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July 26, 1944 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-26

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_ . . as .u a a a v as a v ra i s a.r .ca .r.. a.e. a . .

ifty-Furan hiL
Fifty-Fourth Year


Retrenchment: Key to the Future

f '~f
Edited and managed by students of the University
ofMichigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.

Jane Farrant
Betty Ann Koff:
Stan Wallace
Hank Mantho.
Peg Weiss
Lee Amer

Editorial Staff
man .E
Business Staff
Telephone 23-24-i

Managing Editor
ditorial Director
City Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor
usiness Manager

"YOU WILL RECOVER," said the few tomorrows hence the nightmare
doctor as he soothed the feverish will have passed. A question we will
brow of his dying patient. then need to ask ourselves is "Was
That sounds grotesque, doesn't it? the condition before World War II a
But it is no more grotesque than the desirable one?" We must answer can-
exclamations of many contemporary ' didly, for it is to that world we are
writers who, looking upon a world returning. Some added knowledge
drenched in its own blood, can cry, of new explosives, better medical
"Ah ! It is all so lovely, so good." methods and a fuzzy notion of inter-
There you have the substance of the nationalism are about the only novel
complaint I registered in this column elements we can expect after Hitler-
some weeks ago coupled with a note ism is finally crushed.
on the general decline of Anglo-Am- Revolutionary democracy has
erican letters. been nipped in the bud wherever
Professor Slosson took issue with Allied armies have landed so far.
that view, insisting that much liter- Post-war Europe will probably be
ature of another more excellent sort no more democratic than pre-war
was being produced. I twice replied. Europe. Mr. Churchill is not con-
Then Professor Slosson courteously cerned with the poor fools who
mailed his rejoinder to the letter thought we were fighting this war
box. I am flattered at his interest, for the extension of democracy. He
but now that he has side-stepped the likes the monarchical form of
literary question and broken a lance government every bit as much and
over first principles, our disagree- patronizes it wherever possible.
ment becomes more pronounced. We will jump with joy the moment
One word more about the literary HWerwfllsumpIwoyldhe m aed
angle, though: being neither profes- Hitler falls. (I would have said
sedly nor professorially equipped to Hitler and Hirohito did I not fear
speak in such matters as a critic, I ex-ambassador Grew's preference for
had reference to several authorities the emperor would prevail in the
to bolster my opinion. So, Professor dass-becme th woy to co n
Slosson, at least a few specialists in pass--because the world to come can
Sloshon last and fe specists in. be regarded only as a lesser evil
the field have joined the discussion, than the one that preceded it.
"TYRANNIES which have darkened Retrenchment is the password in
the whole world for 11 years are administration circles. Henry Wal-
beginning to crack at last." True. lace, described by Freda Kirchwey
This war against satanic forces is last week as "the one remaining im-
about to be won on the battlefield. A portant symbol of democratic re-

National Advertising Service, Inc.
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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
ae ond-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

form" in the Roosevelt administra-
tion, has been sloughed off the scene.
Whoever is elected to the presidency
in November, the American people
are guaranteed a conservative na-
tional government for the next four
years. This comes at a time when
the need for liberalism is greater
than ever before.
R EAD Leo Cherne's list of bleak
"probabilities" as opposed to the
lovely "possibilities" on the politico-
economic horizon-and see if. it is
more just to call me cynic or realist.
Cherne's book is ominously titled
"The Rest of Your Life."
The probabilities are there of
mass unemployment, of deflation,
of economic chaos. The world be-
fore December 7, 1941, was bad.
As we have done nothing to change
it since 'beside adding an astron-
omical debt, it will be worse. To
deny that is to go around saying,
"What is is not. War is peace.
Tragedy is comedy. Ugliness is
beauty."-and to end up in a
heap of contradictions.
Recognizing the seamy side of life
as well as its blessings does not pro-
duce happiness. Happiness is con-
donable only when a good life has
been attained. Otherwise it induces
a "lethargy" not one particle less
real than the lethargy of dejection.
Exposing evil instead of sugar-coat-
ing it leads to action, not apathy. I
mentioned Aristotle's theory of cath-
arsis once before: how one purged
himself of pity and fear by observ-
ing the enactment of tragedy. But
besides pity and fear, there is anoth-
er component; namely, anger. Read
"Oedipus Rex." See if it does not
make you shake your fist at Apollo
for having driven his mortal victim
to ruin.
Anger begets action. Does the world
seem ugly a d mean to us? This is
only because we have before our
eyes what Whitehead has called the
habitual vision of greatness.
Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, and Gil-
bert Ross, violinist.
The public is cordially invited to
attend without charge.
All Russian Choral Evensong: First
Methodist Church Choir, conducted
by Protessor Harcmin Van Deursen,
School of Music. Soloists, Bonnie
Ruth Van Deursen, Soprano, and
Harriet Porter, Contralth; organist,
Irene Applin Bice. Sunday, Aug. 6,
8:30 p.m., First Methodist Church.
The public is cordially invited to
Exhibitions, College of Architec-
ture, and Design:
"Look at 'your Neighborhood";
circulated by Museum of Modern
Art; consisting of drawings, photo-
graphs, and plans illustrating hap-
hazard building and need for good
play. Ground floor cases, Architec-
ture Building.
Student work continued on dis-
planning. South end of downstairs
corridor, Architecture Building.
Open daily, 9 to 5, through July
30, except on Sunday. The public
is invited.


