TRIDAY. AUGUST- 9 : -945
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From Each Zone
Change IndPontRequirement
Is No oIndefIiniely Postponed
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-The Army ttrned thumbs down today on
proposals for faster demobilization and emphasized that stand by post-
poning indefinitely any change in the 85 points required for soldier dis-
Earlier the service had expected to fix late in July a lower "critical"
score for release under the point discharge system. The postponement
means that eventually men now going to the Pacific will get point credits
4for combat and overseas service.
New Men Head
State. Prisons
Three Acting Wardens
Appointed by Heyns
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Aug. 2-Garrett Heyns,
State Corrections Director, today
placed three temporary wardens in
charge of Michigan penal institu-
He named Gerald F. Bush, a mem-
ber of the State Parole Board, to be
acting warden of the Marquette
branch prison.
Dr. David P. Phillips, psychiatrist
-at the Ionia reformatory, was made
acting warden of that institution.
Heyns named Warden Ralph E.
Benson of the Marquette prison to
be acting warden of the State Prison
of Southern Michigan to operate that
peitentiary until the State Civil Ser-
vice Commission has decided wheher
Harry H. Jackson,sdismissedrwarden,
and six of his assistants, are to be
reinstated to their jobs. They were
removed on charges of maladmini-
Heyns said that Warden Joel R.
Moore of the Ionia reformatory was
seriously ill in a hospital and that
William Bath, veteran captain of the
guards was running the Marquette
institution in Benson's absence.
Heyns emphasized that the ap-
pointments were purely temporary
and that they did not indicate the
Corrections Commission's plan for
administration of the prisons in the
Because he will have to be away
from the Prison of Southern Michi-
gan some of the time, Heyns said he
wanted Benson's authority there
clearly established. Heyns and Ben-
son took over operation of the prison
when Jackson was removed.
Bush -was one of a group of prison
officials and parole board members
kidnapped by escaping convicts at
the Marquette prison in September,
SRA To Greet
Student Grrou
An inter-racial team of students
travelling for the American Friends
Service Committee will be guests at
the Student Religious Association
Coffee Hour, 4:30 p. m. EWT (3:30
p. m. CWT) today in Lane Hall.
At the SRA luncheon, 12:30 p. m.
EWT (11:30 p. m. CWT) tomorrow a
book review and discussion on "They
Seek a City" by Bontemps and Con-
roy will be featured. Scott Mijaka-
wa will lead the discussion. To re-
serve a place at the cost luncheon,
call Lane Hall.
The public is invited to attend
both affairs.
Roy Is Named To County
Assistant Probation Post
Raymond L. Roy, former investi-
gator for the Michigan Liquor Con-
trol Commission, has been named
assistant probation officer for the
Washtenaw County Circuit Court.
A former member of the Washte-~
naw County Sheriff's department,'
Roy will assist Mrs. Carruth Cook,
Chief Probation Officer.
There is no change in the plan ulti-
mately to fix another and probably
lower. score.
Retention, for the time, of the 85
point requirement was announced by
Secretary Stimson.
Cut to 7,000,000 Men
The planned discharge rate con-
templates cutting the Army back to
7,000,000 men by next June 1, with
a total of 2,000,000 enlisted men and
100,000 officers to be released by that
time. About 1,500,000 of the dis-
charges will be on points and the
remainder for such causes as wounds,
age and illness. The discharges will
not be net loss, part being offset by
800,000 inductions.
The present discharge score of 85
will be continued, the Army said,
until 800,000 now eligible on the basis
of service, time overseas, combat and
parenthood have been released. No
date was even estimated for the fix-
ing of the new count requirement for
discharge of an additional 700,000.
At that time credits built up since
May, Stimson said.
WAC Serve Unchanged
Also unchanged is the 44-point
score for WACs, of whom 5,000 have
the required discharge total. Ap-
proximately 6,000 additionalWACs,
Stimsgn said, will be released by next
Stimnon announced that 18,000
officers already have returned to civil-
ian life since May.
"But In accordance with the policy
announced at the time the merit
system was instituted," Stimson said,
"there will be no critical score for
officers, although their individual
scores will also be recomputed. The
element of military necessity will play
a much greater r.ole in a decision as
to whether an officer must be re-
tained than it does in the case of an
enlisted man."
Labor Cof
Is Endorsed
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-()-Sec-
retary of Labor Schwellenbach en-
dorsed today a suggestion that he
sponsor a general industrial peace
conference, but it may not be held
until his contemplated departmental
reorganization is accomplished.
The proposal came from Senator
Vandenberg (R.-Mich.- who wrote
the new cabinet member a recom-
mendation that leading Represent-
atives of industry, labor and govern-
ment be called together to seek a
program for avoidance of strife in
the reconversion period.
