more.
This country will hand over $3,175,-
000,000 to the bank and invest $2,740,-
000,000 in the stabilization fund.
The bank will make loans directly
to finance productive enterprises.
Aggressive War
Termed ,Crime
LONDON, Aug. 4-(P)-The four-
power war crimes conference ap-
proached agreement tonight upon an
historic document indicting aggres-
sive war as an international crime.
The document will blueprint pro-
cedure for an unprecedented mass
trial of Germans listed as arch crim-
inals - men who formulated Nazi
policy, high military chiefs who exe-
cuted it, ranking diplomats who in-
trigued it, industrialists and finan-
ciers who gave it substance.
The trial itself will be held in
Nuernberg, for years the scene of the
Nazy party's annual congress. It will
open before an international mili-
tary tribunal Sept. 1, with represent-
atives of Britain, France, Russia and
the United States prosecuting.
The prospective list of defendants
was reported by a responsible Ameri-
can source to include Hermann Goer-
ing, Joachim Von Ribbintrop, Franz
Von Papen, Alfred Rosenberg and
members of the German General
Staff such as Grand Admiral Karl
Doenitz and Field Marshals Gerd

Von Rundstedt and Wilhilm Keitel.
Simultaneously, the high tribunal
will be asked to convict the Nazi
terror-atrocity organizations.
If a guilty verdict is returned, it
will mean a blanket conviction as
war criminals of all Germans who
can be established to have been vol-
untary members of the Gestapo or
the SS.


i + T

0 300 s Harbin ;1 " Wakkanai
'~V~dwotokOtaru *Sapporo'
Mude akodate
" dn, - Raskin "
/ Sea of-
TsngaaFusan - /-to ma
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bols and shaded line illustrate blockade of Japan islands and Korean
ports by mines sowed by airplanes. The 20th Air Force announced
there are no major shipping lanes, ports, or harbors remaining that
offer safety to Japanese shipping.
Over 21' to Be Given This
Week by Repertory Players

Winant, Dunn,
Cohen Leading
Choices for Job
Davies Would Become
Ambassador to Britain



Ruth Gordon's "Over 21" will be the
fourth play of the season presented by
the Michigan Repertory Players Wed-
nesday through Saturday in the Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Ruth Gordon has starred in a long
list of Broadway plays, but "Over 21"
is her first achievement as a drama-
tist. After reading many scripts and
finding them unsuitable for her, Miss
Spaim Rejects
'Unjust' Words
Puts Blame on Exiled
Spanish Communists
By The Associated Press
LONDON,- Aug. 5, Sunday-The
Madrid Radio at midnight last night
broadcast a Spanish government com-
munique saying that Spain "rejects
as arbitrary and unjust" the Big
Three's Potsdam statements concern-
ing the Spanish-government.
'Defamatory Campaign'
The broadcast, heard by BBC, quot-
ed the communique as saying that the
government considered the state-
ments to be the "result" of a "de-
famatory campaign" conducted by
Spanish Communist exiles.
The communique said, in part:
"Spain, following a course of dis-
cretion and good will while confront-
ed with singular misstatements which
did not involve her directly, refrain-
ed from formulating her reservations
to the agreements of the San Fran-
cisco conference which in any case
were reached in the absence of prac-
tically all European countries.
Inconsistent with History
"But on being now so unjustly re-
ferred to, she sees herself obliged
to declare that she does not accept
anything inconsistent with her histo-
ry, her people or the services which
Spain rendered to peace and culture.
"Spain proclaims once more her
peace loving spirit, her good will
towards all peoples and trusts that,
once the passions exacerbated by war
and propaganda are allayed, the pres-
ent judgment will be reconsidered.
Envoys Due in Russia
MOSCOW, Aug. 4-(AP)-Chinese
sources said today that Premier T. V.
Soong and China's new foreign mini-
ster, Dr. Wang Shin-Chieh, were ex-
pected here within four or five days
to resume the discussions, suspended
during the Potsdam meeting.