'Never Yank a Pitcher When He's Winning'


JULY 26, 1944
No. 16-S

Dos This Mern Yo?
THERE can be no one more reprehensible than
the person who shirks his plain duty in the
face of the war emergency.
Yet, we can dedicate this to almost every
coed who did not appear for the campus rally
Monday night. At that meeting the vital
war projects that each coed could actively
take part in with a minimum of effort were
outlined. But the only people who heard
were the 80 members of the audience, made
up largely of house mothers and grad stu-
That "University women will do their part
on the sidelines of this war" turned out to be
a statement of a desired situation that fell
upon invisible ears. It was uttered by news-
paper woman Helen Bower, but her words were
intended for coeds who were "too busy doing
other things.'"
The past has seen many discussions in and
out of these columns alluding to the lack of
interest the coed has for urgent war jobs and
other campus activities. The rightness or
wrongness of those statements is of little mo-
ment-what is important are these facts:
1. A hospital call for volunteer workers pro-
duced eight coeds.
2. To alleviate a farm labor shortage, 25 coeds
saw the necessity when 60 were needed.
3. Attendance at the Surgical Dressing unit
has been reported low-Where is a more
vital task than this?
4. Reported calls have been issued for laundry
helpers and each has received increasingly
less response.
In the face of these facts, there is but one
conclusion. If response among the student body
for vital war projects were adequate, would there
be any necessity for campus leaders to contin-
ually drive the point home?
The campus women have not been the only
offenders. The apathy of the male campus
population is proportionally appalling, but the
strength of the University now lies amongst
the women.
Campus life and activities are at a new low
ebb. The stresses and strains of war have
wrought their toll, but we must meet the situa-
tion and maintain Michigan in its place as a
leading university with an active, interested
student body.
This lack of enthusiasm may be ascribed by
some to incapable campus leaders, but it can
not be denied that the true strength of any
group is the group itself. Its leadership can only
reflect the group's attitude.
The only answer is a re-awakened interest,
participation by everyone. We may discount
the average run-of-the-mill campus activity,
but we can't ignore the vital calls of the war.
There can be no legitimate excuse for this
apathy. Our leadership must set the pattern,
but it must take its cue from those it leads.
Some students may ascribe the difficulties in
paIrt to the University's attitude to certain stu-
dent projects. But, the root of the matter is
with the student body.
The weather, lack of time, and other flimsy
explanations don't hold up under fire. The
men in the war plants, and on the fighting
fronts don't complain about the weather or