Schwellenbach in an immediate re-
ply assured his former senate col-
league that he has "been thinking
more and more during these last few
weeks about the desirability of call-
ing a conference of industry and
Vandenberg, who was a delegate to
the San Francisco Conference which
set up the United Nations organiza-
tion, urged that top men in each of
the nation's economic divisions fol-
low the example set on the west
coast when delegates from 50 nations
sat together and "frankly faced"
their problems in a "triumph of the
council table."
Two Dead As Plane
Crashes Into House
PONTIAC, Mich., Aug. 2 -(RP)-
Two Army flers were killed this af-
ternoon when an air transport train-
ing plane crashed into a house and
garage at John R. and Sixteen Mile
Road in Oakland County.
A mother and her six-year-old
daughter who were in the house at
the time were uninjured.
The dead were identified by the
Romulus Air Base as Second Lt.
Stanley Perrin, 36, Pontiac, Mich.
and Flight Officer Louis J. Mikola-
jak, Buffalo, N. Y.
(Continued from Page 1)
framework for collecting reparations
from Germany on the principle that
Russia should collect its claims and
thc~s of Poland from the Russian
--- zone of occupation, while Britain,
the United States and other coun-
tries entitled to reparations should
get theirs from the British, Ameri-
an and French zones.
Both the eastern and western
claimants would also have access to
"appropriate German external as-
In addition. Russia also is to re-'
o Ave from the western zones 15 per
cent of certain types of machine
0wl, chemical and metalurgical man-
,faCtuSing equipment removed from
those zones in exchange for an equiv-
alent value of food, coal. oil and oth-
er natural products of eastern Ger-
Russia is also to receive 10 per
cent of whatever industrial capital
cquipment is extracted from the
westorn zones without any exchange
in return at all. The principle to be
I applied in removing this equipment
for reparations is that it should not
be necessary for the German peace
A possible clue to duration of the
initial period of occupation in Ger-
many is found in two periods fixed
carrier-based planes, burn over a in the communique. The amount of
ack by Third Fleet fliers on July 15. equipment to be removed from the
________ western zones must be determined
within six months from now, that is,
by the end of next January. Beyond
'U'Ll , A, 8 e C ! that, removal of the equipment it-
Ilf must be completed in two years,
To A co Cn' that is, by the end of January, 1948.
Five Years To Deliver
On the other hand, the comnmuni-
Far East Talk aahhth nnu
1, 4A. FI-,jttlf 18-1 T al 11que indicates that Russia has five
years from the present in which to
Understanding the people of the make the deliveries of natural pro-
Far East will be the keynote of an ducts for which she is to get the 15
illustrated talk at 7:30 p. m. EWT per cent of chemical, metallurgical
Monday in the amphitheatre of the and machine manufacturing equip-
Rackham Building. ment from the western zones.'
Films and slides will be shown On the western boundary of Po-
and oriental music will be played land, it was determined that, pending
with cemments by Dr. H. G. Callis, a final determination - presumably
Research Associate and Lecturer in a peace treaty - the Poles should
in the Eccnomics Department. get all German territory east of the
Slides, made chiefly from pictures line from the Baltic Sea, west of
taken by Dr. and Mrs. Callis on their Swinemunde, along the Oder River
travels in the Orient, will show to the Neisse and' along the Neisse
scenes of everyday China, Japan and - ---
wide area of the Japanese village of Nemuru on Hokk aido, after initial att
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bowen resies in Morning,
Meretta in Afternoon Session
George Oscar Bowen of Tulsa, presiding as chairman. Marguerite
Okla. will preside as chairman of Hood. president of the North Central
the morning session of the Confer- Music Educators Conference will
ence on School Vocal Music, to open speak on "Song Reading-Its Devel-
at 9 a. m. EWT (8 a. m. CWT) today opment and Its Influence on the
in the Grand Rapids Room of the Elementary School Music Program."
League. "Music and the USO"
The sessions today will close the The closing lecture of the. after-
two day conference sponsored by the noon session will be delivered by
School of Music. Mary Muldowney, a member of the
High School Chorus national recreation staff of the USO,
First item on the agenda is a dem- music division. Her subject will be
onstration and discussion of the high "Music and the USO."
school chorus to be led by Carol Pitts Odina Olson of University High
of New Jersey State Teachers College.S
Following this, Roxy Cowin of the School will preside over the conceg
Ann Arbor Schools and Glenn Woodsat 7 p. m. EWT (6 p. m. CWT) in the
of the Grosse Pointe schools will dis- Grand Rapids Room. "Forecasts on
cuss "Problems Concerning Music in MscEuain ilb h ujc
the "''" ""*'"""'' Music Education" will be the subject
the Junior High School." of a roundtable discussion, with
The afternoon session will open at George Oscar Bowen, Claude Rosen-
2:15 p. m. EWT (1:15 p. m. CWT) berry, and Ennis Davis acting as par-I
in the Grand Rapids Room, with berryand EnsDvsatgaspr
Leonard Meretta of the University ticipants.