Gordon took matters into her own
hands and decided to write a play
for 'herself. The result was "Over
21" one of the biggest hits on Broad-
way of the season according to thea-
tre critics. It has just been released
for non-professional production.
AAF Officer
"Over 21" concerns Army Air Force
officer candidates and their wives.
Its title comes from somebody hav-
ing said that a man over 21 can't
learn anything new. The story is
about a man of 39, a former news-
paper editor and now an officer can-
didate who is beginning to thing
there may be some truth in the state-
ment. He is assisted in his struggles
to pass exams by his brilliant and
famous novelist wife, who has come
from Hollywood to join him in camp.
The play pictures the troubles a
sophisticated couple of about 40 try-
ing to battle the idiocyncrocies of
tourist camp abode and army life
with all its rules and regulations. To
the casual observer, the novelist wife
is as scatter-brained as they come,
but she does succeed in pushing her
husband through training to gradu-
ate 271 in a clas sof 353!
Blase Miss Parker
The comic situations, lines and
stage business have been compared by
one reviewer as comparable to "You
Can't Take It With You." Broadway
rumor has it that Miss Gordon pat-
terned her heroine after her friend
Dorothy Parker. The audience is left
to picture the blase Miss Parker.in a
tourist cabin in Miami, sans kitchen
sink, running water, and electric
lights that have their switches on the
front porch, plus many other situa-
tions of equal nature.
Tickets for the play may be pur-
chased at the Lydia Mendelssohn box
Veterans Meeting
To Be Wednesday
The third summer meeting of-
the Veterans Organization will be
held at 7:30 n. m. EWT Wednes-
day in the Assembly Room of
Lane Hall, Bob Andrews, VO pres-
ident, announced yesterday.
The group will discuss housing
problems for fall term and pre-
liminary plans for a picnic. In
addition, the advisability of co-
operative eating will be dealt with.
All World War II veterans are
' urged to attend the meeting which
is open to War 11 vets only. '

By The Associated Press
Aug. 4-The names of U. S. Am-
bassador John G. Winant, Assistant
Secretary or State James Clement
Dunn and Benjamin V. Cohen, Spe-
cial Assistant to Secretary of State
James F. Byrnes, were advanced in
American diplomatic circles tonight
as the leading choices for U. S. dep-
uty on the Big Five Council of For-
eign Ministers.
There was speculation that Winant
would be succeeded as Ambassador
to Britain within a few weeks by
White House Advisor Joseph E. Da-
vies, now homeward bound from
Davies told friends just before his
departure that he would be return-
ing soon, but he did not say in what
Reports that Winant would be re-
lieved soon of his assignment were
strengthened by the fact he was not
among those invited to Potsdam, and
that the European Advisory Commis-
sion, on which he was American rep-
resentative, has been eliminated af-
ter drafting recommendations fbr
occupation and control of enemy
Dunn and Cohen were with Tru-
man and Byrnes at Potsdam, and
their presence was interpreted by
some American diplomatic sources
as giving them the inside track for
the post on the important Foreign
Minites Council.
Some gave the edge to Cohen over
Dunn, since the former worked as
special assistant to Byrnes, who will
name the deputy. Byrnes is expected
to name the deputy when he returns
to Washington. The first meeting of
the Council will be held in London,
which will be the normal seat, not
later than Sept. 1.
Johnson Insists
On Army Cut
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4-(IP)--Sen-
ator Johnson (D-Colo. challenged
Secretary of War Stimson today to
refute a calculation that no more
than 3,000,000 American soldiers can
be employed inrthe Pacific by the
end of next year.
Carying on a fight begun Wednes-
day in the closing session of the Sen-
ate, Johnson urged that the army be
scaled down to a sensible figure
based on logistics and not on the
military fortunes of high officers
who do not relish the idea of being
Johnson made public a letter to
Stimson saying "Your Aug. 2 state-
ment that you must have an overall
army of 7,000,000 men is most dis-
"Your decision," Johnson wrote,
"means millions of bitter, discon-
tented men milling around in the
United States in uniform during the
next 18 months."
Independently, Senator Taft (R-
Ohio) in the course of a proposed
program for Congress declared that
"the stupid, stubborn policy of the
War Department in maintaining an
army as big as it was on V-E Day
should be overruled. It is impossible
to see how even 7,000,000 men can
be used in the war against Japan,
and we still have about 8,300,000."
Johnson declared that General
Douglas MacArthur must have every
man he possibly can use, but told
"With a 7,000 mile supply line to
buck, the bottleneck is not our de-
sires, but it is the shipping facilities
available. Nothing can be done to
increase them now."
Terrific Impact of
Plane's Blow Told
NEW YORK, Aug. 4 -()- Steel




Fries Describes NewA nnroach to Lanzuace Study



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