The Revolution of Junkers

NEW YORK, July 25-The German army re-
volt has its farcical elements. The Junker
generals who engineered it waited five years
(as Ilya Ehrenburg, the Soviet writer, points
out) to discover that this war is not good for
Germany. They have had to think it over dur-
ing a thousand miles of bloody retreat, before
quite seeing the point. The Junkers are definitely
not quick on the uptake.
There is also a kind of hammy note in this
uprising, because the Junkers who organized it
have their estates, largely in East Prussia; and
revolt seems to have occurred to them only when
the Red Army appeared on the borders of East
Prussia. Showing their usual degree of spiritual
elevation, they are revolting for the sake of
their country houses.
A Full Circle
It was the threat by the young German re4
public to break up and parcel out the Junker
estates among the peasants which led, in part,
to the alliance between the Junkers and the
Nazis, and also to that wonderful chapter in
pre-Hitler German history in which is to be
found the story of how Hindenburg was given
a large East Prussian estate, so that he might
have a community of interest with the Junkers
and thus be the more willing to accept Hitler as
Chancellor of the Reich.
Now, the Junkers break with the Nazis, with
whom they once joined; and the purpose of
both moves was and is the same: to save their
lands and their power. They gave Germany
to Hitler to do that; now they wish to take
Germany from Hitler to do that. The wheel
has come full circle, and they are still fighting
to save the old family manse, where a man
could peacefully whip a peasant, while hum-
ming a wordless tune.
Why Men Revolt
AND YET their revolt is important. It is im-
portant because it shows a division at the
top, and a division at the top is a necessary con-
dition for a real national revolution. So long as
there is unity aboke, there can rarely be revo-
lution from below. It is only when the top
falls out among itself, and becomes fragmented,,
and caught up in insoluble problems, that the
bottom has a chance.
" From this point of view, it is idle to spit
upon the Junker revolt, or entirely to disdain

it; or to be glad, as some American liberals
have been glad, that Hitler is killing Junkers
because "at least we'll be rid of them." The
Junker revolt is not "the German revolution,"
but it is an almost indispensable preliminary
condition for the German revolution; and, as
such, we are compelled to hope that it will
For even when large formations of the plain
people of Germany rise in revolt, as they will,
they are not going to do so for the sake of
democracy. Their slogan will probably be the
same as the Junker slogan: "End the War!"
The revolution will be made to solve the immedi-
ate, unendurable crisis, not for the sake of long-
range theoretical considerations concerning the
nature of man and government. What the
Junker revolt tells us is that when the people do
arise, to stop the war by force, to stop the war
by taking matters into their own hands, they
will find sections of the ruling group on their
The Train of Events
That is important. Revolutions are rarely
single, simple, uncomplicated events; they are
long, complex, difficult processes. The Junker
revolt shows that the train of events which can
only end in a German revolution has begun.
We need not worry too much about the
Junker power. The Junkers will not remain in
power in Germany for the reason that they
cannot solve the German problem. Even if the
Junkers were to take over tomorrow, on the
promise to end the war, they would find them-
selves compelled to continue to fight, because
they have no way of getting out of the war with
their armies, their estates and their power
intact, and for these they would probably con-
tinue to fight, after having had enough of fight-
ing for Hitler.
The probabilities are that the German people
and the Junkers, together, will crush Hitler for
the sake of peace; that, thereafter, the German
people will crush the Junkers, also for the sake
of peace; that, finally, they will come to some-
thing like democracy as the only way to end the
war, rather than ending the war for the sake of
democracy. We must judge what is now going
on as if we were reading the first chapter in the
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

All notices for The gaily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session, in typewritten form
by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its
publication, except on Saturday when
the notices should be submitted by
11:30 a. m.
Tryouts for the chorus of "The
Chocolate Soldier" will be held
Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m. in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All
singers are urged to attend.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by Aug. 3. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Rm. 4, U.H., where it will be trans-

Robert L.


Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Civilian Engineering fresh-
men and Navy, Terms I through IV,
will be expected from faculty mem-
bers during the 5th week and again
during the 10th week of the semester.
These two reports will be due about
Aug. 5 and Sept. 9. Report blanks
will be furnished by campus mail.
Please refer routine questions to
Muriel Dersnah, Office of the Dean
(Extension 575), who will handle the
reports; otherwise, call A. D. Moore,
Head Mentor, Extension 2136.
City of Detroit Civil Service an-
nouncements for Electric Crane Op-
erator, Sr. Landscape Draftsman and
Sr. Assistant Landscape Architect,
have been received in our office. For
complete details stop in at 201 Mason
Hall. Bureau of Appointments.
Identification Cards for students
attending the Summer Term are now
ready for distribution in Rm. 2, Uni-
versity Hall.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for August and October:
Please call at the office of the School
of Education, 1437 University Ele-
mentary School today or tomorrow
between 1:30 and 4:30 to take the