The conference will be closed with
a demonstration of choral literature.
l anee Tickets directed by Rose Marie Grentzer. The
program for the demonstration is as
to the Czechoslovak frontier. That
gives to Poland also, all of East
Prussia which is not taken over by
the Soviet Union.
Slap at Franco
The slap at Franco', government
in Spain came when the Big Three
said that they were ready to support
applications for United Nations
membership fr om the European
countries neutral in the recent war
which conformed with requirements
of being peace-loving states, but add-
"The three governments feel bound
however to make it clear that they
for their part would not favor any
application for membership put for-
ward by the present Spanish govern-
ment, which, having been founded
with the support of the Axis pow-
ers, does not, in view of its origins,
its nature, its record and its close
association with the aggressor states,
pc:sess the qualifications necessary
to justify such membership."
In charting plans for organizing
peace in Europe, the Big Three said
that the writing of a peace treaty
for Italy should be the first task of
the Foreign Ministers Council. It
was at this point that the only men-
tion of Japan by name came in the
comunique to which Stalin sub-
scribed, along with his two conferees.
Italy Complimented
"Italy," the ccmmuviique said, "was
the first of the Axis powers to break
with Germany, to whose defeat she
has made a material contribution,
and has now joined with the Allies
in the struggle against Japan."
Conclusion of- a peace treaty with
Italy, the communique added, will
make it possible for the United
States, Britain and Russia to support
an Italian request for membership
in the United Nations.
After Italy, the foreign ministers
are charged with preparing peace
treaties for Bulgaria, Finland, Hun-
gary and Romania, which then also
may have Big Three support for
United Nations membership.
On the question of Italian colonies
Russia submitted a proposal to make
them trusteeship territories under
international control, according to
the system set up by the United Na-
tions at San Francisco. But this
evidently was overruled, in favor of
submitting the whole question of
colonies to the foreign ministers'
council when it writes the Italian
peace treaty.
Disagree -n Austria
One proposal was a subject of con-
siderable concern to the American
delegation at Potsdam. Stalin ad-
vocated extending the authority of
the Austrian provisional government,
which Russia sponsored -exclusively,
to all of Austria. Mr. Truman and
Attlee appeared to have opposed this
for it was finally decided not to
make an agreement on this point
until after entry of British and
American forces into the capital of
The Big Three also tackled the
problem of removing German popu-
lations from Poland, Czechoslovakia
and Hungary. It was agreed that the
Allied Control Council should ar-
range for the equitable distribution
of these Germans among the four
Allied occupation zones so that they
may be withdrawn from those three
countries in an orderly manner.
Disposal of German Fleet
The communique caught up many
points which have been under dis-
cussion in diplomatic quarters for
months. One concerns the use and
disposal of Germany's surrendered
war and merchant fleets. The Big
Three decided to turn over to ex-
perts the problem of working out
plans for the disposition of these
ships and agreed to issue another
statement on this subject "in due
adds a pleasing touch of individuaity
tyour library. Thesis bound over
night. Free estimates, pick-up and de-
HARALD OLSEN, Bookbinder
815 Brookwood - - - Phone 2-2915
Ready For Sale
Bob Strong To Play
At "Anvil Swing"
Tickets go on sale today at the
League and Union desks for the "An-
vil Swing" to be held Friday, Aug.
17, in the Union ballroom.
The revival of the traditional all-
campus dance is being held for the
first time since the start of the war.
Bob Strong, known to Detroiters
from down Eastwood way, will be
on hand for the informal affair, and
Nary students are to be granted late
Valcans. senior honor society, and
Triangles, the organization for jun-
iors, are c -sponsors of the dance.
Museum Curators
eceive Promotions
Two University Museum curators
have been promotedstoeteaching fel-
lowships, it was announced yester-
Dr. James B. Griffin, curator of
archaelogy, has been named an as-
sociate profesor of anthropology andl
Volney H. Jones, curator of ethnology,
has been appointed assistant profes-
sor of anthropology.s
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr.,
Returns From Pacific
Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., chairman
of the epidermiology department in
the School of Public Health, has re-
turned after four weeks in the Pacific
As consultant to the secretary of
war, he was investigating health con-
ditions among Army forces.
Schutz: Three Psalms; Da Victoria:
Ave Maria; Gibbons: The Silver
Swan; Greaves: Charm Me Asleep;
Barlow: Madrigal for a Bright Morn-
ing; Willan: How They Softly Rest;
Schuman: Requiescot and Holiday
Medical Students
Will Hold Dance
The Galens Society's semi-formal
"Stethoscope Ball" will be held from
9 p. m. to midnight EWT Saturday,
Aug. 11, in the League Ballroom.
Phil Brestoff and his 11-piece or-
chestra will play for the dance which
is a get-together for medical stu-
dents. The orchestra, with vocalist,
is the regular Michigan Theatre (De-
troit) band and broadcasts over
Tickets may be purchased from
Galens members or at the Galens
stand at University Hospital.
The record program will consist
of hymns and folksongs of India,
and China, as well as modern hit
tunes by the "singing policeman"
a well-known Tokyo figure.
In addition, the OWI films, "Here
Is China," and-"Our Enemy, the Jap-E
anese" will be shown. All interested
persons are invited.
To Be Subject
Of awyTalk
"Employers, Real Estate Owners
and Racial Discrimination" will be
the subject of a lecture by Amos H.
Hawley of the sociology department
before the meeting of the Inter-Ra-
cial Association at 7:30 p. m. EWT
(6:30 p. m. CWT) Monday in the
Prof. Hawley's lecture will be the
fifth in the current IRA series deal-
ing with the elimination of racial
prejudice and working for the goal
of racial unity.
Prof. Hawley will be introduced
by Herbert Otto, president of IRA.
Need Ingenuity
For Costuming
(Continued from Page 1)
men's costumes and a few of the
women's will be rented.
Work in Crews
There are 21 girls in Miss Barton's
class who are put into crews and are
required to work eight hours a week
in the costume room. When time
presses they often put in more than
the minimum number. Jean Loree
and Betty Stacey, both graduates of
the University, are assisting Miss
Barton in her job to gain experience
in this type of theatre work.
Miss Barton stated that "the work-
shop equipment is good and the irons
and sewing machines are in fine con-
dition. The costume room in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre is a
good place to work."
Four Seasons
Miss Barton's four seasons with
the Players have not been consecutive.
In 1940 she directed the costuming
of the celebration of Coronado's 500th
Exploration Centennial in Albuquer-
que, New Mexico. This is a federal
sponsored project and Miss Barton
designed and directed the making of
500 costumes. Her workshop consist-
ed of about twenty helpers.
The Centennial's production play-
ed in ten towns through New Mexico,
Arizona, and Texas and the cast was
selected from each town they visited.
Directors preceded the equipment and
prepared the actors for the presenta-
tion . The costumes had to be made
so that they could easily be adjusted
to fit any number of sizes and shapes.
.r eCtion L tcdern
4 Constance MOORE
Morton GOULD
. IFRI., AUG. 3, 1945
Eastern War Time
7:05-Morning Round-up.
7:15--Sleepy Head Serenade
7:30-Musical Reveille
8:15-1050 Club.
8:30-Breakfast Melodies.
8:45-Bouquet for Today.
8:55-Musical Interlude.
9:05-Music Box.
9:30-Little Show.
9:45--Lean Back & Listen.
10:00-News. '
10:05-Music for Remem-
10:15-What Do You Knew.
10:30-Broadway Melodies.
10:40-Women Today.
10:45-Waltz Time.
11:05-Al & Lee Reiser.
11:15-Parson's Grist Mill.
11:30-Farm & Home Hour.
11:55-College & Martial
12:15-Jesse Crawford.
12:20---Lani McIntyre.
12:25--College & Martial
12:30--Trading Post.
12:45-Man on th4 Street.
1:05-Salon Music.
1:10-Dick Gilbert.
1:15-Salute To The Hits.-
1:30-Johnny Messner.
1:45-Dinah Shore.
1:55-Today's Hit Tune.
2:05-Hal Stuart.
2:15-Frankie Masters.
2:05-Hal Stuart.
2:15-Lawrence Welk.
11:15-Listen Ladies.
12:30-Veterans Counselor.
2:45-Ray Bloch's Swing 14
3:05-Arthur Chapman.
3:15-John Kirby.
3:30-Band Music.
3:45-Lawrence Quintet.
4:05--Vladimir Selinsky.
4:30-Art Dickson.
4:45-Misch Borr & Orch.
5:05--Music for Listening.
5:10-Hollywood Reporter.
5:15--Mystery Melodies.
5:30-Rec. Room Rythms.
5:45-Sports Review.
6:15-David Rose & Orch.
6:30-Telephone Quiz.
6:45-Flashes From Life.
6:55-Piano Interlude.
7:15-Fireside Harmonies.
7:25-Band of the Week.
7:25--Popular Music.
7:30-Bill Urquhart
7:45-Evening Serenade.
8:05-Dance Time.
8:15-Put & Take It.
8:30-String Trio.
8:45-Ray Bloch's Swing
9:05-Jerry Sears.
OPEN WEEK DAYS from 8:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.
from 1 P.M.
i "
i'4ftei'th Me 4/W-
I i w-v-- r-".-- ,
Hamburgers and French Fries
11 41