Teacher's Oath. This is a require-
ment for the certificate.
Today: "Educational Planning,"
Eugene B. Elliott, State Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction. 11 a.m.,
University High School Auditorium.
Speech Assembly Today: Professor
Claribel Baird will give a program of
selected readings at the assembly of
the Department of Speech at 3 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
program is open to the public.
Today: Dr. Jose Perdomo of Colom-
bia will lecture in Spanishron "Co-
lombia-Donde Empieza Sur Ameri-
ca" at 8 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
Open to the general public without
Thursday, July 27: "Bringing in
Federal Support of Education by the
Front Door." S. M. Brownell, Profes-
sor of Education, Yale University,
2 p.m., University High School-Audi-
Thursday, July 27: Professor Shih
Chia Chu will give his weekly lecture
on Chinese Civilization at 4:10 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. The title of
this week's lecture will be "Cultural
Relations Between China and the
Friday, July 28: Dr. Ernest J. Sim-
mons, Director of the Intensive Study
of Contemporary Russian Civiliza-
tion being held at Cornell University
this summer, will lecture on "Soviet
Russian Literature" at. 4:10 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Academic Notices
Make-up examinations in History
will be given on Friday, July 28, from
3-5, in Rm. C, Haven Hall.
Visual Education Class and All
Students Enrolled in the School of
Education: Film topics for today and
tomorrow are as follo~s:
(Held in Kellogg Dental Institute
Wednesday, July 26, 2-3: Hydraul-
ics, Atmospheric Pressure, Com-
pressed Air. 3-4: Heat and Light
from Electricity, Sound Waves and
Their Sources, Electro-Chemistry.
Thursday, July 27, 2-3: Give Me
Liberty (2 reel), Remember the
Maine. 3-4: Old Hickory (2 reel),
Westard Movement.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Frank Witter, Biological Chemistry;
thesis: "The Metabolism of Mono-
bromobenzene, Benzene, Benzyl Chlo-
ride, and Related Compounds in the
Rabbit," today, 317 West Medical, at
2 p.m. Chairman, H. B. Leis.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend this examina-
tion, and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Graduate Students in English who
are planning to take the preliminary
examinations for the Ph.D. should see
Professor Norman Nelson before Fri-
day, July 28.





Rackham Galleries: "People of the
Minorities in the U.S.S.R." (this week
only), photographic exhibit circu-
lated by the National Council of
American - Soviet- Friendship, New
York. Open daily except Sunday,
2-5 and 7-10 p.m.
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. The Growth of
the University of Michigan in Pic-
Legal Research Library: Fine buil-
dings by William C. Hollands. Lower
corridor cases.
Museums Building: Celluloid rep-
roductions of Michigan fish. Loaned
through the courtesy of the Institute
of Fisheries Research, Michigan De-
partment of Conservation.
Events Today
The Annual Summer Education
Conference is being held this week.
The theme of the Conference is
"What Is Ahead in Education." A
series of public lectures is being given
and roundtables are being conducted
by staff members. Exhibits of instruc-
tional materials will be provided by
representative publishers. The pro-
gram of activities for the Summer-
Education Conference week' is pub-
lished in a special bulletin, copies of
which may be secured from the
offices of the School of Education.
French Tea today at 4 p.m. in the
Grill Room of the Michigan League.
Charles E. Koella
Sociedad Hispanica: Those inter-
ested in practicing their Spanish in-
formally will meet for conversation
and refreshments at 4 p.m. in the
League Grill Room today.
All wamn in.r+A i i dr"o


By Crockett Johnson

I'll sail it right into this
fine onshore breeze, m'boy.
. .. I'll fix the rudder so it
will run closer and closer
to the wind. .. And then the
boom will cross over. See-
Perhaps I didn't give it
enough rudder-Ah! It's w

Then, continuing in a wide
arc, the little craft will r
sail steadily off the wind,
and finally, with the wind
behind her, back here to us.
.Withoutthis trin?
See, m'boy! The boom is over
on the other side!.. . Just as

Without the string. Wonderful'
isn't it, m'boy, having a Fairy
Godfather who can figure out
such things. .. There she goes!
There she goes.
Copyrght 1944 N.Id blio.
Yoursond surprised! O
course it's sailing right

Can your Fairy Godfaf her
figure out how to get you
a new sailboat, Barnaby.?-
Im going home,
r 0s l

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